LuckyShot Freedom Throne
Jeremy S. for TTAG
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A month after SHOT Show 2020 and I’ve stumbled across a few forgotten share-worthy photos. Witness, the LuckyShot Freedom Throne! You may have seen Lucky Shot’s other items like their Howitzer shell beer steins and other ballistic items.

Though perhaps none are as perfect for your man cave as the Freedom Throne.

LuckyShot Freedom Throne
Jeremy S. for TTAG

At over eight feet tall and just under $18,000, the Freedom Throne might still be available to instigate your next divorce.

Complete with drink holder, ash tray, and a smorgasbord of genuine shell casings and projectiles, I have a feeling this is exactly what we all need to fill that Freedom Throne-sized hole in our lives.

Unfortunately, they’re only building four and I have no money.

LuckyShot Freedom Throne
Jeremy S. for TTAG

On the plus side, a whopping 20% of the sale price of each Freedom Throne will be donated by LuckyShot to Wounded Warrior Outdoors. Nice.

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  1. “On the plus side, a whopping 20% of the sale price of each Freedom Throne will be donated by LuckyShot to Wounded Warrior Outdoors. Nice.”

    How about your reduce the price by a whopping 20% and I will decide where to donate my money?

  2. Oh boy…she’s back, spending her day at the keyboard to be the first one as many times as possible.

    But then, I suppose it’s better than the usual topic she writes about, so that’s a plus.

  3. Guys, I’m not taking sides with either of you here. It’s your money, spend it where you choose. I have a bit of military artifacts in my home. I do have to say that that chair is the ugliest overpriced thing that someone would put their ass on I’ve seen in a long time. Maybe it’s just me.

    • I have turned an old single 12 g into a floor lamp, a Tommy gun (replica) into a table lamp. I have 81mm mortar tubes I am using to make a gun work table. I made 50 cal wooden bullets use them as the pegs for a mortise and tenon take down rifle stand.

      I like the hardware above just not a throne. And 20% percent…..they should donate 100%.

      But then again still in ‘Merica so spends your money how ya like. Want a gold AK or a “battlefield find” one. It ain’t my cash didn’t rob me for it.

  4. Worthy cause, check! As much as I agree with the worthy cause, 18,000 Bazooka Joe Comics is a bit steep!

    I’ll take a whole set when they start making inferior imitations at a more reasonable price point.

  5. Woof!

    If you build it, someone will buy it (eventually)…NOT me…that is one fugly chair.

    Not even if I won the Powerball tonight.

  6. I like turtles, I like parties, I like to party with turtles and armadillos. We have gunm burying parties. Them armadillos are the ones you want to invite, they can really get with it. Now why wouldn’t I invite badgers, well badgers get really mean when they get drunk and you can’t trust they won’t come back and dig up the gunms. You can trust a turtle, armadillos are kinda dumb and the race back to the Keg ,easy.. I was thinking about the gunm burying thing, “If it’s time to bury them, it’s time to use them.” Well not really, you see right now there’s a big push to basically disarm American citizens. Many are for this, and if and eventually when “they” get their way, total controll of the masses, overtime the suppressed will rise up. That’s when the new revolutionaries dig up grandpa’s stash and fight SjyNet.

  7. Oh, a celebration of the Cult of Death, how precious!

    Why, this reminds me of those mutants worshiping the hydrogen bomb in planet of the apes.

    It is quite the collection of deadly phallic symbols, but the perfect spot for the right wing nut jobs to rub their buttocks. Carry-on!

    • we have The Constitution Of the United States and you have penis fantasies.
      AND BTW, we have the guns…
      and it will be interesting when the troglodytes who don’t have guns
      try to take them away from the people who do

      • Never seen it fail. leftist anti gunner types are fixated on the penis. Maybe because they don’t have one?

      • Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t this constructed by right wing conservatives?

        And aren’t there members of this TTAG forum asking if it vibrates?

        Not to do anything wrong with that…

        • My supposition that a right winger is a conservative is a reasonable observation.

          But you see it is bigoted.

          I think you do not know what that word means.

    • But I’m sure you think shirts with that mass murdering PoS ‘che guevara are just fine.

    • Yeah, you see that in there. And I’ll bet because of that, you’re already trying to calculate how many you can fit up your ass. I’m betting on you, I’m gonna say several.

      • If it gives you pleasure, you may continue to think about my anus and exactly what could fit in there. Whatever floats your boat…

        Man, there are some real weirdos on this forum.

  8. I have one of those practice bombs, mk.15 mod 4 iirc. I’ve always wished that I lived on a street with crub side mailboxes, so I could attach a mailbox to the fins and bury it nose down in the lawn.

    • Back in my day, every ready room had the obligatory 100 pound practice bomb that had the nosecone cut off, inverted and inserted to make a freestanding ashtray.

      The smoking lamp is lit!

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