Mossberg MC1sc
Mossberg MC1sc (image Dan Z for TTAG)

Another new gun that lots of SHOT Show attendees wanted to get a look at today is Mossberg’s new MC1sc sub-compact 9mm pistol. From Mossberg’s announcement, everything seemed well thought out with a couple of unique features.

Mossberg MC1sc with crossbolt safety (Dan Z for TTAG)

The first item that caught the eye of gunnoisseurs (besides the clear magazines) was the unique (for a pistol) crossbolt safety on the MC1sc. Mossberg offers models both with and without the safety.

The second item of note was the MC1sc’s “safe takedown system” that, unlike many other striker-fired carry guns, doesn’t require a pull of the trigger to field strip. The really unique aspect was the takedown process.

courtesy mfr

Lock the slide back on an empty pistol, slide the rear cover plate down and off, then pop out the orange-ended striker assembly. Move the slide forward and take it off the frame.

Mossberg MC1sc pistol without safety
Mossberg MC1sc pistol without safety (image Dan Z for TTAG)

As for the safety, I can report that moves on and off with a very positive click. There doesn’t seem to be much chance of moving it in either direction unintentionally. And the direction for safe and fire can be switched depending on which way you prefer.

The takedown process couldn’t be easier. And while I’m not someone who freaks out about having to pull the trigger to field strip a pistol, that does make plenty of people uncomfortable.

The texturing is grippy without being a cheese grater. In other words, just right. Shooting a couple of magazines worth of range ammo through it showed that the MC1sc’s recoil is comparable to similar 9mm single stacks out there.

We’ll get one for a full review, but on first look, Mossberg seems to have done everything right with the MC1sc.



  1. Seems like a decent enough gun, but I will let others be the beta testers. The sour taste of the Remington and Caracal issues still lingers…

    • I don’t really think that has anything to do with Mossberg, but it will still be a good idea to see how things play out for a few months anyway just because the last time they produced a pistol was… how many decades ago?

      • Mossberg has been problem free for just about as long as I can remember. Almost suspiciously so.

      • I think it just speaks more to the fact that it’s unwise to be the first buyers of a particular gun anymore as major companies simply don’t do the QA that they used to and instead depend on customers to be their beta testers.

        Which is okay if you’re looking for a range toy but not good if you’re looking for a self-defense gun (which is why most people would want a subcompact 9, I suspect.)

  2. Now that I see it in perspective, I’m actually warming up to this pistol. It’s somewhere between an Ruger LC9 and a S&W Shield

  3. So you don’t have to pull the trigger (something that I do at the end of every safety check anyway; and I do a safety check before cleaning, obviously), but you have to disassemble the striker system? That seems like a really dumb idea. I think I prefer Canik’s de-cocker button.

  4. If I find street price around $300 for non safety model I’m in. G43 and PPS M2 made a baby.
    I never had a problem with pulling a trigger to take down any pistol.
    I guess I’m not a professional whatever the hell they are.

  5. I’ll take the glock takedown on my lowly Tauruses. It’s NOT a big deal to pull the trigger. I can literally do that with my eye’s closed in under 5 secondst. If you shoot yourself or a bystander after you “forget” it’s loaded you’re an idiot. Or worse… pull the striker out. Duh😏

      • Not the weapons fault. It was the operators fault. The weapon did exactly what it was designed to do. Fire when there is a round in the chamber and the trigger is pulled.

        • True, but he’s still dead. Until humans make no mistakes it is worth looking into avoiding pitfalls like pulling the trigger on a gun unless you intent for it to fire.

          You’re taking a simple rule: *do not pull the trigger unless you are shooting* and complicating it *do not pull the trigger unless you are shooting unless you are stripping the firearm and you have checked to see if it is loaded*

          True, the second isn’t that bad but it isn’t as good. With safety, simple is better.

      • I take the magazine out and then rack the slide in a safe direction to remove the last round. Then I look inside at the chamber for a round. Then I stick the end of my little finger inside the chamber to feel for a round. Then I stick my little finger up into the mag well. Then I look inside the chamber to see if there is a round there. Then I release the slide stop. THEN, I point the pistol at the floor and pull the trigger.

        When I force myself to TOUCH everything, I know I am actually doing it, instead of thinking about what I’m going to have for lunch while I THINK I’m inspecting the chamber with my eyeballs.

        Looking isn’t enough; you can easily be thinking about something else, and not see what you think you’re looking at. TOUCH everything. That way you have to FOCUS YOUR MIND on what you’re trying to do with your finger. You can’t think about lunch and get your finger into the chamber or mag well; you’ll miss. You have to be LOOKING and THINKING about what you’re doing.

        It sounds like it takes an hour but it’s only a few seconds. Probably looks a little funny, though.

        • That sounds like a Good process, but all it is, and all every clearing process is, is mitigating the risk of accidently leaving rounds in the gun and a subsequent discharge.
          The fact of the matter is we are human, we all make mistakes, we all occasionally skip steps in the process. And if we can have a pistol that gives us all benefits of a striker fire pistol without the drawbacks of having to pull the trigger during the takedown process, I think it is a good thing.
          I am whole heartly behind designs like these and the SIG 320.

  6. Since Im not a plastic gun guy and I have as one of my current carry guns that doesn’t get much use. A PPQ-SC. And another that would get a ton of use if it were in a Sub Compact which they don’t make. A Canik TPSA.
    Both, which have for striker fired guns.
    I hate to admit this.
    Both have terrific bang switches.
    My only interest in this one might be the so far as untold about. The trigger.
    It looks sort of different anyway.

  7. Soooo … only the striker is keeping the slide on the frame. I can’t foresee any potential problems there … [IMG][/IMG]

  8. “Keep your finger off the trigger until on target and ready to shoot.”
    “Treat every firearm as if its loaded.”
    It blows my mind that people are so willing to break one of the weapon safety rules just because they “won’t forget” or they “know better”. Well guess what there are hundreds of Glock and striker fired pistols NDs with owners and Cops thinking that they “know better” and it “only happens to the other guy”.

    I am glad they made a striker fired system that doesn’t require pulling the trigger.

    • Striker without pulling the trigger is key. Everyone gets tired and has a bad day.

      Innovative. I prefer the SIG and S&W approach though. For others, would you really recommend to a beginner a pull the trigger to disassemble?

      • I am a big fan of the SIG 320 design and the fact that it doesn’t need to pull the trigger to take it down.

        I think one of the reasons Glocks were never seriously considered for the large military service contracts, was because they had to pull the trigger to take it down.

        And yes I agree that not having to pull the trigger is a much better design both for beginners and for everyone.

    • There is no excuse for a ND. Point the muzzle in a safe direction. Remove the magazine. Rack the slide 4 or 5 times. Lock the slide back and verify that the chamber is empty. Slide forward, pull the trigger, disassemble. Not rocket science.

      • What’s wrong with pulling the slide back once and LOOK? If you want to be even more certain, put your pinky in the chamber to be damn sure there is no round there.
        I do that anyway on bolt actions. Many of them have the barrel deep enough in the receiver that it becomes hard to see into the chamber. But the pinky test always works, even in pitch darkness.

  9. Is that a Mercedes or a Hyundai? Is that a Mossberg or a Walther?

    Trying to be a Walther PPS M2 (hideous) will get you nowhere.

    Trying to be a Walther PPS M1 (gorgeous) might get you somewhere.

    Especially if it’s in 10mm Short.

  10. I am really looking forward to this pistol… I hope it works out. I have used a faithful Kahr CM9 the last 5-6years for EDC, but it is always prudent to have a backup or replacement lined up before it’s pressed into service. This way, you get ample trigger time behind the pistol, and ample training time to set muscle memory for draw, manual of arms, sight acquisition, etc. Usually, I would wait to see if the gremlins will be worked out for the guinea pigs (e.g., a year ago, the Sig P365 was the messiah… and then real-world testing and use exposed some serious issues…). But I think that, assuming the price is right, I may elect to be a guinea pig for this one. Mossberg has always been absurdly reliable and durable for me, whoch definitely tempers my reservations about an all-new design.

    I bought an LC9S about two years ago… and I have tried to like it. The trigger is very good. But, even removing the mag-safety and sleeving the grip, it has issues… shoots unusually snappy, shoots low, the magazines hiccup occasionally. In short, I am ready to call that pistol a “permanent backup” or loaner/range tool, and try something else.

    Maybe this Mossberg can swoop in and be my next EDC partner. I won’t be uberdisappointed if it isn’t dream-perfect… CM9 and PM9s aren’t going anywhere soon (and neither are Glock 43 pistols), so life will go on regardless. But I sure hope the MC1 is a success, and perhaps even gives Mossberg a foundation to develop more pistols.

    Anyhoo… typing into space, thinking aloud… thoughts on record. Be safe.

  11. I always look forward to companies expanding into markets especially one as vaunted as Mossberg.

  12. I found it to be far snappier recoil than competing guns of the same size. Hard pass

    The model with the cross bold safety concept is pathetically impractical, slow and useless. Super hard pass.

  13. Having to pull the trigger to take a gun apart is like saying, “before you park or get a car wash, shift to neutral, depress the gas pedal all the way and then you can put it in park.
    And after the 50th person to smash their car through a building, the true car guys will be like “well I’ve never had a problem with it, just make sure you’re in neutral.” While the rest of us will just buy a car that you can just put in park directly.

    • Exactly. An inherently unsafe design is a poor design, no matter how easy it is to check.
      Oh, and as a certifiable ‘car guy’ I can tell you for certain that I call stupid, stupid, no matter where it’s found.

      It really boggles my mind that there are people on here that will vehemently defend a design that forces you to break one of the 4 rules. I’d wager good money they’d all flip out if they handed a gun to someone, after racking it 47 times to be SURE that it was unloaded, and that person immediately pointed it at their head.

  14. You don’t have to pull trigger on M&P to take down. Just lock the slide and use a pin to pushed down the small green lever inside the side. To put it back to place, Just put in a magazine and the small lever goes back to place

    • I’ve found that after locking the slide back I can easily stick my pinkie finger in there and hook that lever with the corner of my nail.
      Easy-peasy, no additional tools and, more importantly, no trigger press necessary.

  15. I like the looks of this one, just need to find an excuse to buy one. I already have an XD-s that fills this niche.

  16. Pulling the trigger to take a turn up artist completely indefensible negligent design.
    There is a type of error where you see what you expect to see.
    Expect to see an empty chamber so what you see is an empty chamber.
    Then you pull the trigger and the gun goes off.
    We in anesthesia have done our best to engineer human factors out of our machines.
    And people are still being killed by human errors in Anesthesia.
    Gun makers should do the same to engineer this sort of error out of their designs

  17. “The first item that caught the eye of gunnoisseurs (besides the clear magazines) was…”
    Maybe the article should mention it is compatible with Glock 43 magazines, or does everybody already know this?

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