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SHOT Show: The Tao of the RONI Pistol-Carbine Conversion

Think of a scenario where a RONI Pistol-Carbine conversion could get you out of a tight spot . . . For a home invasion that turns into open warfare, I’d want both a handgun and a rifle. As in “a handgun’s main use is to fight your way to a rifle.” Would I want to take the theoretical five seconds required to convert my Glock into a Carbine? Nope. Grab ‘N Go would be my preferred modus operandi. Alternatively, if I’m out and about zombie-killing, a good-to-go short-barreled Glocked Carbine would be way cool and much appreciated. But at what point do I stop, open my righteous RONI, peel off that little plastic thing that goes over the sights (don’t lose it!), store my carbine suit (don’t lose it!) and switch to a handgun? In short, I don’t get it. Time to quote the brochure . . .

RONI’s press pack wants you to know that the Pistol-Carbine Conversion is more accurate than a naked Glock. Well d’uh. So why not buy a carbine? Surprisingly the main exposition of the RONI Pistol-Carbine Conversion’s raison d’etre falls under the heading “Fiscally Responsible & Economical”:

Using the RONI, only one weapon is required for both close quarters and mid range engagements. No more duplicating weapons, ammunition and magazines. The operator is carrying less weight. In utilizing one weapon system, logistics are streamlined, saving time and money by not having stock replacement parts, magazines, ammunition abd gunsmithing for two weapon systems . . .

The RONI converts your sidearm from a tertiary weapon into a primary weapon. The RONI is priced much less than a SMG. Training with one weapon systems saves time and money and more importantly, allows the operator to develop the singular neuro-muscular coordination need in high-stress situations.

Convinced? I’m thinking a separate carbine that accepts Glock mags would be equally economical, more reliable and just as compatible. Something like . . . the Kel-Tec Sub-2000.

That said, I’m interested in the fact that RONI accepts sound suppressors up to 1.375″ in diameter. Any system that can shut-up my Glock without giving it a Cyrano De Bergerac nose job has a certain appeal. Then again, why not a handgun and a silenced rifle? Or, if you want to keep the mags compatible, how about a silenced, foldable Kel-tec Sub-2000 with a can on the front?

One thing I find odd: RONI’s constant reference to an SMG. When a company says “Our X is better than their Y” over and over again, I think to myself “Hmmm. Maybe I should buy a Y.” Only I can’t have a sub-machine gun. Not easily anyway. Nor, for that matter, can I buy the RONI Pistol-Carbine conversion without jumping through the NFA hoops for short-barreled weapons.

Range toy? Cool in and of itself? Some life-saving use that I missed? I can’t find the tao of this one. Little help?

17 thoughts on “SHOT Show: The Tao of the RONI Pistol-Carbine Conversion”

  1. Legal acquisition of a RONI is also problematic for many (most?) civvies since it falls under SBR regulations, no?

    • tam,
      no legal acquisition of a roni is not problematic as IT does not fall under sbr regulations. sbr regulations are for short barreled rifles (that is to say an actual firearm). the roni is a conversion and is NOT a firearm, therefore it does NOT have a serial number and can be purchased online. HOWEVER, the grey area for some is THIS…. you may legally purchase online as it is not serial numbered BUT because the pistol placed inside does not have a carbine length barrel (16 inches) the pistol itself MUST be registered as the sbr. at which point you must carry your paperwork with you, AND if it is your carry pistol you will have to carry the paperwork with you at all times. the kit is perfectly legal until/unless you put your handgun inside it WIHTOUT first registering it as an sbr. this is a simple process perfectly legal to do, it requires filling out the appropriate paperwork, getting your local sheriff to sign off, then sending it in with 200 dollars for the tax stamp. for further questions about your particular regulations for your state ask your local class 3 dealer. these are the regulations for our state of colorado.

      • Correction w/ respect to federal law: The only legal problem would be if you installed the Glock into the RONI w/o first changing to the 16″ barrel. I say this because the situation is identical to that of the Thompson-Center firearms. That was settled in court years ago. With those, a person has to be in possession of a 16″ barrel before buying the T-C carbine stock so that you don’t fall into the “constructive” violation of federal laws. Check your state laws to be on the safe side.

        • Replying to myself. I just noticed that a RONI retailer says that the Form 1 is required, so I may be wrong about this particular advice. As we all know, regulations don’t have to make sense even if they control your life.

  2. Only I can’t have a sub-machine gun. Not easily anyway. Nor, for that matter, can I buy the RONI Pistol-Carbine conversion without jumping through the NFA hoops for short-barreled weapons.

    As soon as I saw it I was thinking SBR. Frankly, I can get a bullpup AK that doesn’t incur the pain of dealing with the BATFE&RBFs, for less money than a Glock+however much this is, and shoots a real 7.62×39, and is about the same size as this thing with the stock extended.

  3. Kel-tec or Hi-point carbines are also much cheaper than an SMG, and both highly reliable if aesthetically-challenged. The Kel-tec can even use your Glock magazines already.

    Ans once you add the cost of the Glock, the Roni conversion and the tax stamp, you’d be well over a grand, right? There are plenty of handy little carbines in that price range.

  4. I think the problem comes from the different laws here in the US and Israel. Developed in Israel due to gun laws that restrict the number of guns someone may own. With no short bbl laws and the ability to own only one gun, this makes sense to a point. Here in the US, it’s a toy at best.

    Israel in many gun-nut circles is like saying “traditional chinese” in many martial arts circles. It’s like a magical word that says “they know what they’re talking about”. Look at some of the dumb stuff like knives and sticks that are labeled “traditional chinese/japanese/korean/etc… bonking stick”. The same thing happens with “Israeli military sleeping bag”.

    Look at the Mako adds. “Israeli military issue rail mounted tire slasher and pressure gauge”. Same garbage.

      • During the AWB people would sell “Israeli” orlite mags-“They have to be good, they’re Israeli.” Of course the reason they were sold as surplus is because they were junk.

        • I’ve got a few orlite mags and I like them never had a problem with them
          My thermold mags were strait up shit

  5. To continue Joe’s comment, I think that the market that CAA / EMA Tactical are looking at is countries in which pistols are less restricted than long guns for police and paramilitary units and private citizens that wish to increase their firepower without too much bureaucracy or hassle.

    Here in Israel they have just banned small-bore rifles except for gun club members, and most gun owners are limited to owning one pistol. I bought a Roni G1 for my G19 because I could. It gave me something to pimp and something that made shooting at the range more fun. If I could own even a Ruger 10/22, let alone a centerfire rifle of any kind, I would have skipped this item and invested in a real carbine. As it stands, a pistol fitted in a Roni conversion is the closest to a long gun that many gun owners can get. In the US, there’s little point for civilians to get one. Even NFA-friendly Mechtech conversion kits don’t sell that well AFAIK.

  6. Only reason I see for this would be law enforcment, situations such as the hollywood bank robery that is famous. Had police had the ability to turn their service pistols into a carbine and using a mag full of FMJ rounds, things would have gone very differently.

  7. I am an Army Officer from UAE on a Military course in USA. I wana buy Roni Conversion Kit from CAA, But i dont have my service pistol with me. Is the SBR stamp needed as i receive my Roni Kit via Mail / Courier. And i can travel state to state with my Roni kit in my luggage & Is the SBR Stamp needed via traveling : as i mentioned earlier i dont have any pistol with me.

    Please guide me: [email protected] The exact rules & laws of USA.

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