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41 thoughts on “Shot Talk with Robert, Dan, Nick, and Jon Wayne Taylor”

  1. Robert points his finger at this firearm and jokes, “Hey It’s a little dirty there, what’s that all about?”
    Jon with an equally joking retort, “That’s the way you treat your guns.”


  2. Safety is important, but I agree with Jon. Have to be a bit realistic at times. If you didn’t chamber check and drop the mag, then yes, none these items such as putting your hand over the muzzle or directing the muzzle end towards Nick’s face would be acceptable.

      • Safety is overrated. Point it at the ceiling, yell “Allahu Akbar!!!” really loudly and pull the trigger. If it’s empty, it’s empty if not then the people within earshot probably won’t need a lot of fiber for the rest of the day.

        Pro Tip: Works best in crowded locales.

        • Sadly, I was never able to train this procedure out of the Afghan National Police. Seriously that’s how they checked if it was loaded.

  3. Jesus, just watched that. It was even more painful than filming it. Is there anyone that can send Robert some Adderall?

    • Y’all need to prepare a script and stick to it
      ~27 minutes of useless babbling mixed with ~5 minutes of potentially useful information.

      • Give us some time to tighten this up. It’s our second go. More to the point, Jeremy S. is moving to Austin and taking over TTAG’s video production. Complete with editing! Multiple cameras! It’s gonna be good, I swear.

    • This is where editing comes in. There was obviously some already because there were cuts to the tabletop camera, but it could be used for “length and content”, as the TV disclaimer used to go.

    • Sorry, old nickname. You’ll have to come up with something other than Duke, Goat Boy, Goat Man, Cheese Man, (really anything to do with goats) Long Jon, PrettyPrincessPonyDancing, Shocker, El que hace trofeos de los hombres, Doc, 8, and many, many others.

    • Goats are wonderful creatures and goat cheese is healthier for some folks than cow cheese. And goat cheese has a good flavor to it.

      Comparing JWT to a goat is probably being unkind to the goat. 🙂

  4. Can I get a large still shot for my wall? I think it would look great next to my print of four dogs playing poker.

    Lest you scoff at my artistic tastes, the original 1894 doggie “Poker Game” sold for $658,000 at Sotheby’s in 2015.

    • What’s a reproduction velvet Elvis going for these days?

      And wasn’t there some talk of you moving to Texas, also?

  5. This is a technical improvement over last week, to be sure. The camera was aimed properly, it was not recorded in a cave (acoustically speaking), and the individual clip-on microphones seemed to work well.

    Now, all you need to do is decide whether you’re going to be gun bloggers or comedians.

    Again, I say, excluding Liberte Austin from these productions is a great injustice.

  6. Next week I’m taking the BBQ gun game up a level on TTAG here! My favorite pistol just got back from the Midwest Gun Works spa, and oh boy did the time do it well.

    BTW JWT was soooo close to nailing a “daaaamn Daniel!” while talking to Dan. LOL

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