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Shots Fired at Joe Biden’s House

Joe Biden shows us how it's done (courtesy

According to reports, late last night a car drove by Joe Biden’s personal residence and took some shots at the (empty) home. 401) “Shotgun” Joe Biden was elsewhere that night, and the only residents of the domicile were secret service agents. The individuals involved have not been arrested, but there were no injuries and no major damage to the building. It is not known whether the secret service followed Joe Biden’s advice and fired two shotgun blasts blindly through the front door when the shooting took place.

32 thoughts on “Shots Fired at Joe Biden’s House”

  1. Joe Biden’s detail needs to learn the difference between a backfire and gunshots.

    That or slow joe needs to make sure he keeps up his payments to Fat Tony.

    Does anyone know where Hillery and Bill were when the alledged incident took place?

  2. I am sure there are many cameras in and around Uncle Joe’s home.

    What kind of shotgun and shots were used?

    Maybe it was a neighbor taking Joe’s advice?

    All kidding aside…I hope they find the drive-by shooters (is this another “irresponsible discharge?”)

  3. Let me get this straight. Some unidentified yahoo fired at Casa Biden and missed the whole freaking house? A house? I’ve heard of not being able to hit the broad side of a barn, but this really stretches credulity.

    If the Secret Service finds some bullet holes, bullets or empty casings, then we’ll see. Otherwise, I believe that this was a ruse perpetrated by a disappointed Colombian hooker.

  4. It was most likely the secret service agents that had a negligent discarge…so it was best decided to have a cover up of sorts. Shift blame to an unknown bad guy. Okay maybe not but it be funny if that’s what happened.

  5. “As a result of the interaction with the officer, this individual was arrested for resisting arrest.”


    • One of many despicable tactics used by cops. It’s a catch-all charge that allows cops to arrest anyone for anything, often for contempt of cop or possibly in this case, making an arrest to make it look like the police are “on it.”
      Think about it: very often someone will be brought in with one charge, “resisting arrest.” This begs the question, what was the original arrest for that he was supposedly resisting?

  6. I am sure it was all just a misunderstanding and Jill Biden confused the security shift change for the secret service with Barry Soetoro’s religious compadres/kin showing up

  7. Given the time of the shooting, location, and time of year; my money is on it being some idiot deer poachers out with a 10/22.

  8. Those Girl Scouts selling cookies are having a rough time with people following Joe’s advice.

  9. Hey!, but SS did arrest a man simply walking who they admit afterwards had nothing to do with the incident for resisting arrest. Once again, great job SS for doing nothing.

  10. Hey guys if old Joe got capped it would open season on Barry Soetoro. Can’t have sympathy for the devil…

  11. What goes thru the typical leftist anti when they read this kind of headline: “There they go again, f**king gun owners.” (lumping them all into one group)

  12. Too bad they decided to stop by while he was “elsewhere”. Biden is almost as much of a joke as our dingleberry pres. Oh I’m sorry will that example of free speech get me on yet another list on an NSA server? Oh well, comes the minute comes the man I suppose.

  13. “It is not known whether the secret service followed Joe Biden’s advice and fired two shotgun blasts blindly through the front door when the shooting took place.” – Nick Leghorn

    And to think Mr. Biden went so far as to buy each of them their own double-barrel shotgun! He will be so disappointed it he finds out they didn’t use them…

    …Well, the criminals didn’t stick around, so I think it can safely be assumed that we will be hearing from Mr. Biden soon about how the secret service used his tactics to successfully scare off the attackers — Double-barrel shotguns, for the win!

  14. Are we sure that Joe was not firing one of his famous warning shots with the double barrel at an intruding raccoon or something?

  15. They have built a guard shack at the entrance to his driveway and block the road with a large SUV. Men with guns stand guard but they are not in a position to chase a drive by shooter.

    Look for calls for more gun control, how convenient. His son Beu ( AG of DE ) was already pushing magazine restrictions and other gun control issues last year but wasn’t able to get the support.

  16. If Joe had been there, he would have sent his wife out on the porch with a shotgun to fire a couple of shots in the air. That would have warned those pesky intruders away.

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