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Why You Shouldn’t Buy Your Wife or Girlfriend a Gun


By James England of Concealed Nation:

You want to be there to protect that special someone in your life. Realistically though, you just can’t be there all the time. That’s why you want her to have a gun. That’s all fine and good, but before you go to your local gun store and pick out something you think will get the job done for her, stop!

We’ve written a rather comprehensive article that goes step-by-step through what factors an individual should consider before purchasing a concealed carry firearm. Factors ranging from how it fits a person’s hand to how to account for handicaps such as vision impairment. It’s a detailed process because at the end of it, you want to have a concealed carry handgun you can use effectively — not just one that costs the right amount of money or looks good.

Every gun owner has his or her own subjective opinion about what works best. This could be determined from a lifetime of shooting a variety of handguns or just what somebody thought was clever at the time.

Making the decision to purchase a handgun for your wife or girlfriend is a very personal choice that ought be made by the individual.

The best thing you can do for your wife or girlfriend is take her shooting first. Get her acclimated to different types of handguns, their function, purpose, and potential role in her everyday carry arsenal.

She doesn’t need seventeen handguns or that zebra-printed polymer pistol. She needs to choose what works best for her based on what she’s most comfortable shooting and carrying every single day.

After all, if you’re not there to protect her and if she isn’t carrying it, that pistol is worthless. If she doesn’t feel competent in the operation of that handgun, what good is it?

It really doesn’t matter if it’s pink or carries four rounds or fifteen. What matters most is that she made the choice,  including how she intends to carry it everyday, and has made the commitment to do so. Remember:

– There’s nothing wrong with going to the gun store to help her through that first purchase.

– There’s nothing bad about taking her to the range to test out that new handgun to see if it works as well as she hoped.

– If you feel competent to do so, you can even help her through the proper operation and take-down of the gun.

In fact, we strongly encourage all of these things.

Responsible everyday concealed carry begins with competency, accountability for the firearm, and situational awareness. Of course, the gun and the permit are both important, too. That process, on both counts, must be undertaken by her. You can’t complete the required course and do her paperwork for her. You also can’t give her a gun that will always be suited for her needs.

And don’t forget the straw purchase laws. You should never purchase a gun for anyone other than yourself. It’s not just our opinion — it’s a federal decision upheld by the Supreme Court. We can argue about the validity of the Supreme Court’s divided opinion, but, ultimately, as law-abiding gun owners, we’re obliged to follow the law.

In conclusion, not only is it a great idea to let your girlfriend or wife work through their own process of choosing an everyday concealed carry handgun, it’s also a good way to stay on the right side of the law (and teach her how to do it, too).

If you’re curious about what to get that special someone for a holiday gift, birthday, or anniversary, consider a gift certificate for the purchase of a gun at a local gun store or through a retailer that also provides quality gun holsters for concealed carriers. Heck, maybe even buy her some range time or self-defense ammunition once she settles on a pistol that suits her needs.

70 thoughts on “Why You Shouldn’t Buy Your Wife or Girlfriend a Gun”

      • “Pretty girl, but I just don’t get this fascination with large calibers.”

        There’s more than a bit of a grain of truth in the adage that some women prefer larger when it comes to some things that may or may not be firearm related.

        Some guns just simply ‘fit’ a person better than others. And the better something fits a person, the more often it’s likely to get used…


        • My Ol’ Lady wants the 45,.. but she gets the 9mm.
          Its all I got. But, instead of 7 times, I hit it 17. So it works out.

          : |

      • Recoil management is half the skill in shooting firearms. Your little .22 plinkster wont do jack to train for use of combat effective firearms.

  1. Oops snap… I took the liberty of training my 5’4″ wife to be me. Glock 21 FTW! Man does she hate the fat grip. But man does she shoot well! 45, doublestack, fullsize, no compromise.

    My tip for the new shooter: the fit doesn’t matter. Your shot timer and groups will tell you which gun is proper.

  2. When someone ask me what handgun they should buy or use i always reply: ” Whatever feels good in your hand.” Caliber, make and model are secondary and tertiary etc… The pistol/revolver that fits the hand, like a good pair of gloves will ensure success.

    • You have to want to shoot. If you suddenly need your gun in a life threatening situation , there should be no hesitation or external thoughts other than draw and shoot. If a shooter isnt perfectly comfortable it leaves room for hesitation. No bueno. Folks should be intimately familiar with their chosen piece and be willing to use it.

    • “When someone ask me what handgun they should buy or use i always reply: ” Whatever feels good in your hand.” Caliber, make and model are secondary and tertiary etc… The pistol/revolver that fits the hand, like a good pair of gloves will ensure success.”

      To a point.

      Place a steel and a featherweight snubbie down in front of a new shooter and ask them what one feels best to their hand and what would be most comfortable to daily concealed carry.

      Far more often or not, they will choose the lightweight one.

      Head to the range. Have them fire the steel one first, and then the lightweight one.

      Afterward, ask them what one feels best to them.

      Note their change in enthusiasm for the lightweight one…

      • Shooting Illustrated looked at this issue a couple times in the last few years. Interestingly the women tended to like both the heavy Springfield 1911 in .45ACP and especially for carry, the lightweight KelTec P-3AT in .380ACP.

        So no, if women say they really don’t want a big heavy thing, don’t give them one.

    • Also what fits in your hand. My wife is on the smaller size, she had difficulty with a double stack Glock for example and a 1911? Fuggetaboutit. The 42 on the other hand fits her perfectly, and better a small gun she can use than a big one she can’t. I changed my carry gun myself due to that-she can use the G26 in a pinch-but generally I use something she can as well.

  3. When I got my wife into shooting, I trained her with my glocks (because that was what I had, being a glock fanboy). Once she became proficient, I took her to the LGS and told her to pick out whatever gun felt right and that she liked. Unfortunately, it was a Kel Tec pf9. It promptly broke during the first mag. Next was a Taurus 709. It never worked worth a shit. Last (thankfully) was a Sig Sauer 238. Over a thousand rounds through it and she carries it everyday. I greatly agree with the author. I wouldn’t carry a gun that someone else picked for me that was uncomfortable or I just didn’t like. Why would you expect your lady to do so.

  4. “You should never purchase a gun for anyone other than yourself.”

    What? Buying a gun as a gift is perfectly legal under Federal law.

    Man, I just love it when non-lawyers give legal advice and fvck it up.

    • Correct. Buying a gun with your own money to give as a gift to someone is perfectly legal. Someone giving you money to buy a gun for them is a straw purchase.

    • Here’s +1 for Ralph. You beat me to it.

      And here’s a freebie for Mr. James England of Concealed Nation:

      You absolutely can gift firearms to family or loved ones without violating straw purchaser laws. 20 seconds on Google could have cleared that right up. It’s the one thing that truly annoys me about fandoms of every kind is the overabundance of know-it-all types who speak with great authority on this subject or that, yet still do it out of their asses.

    • Oh, c’mon Ralph, that wasn’t the point and you should know it!
      The point is: don’t be that guy I have to deal with several times a week:
      “What can I show you today sir?”

      “I’m looking for a gun for my wife/girlfriend. This Taurus TCP is tiny and cheap, I’ll get her that one.”

      “Okay, has she tried that one before and told you she likes it?”

      (confused) “Uh, no. But it’s small, so it’s made for a lady and is easy to shoot, right?”

      Like I said, don’t be that guy. Let your lady pick her own gun. You just stand back and keep the credit card warm, she’ll do fine as long as your salesperson has a clue.

      • Did you even read England’s article? Here’s the complete quote:

        “You should never purchase a gun for anyone other than yourself. It’s not just our opinion — it’s a federal decision upheld by the Supreme Court. We can argue about the validity of the Supreme Court’s divided opinion, but, ultimately, as law-abiding gun owners, we’re obliged to follow the law.”

        He didn’t just say it was bad form to buy your GF a gun. He said it was illegal, which is total bvllsh!t.

        • Absolutely correct. I’ve purchased two pistols for my daughter, and for convenience, since she lives in another state, had them delivered to an FFL near her where she ran the BGC. The last one was the FNX .45 that she asked for last year, which she says she shoots better than the Millenium Pro 9 mm that I bought her for self protection when she finished college (and which works just fine, tyvm.) This year my son is getting a stripped AR10 lower that he asked for as a base to build his own. All of this is perfectly legal under the SCOTUS decision.

    • Federal law may say it’s OK, but I think some state laws may see things differently. California, for example, has really screwed up laws on gifting, inheritance, etc, and it’s getting worse.

      If I want a handgun which is not on the approved list but has previously been sold in California prior to new restrictive laws, my daughter in Ohio can purchase the same gun and gift it to me even though I can’t buy it here. Parents, children, and grandparents share this ability. Cousins, uncles, aunts, in-laws, etc, do not. (Think I’ll ask my daughter to buy me a Barrett 50 for Christmas. lol)

      • If she visits you in California and brings it with her, yes, you can legally (for the moment) do a private party transfer and side step the CA handgun roster. However, good luck getting an FFL to transfer it to you if she ships it to you from Ohio.

        I was born and raised in CA, and lived there up until 2 years ago, and the regulatory environment there is just pathetic. Especially with trading Harris for Becerra as state AG.

    • I think the intent was to let the wife/girlfriend choose the gun they feel most comfortable with, not force what you think they should have, which ends up being a mistake. This isn’t about straw purchases.

  5. The way I read the law and the ruling is that it is not a straw purchase if you buy a gun to give as a gift with your own money. Bruce Abramski bought a gun for his uncle with his uncles money so that was a straw purchase. I bought a gun to give to my wife because she would not have one otherwise. She has one now, likes it very much, and has taken up shooting because of it. Doesn’t seem much like a mistake to me.

  6. “And don’t forget the straw purchase laws. You should never purchase a gun for anyone other than yourself.”

    The wording of that statement is misleading, at best. Question 12.a. of Form 4473 is written as follows: “Are you the actual buyer of the firearm(s) listed on this form? Warning: You are not the actual buyer if you are acquiring the firearm(s) on behalf of another person.” (Correct answer: Yes.)

    There is nothing illegal about buying a gun with the intent to give it away as a gift. I bought my wife a Henry Big Boy for her birthday a few years ago. I told the dude at the gun shop my intention, and he was cool with it.

    I do agree with the premise of this article, as far as pointing out that choosing a defensive handgun is an extremely personal decision that should be made by the person who will be carrying it. However, if your wife/girlfriend is an experienced shooter and you are familiar with her tastes and preferences, a gun might make a great gift! It worked for me.

  7. My wife picked a Ruger SP101 3″–knows how to shoot it accurately and does not want anything else–does not like semi autos at all–like you said, get what works for her–a rock solid choice

  8. It’s simple, you WILL screw it up. Take her, let her pick one out and pay for it, but NEVER decide for her. Do you pick out her foot where for her? Her makeup?

    • That is probably good advice for your wife. Most of us don’t have your wife though. You are completely wrong for my wife. It would have never happened if I tried to do it the way you suggest. I did not screw it up, not even a little.

  9. If you buy something and bring it to your home is property that also belongs to your wife. She lives there and the gun is under her control as much as yours.
    It is not required to have your wife do a 4473 to take control or possession of a firearm in most states. NY has effed up rules about pistols and possession permits, other states also have FOID laws which may apply.
    If you buy a gun for a minor child you need to have it in your name since the child is too young to own, possess, or operate without adult supervision. Legally the child is required to do a transfer if they take the gun from your house to their home once they are an adult. This rarely if ever happens.
    The straw purchase law was intended to prevent a certain type of activity however it runs into other problems when family is involved. And if a family member uses another family members gun to do a bad thing the straw purchase argument is brought out despite the usual fact the gun could be stolen or even bought legally in the first place.
    Keep these silly rules in mind when loading ingredients or giving away guns. They are political hot potatoes

    • State laws may very, but Federal law, which England cited, does not change from state to state.

      There is no Federal prohibition against buying guns and giving them as gifts. There is even a section on the 4473 that explains that if you are buying the gun as a gift, you are the actual buyer and can answer Form 4473 Question 11.f. as “Yes.”

      Problems arise when a spouse is a prohibited person, but that doesn’t change the law that gifts are legal.

    • “Legally the child is required to do a transfer if they take the gun from your house to their home once they are an adult. This rarely if ever happens.”

      Um… what? That makes 0 sense and it’s not required unless you live in some commie state.

      The gun’s been in the house as yours for 5+ years and now it’s a gift being given away. That’s legal under federal law unless you know or have reason to believe that your child is a prohibited person.

      In fact, buying a gun for a friend whom you don’t have reason to believe is a prohibited person is also legal. If you look at the language it says you have to act as the agent of someone you know or should know is a prohibited person before it becomes illegal.

      Straw purchasing specifically means you bought the gun for someone who couldn’t, that you know or should know that they can’t legally buy it themselves and that you took their money to do it thereby acting as an agent purchaser for them.

      Illegal gifting means you gave a gift to someone you know or should know can’t legally have the gun or that you gifted it across state lines without a background check. “There’s no federal law that prohibits a gift of a firearm to a relative or friend that lives in your home state.” -NSSF

      • Except for certain states. Like NY where if a pistol permit holder dies the guns have to be surrendered if the other residents don’t hold a permit for the guns listed. Or if there is no FOID card, And that’s currently today, just wait a few years and they’ll make it tougher.

        • Apparenly you did miss this part of his reply:

          “unless you live in some commie state.”

          I wish folks would stop taking the most ridiculous corner cases and arguing as if they are the ‘norm.’ NY and CA do not speak for the entire country. NY and CA laws don’t even speak for all NY-ers and CA-ians.

      • “Straw purchasing specifically means you bought the gun for someone who couldn’t, that you know or should know that they can’t legally buy it themselves and that you took their money to do it thereby acting as an agent purchaser for them.”

        The law does not mention whether the recipient can legally buy it themselves. A person in Virginia was successfully prosecuted for buying a gun on behalf of someone else who could have bought it himself. As I recall, the buyer was a law enforcement officer taking advantage of his discount, who then did an FFL transfer to his friend in another state.

  10. My wife is a lefty. (Well, ambidextrous, but shoots left.) She refused anything else but a Gen 3 G26. After a few years of coaxing, I convinced her to go with the gen 4, so I could swap the mag release around.

    I guess my wife and I both just got lucky with our search in “the perfect gun for you”. I’ve never purchased a gun I didn’t like, didn’t shoot well enough, or wasn’t comfortable. Sure, I’m a Glock fanboy, but carry a LCP and a CM9 when I can’t get the bigger guns. All of them work, fit my hand, and do everything that I need.

    Bottom line, people need to learn how to hold the gun properly first, then they can make a decision on what they like. The mechanics of shooting are the same for all makes and models. Hold the gun correctly, aim correctly, pull the trigger correctly.

  11. Simple solution: Have her pick it out. You pay for it.

    That’s how my wife ended up with three of her handguns, one of her shotguns and one of her rifles.

    Then I realized it was easier to just get her an Amex card and put a limit on it.

    I’ve posted my checklist of questions to answer for noob gun owners before. I won’t bother repeating it.

    • Exactly. The title of the Article is plain wrong in suggesting that you should never buy a gun for your significant other (or children). What it should have said instead is that you should “Buy your Wife/Girlfriend the Gun she Wants and Shoots Best.”

      • Or one you know they’ll hate but you’ll love.

        “Well sweetie, it sure would be a shame not to ensure it has a good home…”

  12. There’s a great range nearby, lets you rent anything in their 4-showcase set for $15 for the hour plus you don’t have to clean it when you’re done. Better still, you can swap guns anytime during that hour. Want to try five 9mms? Go ahead (one at a time). Try various 1911 models? Sure! That’s how I got to try the whole range of H&K. Just went over, paid the rental and tried every H&K they had in the stand.

    Of course everything there was kind of clapped-out since they’re rentals, but you get a good feel for things (and dirty, dirty hands – they’re never really clean). But I can say the H&K USC was a lot better than the Beretta Storm when it comes to a .45 carbine.

    So, where was I? Oh, right. If you want your friends / girlfriends / significant others to get a good feel for various weights, styles, grips, concealment, etc. rentals work great.

    • “There’s a great range nearby, lets you rent anything in their 4-showcase set for $15 for the hour plus you don’t have to clean it when you’re done.”

      I have recommended to folks to do just that.

      It’s especially useful for the timeless revolver or semi-auto decision.

      If you can, try and be upfront or at least aware of your handgun biases. Present the pros and cons of each…

  13. I agree wholeheartedly! The sad truth is that not everyone is self defense material, and the first thing to consider is how they will react under stress. But, having said that, everyone is a candidate for training!

    Take her to the range. Let her shoot your .22LR revolver or pistol. The one with the small’ish grip. Punch a few holes and see if she enjoys it. When she learns the manual of arms and the four rules of gun safety, and practices them instinctively, move her up to a .38 SPL or 9mm.

    Above all consider her temperment: Is she a road rage case waiting to happen? Does she go to pieces in a crisis? Does she get lost in the details and lose track of her phone/purse/glasses? Is she perpetually in condition white?

    I know all of those women, and a very few who are competent to handle adversity with aplomb. I can say that about the same percentage of men that I know as well. 😀


    • “Is she a road rage case waiting to happen? Does she go to pieces in a crisis? Does she get lost in the details and lose track of her phone/purse/glasses? Is she perpetually in condition white?”

      This is why “family law” is a thing.

  14. “but, ultimately, as law-abiding gun owners, we’re obliged to follow the law.”

    Uh… Nope. I don’t follow unjust laws or rules.

    • I always *observe* the law. Look, there’s another law!

      I don’t think it’s anything close to a secret that the powers that be pick and chose which laws they obey – from immigration, smoking weed, or securing classified emails.

  15. My wife has a safe full of nice firearms to choose from. And we have a very happy marriage right dear? I’ve talked to her about the $5.00 sale of my tools the day after I die should not include the guns. For those that have any kind of collection need to explain in detail about the value of her newly inherited collection.

  16. I cannot understand how everyone from Dan Zimmerman to everyone commenting doesn’t point out how incredibly sexist the whole premise of this piece is? Are women unable to think for themselves? How about the many many women who own guns, have conceal permits whose husbands or boyfriends don’t and might just need some enlightening if she isn’t there to protect him? WTF?

    • My girlfriend chose her own gun and its a Glock, so bad things happen when you let the chicks decide…oops, i used the word chick, thank God we can think like men again, considering being PC LOST THE LAST ELECTION!

    • Well, we found the virtue signaling White Knight for All Women that does not apparently even understand Dan Zimmerman did not write the article.

      Using “sexist” … for real?

      Do you not realize that some men might think they are doing something nice for their wife/girlfriend by getting her a nice gift, but just forget how PERSONAL a firearm’s ‘fit’ needs to be? Or, is it (gasp!) SEXIST! of me every time I buy my wife something?

      I’ll be sure to consult you next time the urge hits to buy my wife something, just to make sure YOU don’t think it’s ‘sexist.’ Oh wait. Nevermind. I don’t give a sh1t if you think something I do is sexist. Hell, I may do something ‘sexist’ today just to piss you off.

      Your comment is a good example of how moronic SJW-Think really is.

      • “What’s wrong with being sexy?”

        To avoid misconstrued comments: Spinal Tap reference for those who don’t know.

    • ” Are women unable to think for themselves? ”

      A dispassionate review of history and my personal experience confirm a resounding “YES!” to this question.

  17. The late Felix Pappalardi (one time producer of the seminal rock band CREAM and bass player for the rock band MOUNTAIN) bought his wife a gun. Ask him why you should not buy your wife or girl friend a gun. You can’t because he is dead from a gunshot by his wife. Leslie West, the guitarist for Mountain always closes his shows with a shout out to Felix and says buy you wife/girlfriend anything… but a gun.

  18. Mall of America had a black santa for four days and white, christain bigot heads are exploding all over the planet. Probably find some brain matter here somewhere. Wait till they find out jesus was a middle eastern immigrant. Waiting for the dumpster to tweet how disrespectful it is to white, christian knuckle dragging rascists it is and mall of america should be ashamed. LOL

  19. Why you shouldn’t buy your wife or girlfriend a gun:

    1) Women are overly emotional and she might shoot you.

    2) The relationship might end and you can no longer shoot the gun.

    3) Your wife might find out about your girlfriend and shoot you both.

    4) Your girlfriend might find out about your wife and shoot you.

    Anything I missed?

  20. I bought my wife of two months a Sig P238 Purple. Haven’t actually given it to her yet (that happens sometime this week). I arrived at it because she wanted to go to the range for her birthday before we got married, and I took the opportunity to have her try out a slew of .380’s. She far and away both enjoyed shooting and shot the best the P238. Next day while meeting my folks at Cabelas, saw a Purple, and she thought it looked awesome.

    I love that my wife has the same tastes in guns as me (I have a P226 Elite Dark and P239 SAS), but hate that her tastes are expensive 🙂

    Oh, and I bought her a gun not so much for self defense (though that’s part of it), but to get her more into shooting, so that way down the road it’s easier to justify buying more guns (my next project is finishing a lightweight 14.7″ pencil barreled AR15 with teal tiger stripes for her…).

  21. this will mostly fall on deaf ears. a lot of people in the gun community, especially senior men, seem to think ONLY they know what they are talking about and THEREFORE, you are always wrong AND stupid if you don’t do EXACTLY what they do. I can not believe how many of these old timers STILL go around propagating ” semi auto’s are unreliable, you need a wheel gun they never fail ”
    then go about telling everyone the gun they should buy, if they want ” a good one”.

  22. I made that mistake once. She hated it. Years later I finally located a CZ Compact that I fell in love with. She shot it once and declared it hers and offered up her previous gift as fair trade. I’ve replaced that CZ and she’s happier than ever(even begs to go to the range now) with her new toy.

  23. “And don’t forget the straw purchase laws. You should never purchase a gun for anyone other than yourself. It’s not just our opinion — it’s a federal decision upheld by the Supreme Court.”

    Actually, yes, that is just your opinion that you should never purchase a gun for anyone else. You’re shifting the definition of “purchase” from simply making the counter purchase, to making that purchase on behalf of someone else who is really the one buying the firearm in the overall chain of agreements and actions.

    There is no federal law against buying a gun as a gift, only for buying a gun as someone else’ s agent. That’s not to say there aren’t risks, though.

    Some states require background checks for private transfers, which must go through an FFL. There’s also the risk that the recipient is a prohibited possessor, which you could be held accountable for knowing. So it may not be a good idea to buy a gun as a gift, but it is not, in itself, agaist the law.

  24. You guys are looking at this all wrong. I’ve been buying my wife all the guns I want in the locker, KNOWING, she doesn’t like to shoot or want to carry a gun. I’m buying them for her! If she doesn’t want them…well, it’s the thought that counts 😉

  25. Attention women reading this!

    You can and should, at least once, by the man in your life a gun. If he already has one he will gladly take more. If you are not sue what to get just take him driving one day and tell him you are going to your local shop where he can pick out a gun of his choice 🙂

  26. I don’t know what nanny state drivel spurred on this “one size fits all women” article but my girlfriend AND my mother would completely dismiss the writer as a nutter.

    I’m into shooting, they expressed interest in shooting so they got their own .38 special revolvers to learn with and keep through the learning process.

    My girlfriend is proficient, safe and content because she “just doesn’t like pistols”(she tried many) but WOE is the person who tries to take her revolver. SHE made the decision to stick there and practice mostly with that revolver because she’s an adult. She wanted to be trained and experienced in HOW but EDC doesn’t interest her in the slightest so she ASKED for her own rifle. Happy wife(or GF), Happy life… so she got that too. Break barrel single shot Rossi with .22 and .410 barrels that she calls “baby”…. Then she wanted a bolt action so she got an accurized Norinco(CZ clone) and she’s a crack shot with the thing.

    My mother took to shooting her revolver and ALSO wanted a small semi with a laser. What momma wants, momma gets. My sister who lives in Commifornia HATED that part(he he). She still doesn’t feel comfortable enough to EDC but she’s working toward that goal at HER pace and likes to bring both guns up to shoot.

    The moral of the story here is that HAD I listened to a shortsighted, singularly minded article like this there would be 2 less empowered, educated women in this world that are able to defend THEMSELVES in the most effective way at their disposal. Not only that but the time I spent with each of them is worth MUCH more than the entry price. They took drastically different paths of their own choosing but both ended up much safer for it in my opinion.

  27. Who’s that badass bitch in the picture though? She looks like she would destroy any guy in a fight. I definitely wouldn’t give her a gun. My wife though? Yes, I want her to be safe.

  28. I went to three different guns stores last weekend and in all three, some guy was looking to buy their wife a handgun. In all three, the guy in the counter asked if the wife was there and told they guy they probably want to bring their wife in to test the gun out and see how they like it, not how the husband likes it. Each guy kind of sat there for a sec before responding with an affirmative. I was all ready to buy my wife whatever gun she wanted. I had her test all if mine and the inky one she could manipulate without issue was the M&P 22. Now a lot of people would say it’s not enough gun, but it’s better than nothing plus, if she can’t rack the slide, a larger caliber would be worthless.

  29. Wife shot my Mossy 930. Hers now. She shot my Ruger 10/22. Hers now. Found a JRC in 9mm, Glock mag version. I got to shoot it once. Hers now. Shot my PMR, fincky thing that it is. Hers now. Decided to go from her M&P (9mm, both compact and full size) to a Ruger 1911 in 9mm (the new lightweight Commander version). Needs a 1911 22 for practice. My SIG Sauer 1911-22? Now hers.

    See a pattern here?

    At least I know she’ll leave my 22 Sturmgewehr alone. At 10 pounds it’s to heavy for her. And she doesn’t like 357 recoil so my Wiley Clapp Ruger is safe as are my ARs.

    Guys, a wife who shoots ist sehr wunderbar! Right up until she starts appropriating your guns. But I would not trade her for anything!

  30. I agree with what the article is implying. Here in Commieforina, I couldn’t buy my wife a gun if I wanted to anyway. The important part of owning a handgun is, are you comfortable with shooting it, it feels good in your hand. Before a purchase is made, take her to a range that has an assortment of handguns for her to try out. You may be surprised at what she likes, and what you would have picked out!!!

  31. ABOUT THE WHOLE STRAW PURCHASE THING… Actually there is a subtext on the paper form that most gun dealers never even read. It states that you can buy the guy for another person so long as it is a gift and said person is not prohibited from owning a firearm. This is the reason you can buy guns and give them to your children as their own. Straw purchasing only applies to someone requesting you to by a gift for them, with their money. If bought as a gift, you are still considered the end user/actual purchaser…

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