TTAG’s running our Show Us Your Favorite Round Contest with all kinds of prizes for you aspiring photogs out there. All you have to do is shoot your favorite round (with a camera) along with the gun that fires it send it on in. Keep this cards and letter coming.
![My Favorite Round_1](https://ttagstaging.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/My-Favorite-Round_1.jpg)
![USFA .45 COLT_1](https://ttagstaging.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/USFA-.45-COLT_1.jpg)
“All you have to do is shoot your favorite round (with a camera)”
I can’t shoot my favorite round with a camera because it only works with guns.
You need a new camera. My Nikon is chambered in .357.
Since when does something in .30 cal qualify as ‘BFG’?
(I mean, really, ‘BFG’ ought to *start* at .50…)
First, it’s a .35 caliber, not a .30. Second, BF doesn’t mean what you think it means. They are the initials of the gunsmith that developed the cartridge. It’s a wildcat based on the .25 WSSM
Ahhhh, So….
Duh, me.
Seeing a gun and ‘BFG’ and making assumptions…
45acp, everything else is for girly men.
Suck it.
“45acp, everything else is for girly men.”
.30-06, .300 win mag, .50BMG… All p*ssy rounds compared to the venerable .45acp, huh?
“Suck it.”
If you insist, but only under 2 conditions 1) you gotta get me drunk and 2) you can’t use teeth.
Those rounds only kill the body… 45acp kills the soul.
I agree. See above.
Emailed my reloaded entry in. Gotta have a hobby. 🙂
.44 Remington magnum. I can roll ammo to about 44 Russian pressures for plunking, or I can go balls out with a 265 he hard cast semiwadcutter at 1450 FPS for poking holes all they way through a bison. Or anything in between. Nothing is more versatile.
I load up something similar, a 265 gr. WLFN from True Shot on top of H110 that moves 1460 from the barrel. The major difference, it is for my Ruger .41 mag. Shoots flat and VERY accurate. 6 inch groups at 100 yards with iron sights the first time out with this load. I will try to improve next time out.
.40, because is qualifies as “major.” And it’s not much more expensive than 9mm. And controlling the recoil with the “minor” guys really pisses them off.
It’s nice to see a good old-fashioned .30-30 in there. Represent!
“MS,” that’s an interesting cartridge you carry; I’ve never seen it before. Where did you first learn of it and what made you decide to make it your EDC? On another note, I’m not a big fan of coloring my firearms, but the green lettering contrasts nicely with an otherwise solid black pistol.
I first saw it on Ruger’s website, then after researching it quite a bit finally saw it at my LGS. They had just received it and let me have a couple boxes to try out. I really liked how it performed so bought some more and kept testing it. Satisfied with the results and being as lightweight as it is (118gr .45), it’s nice to carry. My understanding is it’s the Polycase Inceptor, rebranded. Coloring was just for kicks and distracts from the “grip zone” 🙂
I’ve got to admit that I don’t have a favorite round contest.