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SIG Sauer HQ Move Brings Out the Crazies

SIG’s been located in Exeter, New Hampshire for decades. They have over 500 people in their current facility and, like just about every gun maker, business is booming. As a result, they’re busting at the seams and looking to expand. So they’ve just inked a deal to move to a facility in nearby Newington which will triple their space. SIG projects the move will allow them to expand production capacity and they figure they’ll increase their workforce by almost 20% in the next few years. Only one problem: SIG makes guns. Which makes the move and any new jobs that may result illegitimate . . .

At least it does in the eyes of a few local protesters. From

Anti-war protesters expressed opposition to small-arms manufacturer SIG Sauer coming to the Pease International Tradeport, and Planning Board members raised questions about their role in approving the sublease at their Monday night meeting.

Residents from Portsmouth, Rye, Durham and Eliot, Maine, attended the meeting to protest SIG Sauer’s impending move from Exeter to the former Celestica building at 72 Pease Blvd. They held up signs bearing messages such as “No Gun Can Make Peace” and “Military Mom Sez No More,” and spoke against the business, which supplies weapons to military organizations around the world.

You’d think, given general economic conditions, that a thriving business with good prospects and plans for new jobs would be a good thing. But you’d be wrong.

“Weapons mean bullets, and bullets mean dead,” said Durham resident Robin Miller, who questioned whether SIG Sauer was the right kind of industry for the area.

Obviously, there are good jobs and then there are bad jobs. Working at SIG is evidently beyond the pale. Robin doesn’t want merchants of death in her area.

Ben Chichester of Rye asked whether a SIG Sauer rifle was used in the recent killing of 16 Afghan villagers, allegedly committed by a U.S. Army sergeant.

Good question, Ben. Because if the Army sergeant who went wack-o used a SIG rifle (he didn’t) to kill innocent Afghans, then obviously the company shouldn’t be allowed to re-locate its operations. It’s hard to argue with undeniable logic like that.

Cooler, more level heads prevailed, however, and SIG got the approval it needs to complete lease negotiations for its new facilities. Department of Resources and Economic Development Commissioner George Bald managed to keep things in perspective:

Bald said keeping SIG Sauer in New Hampshire is important, because he knows of several other states that have courted the company over the years.

“There are 49 other states who would love to get what we have here in New Hampshire with SIG,” he said. “I think this is good for the company, but it’s also really good for Pease to have that signature name right when you come in to Pease.”


49 thoughts on “SIG Sauer HQ Move Brings Out the Crazies”

  1. bullets mean dead

    I guess all of mine are defective. Well, as defective as the brains of those morons.

    The protests are not an indication of pacifism, leftism or any other ism. The phenomenon is known as “not in my backyard, or “NIMBY” for short, which is a mental defect commonly found throughout New England.

    Grouch Marx once sang, “whatever it is, I’m against it.” NIMBY is like that, only stupider.

    • “I guess all of mine are defective. Well as defective as the brains of those morons.”

      Not true at all.
      Your bullets have the potential for future use.

    • *“Weapons mean bullets, and bullets mean dead,” said Durham resident Robin Miller’s pre-kindergartener when asked for comment*


  2. Damn. Would’ve loved to have them down here in FL. Although with their decline in quality control, maybe not.

    • Sig come on down to Florida! Colt is on it’s way. You can help lead a revolution of firearm manufactures entering Florida. Friendly atmosphere, pleasant weather and great tax incentives for corporations. Please respond to the office of Rick Scott.

  3. Interesting that this community is in such an uproar over a mere firearm company.After all, liquor plants, banks, and car factories produce products which inflict or cause the deaths of millions collectively, and nary a word is stated.

    One wonders why.

    • I think it’s important to make the distinction between this “community” of professed gun haters and the rest of the formal Community of Newington, NH; the majority of whom probably either support the move or don’t care either way. As the article states, SIG did end up getting past at least this first hurdle in the zoning process…

  4. The Pease International Tradeport is located at the former Pease US Air Force Base, from which F-111 bombers flew. I guess SIG is much more deadly than a swing-wing supersonic bomber capable of delivering nuclear weapons.

  5. Why would folks from Maine care about a gun manufacturer relocating from one NH town to another NH town? OK, I took a little time to poke around and apparently the number of protesters was small and not even mentioned in some reports.

    • Find a libbie enough report on the dang thing and they’ll have seen a “swarm” of protestors of every race, religion and gender.

    • But then a big old “interesting” story on TTAG wouldn’t be possible without 3 or 4 protestors.

  6. What happened to “Live free or die” or “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth”? Those people are idiots..

  7. I wonder how many of the “protestors” were actual residents of the area. I’ve seen quite a bit of paid protesting in recent decades where the participants were literally bused in from out of state.

  8. All of these protests against businesses make me question the sanity of the protestors… Protests are for policymakers. Businesses answer to money.

    It reminds me of a lady who approached my wife and asked her to sign a petition to keep Nordstrom from moving from our mall. My wife, who studied business in college, asked if there was any sort of obligation to shop at Nordstrom or any attempt to recruit more business for them. Nope. Guess what? Nordstrom moved.

    Want to protest against Sig? Don’t buy a Sig. If nobody purchases from them after they move, they’ll move back. Why would any major corporation answer to petitions or signs if they’re not attached to sales?

  9. About 20 seconds of internet research could have informed that idiot that SIG does not make rifles for the US military. Also, I thought people from NH liked guns.

  10. This what happens when you let Liberals take over. They will tell you whats good for this country and what is not. I have been meaning to buy a SIG for a while.

    • Get an SP2022. It’s amazing and underpriced. Comes in 9mm/.40/.357 Sig. I love mine and take every chance to recommend it.

  11. “Weapons mean bullets, and bullets mean dead,” said Durham resident Robin Miller. “Me no talk good,” she added.

  12. I remember during the Vietnam War that the Anti-War protesters said not to buy Wonder Bread as it was owned by ITT and was part of the military industrial complex. I am sure that Wonder Bread was vital to the war effort in South East Asia.
    The protesters at the SIG hearing makes about as much sense as banning Wonder Bread.

  13. NH participates in a refugee program, where we take in people from underdeveloped parts of the world that are going down the tubes. Apparently this group was taken in from Massachusetts.

    One of the problems with these people is that they don’t speak the language. Of logic.

  14. NH also has annoying protestors of an anarchist bent — open carry is one of their favorite provocations and they videotape *everything.* Check ’em out:

  15. If NH doesn’t want them send them my way. Sorry, wishful thinking. I forgot the corrupt politicians in Joisy don’t want legitamate guns here.

  16. “Weapons mean bullets, and bullets mean dead,”…..WOW …. what finishing school did you attend again ???

    • That’s the reason he’s out protesting rather than working. You can’t even get a job at McDonald’s with grammatical skills like that.

  17. Lots of states would welcome the jobs that come with large gun manufacturers. If they’re already ready to move…

  18. As a NH resident I can say that the majority opinion of those I’ve spoken with (most of them non-gun folks) is that SIG is a great company and we are thrilled that they are expanding in our state.

  19. Hey, Sig, come on down here to Florida. We love our guns and our gun manufacturers…and businesses in general.

    Heck, you might be able to bum a ride from Colt when they head down here.

    I’ll bring you some cookies as a housewarming present!

  20. I’m sorry, Dan, but I have to give you a -10 for not working “Pease” into the post title.

    C’mon, man, you can do better than that!

    “Sig brings War to Pease”
    “Protesters to Sig: Don’t give Pease a chance”
    “Sig: No Love in Pease”

    And that’s right off the top of my head.

    In all seriousness, it surprises me how many gun companies are located in states that are extremely hostile to gun ownership. I understand that in many cases, the companies (Colt, S&W, Mossberg) have long and historic ties to the region that pre-date current politics, but in this case, Sig chose to locate itself there in modern times.

    Why they didn’t choose a more gun-friendly place (as Glock did by locating their offices in GA) is baffling to me.

    • NH is actually a pretty easy place to be a gun lover; “Live Free or Die” is on our license plates and in many ways it still retains some serious meaning.

  21. Newington is only about 15 miles north of the Massachusetts state line. I believe the stupid just sort of wafts northward.

  22. Idaho! Move to Idaho! We have an 81% Republican legislature, ALL of our elected state officials are Republican, and we REALLY like guns, hunting, and gun manufacturers!

  23. Hey, I’m curious about something: When foreign companies set up a HQ in the states, do they manufacture them here? IOW, was my Glock made in GA or in Austria? I know Beretta had to build a factory in MD to make the M9, but that was because it was going to the military. I suppose Sig must have to do the same thing since they make/made the M11 (P226? 228?) for the military as well.

    And to descend further into pedantry, what does “manufacture here” mean? If they assemble foreign-made parts on US soil is it considered to be “manufactured” in the US? Or do some percentage of the individual parts have to actually be forged, milled, cast, etc, in the US?

  24. Manufacturing jobs are much needed here and everywhere. Firearms are enjoyed by many for sport and collection. Even many Democrats are avid hunters, target shooters and collectors of historical guns. Anyone who loves the US Constitution and who cherish all its provisions including the Second Amendment can appreciate the significance of this business expansion. To all you liberal, politically correct folks with no experience and a hatred for what you don’t understand; Get some approved training in gun safety and instruction in shooting sports. You will learn how much fun and how historically relevant American firearms can be. God Bless America!

  25. I my self will be looking for a job in 2013. I have fought for my country to be free, for over 8 years. I fix weapons for the Military. I would love to live on the coast. Bring the Jobs.

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