Upon our arrival in Vegas for SHOT Show 2017, Sig Sauer was nice enough to host various members of the TTAG crew for the day at the Clark County shooting complex. Among the various products they had on display, I spotted their new and improved rimfire silencer.

Followers of the Sig universe will no doubt remember that Sig already has a rimfire silencer in the SRD22. That silencer used an aluminum tube, 17-4 stainless baffles, and was a somewhat porky 1.25 inches in diameter with the weight (7.7 oz) to go along.

The new and improved SRD22X sees a reduction in diameter down to 1 inch, small enough to clear standard iron sights on your favorite rimfire pistol. Sig has also moved to using a Grade 9 titanium outer tube. Both of these contribute to the SRD22 series shedding enough weight to get down to a hair over 5 oz. Initial metering tests indicate that the SRD22X comes in around 110 dB with subsonic ammo out of a sixteen inch rifle. Like its predecessor, the X model is still rated for .22 Win Mag and .17 HMR.

Sig has also moved to a shielded baffle stack system that they feel makes maintenance on dirty rifle cans quite a bit easier. The product manager I spoke with indicated that he’d recently gone 2000 rounds between cleanings, and easily pushed the entire stack out one end with his thumb upon disassembly. Speaking of, Sig includes the special wrench necessary to remove the end cap and the rear mounts. They also include both 1/2-28 and M9x.75mm end caps for your rimfire host of choice.

Out on the Clark County Range, I found the SRD22X to be a great companion for the rimfire pistols they had on display. There was little to no first round pop, and I had no problem shooting without my ear protection using standard velocity ammo.

The SRD22X is currently getting Form 3’d to dealers and will be listed at an MSRP of $495, $100 more than its predecessor.



  1. Seem to be a lot of “new” silencers coming out now that the Trump administration has been talking of lifting the NFA restriction.
    Guess that answers the question about it being too expensive to start gearing up early.
    Prices should keep dropping like a rock, especially once the market opens wide.

  2. I’m buying a .22 in about 6 months. I might buy one of these about 18 months from now…

  3. Nice nice nice! I bought a threaded barrel Ruger SR22 for the express purpose of having a suppressor. However, plunking down that $200.00 tax then waiting who knows how long just didn’t work for me. This HPA is as close to being exciting as it can be. Not as close as watching election night coverage, that was truly exciting and I don’t get excited about anything. Now we can wait until the Hearing Protection Act bill is signed and prices to drop as we all know they will, and soon enough reviews will come out so we can all make the best informed purchase on a new can. How cool is that? I’d also like to get a can for my AK. It has the threaded barrel so why not? A suppressor sticking out with the bayonet attached? that has to look wicked and the best part, functional!!! Nothing better than boys and their toys.
    There is that old saying, he who dies with the most toys…WINS! Not sure I agree with it, but heck, you only go around once.

    • HPA, if/when it passes, will refund the $200 stamp. Will prices come down if HPA passes – maybe. Supply and demand might say that price may go up for a time if it passes. Bottom line, you don’t have a lot to lose by getting a suppressor today, versus in a month; except that it’s an extra month that you’d have to wait for your stamp.

      As far as a suppressor on an AK.. There are combinations that work.. However, if you have an inexpensive AK, your threads may not be concentric to the bore, which would result in a warrenty repair for a baffle strike or worse. There are suppressors specifically designed with larger baffle hole diameters to account for this, however.

      • It will only be refunded if it has been paid but the application is still being processed. People who have their tax stamp are burnt.
        As far as my AK, it’s a high quality rifle, although that doesn’t guarantee anything. I’m aware of the potential problem. It’s an Arsenal SAM7R which is the Bulgarian milled line of AKs.

      • After checking again, it looks like the provision in the HPA is the $200 will be refunded if it was acquired after a certain date in 2015. I’m in error.
        I’m still waiting though. I’m not spending that money and not have it in my hand right then.

      • I was looking at the Ruger suppressors. I’d consider any suppressor as long as it wasn’t way out of line on price, but Rugers would be at the top of the list for choices.
        There was a YT video with Ruger showing off their suppressor at the 2016 shot show. I liked it a lot.

        I did put my thread attachment on my SR22 though after I wrote my first comment. I think I can wait though…I think I can, I think I can.
        I also just removed the flash suppressor from my SAM7R, examined the barrel, then took my micrometer and measured it. It’s consistent throughout the radius of the barrel. I figured it would be, but I’m not assuming anything. Destroying baffles with a bullet strike would really piss me off. I can pretty much ignore that possibility now.

  4. Great so just as all the SRD 22 cans are finally being approved they release gen 2….sounds like the MPX all over again. My SRD 22 has been in my hands since Jan 11 approval. 3000 rounds or less through it, cleaning every several hundreds rounds. Out of nowhere POI shift 12″ right and up at 7 yards. Tried 4 hosts, 6 different ammos. Now it’s being sent BACK to sig for 8 weeks repair…..maybe realize Sig isn’t in it to really really win it. kB left, as he always does, and I think SIG is gonna drop the suppressor line pretty quick.

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