Black Lives Matter
(AP Photo/Christian Monterrosa)

Federal and state laws prohibit the mentally incapacitated from possessing firearms. But mental competence must be certified by courts, boards or commissions, and this is where things fall apart. Given the large numbers of people suffering from mental health issues in this country, it is impossible to keep guns out the hands of all of them.

To make matters worse, a number of states, including my home state of Georgia, have relaxed their handgun policies to the point that individuals do not have to have a license to carry a weapon either openly or concealed. World Population Review lists 21 states with the most lenient gun laws. In the face of rising gun violence, these states justify their policies by citing the Second Amendment.

We need a better understanding of this amendment, but we also must have a better solution to the rise of violent crime other than merely increasing police funding. Toward this end, it may be wise to take another look at some of the solutions proposed by the Black Lives Matter movement.

They advocate shifting some local-government resources to areas related to public safety but not policing per se. They and others suggest that communities need counselors, mediators and others who can help residents defuse conflict and resolve differences peacefully. Also, all of us, particularly young men, need a better understanding of the responsibilities of masculinity and of how to best protect our families. One cannot do that from inside a prison or, worse, from inside a coffin.

We must help young people, who are the ones most inclined to commit violent crimes, to obtain the skills to resolve conflicts peacefully and understand how sacred life is — theirs and others.

This will require shared responsibility from family, public officials and educators. To begin with, public officials should stop making it easier to obtain or carry a firearm. They need to bring back or keep intact gun registration laws and get rid of state-level policies like “stand your ground.” 

Local officials need to stop prioritizing the funding of police operations as crime continues to climb. Some of this funding needs to go toward mental health professionals, mediators, structured programming in recreation and workforce investment. It will take guts to change the paradigm of funding police first, but in the end it will save lives and make our communities safer.

— Jabari Simama in What We Need To Do About Guns and the Tragedies They Bring


    • The Left believes that ownership is criminal, and that muggers and armed robbers are just working to make the world a better place. It is good to remember that when they start talking about “fighting crime”.

    • We also need to keep funding Ukraine. I like to know that while I have changed my selection of groceries to cheaper products, we are still giving billions to Ukraine, for I guess, forever.

      And for your entertainment, watch President Zelenskyy do a dance for you. (Yes it’s really him.)

      • Ignorant leftist idiot – not a functioning brain cell left. His arguments are fallacious. Denying the true purpose of the Second Amendment is a lie. If one idea in an opinion is a lie then the whole is a lie.

  1. We must know different young men. The young men I spent time with when I was young must have been a very different crowd. Perhaps he’s really talking about a cultural phenomenon rather than all young men? Or, possibly, is he being racist? Inquiring minds want to know.

    • Give a farmer money, he expands his operations. Give a stockbroker money, he buys stocks. People do that.

      Stimulus checks followed by crime spike? Shocker!

      • Now do the Mexican cartels. What would they do with more money? According to the US Department of Homeland Security, their profits are up from $500 million in 2018 to $13 billion this year thanks to the Puppet Admin’s open border policies. We’ll be paying the price for that for years to come, no matter who’s in charge of the government.

        • Back in the day, if you had seemingly impossible problems with a neighboring country, one of the solutions available was universally understood; invade the country, eliminate all armed resistance, kill all bad actors, and forcibly take control of the government. That is looking like its going to be necessary with Mexico/cartels, not too long from now. That is the way the world worked for tens of thousands of years until AMERICA changed it. Perhaps it’s time to admit error. After, our military can counter further invasion from the south within Mexican territory, destroying their infrastructure, crops, economy, and communities instead of our own. Just sayin’.

  2. To fight diddlers we must defund anyone trying to stop diddlers and listen to NAMBLA.
    Oh, and leave your children with me. Alone. I’ll keep them safe.

    • RE: “Federal and state laws prohibit the mentally incapacitated from possessing firearms.”

      Sorta too bad Federal and state laws do not prohibit the mentally incapitated like the disgusting pompous pasty mouth poop for brains jabari simama from exercising free speech. Hurry up November 8, 2022.

    • quote————dacian October 18, 2022 At 08:21
      To fight diddlers we must defund anyone trying to stop diddlers and listen to NAMBLA.
      Oh, and leave your children with me. Alone. I’ll keep them safe.———–quote

      Tagged as another fake Dacian post

        • It means the fake Dacian is in real Dacian’s book for “special treatment” post revolution.

        • JWM, most of the posters on this site are not only in the book but are also marked for “special treatment”.

          It’s a badge of honor here to be added to lil’d’s book.

      • “Tagged as another fake Dacian post”

        Be sure to tag it as the funniest post of the day lil’d.

        Why you might ask?
        Because the funniest stuff ALWAYS has some truth to it.

  3. Easy, it is better to defund those who want the police defund. Let’s take their security funds and ban accounts and use it on law enforcement funding.

  4. “They advocate shifting some local-government resources to areas related to public safety but not policing per se. They and others suggest that communities need counselors, mediators and others who can help residents defuse conflict and resolve differences peacefully. Also, all of us, particularly young men, need a better understanding of the responsibilities of masculinity and of how to best protect our families. One cannot do that from inside a prison or, worse, from inside a coffin.

    We must help young people, who are the ones most inclined to commit violent crimes, to obtain the skills to resolve conflicts peacefully and understand how sacred life is — theirs and others.

    This will require shared responsibility from family, public officials and educators. ”

    Mhhhm is he (unknowingly) suggesting Christian ideals ? Too bad he’ll never realize it.

  5. So this guy proposes to double down on stuff that has been proven not to work and turn over lots of additional funding to an organization known to be corrupt at its very core. I am sure the BLM founders would love to have a couple of additional multi-million dollar mansions each, after all Big Lovely Mansions is what they really stand for!

    • What is he waiting for? Since he has all the answers, I guess he just needs the white man to teach him how to accomplish, well, anything.

  6. Toward this end, it may be wise to take another look at some of the solutions proposed by the Black Lives Matter movement.

    I like their solutions: Simply unite a group of minority people, incite them to riot, loot, burn businesses, engage in assault and murder, get millions in “donations” from big corporations, buy a few multi-million dollar properties and get the hell away from the low life rioters, looters and killers… Sounds like a solid business plan to me.

  7. ●”Given the large numbers of people suffering from mental health issues in this country”.
    Mr. Simama appears to be one of these “people” given the ideashe advocates for(see below).
    ●”We need a better understanding of this amendment”.
    I believe Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has recently provided a clear holistic understanding of the 2nd Amendment.
    ●”it may be wise to take another look at some of the solutions proposed by the Black Lives Matter movement.”
    This is a dubious conclusion given the results of just limited implementation of BLM solutions and their destructive impact on communities.
    ●”Also, all of us, particularly young men, need a better understanding of the responsibilities of masculinity and of how to best protect our families.”
    This would normally be handled by a ‘father figure’ except that is missing from Simama’s demographic.

    Jabari Simama is stuck in the BS rhetoric of two years ago.

  8. This would normally be handled by a ‘father figure’

    Democrats replaced “father figure” with welfare and food stamps in the 60s, LBJ may have been a tad shortsighted in his “next 100 years” comment though, but to be fair he could not foresee things like “The Squad”, Obummer and Braindead Brandon destroying the economy and the Democrat party.

    • And what is their solution to the fallout from replacing the father with Big Daddy Government? More Big Daddy Government doing the job traditionally done by the family:

      “counselors, mediators and others who can help residents defuse conflict and resolve differences peacefully.”

      “need a better understanding of the responsibilities of masculinity”

      “We must help young people, who are the ones most inclined to commit violent crimes, to obtain the skills to resolve conflicts peacefully and understand how sacred life is — theirs and others.”

      And what does the Marxist BLM organization have to say about this???

      We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable”

      Notice they don’t mention the father!!

      • Blacks would like Father’s Day to go the way of what the Indigenous people did with Columbus Day.

      • Notice they don’t mention the father!!

        Yeah, they are totally against the “nuclear” family, no room for daddy in their plan, that “toxic” masculinity and all… They must have been watching a National Geographic documentary about lions while they were forming their precepts. The male comes in, breeds with all the females then leaves remaining on the perimeter til it’s time to go again…

      • “And what is their solution to the fallout from replacing the father […]?”

        Real fallout. Plus famine and pestilence. Not necessarily in that order.

    • “…normally be handled…”

      Yes, this was my thought also. It’s difficult to replace the benefits of having a traditional family. It certainly can’t be duplicated with gov’t assistance and/or programs.

  9. [Halting the recent rise in violent crime] will require shared responsibility from family, public officials and educators. To begin with, public officials should stop making it easier to obtain or carry a firearm.

    Don’t you love it when people contradict themselves?

    Notice the contradiction:

    “We need everyone to be more responsible.”

    “People are not responsible so we should ban firearms.”

    Which is it?

    This is what happens when emotion has the final say in a person’s mind. Such a person’s positions do not have to make sense, do not have to be internally consistent, and do not have to comport with reality.

    • “[Halting the recent rise in violent crime] will require shared responsibility from family, public officials and educators.”

      I like his idea of “shared responsibility”, it’s why I carry.

      I’m simply doing my part of reducing the need to rely on expensive law enforcement services by dissuading a potential grand theft auto incident from happening in the first place, simply by mentioning to the thug that stealing my ride will not happen passively.

      I’m pro-choice. It’s his choice whether or not he’s injured… 🙂

      • That’s both pro-life (yours) and pro-choice (he decides on his own post-delivery retroactive abortion)….seems like a compromise I can endorse.

    • Both! No, neither! I dunno…pick one. My head hurts from all of the flip-flopping amid mental gymnastics.

      • That’s deliberate, the flip-flopping. It’s the way a politician can speak, without actually saying something that can haunt them later, because they can point back at their earlier statement as to what they really meant…

    • And other laws concerning narcotics possession and dealing, aggravated assault, murder, etc.

      Although lil’d would say I’m racist for negatively referring to their cultural heritage.

  10. A quick google revealed Jabari Simima is a 71 year ultra left black fellow. A true believer in BlackLootersMurder. And a loon…

    • He went after a Democrat in Georgia for having the audacity to support charter schools and giving parents the power to fire a school principle. He’s an establishment defender.

  11. “They and others suggest that communities need counselors, mediators and others who can help residents defuse conflict and resolve differences peacefully.”

    I can see it now –

    How exactly do you de-fuse a carjacking attempt? Send someone to mediate?

    What compromise is appropriate? What solution exists where everybody wins?

    How these Leftist Scum ™ process thought utterly baffles me… 🙁

  12. BLM is the biggest lie ever shoved down the throats of the American public. People should watch this movie > The Greatest Lie Ever Sold: George Floyd and the Rise of BLM >

    Its exposing BLM for what it really is, a scam using violence and lies and intimidation and duping the black community and the public. Especially listen to the last half of it where she starts detailing where the money goes that people contribute to BLM.

  13. ANOTHER 2A WIN: State Court Rules for GUN OWNER applying Unconstitutional Conditions Doctrine >

    A state court in Tennessee ruled that a man living in public housing could not be evicted for violating a No Weapons Allowed clause in his lease because this violated the Unconstitutional Conditions Doctrine. Sensitive places also discussed.

  14. This is a great example of someone that has everything so twisted, upside down, and backwards that they cannot see the forest through the trees.

    “But mental competence must be certified by courts, boards or commissions, and this is where things fall apart.”

    Of course this is where things fall apart. Mental competence is NOT something to certify. Otherwise NO ONE would be competent to do or have anything anything at all (much less guns). It’s ‘mental INcompetence’ that must be certified.

    “Given the large numbers of people suffering from mental health issues in this country, it is impossible to keep guns out the hands of all of them.”

    This is part of the problem with Liberalism. The left is making people crazy and helping to create mental problems. They will infact push for drug use, abuse of children, and murder without consequences. It is the liberal Democrat left that is the source of so many lies and twisted truths that the language itself is suffering damage beyond belief.

    “We need a better understanding of this amendment, but we also must have a better solution to the rise of violent crime other than merely increasing police funding. Toward this end, it may be wise to take another look at some of the solutions proposed by the Black Lives Matter movement.”

    You don’t understand the 2nd Amendment because you believe the lies of the left without question. You CANNOT find the solution to violent crime without policing and locking up offenders. Releasing them back into the population just means more violence. If you think BLM is going to save you then you also apparently don’t understand what BLM actually is.

    “In the face of rising gun violence, these states justify their policies by citing the Second Amendment.”

    We actually do have state leadership that understands that people DO have rights. But then we have far too many people in power that don’t care enough to lockup criminals and keep them locked up.

    “Also, all of us, particularly young men, need a better understanding of the responsibilities of masculinity and of how to best protect our families. One cannot do that from inside a prison or, worse, from inside a coffin.”

    Far too many young men have become seriously confused by the mixed messages of thleft, generations of politicians, and drug/gang violence that the concept of toxic masculinity has made mice of men. Boys are convinced at an early age that they are worthless and become evil as they grow into manhood. The left has been quite successful at destroying mean. Especially black men. Black women even sing songs asking where their soldiers have gone. Well, it’s because the black race in America is so tied to the hip of Democrats.

    They need to bring back or keep intact gun registration laws and get rid of state-level policies like “stand your ground.”

    So you think you can fix the worlds problems by do something illegal and simultaneously making everyone weaker? This is part of the confused message from the Democrat left that makes men reject any responsibility for themselves and their family.

    “Local officials need to stop prioritizing the funding of police operations as crime continues to climb.”

    So your solution is to just let criminals do what they want without consequences?

    “It will take guts to change the paradigm…”

    Yes it will for sure! But that will NEVER be found on the left!

    • You’d be better served to analyze the manipulative tricks contained within the piece than to rebut the claims with pure fact. The latter only preaches to the choir and fails to move the needle at all.

      In doing such an exercise you’d find not just the factual but also the rhetorical, psychological and appeal weaknesses of their thesis and be much better able to counter this argument were you forced to do so in public.

      • I often feel like I am preaching to the choir. Like TTAG is just another echo chamber. It’s one of the several reasons I might not comment on an article at all. Truthfully, I really don’t like writing such a longer winded response to something anyway.

        • “Like TTAG is just another echo chamber.”

          You feel/think that because an echo chamber is what it has become. Well, that, and an outlet for ads to convince you to buy shit you don’t need. (Hardly surprising after the acquisition).

          Was it always that way? No. Does it have to remain so? Obviously not.

          It would, purely IMHO, be a good idea to consider the 2A in a wider context of liberty overall, which, so far as I can tell the comment section doesn’t much care for.

          There’s no problem with discussing old guns, new guns, accessories and tactics but it really shouldn’t be all that is done, and TTAG does run some good political and articles that, sadly, when they get attention tend to draw it in the wrong light. Something, something about walking while chewing flavored sticks of chewy shit…

          Most of the people here are obviously capable of multi-layered thinking. But they are self-deflatingly selective about engaging that capacity. They fail to see that there are a great many things afoot that would essentially, and by design, negate the 2A and which cannot be shot. Those things need to be confronted where they arise or the 2A will come to mean nothing. Those that say such cannot happen are clearly not paying attention or are actively working to deceive you. Which it is matters not if they manage to mislead.

          I find it sardonically amusing that I can post about emotional manipulation and its effect on a population and get pushback that this doesn’t work then drop a trollish comment a week later and the same people emote like hell at me over it without seeing the glaringly obvious point. Why so serious? I thought emotional manipulation didn’t work?

          That’s not because they’re stupid either, it’s far more complicated than that and it takes quite a bit of time to unravel. Slow and steady wins the race in this domain though. You simply can’t address problems you don’t see as existing. Why you don’t see them is immaterial.

          Now, if people would take the energy that the put into responding to our local NPCs and turn that to more productive pursuits…


          Which is all a long way of saying “grin and bear it” Prndll. You make good points.

          This is something I highly recommend that people take in small doses, and not just because it’s 4 hours long:

    • It isn’t that the upper echelon of the Left is wrong or misguided. There isn’t a debate of ideas. There’s only a struggle for power. Now their army of zombie sheep is another matter. Some are in it for team partisan. Others are just ignorant, misguided, or following the herd.

  15. Unfortunately, most of the mental defectives in this Country are the far Left most of whom are Democrats. They have no logic, common sense, ethics, morals, are hypocrites and basically very violent people. There is no match in American History for the civilian violence perpetrated in Blue Cities by Antifa and BLM for months and permitted by Democrat politicians. Their policies and fundamental incompetence are highly questionable. They care nothing about the average American person regardless of race, color, creed, or ethnic origin and manipulate issues surrounding those folks not because they care but because it may get them votes whether they deliver or not. Open borders, defunding the police, increase in violence and drug abuse (100,000 deaths this past year from drug overdoses) have increased violence and crime in this Country dramatically. I think that sums it up pretty well.

  16. Jabari Simama is a nobody. Politicians that were so into BLM and defunding the police are running from that position now. BLM is on a hiatus, just like before when they began assassinating the police. They’re still doing that, but the media isn’t reporting on it. They’ll bring BLM back when they’re needed. 2024 should be interesting.

    • Pretty much, it’s like the Olympics happens every 4 years. Watch March of 24, that’s when the MSM will start race baiting again.

    • “BLM is on a hiatus…”

      Well, they got their mansions, so what else do they need to do for now?

      You can only grift on one specific topic for so long at a time. This is why carnies move from town to town.

  17. Gosh, if a national terrorist and money laundering organisation like BLM think I should do a thing, I’m gonna do pretty much the opposite

  18. the joke being:
    more gun control
    listening to blm
    and defunding the police
    are the EXACT OPPOSITE
    of what needs to be done
    to fight crime
    it would be the same thing as saying:
    to fight fire
    one must add MORE heat
    MORE oxygen
    and MORE fuel

  19. Well written article and I agree 100% with it.

    The author should have included more training for police. In Germany cops get 3 years of intensive training which includes de-escalation, emergency medical aid, and when they can and cannot shoot someone. German Cops are under go psychological vetting before even being able to get a job as a cop.

    In Capitalvania any deraigned thug who walks in off the street is given a gun and sometimes with only 4 weeks training told to solve all problems including burned out tail light bulbs by shooting and killing someon.

    In 2012 German cops shot just 12 people while in Capitalvania where life is considered cheap and expendable the cops gunned down 1,200 people. Even a retarded penguin can understand that the U.S. is a barbaric and uncivilized country when it comes to letting thug cop kill at will.

      • He can’t. Ankle bracelet restricts movement. And Germany doesn’t allow “l3ftist agitators” as recognized occupation. They have enough of their own anyway.

    • So you must live in Germany and not the USA.
      Good for you. From the country that started 2 world wars and murdered/tortured so many millions of innocent civilians.

      • to Leigh

        Typical far right projection and the usual ignorance about all foreign countries. You people live in your own little myopic fantasy world.

        No, I do not live in Germany but unlike you I am educated enough to know much about their country and how most Germans would not want to live in the U.S. even if you paid them to move here. Ditto for almost all of the Western European Nations. Denmark laughed their ass off when Trump said he was thinking about letting more of them move here. They want nothing to do with the U.S. Do you think they would willing give up their socialist cradle to grave security to move to a lawless, violent and economic shit hole in the U.S. German and French laborers make triple time ($33.00 an hour in France) on Sunday compared to the part time minimum wage shit wages paid in the U.S. on Sunday.

        Germany has way less crime and homicides with firearms and their superior health care system has 6 tiers ranging from not joining at all to full coverage with amenities. No one in Germany goes bankrupt over health care unless they refuse to join the healthcare system.

        • Leigh commented about the fact Germany was complicit in 2 world wars, the holocaust and nothing about health care.

          Staying on topic is a sign of education and intelligence.

        • to Jack Booted Storm Trooper

          Yes it irks you to no end when you have to face the truth on how many European Countries are superior to live in compared to living in the hell hole of Capitalvia with its out of control mass murders and homicides and almost total lack of affordable health care or education.

          And if you want me to mention Leigh’s comment about German atrocities in WWII. There is an old saying “When you point the finger at someone you have 3 fingers pointed right back at your own jack booted country. The U.S. also is guilty of horrendous war crimes. We slaughtered 1 1/2 million civilians with the 1895 invasion of China and 3 million civilians in the 1899 invasion of the Philippine Islands and another 3 million Vietnamese Civilians in the Vietnam war. That surpases Germany’s murder of the 6 million Jews, Gypsies and political prisoners. Of course I could mention other U.S. wars of rape, pillage and conquest as well that pushed the civilian toll even higher.

          Now Jack booted Paratrooper let us see you try and lie your way out of this historical fact.

          As usual you are out of your league. Go back to school and study history.

        • Where do YOU get your information?
          The only thing that occurred in China in 1895 was the Sino-Japanese War. Those numbers are astounding…
          (3.22 million soldiers
          9.13 million civilians killed in crossfire
          8.4 million non-military casualties.
          Chinese sources claim ~35 million total casualties (most Western historians estimate at least 20 million).
          In addition, the war created 95 million refugees).
          But the only time the US (we) had a military presence in China was during the Boxer Rebellion which saw several thousand killed, mostly Chinese, German and Russian Christians slaughtered by the Boxers (Chinese nationalists).
          Dyslexic or liar? Philippine-American War 1899-1902
          The war resulted in at least 200,000 Phillippine civilian deaths, mostly due to famine and disease. Some estimates for total civilian dead reach up to a million. Atrocities were committed during the conflict by both sides, including torture, mutilation, and executions.
          Vietnam numbers:
          Lewy estimates that 40,000 South Vietnamese civilians were assassinated by the PAVN/VC; 300,000 were killed as a result of combat in South Vietnam, and 65,000 were killed in North Vietnam for a total of 405,000 killed. He further suggests that 222,000 civilians may have been counted as enemy military deaths by the U.S. in compiling its “body count” raising the total to 627,000 killed (way short of YOUR 3 MILLION). It was difficult to distinguish between civilians and military personnel in many instances as many individuals were part-time guerrillas or impressed laborers who did not wear uniforms. Walter Mead estimates that approximately 365,000 (hmmmmm missing a zero there) Vietnamese civilians to have died as a result of the war during the period of American involvement.
          Don’t know where you got your numbers, but it would appear your claim to be an “educated historian” is at best greatly exaggerated.

        • to Mad Man Max

          I mistyped it was 1899 and I was speaking of the Boxer Rebellion

          Also your causality figgures are pure Right Wing Hog Wash.

          Filipino sources list their casualties from the American Invasion at 3 million and since they were the ones being mass murdered by U.S. troops their figgures are probably much closer to the truth. U.S. Military sources naturally lied between their teeth about civilian casualties but their own U.S. troops sent letters home to their parents verifying mass torture and rape and murder of Filipino women and men which were printed in the major American Newspapers of the time. European news correspondents printed similar eye witness accounts of mass murder by U.S. troops.

          Vietnamese sources as well as European sources as well as American sources list Vietnams civilian causalities’ at 3 million.

          Of course the fanatical Far Right in a panic to cover up U.S. mass murder will argue numbers until the cows come home entirely missing the point and that point is that the U.S. committed civilian rape, torutre and murder just as the German Nazi’s did only the U.S. was doing it decades before the German did it.

          So you can play the numbers game all you want as to whether it was 3 million murdered or 2.9 million murdered because the 2.9 million makes you feel less guilty (but sane people see it differently)

        • Also your causality figgures are pure Right Wing Hog Wash.
          their figgures are probably much closer to the truth
          PROBABLY closer to the truth? Really? PROBABLY?

          And I say your numbers are anti-American bullshit. My numbers are ACTUAL deaths attributed to military activity your numbers (initially presented by you as DEATHS) attribute ALL civilian CASUALTIES (not just deaths) without consideration of injuries, assassinations and deaths caused by enemy activity. Now you use “casualties” to attack my numbers? You can’t change the parameters of the argument in mid-discussion (you are not as smart as you think you are). If you HATE being in America and enjoying all of the protections, benefits and freedoms afforded you then why the FUCK are you still here (I’ll answer that for you… FEAR). You are a left wing, anti-American POS and a bottom dwelling slug. Get out of the basement, get a job, find yourself a woman and get laid you’ll be a much happier individual than the pathetic, self-loathing cretin that you present on this site. OBTW: you misspelled FIGURES… Prime example of “educated” super intellectual, history genius?…

        • to Mad Max the liar

          I never said casualties I said mass murder and I stand by what I said.

          Also I forgot to mention that the mass murder in the Philippian Islands by U.S. troops was done on purpose to get the Filipino fighters to surrender before the various tribes became extinct which was the same tactics U.S. troops used when they slaughtered the American Indians.

          I remember fondly watching the movie “Little Big Man” starring Dustin Hoffman. At the end of the movie when the arrogant and cruel General Custer was gunned down everyone at the drive in cheered and blew their car horns. I said to myself “Finally Hollywood made a movie depicting the horrific mass murder of the American Indians” and showed what despicable people U.S. troops really were in those days.

        • You said: “Filipino sources list their casualties from the American Invasion at 3 million” That is CASUALTIES in your own fucking words after citing DEATHS in your original rant which was absolutely WRONG.
          You want to place blame for deaths in China, the Philippines and Viet Nam without acknowledging the actions of the Boxers who slaughtered thousands of Christians, the Filipino rebels who caused deaths of thousands by starvation, torture and assassination AND the fucking Vietnamese? The main reason my Company was sent to Hue City was to STOP the slaughter of Doctors, Businessmen, teachers and students by Uncle Ho’s NVA, yeah, I saw THAT shit and WHOLE fucking villages murdered by the goddamn VC because they leaned to the friendly side toward the US, If you weren’t there then shut the fuck up. Your Kommie bullshit is getting really tiring so Go Fuck Yourself you lying asshole. You want to bitch about how Indians were treated maybe you need to go back and take a look at what those poor innocent fucks did to settlers to attract the attention of the Army in the first place. You ARE a bona-fide piece of shit lying fuck

      • Fascist dacian can’t move there. Most countries won’t allow him in. We’re stuck with him in the US because he was born here.

  20. “Federal and state laws prohibit the mentally incapacitated from possessing firearms”

    I wonder if FJB still has a shotgun?

  21. Throw something back like: OK…we will register…but now we can legally own machine guns and suppressors…no tax stamps…no additional wait time. And in every state. No exceptions. See what the response is.

  22. So he is saying that many people are choosing abortion because they are not mentally competent as well…since there is no requirement to check for that.
    The same people are also on the road driving…preparing our food…building our infrastructure…voting…etc etc etc
    Might want to be careful. Who is going to set the standards?
    There may be a lot of minorities/POC/immigrants shut out of things.

  23. “We need a better understanding of this amendment, but we also must have a better solution to the rise of violent crime other than merely increasing police funding.”

    We understand the 2A, anyone with a 3rd grade reading comprehension can understand what it means.

    “Toward this end, it may be wise to take another look at some of the solutions proposed by the Black Lives Matter movement.”

    BLM contradicts what the actual people who live in crime ridden areas ask for. Where these urbanites asks for more police presence because of crime, BLM says send less. Does BLM really care about people or do they care about political power and the trappings of wealth they achieve with it?

  24. “But mental competence must be certified by courts, boards or commissions, and this is where things fall apart.”

    Facepalm inducing inversion by sentence two. Vying for the record, I guess.

    Also, in case you were wondering, war is peace and freedom is slavery.

    “Local officials need to stop prioritizing the funding of police operations as crime continues to climb. Some of this funding needs to go toward mental health professionals, mediators, structured programming in recreation and workforce investment.”

    Perhaps true. How about some details on execution? As Notorious B.I.G. famously asked “HOW are you gonna do it?”. As per usual, someone with a lot of repetitive vowels in their name throws out vague non-solutions due to a lack of detail and somehow gets [mis]taken for a serious actor.

    Why, one might ask, is it that such names tend to have some level of “expert” credentials in crime fighting or social-ill reduction attached to them by default? It’s like that whole “White Jesus” argument, as if some level of exotic is a stand-in for competence.

  25. “We need a better understanding of this amendment”

    lol it’s less than thirty words. Somehow I don’t think the author is looking for “understanding”

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