police crime scene
(Jose Carlos Fajardo/Bay Area News Group via AP)
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One of the most common strategies used by the political left to attack 2nd Amendment supporters is to ramp up the anti-gun hype every time a crime involving a gun is committed. They don’t care much about the tragedy itself, they only care about how they can use it for political gain. However, it’s very important to understand that this is not only about removing gun rights for leftists – It’s also about creating a false association in the public consciousness that guns = crime.

That is to say, they want to condition people to believe that once guns are gone, crime and murder will be gone also. But, firearms have been an integral part of American society for hundreds of years, and gun ownership has been present through times of relative peace as well as times of increased violence.

In the case of countries like the UK with incredibly strict gun laws, muggings, rape and homicides have been rising with knife attacks in particular increasing by 80%. While it is technically more difficult to murder a person with a knife, it’s also a lot easier for larger, stronger assailants and gangs to succeed in harming people when those people have no equalizer. Disarmament makes life EASIER for criminals, not harder.

So, if guns are not the catalyst for rising violence, then what is? In reality, the very people who want guns taken from the hands of law abiding Americans are the same people largely responsible for the spike in homicide rates. Imagine that…

In the US, violent crimes and murders are exponentially higher in Democrat run cities, many of them with increased gun control measures. In fact, of the top 30 most violent cities in the US, 27 of them are Democrat controlled. Wherever leftists dominate politically, violence, theft, rape and murder are sure to follow. Anti-gun proponents often try to cite high homicide numbers in certain conservative states like Texas, but the majority of those crimes are actually committed in cities run by leftists.

The truth is, blue cities are dragging red states and the rest of the country down. According to the statistics, in theory, if the public was to replace all Democrat city politicians with conservative leadership murder rates would immediately plunge across the US by virtue of policy.

But what is it specifically about Democrat leadership that leads to far higher crime? There are other trends to consider, such as incarceration rates in any given state or county, severity of punishment for violent crimes and repeat offenders, and let’s not forget a subject a lot of people don’t want to talk about – The separation of the mentally ill from the rest of society. Leftists often support revolving door policies for criminals, reduced sentences for violent crime (if the perpetrator is a minority) and they are adamantly opposed to incarceration for those with dangerous mental illness.

They’re happy to take away the 2nd Amendment rights of innocent Americans, but they have no interest in keeping criminals in prison or keeping mentally unstable people away from normal society. Perhaps because their goal is NOT to reduce violence, but to use exponential violence in society as a reason to erode the constitution.

— Brandon Smith in How To Solve Violence In The US? Remove Democrat Run Cities And Bring Back Asylums

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    • Gun Control is Evil. History Confirms It. History warns us about it.

      Public view? Gun Control is Good. Guns are Evil.

      Unfortuately the anti-gun media drives public opinion, etc. On the other hand when it comes to Defining Gun Control it is Gun Control History illiterate zipped lipped Gun Owners who hold the door open for the media to drive Public Opinion.

      Until Gun Control is defined according to its History of Rot the uninformed public will always be under the assumption Gun Control is Good.

  1. I’ve oosted several times that the democrat/communists NEED mass shootings to manipulate the sheeple into believing that confiscation is necessary “for the greater good”.

    • Yea the “mass shootings” thing is a real bonus for the left’s policy pushin. Thats why i cringe every time i hear about a new one.

      • They want more of these events to promote a case for repealing the 2nd Amendment.

        Then they can implement federal and state gun laws to further restrict what can be owned or used. Of course, these laws will rarely be applied to criminals.

    • Which is why the anti-gun leftists have stepped up their despicable tactics of standing on the still-warm bodies of the victims and dancing in their blood to promote their rhetoric.

    • M.A.C.,

      And yet, Dems promoting violence in the cities has the effect of increasing gun ownership.

      They want war.

      They preach gun control but their policies and practices drive gun ownership.

      They want war.

      Increasing violence increases violence.

      They want war.

      They want marshall law, rule by force, a police state, rule by the gun.

      War is coming.

    • Yes they do need more mass shootings. But their problem is they are using or allowing known criminals to commit these mass Killings.

      So it’s difficult to justify the confiscation of guns. Since they knew the criminal was out there. And there’s too much video out here of these politicians saying to defend the police.


      That is what it is happening to all of these Democrat/Libertarian cities. But this process will fail. They will not get the utopia they desire. The people with $$$, will just move out.

      They will be happy though. Because even in the bombed out. Desolate wasteland of a Democrat run city. The democrats will still be in charge.

    • So in AMERICA haveing a different POLITICAL POINT of view is reason for EXECUTION is it? You have absolute NO IDEAof what SOCIALISM, DE MOCRACY or COMMUNISM is -they are not bthe same thing. It would seem that anyone who disagrees with you is some how eithedr a COMMUNIST,a SOCIALIS or a DEMOCRAT. # Here in the UK I admit to being a TORY because from my 84 years and 66 years as a VOTER in my opinion the TORY’S have been for the majority of my life that most effective POLITICAL PARTY. The majority of my family are LABOUR or GREEN or Liberal Democrats by inclination but most definitely NOT COMMUNISTS that’s for absolute sure. We may argue at times but there is no family rift and we accept that everybody in the UK has the absolute FREEDOM to choose their political stance and express it at the Ballot Box without the threat of VIOLENCE and you think that bTH theuSA is FREE. the one thing ALL political Parties and the voting public agree on is the UK STRICT GUN CONTROL MEASURES, Inspite of the myth FIREARMS are NOT absolutely banned in the UK and there is NO absolute right of Firearm Ownership either either. The UK does not even have WRITTEN CONSTITUTION because it does not need one, We have instead the checks and balances of COMMON LAW vand an INDEPENDENT JUDICIARY free from POLITICAL Imperatives and we are civilised to know what is RIGHT and what is WRONG. In addition we are NOT bloody well ruled by any religious considerations To us RELIGION n[or not] is a personal matter and nobody else business. Not a single member of my consideraBL EXTENDED family bar one is in any way Religious or even a believer bar one and he’s a BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN [SUPPOSEDLY ] . Trouble I know considerably MORE about both Christianity and the BIBLE than he does. Deliberately so so I can confuse the bloody JEHOVAHS WITNESSES who come knockin at my door.

      • Albert, are you on a diet? That’s an impressive word salad.

        None of it has anything to do with us in the States, though.

        But please — feel free (SWIDT?) to prattle on.

        Oh, by the by:

        6% — percent increase in knife crime in England and Wales in 2022

        49,265 — Police-recorded offences involving a knife or sharp instrument in 2022

        46% — increase in knife crime in England and Wales in 2022 compared to the 12 months to March 2012


      • Please continue to lecture all of us Irish- Americans on how great and just the English Empire is, Troll…

        • why do they continue to hang onto that little piece of Ireland…the last vestige of empire?

      • Wow! Did you totally miss the point! The basic fact is that the democrat party is the new communist party in the US. I do not give two figs about any other country’s internal politics or domestic problems. My oath, first taken on 3/14/1966 and renewed until I retired on 5/1/1986, was to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic. That means ALL of it, not just the parts that are currently in favor with the morons, communists and democrats alike. From that day to this, no one has relieved me of that oath.
        If you can’t handle that then I suggest you learn how.

      • @ALbert JL Hall

        “Here in the UK I admit to being a TORY because from my 84 years and 66 years as a VOTER in my opinion the TORY’S have been for the majority of my life that most effective POLITICAL PARTY. The majority of my family are LABOUR or GREEN or Liberal Democrats by inclination but most definitely NOT COMMUNISTS that’s for absolute sure. ”


        Did you become a moron because you could not help it or did you practice really hard to become one.

        All of that, TORY – LABOUR – GREEN – Liberal Democrats …. all of that in the U.K. are just different flavors of communist socialism (communism is a form of socialism). And I hate to break it to you but no matter how much you think otherwise you and your family are basically communist.

        Its the same thing in the context of ideal and factions that has been in place in the U.K and all across Europe since the feudal times – its why the U.K. and all of Europe live under the modern day form of feudal tyranny. Its why you don’t recognize or understand the Second Amendment or the United States or the Constitution and blurt out the nonsense you post. You have been raised, and generations of your country have been raised, in tyranny with its lies that you are someway or another ‘free because your government say so’ while they control what illusion of ‘rights’ they want you to have or not have.

        You are literally, and with your own admission, a fully indoctrinated communist raised in a tyranny – and you are so fully indoctrinated you are too stupid to realize it.

      • Albert the Subject, I doubt that you were ever a “Tory”. Your posts have a definite Leftist slant. With you, it’s all about control. Here in the US we have this thing we cherish called freedom.

        • Albert the Subject, I doubt that you were ever a “Tory”.

          He’s a Soshullist, he lives in a Soshullist country there’s no such thing as a Right Wing Soshullist just various degrees of LEFT… In England, the Tory Party was the party that supported the King and the aristocracy in general, in contrast with the Whigs.

  2. War is coming.

    Crime stats for all counties bordering Philadelphia are up significantly…even for affluent Bucks county. It is flooding out.

    I read a news report quoting some ‘civic’ leader: “If you are not going to pay us reparations, we are going to take them.”

    Stores closing due to theft and safety issues. Gangs mobbing stores. This will continue…soon it will not be only stores, it will be homes and neighborhoods.

    War is coming.

    • “War is coming.“

      Outside of needing to stock up on a bit more food supply, i am ready.

      If worse comes to worse I’ll be taking my guns and ammo and food supply down to OldMan in Alabamas house to see if we can work out some kind of deal to let me and mine hunker down at his place.

      You seeing this OldMan in Alabama?

      • AQ,


        I would be wary of OldMan In Alabama, though. Seems like he’d be a tough negotiator. 😉

      • AQ. Are you up to old fashioned farm work? Can you drive a team? Know anything about restoring antique machinery or working at the forge?
        How about other skills? Medic? Carpenter? Mechanical skills?
        We have a cabin we built as a guest house. No electricity or plumbing as of yet. No Ac either. Projects for next winter when the field work and harvest are done. Will have to set up another solar array for power.
        I’m not that harsh or hard to work with provided someone brings something to the table. There are enough youngsters learning the old skills from us old farts around here that we don’t need any more unskilled labor. We could use a wheelwright or a skilled carpenter, and can always use experienced craftspersons.
        There are several families around the area that are working together to pass on the old ways of doing things. Both as survival skills should things go bad, and to keep those skills and knowledge from being lost. Technology
        is mice but knowing what to do and how to make things work if something goes wrong are always good things to know. Like being able to read a map if the GPS on the phone fails.

        • oldman,
          Definitely up to hard farm work. Im a produce man (in a semi large city). Not the farming of it, more the shipping, but have been getting yanked out of bed at 2am since i was 12 yrs old when my father owned the biz LoL. Up early for (hard) work almost every day since.
          Never drove a team but im a fast learner.
          So so carpenter but can figure it out enough to get by. I load my own ammo, have lots of supplies there. Know how to benefit a team. Lol i feel like I’m typing a résumé.

        • AQ
          Who knows, perhaps you are. All I would honestly ask of anyone joining our little group is honesty, and a willingness to both learn and teach. Most of us have something to offer our community.
          Now, roll your own ammo is something several of us do and work at to keep ourselves in high grade hunting loads and fun/training/practice ammo on the range.
          Anyways, if the crap gets deep enough, there is room in Lower Alabama for anyone who wants to get out of the city or snowdrift. And depending on skillset, I might be able to suggest where to apply for employment.

    • “If you are not going to pay us reparations, we are going to take them.”


      Where can I sign up for “reparations”? I’ve been subjected to oppression by a tyrant president. I deserve reparations by golly.

  3. One would have to be deaf, mute and blind not to understand the real causes of the crime and violence uptake in this Country. Democrats, Democrats, Democrats running local, state and federal government. That’s it in a nutshell.

    • But they’re NOT deaf, mute, and/or blind. This is all being done intentionally.

      I also don’t understand how people keep calling Philly “conservative”. That seems really ignorant.

      • “people keep calling Philly “conservative”.”

        Who ever said that? James Carville famously called Pennsylvania “Philly and Pittsburgh, with Alabama in between”. West Virginia or Kentucky would have made more sense, but the overall idea is sound: PA is Appalachia with a Detroit or Chicago-like Upper Midwest / Great Lakes industrial city on one side, and Philly (which has been a typical left-wing northeastern city since before I was born) on the other.

        When I was growing up there, we were freer than neighboring NY, NJ, or MD because the middle outnumbered the ends. Since then, it has undergone a triple-barreled demographic implosion. I used to long for home as the military transfered me around, but I’m glad I don’t live there any more.

      • PHilly is a sewer…[down which a lot of our money flows]…has been for awhile now

  4. I like how city defenders always trot out the one or two huge financial or tech corporations that call their city of choice home as though it makes up for the miserable lives the majority of their populations live while every one of those massive corporations have been pulling out, scaling back and relocating their executives away from those same cities.

    Eventually every city will be 90% drug-addicted criminal cretins on welfare and 10% affluent wokey hipsters who refuse accept reality even as they get mugged for the twelfth time in a year.

  5. Too many people are looking to elected officials for reducing violence. That is only their job in order to provide for the common welfare and stability of a society. What they need to focus on is putting criminals behind bars and keeping them there. THAT in itself will lower levels of violence more than most anything else.

    Democrats would rather prop up criminals like George Floyd. They so obviously WANT violence.

  6. “But what is it specifically about Democrat leadership that leads to far higher crime?”

    “There’s a popular anecdote about Joseph Stalin that goes as follows. One day, the dictator of the Soviet Union told his closest advisors that he would show them how easy it was to control a person that had already been subjugated. He brought in a live chicken, which he then proceeded to pluck until it was naked and bleeding.

    “Now, watch where the chicken goes,” Stalin said as he put it on the ground. Finally freed from its torturer’s grasp, the chicken wasted no time getting away. However, when it failed to find an exit, it readily returned to Stalin and attempted to warm itself between the dictator’s legs. Stalin then took out some grain from his pocket, which he fed to the chicken.

    The chicken ate the grain despite the pain. When Stalin started to walk around the room, the chicken timidly followed, leaving a small trail of blood wherever it went. “So, you see,” Stalin said to his advisors, smiling. “People are like chickens. You pluck them, and then let them go. Then you can control them.”

    Probably didn’t really happen, but it illustrates democrat leadership well. Anyways :

    Allowing fascist democrats to run your city is a classic abusive relationship. It’s all about fear. The abuser tells the woman that no one else will love them, all while punching her in the face. The abused woman will stay with the abuser, even when others tell her she needs to get the fuck out.

    This is the level of the psychological games they play with the voters, as Strych9 will likely be pointing out in his upcoming series on how they are getting away with it…

  7. Brandon Smith’s article is not just full of falsehoods its one big far right bold face lie.

    Stats prove that Red States with lax gun laws have higher crime rates than Blue States that have tough gun laws and that Red States with lax gun laws ship in thousands of second hand guns into big high crime U.S. cities causing a blood bath of gun violence.

    If more guns made us safer the U.S. would be the safest country not the most violent country in the industrialized world to live in and because the U.S. insanity for guns this has resulted in there being more guns now than people.

    Sane and tough gun laws have worked well in all the countries of the world that have passed such laws, that is historical fact and the proof is that their crime and mass murder rates are far lower than the insanity of living in Capitalvania where life is considered cheap and expendable, especially that of innocent children who are daily sacrificed on the bloody altar of “zero gun control”.

    • “Stats prove that Red States with lax gun laws have higher crime rates than Blue States that have tough gun laws …”

      And most of the crime in those red states is coming from the blue cities in those states.

      The Blue City Murder Problem — New analysis of crime data shows that high-crime counties are governed largely by Democrats, driving up the crime rates in their otherwise red states. — https://www.heritage.org/crime-and-justice/report/the-blue-city-murder-problem

      “Red States with lax gun laws ship in thousands of second hand guns into big high crime U.S. cities …”

      But the blue states have laws against shipping in guns from other states. If gun laws actually work, why aren’t those laws working, asshole?

    • dacian, the DUNERHEAD, you mean you are not citing one of your infamous studies you have so graciously failed to produce? The fact still remains that it takes a good guy with a gun to counter the bad guy with a gun or other weapon who is injuring or killing. Your Leftist propaganda machine is working overtime to doctor stats to fit your evil agenda of control.

    • Regarding this gun pipeline from lax law areas why is the demand for guns so high in the blue cities?

      Follow up, there are easily many more guns in the areas with lax gun laws so why is all the carnage in the cities?

    • So, ‘splain to us, Lucy, why the ONLY places in red states that have disproportionate crime rates are BLUE CITIES, run by Dimocrats?? Or, STFU, which works better. There is a limit to how much stupid I can tolerate, and MajorLiar is bound to show up, so just . . . f*** right the hell off, you idiot.

      • This is why I have frequently pleaded with the POTG to NOT respond to Dacian, Miner49er and the other cretinous trolls. They thrive on creating hate and discontent. If we ignore them, after awhile, they will go away. It’s not with the headache or headache trying to make them see reason. They are NOT intelligent enough.

    • Everyone here knows that you are just a Troll, a Commie Troll. Did they not teach you how to read at Troll School? The article is about cities, not states. Large Blue Cities are a cess pool. Blaming Red States for that is just deflection. In most cases, voters get the exact government they deserve. So if someplace like Chicago wants to elect a revolving door of inefficient bozo’s who won’t throw thugs and gang bangers behind bars or crack their skulls because it will cost them votes, so be it..

      • And like Chicago, the electoral districts are gerrymandered to h3ll and back so there is no way the Democrats will ever lose.

    • “Stats prove that Red States with lax gun laws have higher crime rates than Blue States that have tough gun laws and that Red States with lax gun laws ship in thousands of second hand guns into big high crime U.S. cities causing a blood bath of gun violence.”

      As pointed out several times, the places within these Red States are areas of Blue control, are the locations for the majority of these violent incidents. Remove those locations from the equation and the Red States are much more safer.

      Second hand firearms only cause violence in certain areas and not others? You are arguing that these cities are full of irresponsible and homicidal individuals that cannot be trusted with weapons. What about second firearms in other places where the violence is much less?

      “If more guns made us safer the U.S. would be the safest country not the most violent country in the industrialized world to live in and because the U.S. insanity for guns this has resulted in there being more guns now than people.”

      What makes a Country or society safer and prosperous is consistent law and order. Having a civilian populace that is armed does not equal danger. Considering that CCW holders are less likely to commit crime than any other demographic to include law enforcement shows the failure of your argument. What contributes to safety and prosperity is consistent enforcement of laws that are equally applied to all.

      “Sane and tough gun laws have worked well in all the countries of the world that have passed such laws, that is historical fact and the proof is that their crime and mass murder rates are far lower than the insanity of living in Capitalvania where life is considered cheap and expendable, especially that of innocent children who are daily sacrificed on the bloody altar of “zero gun control”.”

      There are few Countries as ethnically diverse and multiculturally diverse as the US, and comparisons of other Countries that do not share our history and development and the diversity we have is ignorant. I know you know that these comparisons are bunk, which makes you intellectually dishonest.

      Countries that have these gun restrictions you pine for still have high crime rates, higher that the US which sits in the middle and the crime rate in the US has actually fallen in the last 25 years with the exception of the spikes seen since the unrest recently. Guess who committed the overwhelming amount of crime in the spike? It wasn’t OFWG’s.

      This gem here:

      “….especially that of innocent children who are daily sacrificed on the bloody altar of “zero gun control”.”

      Nothing says your entire premise is false when you bring the emotional lie that children are being sacrificed because we believe in holding and taking back our Rights as free people. Emotional arguments are reserved for the weak and the liars.

      Want to keep children alive? Go after the criminals and those who prey on them and not those of us that are harming no one.

      • Not to mention many of the kids are involved in the gangs and that is why they get shot. But going after the gangs and culture supporting single mothers making for easy gang recruiting is wrong.

    • how many died in Chicago over Memorial Day weekend?…oh, wait…it’s all Indiana’s fault!

  8. If our Leftist comrades are so intent to control us, why aren’t they trying to control the criminal element?

    • Because the fear the criminal element generates is what the fascists want. “Save us!” the people will say. “Sure thing!” The fascists will reply. “Here’s a new gun law!”

      Democrats have elevated battered woman syndrome into political power. The abuser can do *anything* to a battered woman, and she will still love the abuser… 🙁

      • That’s honestly a better description than Stockholm for our current situation. The Stockholm will come after the boot comes down for a decade or so.

  9. They don’t just “want” war. They need it, because they need a reason to outright kill the populace. They can’t just rely on fake doctors pushing fake vaccines that give only 2 out of 5 people myocarditis. Controlling only 40% of the population just won’t work.

    • Oh both political parties got their war in Ukraine. Endless war in Asia too. DJT is the only president I can remember who actually wanted out of endless war’s. The inept Jimmy Carter only pretended. Buckle up! It’s going to be a bumpy ride🙄

  10. The people who hate cops. The people who say the cops are the problem.The people who say the police should be defunded. And they say don’t trust the police.

    All of those people are part of the problem.

    Because none of them support allowing property owners to kill criminals dead on site, or kill them dead on sight.

    If we had real liberty in this country. Which were used to have. Property owners would be able to dispatch these criminals without a second thought. And no one would be prosecuted. And if the criminal survived? They wouldn’t be able to Sue in civil court.

  11. Lebanon Pennsylvania : Judge sets low bail and criminals kill 3 , including 2 children.
    Perp wearing ankle monitor at the time. Don’t you feel safe ?

    Monday June 5 , PA House to take up gun bills aimed at law abiding people.

    Criminalizing the Legal Exercise of Constitutional Firearm Rights

    • The ankle monitor needs to be attached to a 1 foot cubic concrete block via steel cable or heavy chain.

    • let’s hope saner voices prevail in the senate…enough with orange shirts…it’s not hunting season…although maybe it should ne

  12. Had an insight…
    “ Brandon Smith: How To Solve Violence In The US? Remove Democrat Run Cities And Bring Back Asylums”

    Let’s fix this up for you Mr Smith…
    Remove Democrap politicians from blue cities INTO the asylums.

  13. They’re happy to take away the 2nd Amendment rights of innocent Americans, but they have no interest in keeping criminals in prison or keeping mentally unstable people away from normal society.

    It’s all upside down and backwards, pandering to fringe minority groups, “normalizing” perversion, removing the bible from elementary school libraries while leaving books that teach adolescent boys how to perform oral sex on one another, convincing children that they were born the wrong sex, allowing criminals to roam the streets while locking up others for DEFENDING themselves… The WAR is here, we’re just waiting for THEM to fire the first shot…

    Girls will be boys and boys will be girls
    It’s a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world, except for Lola… Kinks: 1970

  14. The left does not have a monopoly on failure to seriously address violence.

    The left doesn’t want to do anything to address mental issues, putting violent people in jail, banning guns, etc.

    The right clamors for hardening schools.

    Neither are actual solutions. Both address symptoms of a far deeper problem, and that’s it.

    • D Y, here is a red hot news flash for ya. The Leftists do have a monopoly on refusing to address the problem of human violence. You see, while prison and jail are not a perfect deterrent to crime, they do keep the bad guys behind fences and walls. As to the mental illness problem, it seems the Lefties decided that putting the mentally ill in mental facilities which keep them from endangering themselves, their families and others was a “violation” of their “rights”. Remember HIPPA? Who do you think perpetrated that on an unsuspecting society?

      • build camps outside the cities for the homeless…they once did it to the Japanese…we need something similar now…and unlike the japs…they deserve to be there……

  15. because their only argument
    for taking everybodys guns away
    is out of control gun violence

  16. The most effective way to reduce violence is to concentrate one’s efforts at controlling the people who perpetrate it, not in making arbitrary, capricious laws aimed at the general population. Control criminals…not guns.

    Leftists will never do that. They created the problem because of all the social engineering programs they’ve instituted that resulted in the destruction of inner city families, and because of their “restorative Justice” programs that do nothing but excuse criminality. Inner city black males are disproportionately responsible for violent crimes but leftists are loathe to place the blame there. It would be “racist.”

    The Left is waging a full on war against normalcy and our existing value structure. Their approach to “controlling crime” will continue to be ineffective, make the government more authoritarian, and citizens less free.

    • Ticked Off, what you are saying is COMMON SENSE. Unfortunately, with our Leftist comrades, common sense is NOT common.

    • disarming the populace is part pf their broader agenda…this is all about creating the rationale for it….

  17. One of the most common strategies used by the political left to attack 2nd Amendment supporters is to ramp up the anti-gun hype every time a crime involving a gun is committed. They don’t care much about the tragedy itself, they only care about how they can use it for political gain.
    However, it’s very important to understand that this is not only about removing gun rights for leftists – It’s also about creating a false association in the public consciousness that guns = In the US, violent crimes and murders are exponentially higher in Democrat run cities, many of them with increased gun control measures. In fact, of the top 30 most violent cities in the US, 27 of them are Democrat controlled. Wherever leftists dominate politically, violence, theft, rape and murder are sure to follow. Anti-gun proponents often try to cite high homicide numbers in certain conservative states like Texas, but the majority of those crimes are actually committed in cities run by leftists.

    The truth is, blue cities are dragging red states and the rest of the country down. According to the statistics, in theory, if the public was to replace all Democrat city politicians with conservative leadership murder rates would immediately plunge across the US by virtue of policy.

    But what is it specifically about Democrat leadership that leads to far higher crime? There are other trends to consider, such as incarceration rates in any given state or county, severity of punishment for violent crimes and repeat offenders, and let’s not forget a subject a lot of people don’t want to talk about – The separation of the mentally ill from the rest of society. Leftists often support revolving door policies for criminals, reduced sentences for violent crime (if the perpetrator is a minority) and they are adamantly opposed to incarceration for those with dangerous mental illness.

    They’re happy to take away the 2nd Amendment rights of innocent Americans, but they have no interest in keeping criminals in prison or keeping mentally unstable people away from normal society. Perhaps because their goal is NOT to reduce violence, but to use exponential violence in society as a reason to erode the constitution.

    The solution is simple and two-fold: Get rid of leftist leaders in major cities that set violent repeat offenders free, and bring back mental health facilities to lock up the crazies if necessary. This is the ONLY WAY to stop the avalanche of violent crime that awaits Americans as the next few years unfold.

    • You need to make the distinction between the “Left” and “Liberals”.

      The Left are revolutionaries. They love guns and they want the 2A so that they can keep theirs until it’s time to use them. They are not in favor of gun control. At all.

      They manipulate the Liberals, who don’t like guns, and wear their political affiliation as a sort of skin-suit to advance agendas along several lines towards the goal of power for the Left at the expense of everyone else.

      They’ve actually thought about this quite a bit for ~150 years and they’ve tested this out extensively. Theirs is a system that is, literally, the product of evolution over time.

      This ain’t your grandpappy’s Marxism. It’s multipronged and will run multiple games at different speeds, intensities and levels across many domains simultaneously in order to converge towards its ultimate goal. It’s sleek, savvy, subtle and extremely pernicious.

      • stryh9, I think you have things reversed. The Left is a bunch of radical s o c i a l i s t s, bent on destroying America and what she has stood for for over 200 yrs.
        The only true “liberals” are out Founding Fathers who put it on the line to establish this country that the Leftists are trying with all their might to take away from us.
        This radical group of Leftists are actually Marxists.

    • “The solution is simple…: Get rid of leftist leaders in major cities…”

      But that isn’t a simple solution. It’s basically impossible. The only viable solution I see is a tactical retreat. The “normal” people should leave the major blue areas for purple states. That will turn the swing states red. A solid red state has the potential to offer a level of protection, even against the federal government. It is also the only way to retake the federal government. There will never be an eradication of Democrat control over the major urban areas. Pick your battles and win, or spin your wheels and lose. The Left is already playing this game with the open borders.

  18. ‘Leftists Who Run America’s Cities Have No Interest In Actually Reducing Violence’

    Well duh. There is no money if fixing the problem. Fixing america’s cities would require effort, and effort with no long term reward. But constantly whinging about the problem is basically how every single democrat says in power. Well, that and ballot harvesting.

  19. “Leftists Who Run America’s Cities Have No Interest In Actually Reducing Violence”

    Self-evident. None of them, left, right, up the middle, have a comprehensive plan/policy to address the nests of criminal activities and actors: the inner cities where the overwhelming majority of violent crime is rampant.

    When asked about a plan to attack the areas of high crime, the anti-gun mob will usually answer, “First we get all the guns away from legal owners, then we go after the criminals.” My favorite response is, “That’s not my problem; I want to make sure I can be safe in the places I like to go.”


    I have no explanation as to why schools, malls, theaters, malls, shopping centers, sports events and concerts are attacked by people who do not live in high crime areas.

    • Sam, I have to disagree with you at least in part. Conservatives certainly do have a plan. It is common sense. Put criminals in jail, get education back to basics, reading, writing and math. Enforce mandates that dead beat fathers be held accountable, and the list goes on.

      • @Walter E Beverly III
        “Sam, I have to disagree with you at least in part. Conservatives certainly do have a plan. It is common sense.”

        Good thoughts, but execution is critical.

        We have yet to see massive, ongoing, sweeps of high crime areas in states and cities in conservative controlled locations. Even the MSM could not have overlooked such sweeps in “right wing” states and cities.

        Responding to crime is entirely different from pro-active destruction of high crime areas.

    • disarming the populace is part pf their broader agenda…this is all about creating the rationale for it….

  20. We had several periods where the Republicans controlled the White House, the Senate, AND the House – did we get meaningful reform of idiot “gun laws”? No, we did not. Other than Rudy Giuliani, name me the Republican politician who has made meaningful inroads against street crime.

    NEITHER party wants to “fix” anything – they campaign, sloganeer, and raise money off of these ‘intractable problems’ – fixing them would put them out of business. Why, when we had a Republican president, a Republican-majority Senate AND House, did we not get the Hearing Protection Act?

    How do you tell when a politician is lying? When their lips are moving.

    None of these lame, self-serving @$$holes have any intention to fix anything. Kevin McCarthy “bravely” stood up to stop reckless, inflationary spending, right? And them collapsed like a cheap suitcase. ALL politicians, of whatever party, are cordially invited to osculate my anal sphincter.

    • Lamp, I have to disagree with you. Gov DeSantis and Gov Abbott have both done well in the crime fighting arena by standing their ground against Leftist dogma. Most “gun control laws” are flawed to begin with. they solved nothing nor will they.
      Crime is not something you or I can fix. We can only combat it by standing our ground and insisting on criminals be jailed for their crimes. Crime is a human problem which can’t be solved with “programs”.

  21. Hardening schools is not a solution that will solve rampant crime. So no, they don’t have a monopoly. They may be most interested in destroying society, but the rights “solution”, isn’t one.

    • “Hardening schools is not a solution that will solve rampant crime.”

      It’s not meant to be a solution to solving “rampant crime.”

      Securing schools is meant to protect students from high-profile mass shooters — you know, the ones whose actions seem to drive the entire discussion about taking away the rights of law-abiding citizens rather than preventing mass shootings in the first place. It’s one possible solution being proposed and should not be dismissed out-of-hand.

      It’s been proven that shooters will often bypass a secure target in search of a “gun-free zone” where the shooter will meet little or no resistance. This was most recently demonstrated in the Nashville school murders where the trans shooter had planned to attack more than one school but decided against it when she learned of the security at one of her targets.

      Would you have a “solution” (using your scare quotes around the word) that you’d care to propose so that we could discuss it?

    • Just having safety glass with the chicken wire in it may have slowed the
      she/ he bitch down just enough to keep six souls from being slaughtered. Hardly hardening a school.

  22. Something to keep an eye on here is the spreading of ESG.

    But strych, what does that have to do with cities? It sorta seems like you see this shit everywhere! Are you sure you’re not paranoid? Are you maybe overreacting when you say we’re losing?

    Part of the reason that cities do what they do is because they need to sell bonds. Muni bonds are purchased in quantity by firms that do things like run a retirement fund.

    Those companies have a series of rating systems that most people don’t know about.

    There’s CEI, the Corporate Equality Index. How Critically Diverse is your company? Well, there’s a matrix that determines your CEI score based on your diversity programs which range from hiring practices to use enforcement of use of the proper language.

    Then your CEI score goes into calculating a DEI score which is part of an overall ESG score used to determine “investability” for these funds. This is all run by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) which basically acts as the enforcement arm of an extortion racket to force behavior on companies to act in politically favored ways.

    Cool story, what does that have to do with cities?

    Muni bonds have something quite similar, the MEI, the Municipal Equality Index. (See link below, remove your ad blocker and it even has a pop-up that screams “No one can take away OUR PRIDE!!!” with “our pride” in rainbow flag colors and then you have options for donations from $10-$100 plus the “other” donation option.)

    It’s basically the same scam run on companies like AB Inbev or Harley Davidson. It’s basically a gatekeeping function for investment in a publicly traded companies. Higher scores increase the amount of money major investors, like BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard or others will put into a company. This is also true about investment in muni bonds.

    And how do they hide this? By making it boring.

    When you say “Dude, the “woke” are controlling Harley Davidson for political agitation purposes via ESG though a DEI score calculated by their CEI score and this is being run by the HRC, maybe we should find a way to help Harley out so they’re not being held hostage” most people tuned you out somewhere between “DEI” and “calculated”.

    This is likely why Dallas is telling their city employees to use proper pronouns or else.

    It’s also probably why Chick-Fil-A hired a DEI manager. Because they’re gearing up for outside investment, maybe even an IPO and if they want significant investment from the majors they need good ESG scores which means they need good DEI scores which means they need a good CEI score.

    This is all coming out of lesser known Alinsky writings. They’re trying to force you to go along, that is get cucked, or do something silly that they can make you look bad for doing. Statistically, you’ll choose one of the two eventually because they’ll keep upping the absurdity and the offensiveness of what they’re forcing the company to do, eventually causing a backlash against the company that can be spun for media purposes.

    Knowing this, you now have another option, which is creating a third way that subverts the “decision dilemma” they’re creating while also speaking truth to power to other people.

    “If you don’t know, now you know.”


  23. They aren’t they only ones with 0 interest in reducing gun violence. #alcoholprohibition 101 violence dictates drug warriors are currently responsible 2/3 of all guns related violence.

    But… fentanyl. Quick couple questions for the so called capitalists:

    If we extrapolate from the potency of the over the counter heroin in the 20’s, given what we know about black market smuggling… how long will it be before the next fad drug is 1000x fentanyl?

    Why do GOP collude with Randi Weingarten communist run public schools to have uniformed, armed agents of the state indoctrinating children with : “We aren’t racist. We are tough on crime.” After Harry J Anslinger spent 30 years at the DOJ’s bureau of narcotics equating a race with crime?

    (My personal belief is thata murder map by county in the US will show where the facists and communists have regrouped after 1939 Poland for another in-common dictionary definition genocide.)


    • Hillary “super predator” Clinton’s and the President 94Crime Bill cabal’s interest in Haiti makes all the more sense now

    • If we extrapolate from the potency of the over the counter heroin in the 20’s, given what we know about black market smuggling… how long will it be before the next fad drug is 1000x fentanyl?

      It’s an economies of scale game theoretic. Fentanyl is a perfectly useful anesthetic. My wife’s drug allergies mean it’s that they used on here twice in the past couple of years. It wasn’t designed for power, it was designed for a short biological half-life. But everything is tradeoffs and the tradeoff is that it’s far more potent and requires constant monitoring by an anesthesiologist.

      Drug cartels see that downside as an upside because they’re concerned about shipping issues. When you can ship x for $1000 but you find something else that does the same thing and you can ship 1000x for $1000, you’re heavily incentivized to do so.

      Add that into the fact that decades of marijuana growing by cartels has depleted much Mexican (and other) soil and your regular H just can’t compete with the Afghani stuff. So, you spike it. Which is where Fentanyl import into the US started before the cartels realized the shipping angle. They spiked their heroin to compete with the quality out of Asia.

      The capitalist solution, therefore, is pretty obvious. But that’s a purely economic solution to a multifaceted social, ethical and moral problem that just happens to have economic and logistic angles to it. Simply attacking those angles is how Prohibition failed.

  24. Make the people scared enough that they give up their rights to a government that will protect them.

    At which point that government will then exploit them.

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