SNL Weekend Update Screenshot

The rapid decline of Saturday Night Live was on full display once again as the late-night comedy show keeps demonstrating it has no relevance to real America. Colin Jost’s attempted joke about “de-banking,” and the audience’s full-throated laughter at it, showed both the Weekend Update host doesn’t understand what’s going on in the country and the live audience is living in the same alternate reality, too.

De-banking has been happening for years as major banking, lending and financial institutions penalize and suffocate lawful American businesses and their customers simply because they operate in a politically disfavored – yet completely lawful – industry. This includes the firearm industry specifically, and current events suggest Jost might just become much more familiar with the term soon as law-abiding Americans might have the last laugh.

De-Bank Debunk

Jost co-hosts the Weekend Update segment during SNL where he attempts to crack jokes about current events and the news. During last Saturday’s episode, Jost took aim at former President Donald Trump for saying something he incorrectly thought was made up.

“Trump did have a slight stumble this week while talking about banks, and he introduced an interesting new term called de-bank,” Jost said. “I don’t know what the hell de-bank means, but you might have to take ‘de-ambulance’ to see ‘de-doctor.’”

Jost’s joke is objectively lame and came after he played a short video of the former president speaking on the campaign stump. The president said, “We’re also going to place strong protections to stop banks and regulators from trying to de-bank you.”

To be fair, if Jost’s sole source of news comes from media outlets like The New York Times or other left-leaning or mainstream media outlets, it wouldn’t be surprising that he’s unaware of what de-banking is or for how long it’s gone on. The New York Times proposed using credit cards and banks against gun owners and businesses. Those same media outlets tend to support gun control efforts and the political officials and administrations that push for more gun restrictions. They also refuse to acknowledge any problems experienced by the lawful and highly-regulated firearm industry in their attempts to serve law-abiding customers exercising their Second Amendment rights.

Following the weekend’s show, SNL was roundly mocked for the out-of-touch joke. According to Fox News, commentator Steve Guest posted on X, formerly Twitter, “The woke smugness of SNL is out of control.” X user Doug Powers chimed in as well, saying, “SNL’s in such a hurry to dunk on Trump that they made themselves look like idiots again,” and posting a picture of the definition of de-bank. Several others made similar statements pointing out the absurdity of the attempted joke.

Long History

During the past several years, gun control advocates sought to advance their political agenda by subverting legislative bodies and pressuring corporate financial institutions to adopt “environmental, social and governance” (ESG) policies that discriminate against members of the firearm industry. SNL’s Jost is definitely unaware of just how long this financial discrimination has been occurring.

During President Barack Obama’s time in The White House, the administration created “Operation Choke Point” (OCP), a government-led effort to use the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and Department of Justice (DOJ) to penalize and suffocate financial institutions that extended essential banking services to the already highly-regulated industries like the oil and gas industry, as well as firearm industry. The goal was to coerce banks, third-party payment processors and other financial institutions into closing or denying business accounts of clients that the FDIC classified as “high risk” or as a “reputational risk.” The administration specifically included federal firearm licensees (FFLs) and other firearm and ammunition industry-related businesses. It was a troubling chapter in a new era of government abuse of power. NSSF, with Capitol Hill allies, successfully led the fight to force the Obama administration to halt official OCP activities.

However, while the FDIC indicated it would take steps to end the targeting of politically disfavored industries, including the firearm industry, the discrimination continues today. It has been privatized to the large corporate financial service providers which implement ESG policies that penalize many of the same businesses. Major financial institutions, including JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo and others, as well as Big Tech and social media companies, regularly penalize, refuse services and discriminate against businesses in the firearm industry.

In the meantime, legal, legitimate and highly-regulated businesses licensed by the federal government are still being choked off from the financial system, demonstrating the critical need for the adoption of Firearm Nondiscrimination (FIND) Act legislation in both the states and at by the federal government.

Firearm Industry Fighting Back

NSSF has worked closely within state legislatures to implement tough safeguards against this corporate boardroom gun control commonly seen today. In Texas, Gov. Greg Abbott signed the FIND Act bill into law in 2021. As a result, major banks like Citigroup and JP Morgan Chase have lost out on several million dollars of municipal bond contracts because of their anti-firearm industry banking policies.

Since 2021, several states have adopted NSSF-supported FIND Act laws that bar state governments from entering into contracts with companies that benefit from taxpayer dollars while also instituting “woke” ESG and antigun discriminatory policies on those taxpayers. These include Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, Ohio, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming. Still several more states will consider their version of the FIND Act during 2024 legislative sessions.

On the federal level, NSSF fully supports H.R. 53, the Firearm Industry Nondiscrimination (FIND) Act, introduced by U.S. Rep. Jack Bergman (R-Mich.). The bill has 115 co-sponsors and is vital to end the ability of corporate entities to profit from taxpayer-funded federal contracts while discriminating against a Constitutionally-protected industry at the same time. Across the Capitol in the U.S. Senate, Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) introduced the companion legislation, S. 428, and the bill has 17 cosponsors in the upper chamber.

Additionally, Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-S.D.) introduced S. 293, the Fair Access to Banking Act, to end the discriminatory lending practices of major banking institutions that seek to circumvent the legislative process and set social policy from the boardroom. That bill has 36 cosponsors. In the House, U.S. Rep. Andy Barr (R-Ky.) introduced companion Fair Access to Banking Act legislation, H.R. 2743, to do the same.

Jost’s total ignorance about something that has been taking place for nearly two decades and impacting the lives and livelihoods of millions of Americans isn’t surprising. He lives in a bubble. But de-banking is very real and very concerning, especially as millions of Americans turn to the Second Amendment and attempt to buy firearms for the first time.

It won’t be so funny when those law-abiding Americans are denied that right because their bank has shut down the credit card processing service and de-banked the firearm retailer where they are trying to purchase their gun.


  1. So the leftists went from cheering on the phenomenon to denying it even exists?

    They went ape with joy when it happened to Project Veritas, Alex Jones, Michael Flynn, Laura Loomer the National Committee for Religious Freedom or Martina Markota.

    JP Morgan cut Kanye not long ago.

    Maybe “reputational risk” and “clerical errors” that never get resolved don’t count as debanking?

    The NYT cared about debanking at least once upon a time.

    What a difference just a couple of years makes.

    • Yeah, I don’t think they’re laughing because they’re ignorant of the situation. It’s just a game they like to play. (Check about any conversation I have with Miner.) They’re laughing because it’s happening to an opposing tribe. These people aren’t exactly the pinnacle of ethical behavior.

      • The useful idiots ALWAYS cheer.
        That is, until the time comes when they’re no longer useful.
        It really sucks when your Frankenstein monster gets hungry and YOU’RE on the menu.

      • “They’re laughing because it’s happening to an opposing tribe“

        Well yes, but only because the opposing tribe is deserving of such ridicule.

        For example, take the slavish devotion of the right wing conservatives to Donald Trump, in spite of all the evidence of what a charlatan and a fraud he is. It’s not like the information hasn’t been available for decades, they just choose to ignore reality in their gleeful idolatry. For instance consider the revelations about Trump University, sworn testimony in open court detailing Donald Trump’s sophisticated multi million dollar fraud on common citizens.

        The information has been publicly available, yet they chose to ignore the facts before them because, as Donald Trump‘s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani once said, “Truth isn’t Truth.”

        “The 15 Most Damning Revelations From the Unsealed Trump University Documents
        Targeting the homeless. Telling applicants to open multiple credit cards. And more.
        By Jack Moore
        June 1, 2016“

        • Watch the video — it’s hilarious!

          From X:

          This is hysterical, check this out. After getting caught plagiarizing and lying about a bunch of things in 1987, Biden dropped out of the Presidential race. He was asked about claims he made about being an activist for civil rights and he came clean, admitting that none of it was true.

          Years later he resurrected the lie and in 2012, while speaking to the NAACP, Biden claimed that he would go to “Reverend Wright’s” church before heading out to desegregate movie theaters.

          In 2014 Biden replaced Wright with Reverends Moyer and Holloway. Both Reverends were asked about Biden, neither remembered Biden ever coming to their church.

          In 2020 Biden brought Reverend Otis Herring into the story. Before he died Herring said he only met Biden once in the 90’s. The administrator of the church who had been there for decades, Phyllis Drummond, said that Biden never attended the church. Not one time.

          A couple weeks ago Biden replaced Herring in the story with an unnamed female Bishop.😂

        • And you don’t get the difference in these two scenarios.

          Sure, Biden exaggerated and couldn’t remember details on his church visits in the past. He didn’t try to steal anyone’s money, he didn’t make false promises to coerce folks into paying tuition, he didn’t lie about the credentials of his staff and educators.

          And no one sued Joe Biden over his actions.

          Donald Trump stole millions by lying to people, he ended up paying $25 million because he is a fraud and a cheat.

          “Feb. 6, 2018, 3:49 PM EST / Updated Feb. 6, 2018, 3:49 PM EST
          By Tom Winter and Dartunorro Clark
          A federal court approved a $25 million settlement on Tuesday with students who said they were duped by Donald Trump and his now-defunct Trump University, which promised to teach them the “secrets of success” in the real estate industry.

          The court said in its ruling that plaintiffs are expected receive 80 percent to 90 percent of what they paid for Trump University programs.

          Trump, who has boasted about his real-estate and investing acumen, rebuffed the claims of fraud during his 2016 presidential campaign and vowed to fight them until the end.

          However, he quickly settled after the election“

          A fraud and a cheat, of course he’ll be the Republican nominee for president.

        • “And you don’t get the difference in these two scenarios. Sure, Biden exaggerated and couldn’t remember details on his church visits in the past.”

          Liar69er — he LIED.

          BaiDeng was caught in a lie, admitted that he lied, yet continues to repeat the same lie.

          And it’s not just this instance — he lies about his son Beau’s death, he lies about his first wife being killed by a drunk driver … and many, many more. BaiDeng is provably a serial fabulist and has been for decades.

          “Exaggerated and couldn’t remember details?” Then he’s not mentally fit to be the resident.

        • “Exaggerated and couldn’t remember details?” Then he’s not mentally fit to be the resident.“

          So that’s the standard you’ve set, are you willing to impose that same standard upon Donald Trump?

          “Donald Trump claims he won all 50 states in 2020 US election in Florida speech ahead of New York court appearance
          By Jason Dasey
          Posted Sun 5 Nov 2023 at 9:27amSunday 5 Nov 2023 at 9:27am, updated Mon 6 Nov 2023 at 7:54am“

          “Trump falsely claims ‘no terrorist attacks’ and ‘no wars’ during his presidency
          Analysis by Glenn Kessler
          The Fact Checker
          January 13, 2024 at 9:52 a.m. EST“

          “That Was Awkward: Fox News Forced to Fact-Check Trump’s Lies on Air
          Even Fox News couldn’t air Donald Trump’s election lies in full.
          Ellie Quinlan Houghtaling
          December 4, 2023, 10:23 a.m. ET”

        • Yes, Joe Biden blames his son’s death on his service in Iraq.

          Tell me alien, which of Donald Trump’s sons served honorably in the United States military?

          In fact, perhaps you could tell me of any member of Donald Trump’s family who ever served his country?

          “Critics say Biden is lying about how his son Beau died in Iraq – they are ignoring the full story
          ‘My son was a major in the US Army. We lost him in Iraq,’ the president told US marines during his Japan visit
          Gustaf Kilander
          Washington, DC
          Tuesday 23 May 2023 16:31 BST”

        • “Yes, Joe Biden blames his son’s death on his service in Iraq.”

          No — he LIED about it. It’s in the source that YOU quoted:

          “‘My son was a major in the US Army. We lost him in Iraq,’ ” — “[he] died of brain cancer, more than five years after he returned, in 2015 at the Walter Reed military hospital in Bethesda, Maryland.”

          “Tell me alien, which of Donald Trump’s sons served honorably in the United States military?”

          None. So what?

          “In fact, perhaps you could tell me of any member of Donald Trump’s family who ever served his country?”

          None. So what? I haven’t served. You haven’t served.
          Again — SO WHAT?

        • Alien, all the people who die from a war don’t necessarily die in country. I’m sorry you have difficulty with a grieving father saying his son died in Iraq when he meant from Iraq.

          So you don’t care to address Donald Trump’s multiple lies about much more substantial subjects, like claiming there were no terrorist attacks or wars during his term in office? OK, got it.

          “None. So what?”

          Just an observation about self-interest vs. service to our Country.

          “I haven’t served.”

          I didn’t figure you did.

          “You haven’t served”

          You are wrong, but it wouldn’t be the first time for you.

        • “I’m sorry you have difficulty with a grieving father saying his son died in Iraq when he meant from Iraq.”

          It ain’t difficult. BaiDeng LIED about his son dying in Iraq. He LIED. He told a LIE. He’s repeated his LIE. He’s a LIAR. And now you’re LYING about his LIE — because you, too, are a LIAR, Liar69er.

          “Just an observation about self-interest vs. service to our Country.”

          The overwhelmingly huge majority of US citizens haven’t served in the military. Many us were unable to serve. I suppose that’s because we were “self-interested?”

          “I didn’t figure you did.”

          So what? Complete your thought.

          “You are wrong”

          Prove it. I can’t trust anything that you say because of your extensive track record of lying.

        • Miner has consistently alluded to his service. I don’t think many people have picked up on it because he hasn’t been loud about it. I pay attention to what people say. I would tend to believe this one as well as you can believe anything on a semi-anonymous forum. Miner is also a firearms enthusiast, just like the rest of us. That’s how we got here.

    • Like Covid restrictions/mandates/concentration camp setups and legal battles to keep as options.

    • Look up “Central Bank Digital Currency” for Phase II of the plan.

      I would post a link, but the last two times I did that, my reply never appeared.

      “De-commented” I guess.

    • “They went ape with joy when it happened to Project Veritas, Alex Jones, Michael Flynn, Laura Loomer the National Committee for Religious Freedom or Martina Markota.”

      Load the lawsuit pipeline with cases, and drop them in Thomas’s in-basket.

      Financial services discrimination should be patently unconstitutional…

    • “Project Veritas, Alex Jones, Michael Flynn“

      “These people aren’t exactly the pinnacle of ethical behavior“

      No, they are not.

      Alex Jones has been proven to be a liar in a court of law, Michael Flynn lied about accepting tens of thousands of dollars from Vladimir Putin and a federal jury has found Project Veritas liable for violating wiretapping laws and misrepresenting itself.

      • “Project Veritas, Alex Jones, Michael Flynn“

        “These people aren’t exactly the pinnacle of ethical behavior“

        Hey Liar — you took a fragment of one sentence from Shire-man’s post, and a sentence from Dude’s post, then combined them to make it appear that Dude was talking about the three people mentioned in Shire’s post.

        It would seem that you’re only here to create problems, not to discuss gun issues. Have you heard that there’s a new sheriff in town?

        * Da Editor — February 3, 2024 At 09:48 *

        …Say unnecessarily nasty things about others, threaten people, use unnecessarily foul language, or come here just to create problems for everyone and yeah, we’ll moderate you. Pretty simple.

        How about it, Mr. Editor?

        • “to make it appear that Dude was talking about the three people”

          You are lame. I didn’t attribute anything to dude, I merely pointed out the hypocrisy in the comment.

          “Da Editor“

          Why do you keep slipping back into your native Russian language, you should be more careful.

          “Da” is a common word in the Russian language that serves as a conjunction and can be translated to mean “and”, “but”, “yes”, or “so”.“

        • “You are lame. I didn’t attribute anything to dude, I merely pointed out the hypocrisy in the comment.”

          No, you’re lying again. You took a fragment of one sentence from Shire-man’s post, and a sentence from Dude’s post, then combined them to make it appear that Dude was talking about the three people mentioned in Shire’s post. That’s dishonest and misleading.

          “Why do you keep slipping back into your native Russian language,”

          I don’t speak Russian — never have. Unlike you, I directly quoted from the new sheriff’s post concerning the rules of the playground. If he wishes to call himself “Da Editor,” that’s up to him.

      • MajorLiar,

        It is becoming fascinating to watch the panic and flop-sweat from the Leftist/fascists as they watch their senile idiot of a so-called “President” (who was an idiot long before he became senile), and his even more idiotic and incompetent so-called “Vice-President” sink like the Titanic. And the idiots at the DNC, who engineered this farce, can’t (i) come together on a potential replacement, and (ii) can’t find a fig-leaf excuse to justify replacing Kamel-toe the Ho with someone arguably competent to occupy the Oval Office. So the panic and flop-sweat become ever more desperate. Your alleged “felonies” by Trump have led to trumped-up indictments (pun intentional), which are . . . dying faster than fruit flies.

        You, in particular, will go to ANY lengths to excuse or cover up heinous behavior by your side, including by claiming it is “just the same” as totally different behavior on the right.

        Thou art a liar, MajorLiar. You woulds’t lie if the bare truth would serve you better. MajorLiar, thou art a liar.

        MajorLiar, those art an @$$clown. In the history of clowndom, none other has been your equal in beclowning thyself with lies, innuendo, and convenient omissions. None can credit a single word from thy lying mouth. MajorLiar, thou art an @$$clown.

        Have a nice day, Leftist/fascist lying moron.

    • That video begs the question: Why weren’t any of the illegals shot in the face? Two cops, both armed, and they get their asses whipped by a motley crew of gangstas? I’ll be first in line, calling for the prosecution of cops shooting unarmed suspects who are running away – but the moment a gang attacks two cops, their lives are forfeit.

      • It’s likely that —

        A) the NYPD has standing orders not to shoot, or

        2) the cops know it’s better to take a beating than to be lawfared out of their livelihoods and lives

        • Any NYPD cop (or resident in general) dumb enough to not run for the hills to a free state gets what they get. I’m not a fan of LE in general, most departments are sickeningly corrupt to the core. Officers as individuals aren’t the root issue, it’s the departments they represent.

        • “…the cops know it’s better to take a beating than to be lawfared out of their livelihoods and lives”

          Their medical costs will be covered by NYPD. Recovery time. Potential disability pay. Also their pension.

          NOT their (civil) legal suit (wrongful thing x) and unemployment costs.

          Take a beatdown, and get paid.

        • Dead? Those cops were armed and they still chose to take the beatings.

          Let’s see if department policy changes once one of their own is killed.
          I doubt it, but we’ll see.

  2. Andrew Torba at can explain all about de-banking. He, and like minded people have worked for years to build their own system to move money, along with all the other work to overcome de-platforming. I can’t really get all gungho onboard with Torba’s platform and goals, but he’s got things figured out. I applaud his efforts, and hold him out as an example for de-banked industries to follow. The gun industry might even ally themselves with Mr. Torba.

    • “He, and like minded people have worked for years to build their own system to move money, along with all the other work to overcome de-platforming.”


      I refuse to accept a ‘separate but equal’ solution involving a core civil right. How core a civil right? Core enough to be number 2 on a ‘top 10’ list of recognized civil rights…

      • Geoff, I never meant to imply that Torba’s solution was the “right way” to do things. But, it is important to note that Torba and company are still online, with a seemingly healthy community today. The alternative was to buckle to the pressure, lose all online presence, and hope that maybe you can drag the SOBs into court, then hope that you get an honest hearing in front of an honest judge.

        The “right thing” to have happened, would have been that Gab had never been targeted by the left.

      • Although your insistence on NOT creating a “separate but equal” solution involving a core civil right is understandable – and, of course, you’re right – I hope you also realize that we are just about at that point where it’s absolutely necessary. We have to be prepared for this inevitability, and do what we must. And, it IS inevitable, seeing as the Big Banks and Big Asset Managers are THE problem, as they truly hold ALL the cards. This WILL continue, and escalate, until they are destroyed. That is the nature of greed and power and control – and hubris. What’s that old saying – “Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.” And they do hold ALL the power. Until they’re well & truly put in their place – and, I do NOT see that happening in this political climate of utter corruption – this will continue and escalate.

        • “…seeing as the Big Banks and Big Asset Managers are THE problem, as they truly hold ALL the cards.”

          They can be made to heel, by using the 50s-60s civil rights model…

    • “Torba”?

      “Ye shall be known by the company ye keep”

      “Torba’s Gab account was created on August 10, 2016, and the next account created later that day was for the “alt-right” personality Milo Yiannopoulos. Other extremists who created early accounts include anti-feminist conspiracist Mike Cernovich and prominent neo-Nazi Richard Spencer”

      Hey, wait a minute, isn’t the Milo Y. guy the well-known chommo?

        • “Fucking auto correct all up my ass like 49ers tongue“

          Can’t get those continuous thoughts of same-sex erotic behavior out of your head? Seek the help you obviously need, therapists are standing by to help with your fetish obsession.

        • “Lefty’s taught me everything is about sex. Even race“

          Really? But you are the one who brought up same-sex erotic activities, are you a “Lefty”?

          Or do you just enjoy thinking about same-sex erotic activities?

        • Da Editor — February 3, 2024 At 09:48

          …Say unnecessarily nasty things about others, threaten people, use unnecessarily foul language, or come here just to create problems for everyone and yeah, we’ll moderate you. Pretty simple.

          How about it, moderators?

        • Yes alien, good point!

          When will ‘Da’ editors moderate that 69er feller for his statement:

          “Fucking auto correct all up my ass like 49ers tongue“

          Oh wait, he was attacking a liberal so he’s in the clear.

          Conservatives, they name is hypocrisy.

        • MajorLiar,

          “Oh wait, he was attacking a liberal so he’s in the clear.”

          NO, you complete quarter-wit!! He was attacking auto correct” and a really crappy football team (although that football team DOES hail from one of the oozing pustules of insane Leftist/fascism, San Francisco.

          Reading comprehension is not your strong suit, is it, @$$clown??

  3. The corporate media, SNL is NBC, exists to gaslight their consumers. The Deepstate Bureaucracy negotiates regulations in exchange for controlled messaging. Consumers hear what the government wants them to hear. “What you see isn’t real, you’re just not smart enough to understand your own lived reality.”

  4. SNL is one of the propaganda arms of the DNC. So when even they’re talking about it you know you’re over the target.

  5. Just is married to Scarlett Johansson. He’s married up(for now)so he doesn’t worry about “fact checking” in the yesteryear definition. Who the heck watches SNL?

  6. “rapid decline of Saturday Night Live” RAPID? SNL hasn’t amounted to diddly squat in aout 40years since Belushi/Chase/etc

    • I think they were still a player when they had Sandler. Dont know about the time between chase and sandler really. But definitely after sandler its been downhill all the way

    • “SNL hasn’t amounted to diddly squat in aout 40years since Belushi/Chase/etc”

      Seasons have been hit-or-miss, but recently the pure venom of political hatred has been the norm.

      The political jokes were there in the early years, but as time went on they got mean about it…

  7. “To be fair, if Jost’s sole source of news comes from media outlets like The New York Times or …”

    He’s a player on a TV show — he just reads what the writers shove in front of him. That’s his job. Thinking is optional; rather, it is discouraged.

    • > he just reads what the writers shove in front of him.

      The media is NOT independent. Central control feeds pieces all the time. Following orders while filling time at no cost to the local station.

      Mike Myers Says “Yeah, Baby!” – 30 Minutes

      This is one of many. Can’t find the similar “especially on your birthday” supercut.

      • Well, how else are supposed to know what to like or how to think and act if the programming doesn’t tell you?

  8. Quote———– the lawful and highly-regulated firearm industry——–quote

    If the Firearms industry were placed under the jurisdiction of the Consumer Safety Council about 50 % of firearms (read that pistols) would be declared illegal because they are unsafe to handle and unsafe to strip down for cleaning.

    The unsafe Glock led the way with their pistol that has no manual safety yet is cocked and ready to fire even with an accidental snag of the trigger and the pistol is also totally unsafe to strip down as you must pull the trigger with the slide forward to take it apart. Now there are copycat brands so numerous they exceed the numbers of the grains of sand on any beach. The graveyards are full of people accidentally shot and killed because of these unsafely designed weapons. How in the world Glock or its copycat brands have gone so long without being sued out of existence remains one of the most bizarre episodes in firearms history.

    I might also state that banks are private businesses and if they chose not to have blood on their hands by financing the firearms industry it will be very difficult to stop them from doing so. After all people have been complaining now for years how Far Right Internet sites ban the opposing political viewpoints which is a blatant rape of the 1st Amendment but the Far Right Judges have ruled they can create all the propaganda machines they want feeding their glazed eyed ignorant followers lies so outrageous it would make even a mentally challenged person scratch his head in disbelief.

  9. Late night TV.

    Stupid place ….. ☑️
    Stupid people…. ☑️
    Stupid thing ….. ☑️

    Should be avoided.

  10. de-banking has been happening for almost 100 years in one form or another, its just not the United States either.

    Its applied for many different reasons big or small and its world wide. For example; In the U.K. in 2022 U.K. over 343,000 ‘clients’ were de-banked mostly due to the banks feelings being hurt by the way the clients had acted towards the staff of the respective banks (although some were de-banked for ‘political reasons’) and since then U.K. banks have de-banked clients who also traded with Ukraine as well as those of the muslim communities most simply for political reasons because the U.K. government wanted it done and that de-banking continues to today. In Canada, in response to the Canada convoy protest of 2022, 76 bank accounts linked to the members of the protests were frozen under the Emergencies Act thus the clients were de-banked. In most of Europe and Asia a person or company bank account can be closed and the funds frozen, simply because the government says so thus de-banking the ‘customer’, and they do it too on a routine basis.

    De-banking is also known in the banking industry as ‘de-risking’. Supposedly, its purpose is the closure of people’s or organizations’ bank accounts by banks who perceive the account holders to pose a financial, legal, regulatory, or reputational risk to the bank. However, it has become ‘weaponized’ by governments and politicians (especially in the U.S. since Biden has been in office – through left wing and Biden associations with left leaning large banks and financial institutions) as a means to do away with things the government or politicians do not like or for political gain or to force their will or remove the ability to do something. In the United States its frequently used against non-profits or religious groups, or others, in an attempt to destroy their financial abilities and limit/destroy their reach or function.

    • I had an experience in the early 1990s when my bank kept cancelling my debit cards and then reissuing another, which was often cancelled before the card arrived in the post. Even manual in-branch deposits and withdrawals seemed to be extraordinarily difficult. I was mostly living on cash as I was paid in cash, but some things get too much to tolerate.

      I asked my local branch what was the cause of the problems. After much waiting and to-ing and fro-ing, they showed a notice that an account was to have access restricted. They showed me the notice which had the account number. I said there is a problem. The account to be restricted is NOT mine. Two numbers were different and were probably transposed by accident when being entered. A mention of the banking Ombudsman being involved was enough to fix the problem.

      You can be de-banked for a mistake by the lowest paid employee.

  11. 2nd attempt to post

    Quote———– the lawful and highly-regulated firearm industry——–quote

    If the Firearms industry were placed under the jurisdiction of the Consumer Safety Council about 50 % of firearms (read that pistols) would be declared illegal because they are unsafe to handle and unsafe to strip down for cleaning.

    The unsafe Glock led the way with their pistol that has no manual safety yet is cocked and ready to fire even with an accidental snag of the trigger and the pistol is also totally unsafe to strip down as you must pull the trigger with the slide forward to take it apart. Now there are copycat brands so numerous they exceed the numbers of the grains of sand on any beach. The graveyards are full of people accidentally shot and killed because of these unsafely designed weapons. How in the world Glock or its copycat brands have gone so long without being sued out of existence remains one of the most bizarre episodes in firearms history.

    I might also state that banks are private businesses and if they chose not to have blood on their hands by financing the firearms industry it will be very difficult to stop them from doing so. After all people have been complaining now for years how Far Right Internet sites ban the opposing political viewpoints which is a blatant rape of the 1st Amendment but the Far Right Judges have ruled they can create all the propaganda machines they want feeding their glazed eyed ignorant followers lies so outrageous it would make even a mentally challenged person scratch his head in disbelief.

  12. 3rd attempt to post

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    Quote———– the lawful and highly-regulated firearm industry——–quote

    If the Firearms industry were placed under the jurisdiction of the Consumer Safety Council about 50 % of firearms (read that pistols) would be declared illegal because they are unsafe to handle and unsafe to strip down for cleaning.

    The unsafe Glock led the way with their pistol that has no manual safety yet is cocked and ready to fire even with an accidental snag of the trigger and the pistol is also totally unsafe to strip down as you must pull the trigger with the slide forward to take it apart. Now there are copycat brands so numerous they exceed the numbers of the grains of sand on any beach. The graveyards are full of people accidentally shot and killed because of these unsafely designed weapons. How in the world Glock or its copycat brands have gone so long without being sued out of existence remains one of the most bizarre episodes in firearms history.

    I might also state that banks are private businesses and if they chose not to have blood on their hands by financing the firearms industry it will be very difficult to stop them from doing so. After all people have been complaining now for years how Far Right Internet sites ban the opposing political viewpoints which is a blatant rape of the 1st Amendment but the Far Right Judges have ruled they can create all the propaganda machines they want feeding their glazed eyed ignorant followers lies so outrageous it would make even a mentally challenged person scratch his head in disbelief.

  13. I’m reminded of all the libertarians liberals and the Leftists. Who were very comfortable with Gunsite. And the mom and pop gun business being de banked years ago.
    “That’s a private bank business”
    “They don’t have to serve people if they don’t want to.”

    But they screamed like stuck pigs when the porn business was being de banked.
    Just like the ACLU. Who refused to support gun store Advertising. But demanded that porn stores and movies be able to advertise.

    Don’t trust the three L’s. They “took their mask off” years ago.

  14. an old snl skit from ’16 that was mostly wiped from the web resurfaced on x recently. starring trunk and actors as his family it is eerily profound in it’s predictions.
    mexico’s prexy arrives with a check for the wall and trunk sez it’s too generous. “melania” says the white house is ok, but it’s the smallest place they’ve ever lived.
    would not have gone viral w/ o musk.

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