Tiffany Caban
Tiffany Caban (AP Photo/Frank Franklin II, File)
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From the NRA-ILA . . .

Progressive politicians have gone one better than “defund the police” and are now recommending that constituents refrain from contacting law enforcement.

Two Democrats in New York State, Assemblyman Zohran Kwame Mamdani and New York City council member Tiffany Cabán, have collaborated on a “public safety resource guide” distributed to small businesses. The guide, reproduced in a September 27 tweet, urges constituents not to call the police and instead, use “better ways of solving problems …every time a challenge arises.”

In the event of a “conflict that appears to be escalating,” the guide recommends giving “the person causing harm the chance to correct their behavior,” and saying “no,” “stop” or “that is not okay.” “Repeat the same statement until the person causing harm corrects their behavior or exits (ex. ‘Have a good day!’).” If “naming the behavior” doesn’t work, another option is distracting the “person causing harm,” with a suggested script of, “Hey, didn’t I go to high school with you?”

Business owners scoffed at the guide, saying it was “irresponsibly endangering lives,” with one incredulous restaurant owner responding, “Are you kidding me?… Who does [Cabán] want us to call, Ghostbusters?!”

Prior to unveiling her public safety tips, Cabán campaigned on commitments to defund the police and “end the system of mass incarceration.” Her campaign document, A New Vision for Public Safety in New York City, maintains that “New York City is overpoliced and over-incarcerated.”

“If someone is in a situation where they need to call 911 because they are afraid for their life, police are unlikely to be able to help,” it states. “Police do not solve most crimes and do nearly nothing to help survivors and victims.” Cabán even distributed “Defund the NYPD”-marked clothing as part of her campaign.

zohran mamdami

After a woman was potentially blinded on being violently beaten in a random attack at a subway station in Cabán’s borough of Queens, Cabán reacted by downplaying “fear-mongering,” because “[s]ubway violence is a one-in-a-million event.”

Statistics from the NYPD, however, show that year-to-date transit crime has increased by over 40% compared to 2021. A quick scan of Big Apple headlines reveals several attacks at subway stations within days of the Queens assault, including a woman being slashed in the face and another being punched in the head at a Brooklyn subway station, a man being pushed onto the tracks at the Union Square station (the suspect has a reported 45 prior arrests), and a passenger on a train being fatally stabbed.

The defund-the-police Democrats seem oblivious to or untroubled by the spiking crime rates and lawlessness in their jurisdictions. Heather MacDonald, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute, points to the case of Philadelphia district attorney Larry Krasner, who insists that his progressive policies are “working,” even as they contribute “to the highest number of murders and the highest murder rate in a city’s history, a record number of carjackings, the routine looting of stores, and savage beatings of innocent pedestrians.”

As for Ms. Cabán, not everyone is on board with her silly “public safety” tips or anti-police ideology. After callers to her office last week expressed their disappointment or dissatisfaction with her (and the hope that she’d be “beaten up on the subway” or get her “ass kicked”), someone on her staff reportedly deviated from the official script and contacted the NYPD. (Cabán’s spokesperson denies that her office called 911 but “without elaborating on how they notified cops.”)

A local landlord quoted in the news story comments that when “people were getting robbed at gunpoint across the street from [Cabán’s] office she did nothing… Now someone leaves an anonymous message and she is crying and calling cops while she tells her constituents to call 311 – typical do as I say, not as I do phony politician.”


This post originally appeared at and is reprinted here with permission. 

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  1. I’m sure they will follow their own advice should they or a family member be assaulted, robbed, car jacked, raped or their homes invaded. Must be “turn the other cheek” Christians aka a NEW kind of Liberal?…

    • Since they love to claim resisting an attacker results in injury to the one attacked, I’m sure they will suggest women should “Just lay there and enjoy it”, or just urinate and defecate on the attacker… 🙁

    • “Turning the other cheek” is an act of defiance, not submission, so that your slapper would use the front of his hand instead of backhandingly slapping as one would do to a slave.

  2. So a 70 year old codger is supposed to tell a 15-year-old thug : “Hey, didn’t I go to high school with you?” LMAOROTF

  3. “Bah ha ha ha! Oh wait, you were serious. Let me laugh even harder. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • I saw one of our student assistants rage quit when my coworker used that line on her when she suggested a similar idea last year. Guessing it was a talking point in the universities/social media that is starting to filter into “sensitive locations”. That he actually sounded like Bender while doing it was amazing.

      • My good Sir, that is one of the most amazing stories I have ever heard, in all of its contexts. Thank you for sharing that. I’m both very happy that others share my love of early Futurama and its sense of humor, and horrified that such a brilliant joke could possibly be so singled out. What a world, eh? Have a great day amigo!

      • Hey SAFE, I wrote a thoughtful message thanking you for sharing your story, and it got deleted. I’m not happy right now, but in short, thank you for sharing buddy.

        • Of course and she was honestly the only blue haired weirdo we have had that wasn’t able to finish the internship (only had 5). Usually there is a chip on their shoulder to start with but after having to learn about how the system actually functions in NY compared to tv portrayals they begin to see what people actually do and they tend to mellow out a bit. She may also have………not been the most popular but she was given every chance to succeed and return.

    • The progressive way. Upend society my making what was illegal now legal. Punishing victims of crime because the perpetrator is the true victim of society.

    • Stupid? What makes you think this isn’t 100% intentional? What makes you think these people don’t know exactly what they’re doing? No less a Leftist intellectual than Noam Chomsky has said “Intent can be inferred from predictable outcomes.”

      “Crisis Theory” is a Marxist idea. Use the crisis to illustrate the failure of capitalism, to advance the cause of the Revolution. And if there isn’t a crisis, the Party Vanguard must create one. Even Wikipedia admits it’s real:

      It’s part and parcel of Cultural Bolshevism. Note that Wikipedia took down this article and now calls it a “conspiracy theory.”

      These people regard themselves as the Party Vanguard. Law and order, public safety, the Constitution, social capital, cultural cohesion and cultural pride, all these things are obstacles they work hard every day to destroy. They want to burn civilization down to the ground so that the Revolution can be a fresh start. They know exactly what they are doing. This is all planned. It’s intentional.

  4. As a Christian I know that capital punishment is just. It’s what GOD’S WORD calls for. Should start with mr red sneakers, can you get much more violent than beating your grandma to death at 14? I don’t understand why the woman that was beaten doesn’t deserve justice. Let violent criminals go,jail you for self defense. Right is wrong, wrong is right. Repent turn away from your sin, he’s coming soon.

  5. “The defund-the-police Democrats seem oblivious to or untroubled by the spiking crime rates and lawlessness in their jurisdictions.”
    The democrats know crime is spiking, but are “untroubled” partly because they don’t have any genuine feelings for their constituents and partly because these crimes don’t affect them personally. Many will still sing the same B S even if crimes happen to them or their families and friends. Whereas others may just sing a different tune when crime hits in their back yard. The song they sing is easy until it hits home!

  6. And people wonder why people like Tulsi Gabbard, Joe Rogan, Bill Maher are leaving the Dem party?
    Look at stupidity like THOSE PSA!
    Really think,
    In the event of a “conflict that appears to be escalating,” the guide recommends giving “the person causing harm the chance to correct their behavior,” and saying “no,” “stop” or “that is not okay.” “Repeat the same statement until the person causing harm corrects their behavior or exits (ex. ‘Have a good day!’).” If “naming the behavior” doesn’t work, another option is distracting the “person causing harm,” with a suggested script of, “Hey, didn’t I go to high school with you?”
    is going to stop the crazy person with the knife who just so happens to be stabbing you?
    What planet do these people live on?

  7. Or you can simply beat the person trying to steal from you until they say “No” and “Stop”.

  8. I encourage all New Yorkers to follow these recommendations and just suffer. New Yorkers voted for these vermin, they deserve them, and now they get what they get, good and hard.

    Stupid is as stupid does.

    • Isn’t it great to know that a city full of people can’t comprehend a simple concept like cause & effect, and yet they still think they’re smarter than and superior to everyone else?

      • Gets better, they outnumber most of the rest of the state and get to generally direct most policy and legislative developments with republican majorities only meaning a slower descent into crazy town until a minor correction sets it back to only mildly nuts for a while. Up end enough are getting robbed and worse that Deathwish is becoming relatively popular again.

        • I was reading today about counties voting to leave Maryland and joining West Virginia along with counties voting to leave Oregon and join Idaho. Next thought was, isolate the crazy cities as their own city-states and let them own the idiocy.

        • The city is fairly isolated from the rest of NY to being with thankfully but the refugees we have gotten since the pandemic were a bit of a mix.

        • “isolate the crazy cities as their own city-states and let them own the idiocy.”

          We need policies that actually do this.

      • yet they still think they’re smarter than and superior to everyone else?

        Therein lies the problem, however in THEIR minds they KNOW they are smarter and FAR superior to everyone else. Hmmmmmmmmmm, sounds familiar, does dacyboy live in NYC?

  9. This makes perfect sense. If you understand that many people in America hate the police. Like the Libertarians Liberals and the Left. And there are some conservatives who hate the police as well. But at least the conservatives believe in shooting criminals dead on site. That is not what the Three L’s believe.

    If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone say, “the police are the problem”, I would be rich. Many of them call the cops “Trump’s secret police”. This anti-police belief has been in our country for a very long time. But it was very isolated. But not anymore.

    At least these New York elected officials are intellectually honest. It’s the Libertarian Liberals and the Left who have been intellectually dishonest for decades now. With their hatred for the police. But they hide it from the public. Every now and then they expose themselves when a secret video comes out.

    I like the police. I had a childhood friend, a war gamer like myself, an adult friend who was a cop in California. And I would hate it if something terrible would have happen to him. But most cop haters will not support what I support. Allowing the law-abiding to shoot dead on sight when criminals who rob, rape, murder, steal, assault, break into or vandalize private property.

    These intellectually dishonest people who hate the cops but don’t want you to defend what is yours, with deadly force if necessary. They are irrational and illogical people. They are filled with uncontrolled emotions, with their hatred for law enforcement.

    Come January 2023 the “Purge law” will come into effect in the state of Illinois. A similar law has been in effect in California since 2014. These people believe the United States is “a suicide pact”. They believe you should commit suicide just like they are going to. They say that’s just “part of the deal”. And that is why they hate the Second Amendment so much. And it’s the same reason why they hate the First Amendment so much.

    Thank God for the founding fathers. There are 50 different states. And if a state or city wants to commit suicide the rest of them do not have to follow. And they can’t be forced into doing so either.

    Unfortunately the police have become unreliable. When they followed orders and stood down in 2020. And did nothing while cities were burned to the ground and innocent people were murdered where they stood. Same thing in Uvalde Texas.
    So keep the police. Keep up this Security fraud theater. Take the guns away from the police. Issue the cops nightsticks and the training to use them.

    • @Chris T

      Unfortunately the prevailing belief is that California, Illinois, New York and most of the other Blue States are too big to fail and should be / will be bailed out of their economic / cultural self-destruction by OUR tax-appropriated monies and resources.

      “When they followed orders and stood down in 2020. And did nothing while cities were burned to the ground and innocent people were murdered where they stood.”
      You are falling into the same trap of all-inclusive generalization that the Shannon Watts’ and Bloombergs of the world are pushing. Not all PD’s stood down…many responded to their local threats with the proper amount of vigilance and force.

      on a side note: have to disagree with your continuous harping and insistence on only issuing Police wooden batons (nightsticks)…not practical…won’t work…not gonna happen.

  10. This is all about preventing police reports so the crime problem does not exist and socialists look like their utopia works.

  11. Its like I said before – when that threat is right there, anti-gun would prefer you die and be seriously harmed rather than use a firearm to protect your loved ones or your self.

    Not only do they prefer you die, now they don’t want you to bother calling the police either. This of course is the method preferred by dacian, Miner49er, and Albert Hall – that you just die or be seriously harmed rather than use a gun for defense.

    All this talk from anti-gun and the best they can offer is ‘just say no’ or ‘hey, didn’t I go to high school with you?”. Seriously, that’s it? All these years of your anti-gun rhetoric and BS and the best thing you can offer people for a defense is ‘just say no’ or ‘hey, didn’t I go to high school with you?” and not to call the police. You people are insane.

    Heck, even members and employees of people in Shannon Watts group own and carry firearms. You people in New York your own politicians have armed security paid for by your tax payer dollars, so tell them to disband their armed security and instead arm them with this little bit of insanity to ‘just say no’.

  12. ‘…suggested script of, “Hey, didn’t you beat me up in high school?”’

    • Oh no, no no no no, no. Unthinkable sir. They’re important people, peons like you just don’t understand.

  13. Sounds like a great place to peddle ghost guns so the people can defend themselves.
    Now there here, now there not.

  14. “If someone is in a situation where they need to call 911 because they are afraid for their life, police are unlikely to be able to help,” it states.

    Wow, they’re sooo close to figuring it out.

    • You would think so but the pattern of thinking is warped much like a horseshoe in that once it gets to a certain point of advancement it stalls and regresses in an different direction (current thing meme).

  15. the ‘handle it yourself’ concept huh. Well, its open season then on criminal scum bags so who do people get their tags from, Assemblyman Zohran Kwame Mamdani or Tiffany Cabán and is there a daily bag limit?


    • But there is a caveat, use a gun in self-defense in NYC go to jail, go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200.

  16. Anti-Gunners Next Attack REVEALED >

    Gun controlling-supporting lawyers are arguing in favor of courts looking to late 19th century historical precedents to justify modern-day gun control laws.

    This is basically a do-over strategy it seems to me. The courts accepting late 19th century historical precedents is what got us to the balancing tests that NYSRPA v. Bruen did away with.

  17. “Hey, didn’t I go to high school with you?”

    Great, now I have to kill the witness who can identify me.

    • Good lord it’s even worse than the version I was hearing last year. Well I guess it’s a way to drive up “gun violence” numbers to try to justify increasingly obvious unconstitutional firearm restrictions.

  18. “If someone is in a situation where they need to call 911 because they are afraid for their life, police are unlikely to be able to help,” it states. ”

    Okay, I’ll accept that for the sake of argument- that means you believe people should be able to be armed to defend their lives when police cannot help, right?


  19. “no,” “stop” or “that is not okay.”

    Those are rather confrontational, judgemental, and butch for a hive dwelling pansy.

    • I’m laughing at the thought of a progressive NYC Karen huffing, “that is not okay,” while looters set fire to her store. Good grief.

  20. It’s been bugging me for a while. I know I’ve seen this woman somewhere.

    Then it hit me. When my kids were little they had a hamster. She has the same look that hamster had. Kinda special in a short bus way.

  21. WOW! Do these people live on the same planet as the rest of us? Can someone tell me why NY voters keep electing such creatures? I live in a free state (AZ: so far…). If our homegrown or legally immigrated (?) Democrazies share these notions, they’re keeping them quiet.

  22. Oh I’ve got one for a distraction technique! From the exalted Charles Bronson himself.

    Criminal engages in criminal activity.
    The Aggrieved- “Do you believe in Jesus?”
    Criminal- “What?!”
    The Aggrieved- “Because you’re gonna meet Him.”

  23. “…use better ways of solving problems …every time a challenge arises…”

    Agreed. Most such problems can easily be solved by 200-230 grains of lead traveling just under 900 fps. 115 just under 1200 works nearly as well. They also often de-escalate the situation even if they aren’t actually launched from their brass casing. The mere presence of their “launcher” in the hands of the intended victim often cause the aggressor to rethink their next move.

  24. Delay: Check in with the survivors to see if they’re OK.

    They actually published the part they don’t say – you’re supposed to die so the crime wave can go on.

    “Some of you May Die, But it’s a Sacrifice I am Willing to Make”.
    -Representative Farquad

  25. A few words to our Leftist Radicals.
    STUPID IS DOING THE SAME THING, OVER AND OVER EXPECITNG A DIFFENENT RESULT! Trust me, “turning the other cheek” just gets the other one slapped too.

  26. Where is Jim Cirillo and the Stakeout Squad now that we need them? Every bodega proprietor should be armed and have blanket immunity to repel boarders.

  27. Now that it’s ‘official’, open season! OK by me if America reverts back to the days of ‘Frontier Justice’. That is how the West was tamed — one less bad guy at a time. People took the law into their own hands in a lawless land and defended themselves and their families the best way they could, usually with a gun. No problem here.

    • I am amazed whenever some lawmaker uses the example of “like the wild west” when approaching firearms usage. There wasn’t near as much illegal gun usage in the expanding western U.S. as movie and TV like to portray. Gunfights are a feature of modern day misunderstanding the previous times. Every movie or TV show highlight violence in order to gain viewers (and make money) by the public’s ignorance. If there were SO MANY gunfights the entire population of the west would have been eradicated according to script writers. Most pioneers DIDN’T wear a gun (but owned one for emergencies) every cowboy didn’t get drunk (though some did) and start shooting up the town, this is the imagination and exaggeration of writers and producers of fiction.

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