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53 thoughts on “Some Things are Just Baked Into the National Character”

    • S­t­a­r­t w­o­r­k­i­n­g f­r­o­m h­o­m­e! G­r­e­a­t w­o­r­k f­o­r-E­v­er, ­S­t­a­y a­t H­o­m­e M­o­m­s O­R a­n­y­o­n­e n­e­e­d­s­ a­n e­x­t­r­a i­n­c­o­m­e. G­e­t s­t­a­r­t­e­d. Y­o­u o­n­l­y n­e­e­d­ a bgz computer a­n­d a reliable c­o­m­p­u­t­e­r c­o­n­n­e­c­t­i­o­n­ s­o d­o­n’t g­e­t l­a­t­e t­r­y…….

      • I am making effectively tirelessly $15k to $20k basically by doing coordinate work at domestic. Multi month once more i have made $45890 from this development. astounding and smooth to do work and standard pay from this can be stupefying. i have propose each last one of you to connect this advance right specifically as moo security and get than full time compensation through take after this affiliation.
        ) AND Great Good fortune.:

    • I am making effectively tirelessly $15k to $20k basically by doing coordinate work at domestic. Multi month once more i have made $45890 from this development. astounding and smooth to do work and standard pay from this can be stupefying. i have propose each last one of you to connect this advance right specifically as moo security and get than full time compensation through take after this affiliation.
      ) AND Great Good fortune.:

      • You fucking robots could at least get someone who speaks the “GOODER” English to script your bullshit and at least make it somewhat believable… Must be Minervas cousin…

  1. I want to do editorial comics like this. But I fear Grace has one over on me. Nicely done, Ma’am!

    • “I want to do editorial comics like this. But I fear Grace has one over on me”


      You have some things over Miss Grace :

      The ability to create art with your beak, wings, and claws.

      (And, I suppose, you could even dive-bomb poop-paint, if you also wanted… 🙂 )

  2. Never thought about it before, but it seem likely that every signer of the Declaration of Independence and everyone who ratified the Constitution would have been gun owners.

    • Facing the King’s justice at the end of a noose probably has that effect on people.

      • “Facing the King’s justice at the end of a noose probably has that effect on people.”

        Someone of that era commented back then if things didn’t work out something about “we shall all hang together or separately”, if memory serves…

        • ” WE MUST HANG (work) TOGETHER OR SURELY WE SHALL HANG SEPARATELY” Attributed to Benjamin Franklin, at the signing of the Declaration of Independence…

        • MAXX and Geoff,

          That “quote” (more on that, later) has been given in many variations, by various quoters/scholars/historians/”historians”, and is usually (but not always) attributed to Franklin. Like his “A republic, Ma’am, if you can keep it.” “quote”, there are various versions. No written records (other than alleged witness reports) – but both are consistent with Ben’s other know and documented beliefs, so I’m inclined to believe that they at least capture the flavor of his actual remarks at the time.

          My favorite rendition of the “quote” is that, supposedly right after signing, he said: “Now we must all hang together, or we will all certainly hang separately!” Or, as the other old quote goes, “When a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.”

    • I am making effectively tirelessly $15k to $20k basically by doing coordinate work at domestic. Multi month once more i have made $45890 from this development. astounding and smooth to do work and standard pay from this can be stupefying. i have propose each last one of you to connect this advance right specifically as moo security and get than full time compensation through take after this affiliation.
      ) AND Great Good fortune.:

  3. If GW just had one AR he could have personally defeated the British all alone. The AR is so powerful that a single individual can outgun thousands.

    If he had a M60 he could have taken over the entire world.

    • Trooper,

      Well, when you’re sportin’ a gat with a 30 round magazine clip, capable of dispensing 30 bullets in a second? And each bullet will actual shoot a person’s head clean off? Or blow a body in half (not like those wimp-ass little 9mm, that only blow a person’s lungs out)? And is capable of firing fully semi-automatic (or fully automatic fire, depending on which idiot you are listening to)?

      OF COURSE George could have whipped those Brits all on his own!! After all:

      • The British officer corps, attacked by an unknown extremely effective sniper at 300-400 meter ranges, would quickly taken ship back to England. Assuming a good support team, proper secrecy and adequate ammo, 1 AR man could indeed have *sharply* affected the course of the war.

        The Brit upper classes were brave, not suicidal.

        Nothing in this post should be construed as meaning that the Prez? ain’t saying stupid stuff. Of course, anyone who thinks he is ad-libbing either does not understand the Left, or something something something false flag something something…

    • Yeah, he might have actually won a battle. Who am I kidding, he still would have lost every battle.

      • George was the one man that could have lost the revolution. He kept his army alive and intact until they had won the war. Simply by surviving. He was so good that generations later Uncle Ho in Viet Nam copied his script word for word and won his war.

        Only low iq, uneducated types consider Georg to have ‘sucked’.

  4. President Washington, nonetheless, did not hesitate to forcibly disarm citizens whom he regarded as brigands, doing so by means of leading state militias during the so-called Whiskey Rebellion in Pennsylvania.

    Summarizing instructions from Washington, Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton thus wrote Virginia governor Henry Lee, Jr., on Oct. 20, 1794:

    “Of those persons in arms, if any, whom you may make prisoners; leaders, including all persons in command, are to be delivered up to the civil magistrate: the rest to be disarmed, admonished and sent home.”

      • He was President at the time and enforced the collection of an unpopular tax for the good of the nation.

        Disarmed citizens, remember that.

        • Hey, I didn’t vote for the guy, but taxation has been a way of life since people first got organized in the world… It costs money to run AND protect a country… He disarmed tax evaders (aka criminals), we still do… So, what’s your point? You don’t like George Washington? That sounds like a personal problem…

    • Find any person in history that contributed to something greater than themselves and tell us they were without flaw. With the exception of Jesus, no one is without flaw.

      We judge people based on the circumstances of the time they lived and those things they tried to change.

      • I guess Also Washington could have the same complaint about President Lincoln. Personally I’m happy with the way things turned out.

      • There were TWO kinds of people at that time, Slave Owners and Slaves… Which would YOU prefer to be and remember there were BLACK slave owners as well…

        • “There were TWO kinds of people at that time, Slave Owners and Slaves…”

          Close, but no cigar.

          There were three types, free men who were slave owners, free men who owned no slaves, and the slaves themselves. There were also Black free men who owned slaves…

        • “There were TWO kinds of people at that time, Slave Owners and Slaves”

          Nope, there were many folks who did not own slaves, both whites and blacks.

          American Christians in those days were a mixed bunch, many in the north opposed slavery while many in the south used biblical slavery as a justification to oppress their fellow humans.

          George Washington was proslavery, he owned slaves and offered a bounty for his runaway slaves to be returned to servitude.

        • “there were many folks who did not own slaves”

          Liar69er, that was already explained by Geoff — “free men who owned no slaves.” You’re late to the party.

          “American Christians in those days”

          As if you would know anything about Christianity.

        • Man. I wonder if an atheist ever owned slaves? Must have at least once in history. Proves all atheists are evil.

          miner claims to be an atheiest.

      • As the Abolitionist movement was spreading in England and gradually throughout the western world, Washington along with Thomas Jefferson, tried very hard to end the practice of slavery. Manumission was difficult in part because legally, to the banks, slaves were considered property and therefore could not be freed unless all leins to that estate were satisfied. This fact, along with other reasons like general education and self sufficiency, was one of the major reasons why the South split during the Civil War, because the wholesale freeing of the slaves would bankrupt the South’s capital structure, and so there were also Southerners who were against slavery but could not support wholesale Emancipation. The U.S., I believe, became only the third country in the world to officially outlaw slavery (after England and France). The African country of Liberia was founded by freed slaves, sadly many died due to lack of immunity to African diseases.

      • What we do to those dastardly scumbags that made this country possible…

        A statue dedicated to Revolutionary War hero Gen. Philip Schuyler that has stood over Albany’s city hall for nearly a century was removed on Saturday morning. The statue was removed because Schuyler owned slaves.

        Teach THAT inanimate object to bear semblance to a despicable slave owner even if it WAS the norm of the day…

        • Apparently, many Republican conservatives would like to see a return to those days. Here’s video of two major Republican presidential candidates who wish to honor traitorous confederate generals here today in America.

          “This month, Fort Bragg in North Carolina dropped the Confederate name and became Fort Liberty. The name change stemmed from a Department of Defense initiative to rename military bases that named after confederate soldiers. Yet 2024 Republican GOP candidates Ron DeSantis and Mike Pence say that as president they would return the base to its confederate name.“

          It seems the Republicans just can’t get enough of slavery and white supremacy.

          When you advocate honoring men who violated their sacred oath to the Constitution and waged war against the United States of America in support of the institution of slavery, to claim it as anything other than modern white supremacy is nothing but a lie.

        • It’s called HISTORY Minerva: You know, the stuff, that made AMERICA what it is today, the stuff you fucking KOMMIES want to erase?… At least THOSE men had ideals (right, wrong or otherwise) and were willing to put their lives on the line to defend them, unlike you cowards today whose idea of “standing up” is to hide behind a keyboard in your basement and bad mouth the brave men and women who fought for their beliefs, and NO ONE is advocating for the return of slavery OR defending white supremacy… GFY Minerva, grow a pair… Reading most of your chopped up fantasy bullshit actually amuses me that someone could possibly believe that the rest of us are just THAT stupid, however some of it (like this) makes me physically ill… Pretty sure if I ever came face to face with some moron spouting off the crap that YOU do, I’d punch him right in the fucking mouth…

        • Hey miner, fyi, it was the dems who fought a war to keep slavery. And founded the klan. And resisted civil rights.

          Now if you want to talk about violating oaths lets talk about the one you swore as an officer. And how taking pay for attempting to violate our civil rights would be wrong of you.

  5. Anyone who could have had some form of breechloading, repeating, cartridge rifle back in the late 18th century would have loved it. Lug around loose powder and shot, cast your own musket balls around the campfire and haul around a heavy Brown Bess for a while and even a Civil War era single shot like the Sharps would be a blessing.

    • @AL

      Had Washington the opportunity to obtain an AR, he surely would have wanted one. In fact, he would have wanted ALL of them. Every single one.

  6. I can just imagine what a group of run away slaves would do with AR-15s. And fixed bayonets.

  7. Stocks look suspiciously SCAR-like.

    Must be some Belgian gifts via the French to give those ol’ Brits a good drubbing.

  8. It would be a little fun to watch George search for the ram rod then stuff the gunm with powder and ball

  9. I’m pretty sure the founders would have loved today’s semi-auto AR-15.

    They actually wanted such a firearm, of course in their day how they conceptualized firearms was driven mostly by the limitations of the technology of the time but in concept, and in some cases realization, they had their concepts realized.

    For example; The Belton Flintlock, which could fire nearly twenty bullets in five seconds which is about as many rounds as a person skilled with an AR-15 can fire, so in effect, in their days considering their technological limitations, the ‘AR-15’ existed in the form of the Belton Flintlock.

    There are other examples of the ‘AR-15’ equivalency of the times back then. In one example, the founders even tried to equip the standing army, and wanted every citizen to have such a firearm, but the firearm was too expensive for the government to equip the army and cost too for the average person to pay.

    The founders were well aware of advancing technology in firearms and arms in general, they knew technology would advanced and wanted it to do so. The left wing seems to think “no, the founders wanted everything to stay exactly the same and firearms technology never advance so never could have envisioned an AR-15.” well that’s simply not true. They envisioned, in their technological limitations of the times, comparatively, such firearms as today’s AR-15 concept in possession of American citizens and wanted technology to advance to improve upon what they had in their day.

    • If anyone cares to go look up the writings of Jefferson, or Adams, or the rest of the Founders, they might be shocked at the solid knowledge on firearms, science, classic education in several languages, including Latin, and many of the scientific and technological discoveries of the day.
      Perhaps if people valued education and learning as the founders did we would not have such a screwed up country. Of course, up until the last 40 years, someone with an 8th grade education could do most things, including run a business or manage a factory. Today we have so called college educated idiots who can’t read their diplomas.

      • That is absolutely true in their personal knowledge of how life plays out under various political and legal systems; be they monarchical, tribal, military, civil, religious or simply anarchical…

        No one alive on the planet even comes close to their breadth of experience.

        People say times have changed. The nature o tyranny and oppression ain’t one iota.

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