Mia Tretta (image: Instagram)

I recently came across an interesting post on social media. An actress with a bunch of followers tells the story of how people were mean to her daughter online, someone who had been wounded in a mass shooting.

Before we get into why she’s being unreasonable here, let’s first explore a little bit of background. It’s true that her daughter suffered during and after a 2019 mass shooting, and that’s no laughing matter. She had a long recovery after being shot in the stomach, and her best friend was killed next to her.

But, these days, she isn’t just telling people about how the shooting stole part of her childhood.

One very commendable thing she’s done is get involved in “stop the bleed” classes. That’s a real way to save lives from violence, one that can have a positive effect in the world. She’s also advocated for people to be more careful how they handle guns, especially not allowing children and criminals to get access to them. Once again (assuming government isn’t forcing the issue), most gun owners can agree with that.

But she’s also out there stumping for gun control. Even a cursory look at her Instagram page or Twitter accounts shows that she’s not just a safety activist. She’s demanding all of the usual gun control rabid anti-gun people want. While living in California, the anti-gun Nirvana, no infringement on the right to keep and bear arms is too much for her to get behind.

So, what her mom’s tweet really means is, “My daughter is a victim of a mass shooting and advocates for gun control. Why are people being so mean?”

Her mom, like many other gun control proponents, has no earthly idea why their advocacy is offensive to so many people. They think they’re part of a peaceful movement that can only make the world a better place. When people respond with hostility, they think it further justifies their position, because anybody who would be rude to good people such as themselves has be insane, right?

What they’re not getting is that there really is no polite or kind way to advocate for limiting other people’s rights. That includes their gun rights. Why? Because taking people’s guns away isn’t peaceful. Sure, if the government banned all guns tomorrow, many people would peacefully turn them in, but that doesn’t mean they’d do it because they wanted to. The people who would comply would only do out of fear of the government sending men with guns to kill them.

Mia Tretta and, well, you know.

And the people who don’t comply? We’d be protected by the Fourth Amendment for a while, but if evidence emerges in any way that we still had guns, the government would send men with guns to take them away by force. Anything short of surrendering and going to prison would result in being shot and killed by those men with guns that people like Tretta want to sent after us.

The other thing to consider is the effect this would have on marginalized groups in society. “Liberals” like the Trettas think that they stand up for our rights, but their political party only takes half-assed measures to protect us (when they do anything at all). So, at present, firearms are very much necessary to protect people of color, the LGBT+ community, and religious minorities from violent bigots. If guns were banned, those violent bigots wouldn’t give up their guns, but you can bet that in many places those bans would be aggressively enforced against marginalized groups.

And then there’s the fact that Americans use guns to defend themselves about 1.6 million times each year. Those are robberies, rapes, assaults, and murders that are prevented.

The end result is that rather than protecting people, gun control laws only leave the most vulnerable and disfavored people in society defenseless against the most heartless and savage.

The same is true for mainstream populations. There are left-wing nutcases who would go shoot up a church or a religious school, and those nutcases aren’t going to give up their guns. But you can bet that in some states, strict gun control laws would be used to disarm church security members unless they go through the expense and hassle to pay for police or professional security officers.

So, once again, good people would end up getting hurt and killed as a result of people who thought they were protecting society from violence.

The Trettas and people like them need to keep in mind that they brought on the ugliness and hostility by advocating for confiscation, imprisonment and/or actual violent death for people who want nothing more than to peacefully exercise their Second Amendment rights. There’s absolutely no way to politely promote that, and no one owes them courtesy or kindness when they do it.


      • Holy molley, must have been awhile since I looked at this channel. John was clean shaven the last I saw him.

    • I have been in the RTKBA fight since 1968, when I became a NRA Life Member and the Congress passed the humongous gun grabbing, rights violating bill they called the GCA of 1968. Apparently they didn’t get the memo that violating that RTKBA is an infringement in every sense of the word, and they proceeded to skin the right to arms like a buck in the fall.

      So, I got into the fray and studied up. Then I started posting, and the first lesson I learned from those I now freely term as ‘gun grabbers’ was they were not amenable to logic, or history, or a reasoned argument based on facts. Noooo. What I discovered was a cult of absolute hatred for an inanimate object, and equal hate for those who owned or used them. The vituperation I experienced from the gun grabber cult was so intense that I began to suspect many of the ilk were actually mentally ill. Their name calling, cussing, and dropping to ad hominem every time they lost the logical argument really started to annoy me. Really annoy me.
      Now I have one war and 40 years of being a street cop behind me and low and behold, the same ignorant class of people are still out there making the same stupid arguments. Which is even worse now that SCOTUS has finally spoken on what used to be “The Embarrassing Second Amendment.” Despite our side having more historical, and legal ammunition than ever we are still faced with the same hostility, vituperance, and personal attacks as before, and perhaps even greater. I have watched neo-Marxists [sorry Democrats] in Congress lie, mislabel and distort facts as they push for ever more Constitutionally violative gun control. And most all of them don’t know what they are talking about, or if they do, they are lying to the publics face. So the fight goes on, as the gun grabbers twist in the wind of Heller, McDonald, Caetano, and Bruen; desperately trying to defense the now indefensible.

      As to my manners, I will still continue to call them as I see them and if necessary drop into the mud to do it.

      • “As to my manners, I will still continue to call them as I see them and if necessary drop into the mud to do it.”

        I’ll drink to that! (and I don’t drink)

  1. There is only one way to eliminate “gun violence”: eliminate all guns.

    That’s the only way. There is no other way to eliminate “gun violence”.

    Bad people will always use the available tools to do bad things. As long as guns exist anywhere, there will be “gun violence”. (Of course, when guns don’t exist, then we’ll have knife violence, baseball bat violence, and rock violence, but that’s beside the point here).

    “Advocating for taking away everyone’s guns? No way, that’d be stupid,” you say. “Nobody will ever go along with that, you say.” Well, yeah: exactly. We should push them on this point. All this “intermediate step” horsecrap is a huge logical failure. If they want to “reduce gun violence”, what are they really saying? They’re saying “Well, SOME gun violence is okay, we’re just having a tad too much. Let’s just reduce it a little.” That’s intellectually insane.

    There is no middle ground. Either you want to eliminate all guns everywhere, or you’re a lying scumbag idiot because you believe guns = gun violence, but you don’t believe in the only possible logical outcome of your attitude: that in order to eliminate gun violence, you must eliminate all guns, and if you are an advocate for stopping gun violence, IF YOU DON’T ELIMINATE ALL THE GUNS, THEN YOU ARE COMPLICIT IN EVERY SUBSEQUENT ACT OF “GUN VIOLENCE.”

    Make them eat their own shit sandwich. Stop with the ridiculous “common sense gun laws” approach. Either they want dead kids, or they don’t. If they believe guns = gun violence, and they don’t advocate for mass elimination/destruction, that’s proof that they’re okay with dead kids.

    Worm your way out of that one, you scumsucking history-denying idiot asswipe gunbanners.

    • They won’t even try. They’ll just call you names and tell you to fuck off, because if you hit them with that argument, and they actually tried to make sense of their positions, their heads would explode.

      • “Worm your way out of that one, you scumsucking history-denying idiot asswipe gunbanners.”

        Sort of like this response?

        I have never advocated banning firearms from anyone, but if THIS is an example of the best that one from this side of the argument can express him/her/itself- small wonder why it appears that everyone is just tossing gasoline on a dumpster fire.

        Americans used to believe that “two wrongs do not make a right”. Both sides just hurling insults at each other rarely solves anything. Someone needs to be, or become, the adult in the room.

        • Wow. You know Craig, when people make fun of me for being a Republican because we’re all quivering weenies who are just horrified of being offensive to someone or, God forbid, actually winning anything, they’re talking about you. May your holier-than-thou-let’s-lose-with-grace mentality sustain you as the country falls apart around you and further into the clutches of the ravenous Leftist mob and their handlers.

        • nobody can reason with pshycopaths… no type of logic ,truth ,argument ,plea, moral law, ethic , proof,etc etc its futile to try … the only thing they respond to and fear is rightous force… and maybe intercessory prayer by a saint or some people of good will… and ” ho pono pono ” dear good God please help them and us all return to goodness and truth

        • “…May your holier-than-thou-let’s-lose-with-grace mentality sustain you as the country falls apart around you and further into the clutches of the ravenous Leftist mob and their handlers.”

          You obviously know nothing about me, nor what I do or have done. But I get it- acting like a tough moron, particularly anonymously, causes one to wonder if a person just wasn’t better-educated in expressing him/her/itself publicly, or are merely trying to impress (or scare) someone as best they are able, or more likely, know how. As I stated above, I have never advocated disarming anyone nor banning any type of firearm. In fact, I’m actively working most days to maintain and restore the Second Amendment to all Americans, in state and nationally. And in so doing, I found out years ago that making statements like I quoted from Texted NEVER helps the cause. I guess it makes you feel better just to read it. So go ahead- there’s that 1st Amendment thing and all that. Let me know when you’ve actually won this cause…

        • Craig, you’re missing the point. I take you at your word, meaning that I believe you’re an honorable person who is doing exactly what you say you are. I believe you are on the side of the Constitution, I believe you do work to bring 2A rights in particular to Americans, and I believe you’re a good person. So read this next section with that in mind.

          While you condescend to us here, about the NRA for example or about the diction used when referring to Communist Scum, you accomplish nothing. What I’m telling you is that while you try to be the adult in the room, you aren’t talking to adults. You’re talking to either babbling sycophants, if you’re talking to the social proletariat, and if you’re talking to the Leftist bourgeoisie or God forbid the Aristocracy, you’re talking to people who actively hate you or are evil. Yes, yelling at one another accomplishes little except sore throats, but that’s assuming you’re dealing with reasonable people that if you just spoke reasonably to you could persuade them through the merits of your arguments and positions.

          We don’t live in that world currently. I don’t know how old you are, but I know you aren’t a young fellow. I am, and I am telling you that being upright and polite and reasonable will get you eaten by the rabid dogs running around. I would wager about 90% of Americans are just in the middle, where your method not only is laudable, it’s the only one that works. I’m not worried about them. I’m after the 5% that I referred to earlier, with the other 5% on my side. I read history, and I listened to my elders growing up, and as I’ve turned into a grown man and formed my life and formed my own family, I’ve continued to listen and watch and change. You’ll know when I have won the cause, because the country won’t burn for a summer anymore and criminals won’t run the streets willy nilly, and we won’t feel like we’re being inexorably pulled into Maoist China every single day. And I’ll be happy to drag you and yours along. But we ain’t going to get there by just talking politely. Hopefully we’ll get there by just talking though, that is the aim and the goal.

    • “There is only one way to eliminate “gun violence”: eliminate all guns”

      The drug leg@liz@ti0n cr0wd says something very similar. If they can just leg@lize the drugs, then all the crime will go away. And “there will be no reason for black drug dealers to have guns.”

      With the passing of Christmas. Santa Claus will appear in the sky. Long before the elimination of crime happens when drugs are leg@lized in America.

      • Chris – while they are at it they should just make everything ‘legal’ – do away with all laws and ‘viola’ there are no more crimes or criminals. Of course that would require everyone to pledge to be very very good.

  2. Anything short of surrendering and going to prison would result in being shot and killed by those men with guns that people like Tretta want to sent after us.

    You must be assuming that “we” would just stand around and let those men shoot and kill us…

      • When they take me down, I WILL have company and there will be a few less of them to fuck with the next guy…

        • Well yeah there is that but then there would be people realizing the game and saying hi at various points in public and house calls. Hard enough to deal with the enthusiastic hellos we got in Afghanistan and seriously doubt many would be able to handle that much attention. Very much hoping such greetings remain theoretical as I wish to see more cold antisocial court decisions limit the interactions of various governmental groups and normal people……also kinda don’t want to be social at work if it can be avoided.

  3. Perhaps mother and daughter can join dacian and miner in their great purge to eliminate gun violence by eliminating gun owners.

    • Hey where have those 2 lefties been lately??? Did daddy Bloomberg forget the stipend for stupidity? Anywho I haven’t shot anyone you leftards. It’s not the gat. It’s always the person🙄

      • Miner was defending Stephen King’s wealth in the hope of a few scraps off King’s table.

        dacian was on an anti-Glock diatribe.

      • fww – the hoplophobes ALWAYS conveniently ‘forget’ that it is the perp that is the problem, NOT the tool they choose to use to enact the violence. MUCH easier to blame that evil tool, especially when it is an EBR. Blaming the person would require them to admit that there is such a thing as personal responsibility and accountability and they certainly can’t allow that.

    • There was something that happened that has never been taught because it exposes the Yankee myth of the War.
      The U.S. Sanitation Commission was developed in the early part of the war later morphing into The Union League. Post war when the southern states under military governors they armed free blacks who terrorized southern civilians and free blacks to vote for the Republican Party. Further information period documentation is found in John Choates book: Washington’s KKK:The Union League.
      This is when whites banded together and started the resistance known as the Klan. Confederate Veterans were not allowed to have firearms to protect themselves or families.

      • jrb…The kkk was the Gun Control military wing of the democRat Party. And of course Gun Control long predates the Civil War. Too bad you were not a slave because that is apparently what it would take for you to see why there may have been some small group of Freed Slaves who may have been just a little upset with the way they and their ancestors were screwed.
        Confederate soldiers were not allowed to have guns? If the shoe was on the other foot don’t you think captured Yankee Soldiers would not be allowed to have guns? When it comes to the atrocities attributed to Centuries of Gun Control what you cite equates to a gnat fart in a football stadium.

  4. Mia and the potato..
    Is that an idea for an Aesop fable, or what?

    Better not get too close, or you might get ‘sniffed’..

    • “I can’t have my rights unless you give up your rights,” is no kind of reasonable argument.”

      Actually, it is. My right to life, liberty, safety, happiness, favorable outcomes, and feeling good about myself trumps all your rights. Period. Over and Out. QED.

        • “I know that has to be sarcasm. LMAO”

          Happy to be here. Grateful for the opportunity. Proud to serve.

        • “I know that has to be sarcasm.”

          Leigh, meet Samuel. Sam, Miss Leigh… 🙂

      • And my right to life, liberty, safety, happiness, favorable outcomes, and feeling good about myself trumps your right to life, liberty, safety, happiness, favorable outcomes, and feeling good about yourself that trumps my right to life, liberty, safety, happiness, favorable outcomes, and feeling good about myself that trumps your right tooooooooooooooo…… Hmmmmmmmm…

        • ‘…life, liberty, safety, happiness, favorable outcomes, and feeling good about myself that trumps your right tooooooooooooooo…… Hmmmmmmmm…”

          There is no “Hmmmmmmm” about it. As the self-appointed, sole Master of the Universe, my rights trump everybody, and everyone. And everybody. If you disagree, or oppose me, you are just evil, wicked, mean, bad, and nasty.

          And dumb.

        • Still a little evil, not so wicked as I used to be, can still be pretty mean, bad is relative but I can be as nasty as the next asshole… The only people that ever called ME dumb did so anonymously over the Internet for a reason… I do not recognize a master of any kind “self-appointed” or otherwise… Happy New Year?

  5. “…because anybody who would be rude to good people such as themselves has be insane, right?”

    This right here. Many seem not to understand that Mia Tretta, and her mom, and all their family and acquaintances are good people, who deserve a life not visited by hardship, or limits.

    Here is how it works: Good people only live lives like good people, and they should have no fear of going any place good people go. Logically, bad things should not happen to good people in good places. Bad things happen to bad people in bad places. Which is normal life.

    Mia Tretta was not at a bad location; nothing bad should interrupt her good life. In order to ensure good people can live without a thought of bad times, the most dangerous thing in good lives must be eliminated; this does not apply to people who are bad, live where things are bad, go places where bad people go.

    The most dangerous thing in the lives of good people is individual ownership of guns. Taking away guns from people who have done nothing bad with their guns is the key to restoring good people to life without bad things happening. What happens to people who live in bad places in not of concern; they don’t matter.

    Get it? Got it? Good.

    • Stop it ! just stop Sam, reading that gave me a headache. If that is how these assholes think its no wonder they are so messed up. The stupidity makes my head hurt

      • “If that is how these assholes think its no wonder they are so messed up.”

        Just an observation of their behavior over the last 10yrs.

        Sorry for the headache.

      • bs,

        Yeah, but point out the part of his little foray into sarcasm that does NOT sound exactly like every anti-gun, anti-rights zealot who has ever opened their mouth on the subject (meaning all of them; like vegans, they are incapable of keeping their insanity to themselves). Like unto possum, Sam is frequently sarcastic . . . and usually right on the money.

        So, I would submit that it ain’t Sam making your head hurt, it’s the accuracy of his depiction of their value system and “arguments” in favor of their objectively irrational beliefs.

        • LD you are soooo right. I can’t believe Sam didn’t stroke out before he finished typing it. I nearly did reading it. Trying to comprehend what goes on in their tiny little minds is what makes one’s head hurt.

    • Get it? Got it?

      Yes, of course. Life was so much easier when all you had to do was not go to the other side of the tracks. Now there are these random mass shootings which can happen on the nice side of town. That’s why they always talk about mass shootings. The libs don’t care about the people getting killed left and right in the bad part of town. As a matter of fact, they vote for more of it every chance they get.

      • “The libs don’t care about the people getting killed left and right in the bad part of town. As a matter of fact, they vote for more of it every chance they get.”

        Seems to be the case.

        • Sam,

          And in the “blue cities” it is working remarkably well!!

          Between that and unlimited abortion, they seem to be successfully depopulating . . . themselves. Perhaps we should encourage them to continue?

    • And then, of course, good people like Mia and her entire family could be wiped out by a drunk driver, or even an 18 wheeler with failed brakes and somehow that wouldn’t be as bad, or tragic…

  6. She’s obviously bought into the professional victimhood mentality. “Bad things happened to me and mine, that gives us the right to tell everyone how to live their lives.” Except – many of us who have also been victimized by some dirtbag or another, have decided “Never again.” Which is precisely why so many people in America are buying guns today. Democrats have victimized pretty much all of us, and the victims are saying “That’s enough!”

    It pleases me immensely that so many people from so many demographics are voting with their wallets. It would be great if we saw the ~1 million gun sales per month double in the months to come. And, then, double again.

    • Exactly. Thank dear God in heaven I have not been shot or shot at. But I’ve had a loaded gun pointed at me, I’ve been mugged (long ago as a stupid teenager visiting NYC. ) Instead of being a victim I decided to learn how to defend myself.

      I shouldn’t be allowed to protect my life the same way President Spongebob Shitpants gets to have his protected?

      Yeah GFY.

      I’m a problem to no one but tyrants. All of us normal gun folk make it difficult to shove their boot on our throats and they don’t like that.

    • The large number of new gun owners probably include members of BLM, AntiFa, and other leftist groups that are gearing up for their long planned “violent revolution”. They think it is coming before too long.

      Be Prepared !!!!

      • Gordon,

        And you may be correct. On the other hand, having read the “brilliant” firearms insights of MajorLiar and dacian the demented, and watched a few videos of Antifa/BurnLootMurder ‘training camps’? I’m not exactly shaking in my boots.

  7. No one on the left cared about “stolen childhood” or “gun violence” during the 80s and 90s crack epidemic.

  8. The leftists, progressives, democrats and the rest of the people who promote gun control aren’t really against guns. And they don’t really want to see all guns eliminated. The truth is (And they hate you when you confront them with it.) that they simply want to ban guns not used to enforce their agenda.


  10. I am fairly certain that the vast majority of law-abiding gun owners are just as disturbed by these mass shootings as anyone else. However, just about all of the methods they advocate for gun control are essentially useless because criminals do not obey the law and neither do most Democrat politicians. If they obeyed the law we wouldn’t have open borders, they would not be condoning human and drug trafficking, we would not be having the uptick of violence because of their lack of law enforcement, going easy on criminals, and not vetting all the bad people they allow into the country who have criminal or questionable records. You were told to wear a mask and get vaccinated while the illegals were not vetted or made to get vaccinated. The hypocrisy is astounding. In Colorado they passed a three day wait period to pick up a new firearm. A great many people in this state have more than one gun and it makes no sense to make them wait three days for a new one since they already have the means to commit a crime without another firearm if they intended to do that. On top of that consider how our entire Government has been weaponized against conservatives in particular and American Citizens as a whole. All of this gun control would better be called people control because that is precisely the intent. Safety has absolutely nothing to do with gun control as defined by Democrats and their RINO partners. No one ever points out that thousands of times a day a good person with a firearm, saves lives, deters crimes, and deal with dangerous situations before the police are even able to respond. Our mainstream Leftist media is certainly not going to report those things.

    • “I am fairly certain that the vast majority of law-abiding gun owners are just as disturbed by these mass shootings as anyone else.”

      Uh, I’m thinking ALL of the law-abiding ones, and even some of those who are somehow disqualified…

  11. Social media seems to be a problem. To save feelings from being hurt or possible suicide over what someone said.
    Common sense restrictions on free speech needs to be implemented.
    Stop the Vowelence

      • I thought “VOWELence” was a quite clever word play on the Social Media scourge.
        If not, then I’m disappointed. 🙁

        • Oh, I got it, and chuckled. At first though, my eyes expected violence and tried to read it that way, brain said “something’s happening here, what it is ain’t exactly clear” so it took a second to refocus and reinterpret. Meaning that, yes, it was, to me at least, quite clever!

    • And whose common sense do we go by. Democrats always say let’s use common sense gun control measures and of course none of them work because they don’t consider that they are designed to take guns from law abiding citizens and do nothing about keeping criminals from getting firearms. Other examples of their notion of common sense are, open borders, defund the police, allow human and drug trafficking across our open border, demand US citizens be vaccinated but let illegals come into the country unvaccinated and then disperse them all over the country. Give us a break with common sense when there is very little of it being demonstrated by this administration. One of the better examples is how almost every cabinet leader who is a member of a diverse group is totally incompetent. If I was a minority being represented by these people I would be really angry as a white person who thinks our President is a mental defective.

  12. “I’m pudgy, I’m a girl and, darn it, I have an emotional support dog!”

    Tales of Lake Woebegone

    • Hey, I’m getting a service animal, too. It’s an emotional support RINO. Yeah, I’m hiring Liz Cheney to follow me around and tell me how great I’m doing.

  13. Mama feeling guilty for sending daughter to a Mad Man’s Fish-In-A-Barrel Shooting Arcade…er, my bad…Gun Free Zone?? Protect daughter less than her money in banks, politicians, celebrities, police, government leaches…. Evil exists. Be prepared to prevail or be victim-in-waiting.

  14. “The insane reply’s …”

    I’ve been seeing so many errors in using the apostrophe. In online forums, on social media, and even in articles published by so-called “respectable” sources.

    Don’t be f*ing ignorant. Use the apostrophe correctly.

    1. An apostrophe DOES NOT denote plural. In other words, DO NOT use an apostrophe to denote plurality.
    2. Use an apostrophe for contractions (such as don’t or won’t) or to signal possession (the author’s poor writing).
    3. Do NOT use the apostrophe to denote possession if you are using the indefinite article “it.” It should be “its brain” not “it’s brain.” “It’s” is only used as a contraction for “it is.”

    Quit being a f*ing retard and learn how to write clearly and correctly. Doing so reinforces your argument because you don’t looking like a f*ing moron.

    • “because you don’t looking like a f*ing moron.”

      Seriously? After a tirade like that you make such a terrible grammatical error?

    • What are the 3 rules for apostrophes?
      The apostrophe has three uses: 1) to form possessive nouns; 2) to show the omission of letters; and 3) to indicate plurals of letters, numbers, and symbols. ​Do not ​use apostrophes to form possessive ​pronouns ​(i.e. ​his​/​her ​computer) or ​noun ​plurals that are not possessives.

      You need to it down and shut up now, Grammar NAZI Like Sgt. Schultz, you know nothong!

    • Often auto”correct” has a different opinion of apostrophe use than the person tapping out whatever tweet or commemt on their phone.

  15. So, Ms. Sensiba – why are you permitted to write a pro 2A column when you are part of the problem with the gun grabbers?
    WOW – you might(?) actually vote for a pro 2A candidate in 2024?
    Please tell the forum who you voted for in 2020 – it wasn’t the pro 2A candidate because he might (?) not agree with some of your other, non constitution rights like abortion. I also live in NM and why does it matter if you are gay here or any other state now? Basically, you are a deep down left wing democrat on most issues but your
    ‘right’ to your 10MM is less important than other, non constitutional issues that are now settled law across the country.
    So, if ‘they’, the democrats that you support come for your fire arms, please remember, you got what you voted for – or didn’t vote for but passed on politicians who would actually protect your rights. You could change any time, like our esteemed Senator Heinrich who was for gun rights until he wasn’t any more. What is actually important to you?
    Why don’t you try writing for your liberal blogs and see how much your 2A rights are supported there – doubt that will go well for you.

    • Jennifer Sensiba is a long time efficient vehicle enthusiast, writer, and photographer. She grew up around a transmission shop, and has been experimenting with vehicle efficiency since she was 16 and drove a Pontiac Fiero. She likes to get off the beaten path in her “Bolt EAV” and any other EVs she can get behind the wheel or handlebars of with her wife and kids. You can find her on Twitter here, Facebook here, and YouTube here.

      • Since efficiency is lost due to waste during the energy transition from coal/gas/nuke/whatever to electrical storage aren’t EVs less efficient and contributing to more waste?

        Law #2 is still a thing, right?

        • Yes. But. Most batteries are China Brand.
          Most Wind Turbine components too.
          There is a wind turbine operation north of me, quite extensive, shut down for 6 months waiting on parts from China.
          Tactical advantage and the inventors of Chess.

        • aren’t EVs less efficient and contributing to more waste?”

          Only when they combust in your garage and burn your house down…

        • From the MT article:
          “Often there’s a profit motive behind the lies…”

          From the linked Yale article:
          “With new major spending packages investing billions of dollars in electric vehicles in the U.S…”

          I can’t read his linked NYT article without a subscription. That was a useless addition to the MT article.

      • That may be as you state, but this is a 2A forum and she does not support 2A people who ran for office.
        If she like EV’s, that’s her right but why be allowed to even write for a suppossed 2A web site when you can’t manage to support any 2A candidates? Does TTAG pay her to write one way then vote against the policies she writes about?
        Good she is active in her non constitutional issues but again her right. Seems deficient in the constitutional issue that matters on this blog so take her EV and photo work and whatever else that is not related to 2A and move them to the appropiate blogs.

  16. “So, at present, firearms are very much necessary to protect people of color, the LGBT community, and religious minorities from violent bigots.”

    Whew! That’s a relief. I’m a Christian hetero person without color. I never have to worry about being targeted by violent bigots, right?

  17. “There are left-wing nut cases that would go shoot up a school”. Because there aren’t any right wing nut cases going out and shooting things up and killing people. Ok.

  18. @Geoff “I’m getting too old for this shit” PR
    “I know that has to be sarcasm.”

    Leigh, meet Samuel. Sam, Miss Leigh… 🙂”


  19. So, at present, firearms are very much necessary to protect people of color, the LGBT community, and religious minorities from violent bigots.

    Funny story: A 36-year-old Black man accused of stabbing two teenage girls in New York’s Grand Central Terminal (because he thought they were WHITE) on Christmas morning and making derogatory comments about White people has been charged with several hate crimes… Funny part? They were from South America NOT LGBT or religious minorities (not sure what you mean by that one, all religions are under attack from someone)… Firearms are necessary for EVERYONE who is a target of some fucking group of haters and whites, Asians, Hispanics in fact ALL races have HATERS and sex, religion or sexual preference have nothing to do with it… Who protected the kids in Nashville from the Trans nutjob that shot her/his way into THEIR school? Anyone can become the next major news item at any moment and who they are sleeping with has nothing to do with it…

  20. Been in two defensive knife fights, cut deep both, and shot at but not hit multiple times when her age. Still carrying knife and pistol, weeping no helpless coward tears. There’s only two kinds of people without firearms; cowards too craven to protect themselves and others, and fools who don’t think they’ll have to.

    Sorry your parents and government failed you, but now you should know better.

  21. The folks that want to disarm all the people around them and trust that the police will be there to protect them are the same group that was recently defunding those same police. They said that there were bad police, so we must be protected from the bad police by defunding all of them. Their arguments make no sense, and will lead to anarchy, but I guess they did not think that part through. Oh well, Carry On!

  22. Violence is sort of like Energy…….it cannot be created or destroyed; it is converted from one form into another. Gun Violence cannot be destroyed, it will transform into other forms of violence.

    Gun Free Japan has an Intentional Death Rate (Homicides + Suicides) that is 32% HIGHER than the Gun Abundant USA.

  23. Jennifer,

    While there are some populations in the US (and in the world generally) more likely to be victims of violence than other populations (if you want to REALLY be ‘at risk’, try being an inner city black between 16 and 24), EVERYONE has the right to protect themselves, their family and friends, and their property. The need, and right, to carry isn’t limited to a demographic/political group.

    • I absolutely believe that the white liberal, the white leftist, the white socialist progressive is a complete and total racist.
      They are very comfortable with inner city innocent Black people being murdered by criminals. And being raped by criminals. Having their private property vandalized and stolen. Innocent black people being attacked and unable to defend themselves.

      Yes, the white liberal is definitely far more comfortable. With this violence occurring in the inner city, and the residents there unable to stop it.

      And yes some of those racist white social progressives are gun owners. And they’re always voting for the gun control democrats.

      • Chris T,

        Well OF COURSE the white, Leftist/fascist “progressives” are racist!!

        Karl Marx was a rabid racist (as was Friedrich Engels, as was Josef Stalin, as was Mao Xedong, as were Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. To the Leftist/fascists, “racism” is simply a meaningless insult to be hurled at anyone who disagrees with them. THEIR racism is totes OK.

        A black law school classmate (he was the son of a career military man, so he’d lived pretty much all over the US) told me that the most racist city he’d ever lived in was Boston, MA. I believed him. No one as racist as a Leftist/fascist; it’s in their DNA.

        • The more material I read that a liberal dismissed. The more conservative I became. Thomas Sowell. Walter Williams. Burgess Owens. Larry Elder. Rev Ken Blanchard. Star Parker.

          The battle for “civil rights” did not include the Second Amendment. Because the pay masters to the leadership didn’t want regular black folks to have guns.

          They also didn’t want black children to have a father in the home.

        • They also didn’t want black children to have a father in the home.

          That was LBJs little jewel, part of his “we’ll have ni***rs voting Democrat for the next hundred years” welfare program in the 60s…

  24. Remember, boys and girls your tax $$$ is and has been paying to indoctrinate this ideology into children.

    • “Remember, boys and girls your tax $$$ is and has been paying to indoctrinate this ideology into children.”

      Maybe not. When they were young, sent my kids to a summer camp, then moved away, leaving no forwarding address.

        • “Your tax$$$ are still supporting it. Whether it’s your children or some liberals.”

          I use tax prep software to zero out all my income tax. Makes me feel like Zuckerberg,and Bozos.

  25. That young ‘lady’ wasn’t a victim of gun violence, she was a victim of gun control. If gun controllers hadn’t been so successful at perpetrating gun-free zones there would be monumentally fewer incidents of ‘mass shootings’.

  26. The Constitution is absolute or it’s nothing. Either the government gets a limited selection of power from consent of the governed, or it gets its power by violently seizing it. To advocate the violent seizure of power is inherently non-peaceful.

  27. @Lamp of Diogenes
    “And in the “blue cities” it is working remarkably well!!
    ….they seem to be successfully depopulating . . . themselves. Perhaps we should encourage them to continue?”

    Agree, but before they have someone to abort.

    • What is worrying is where the people leaving the blue cities are going to.

      They go somewhere else but bring their beliefs and voting habits with them leading to the same failed policies and outcomes.

      • “They go somewhere else but bring their beliefs and voting habits with them leading to the same failed policies and outcomes.”

        Natural behavior for locusts. Can’t help themselves.

    • Sam,

      Well, they mostly don’t procreate (or abort the results), they allow (encourage?) violence in the blue cities (where most of their voters live), they advocate for ‘population control’ (up to and including the “Human Extinction” movement – you first, chief!), so . . .

      Statistics are clear (and have been for at least 10 years) that birth rates in “red” jurisdictions significantly exceed those in “blue” jurisdictions. One of the reasons I had a hearty chortle at that idiot Ruy Texiera article about ‘demographics dooming the conservatives’. He sings a different tune, these days!

      • “…they advocate for ‘population control’ (up to and including the “Human Extinction” movement – you first, chief!)”

        As was a feature of the latest globalist cabal meeting in Dubai.

  28. To me, there are two types of ‘gun-ban’ advocates. The first group are people like Ms. Tretta. They are naïve, true Liberals who still believe in the ‘happy ever after’ philosophy of life that nothing bad should ever happen. The World would be a better place if…..(fill in the blank). They have a very simplistic, almost child-like view of life. They cannot comprehend reality. These ‘useful idiots’ are the poster children for the second group of gun-grabbers — the cynical and cunning (usually politicians) who have ulterior motives for banning all guns. Recent history has shown these people to be power-hungry and advocate banning guns in order to forcefully control mass populations against their will without the threat of armed resistance. This method of control pre-dates firearms and goes back throughout history into ancient times. Human nature is that when people obtain power, they want to keep it. Our Founding Fathers understood this human trait. That’s why they wrote the Second Amendment into the Bill of Rights to ensure that ‘We the People’ would have the ability and means to defeat any tyrant who would try and take away our freedoms if the American system of government failed to protect us. America is fast approaching that ‘line-in-the-sand’. Never give up your guns.

    • “Human nature is that when people obtain power, they want to keep it.” – Thus no history of any dictator ceding power after one day.

    • “His face was all red and he was crying, his girlfriend asked me what I sprayed with and I sprayed her in the face too,” James said.

      That’s hilarious!

  29. “The tank, the B-52, the fighter-bomber, the state-controlled Police and military are the weapons of dictatorship. The rifle is the weapon of democracy. If guns are outlawed, only the government will have guns. Only the police, the secret police, the military: The hired servants of our rulers. Only the government -and a few outlaws. I intend to be among the outlaws.” (Edward Abbey, “The Right to Arms,” Abbey’s Road [New York, 1979])

    After a life of service to the nation in the military and as an LEO, I guess it’s outlaw for me too.

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