Courtesy JSD Supply

Pennsylvania’s Attorney General Josh Shapiro made a hasty bee-line for the nearest TV cameras on Monday to anxiously announce that he’d managed to pressure the state’s largest gun show promoter to end the sale of so-called ghost gun kits at their shows.

Eagle Arms Productions confirmed the agreement at the time, but had no more comment about their decision. The move to ban sales of the kits was apparently facilitated behind the scenes for the AG by an allegedly pro-gun organization called Firearms Owners Against Crime.

However, that was then and this is now. After much discussion and wrangling, Eagle Arms has reversed its decision and will continue to allow 80% kits to be sold at the company’s shows in the Keystone State.

News media twisted some facts!

Posted by EAGLE ARMS Productions on Wednesday, March 17, 2021


TTAG spoke with Jordan Vinroe, president of Pennsylvania-based gun kit seller JSD Supply this afternoon. He confirmed the new arrangement under which Eagle will require vendors selling build kits at their shows to have customers sign a terms of sale agreement affirming that the buyer is of legal age, is not a prohibited person, and can legally own a firearm.

Attorney General Josh Shapiro
Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

That reversal of policy won’t make AG Shapiro happy at all. Which is a real shame.

JSD has issued the following statement regarding the about face . . .

JSD Supply




  1. Methinks Eagle Arms heard footsteps of lots of exhibitors and attendees heading for the exits. To their credit, at least they reversed course quickly.

    Zumbo Effect, anyone?

    • I’m pretty sure that was the case. I was on their email list and sent them a nasty note..

    • this guy (shapiro)…is getting to be a real pain in the ass…I used to like him, but that is rapidly changing…I can’t even get replica (non-firing) guns delivered to my PA address….he,,,like wolf..seems to be somewhat enraptured by ideas coming out of new york and new jersey…and not really attuned to the average PA gun owner….

  2. They will also allow the sale of Black Rifle Coffee at the shows, even though with the addition of only 46 chemicals, it can be readily converted into loading propellent. A request for comment from F. O. A. C. is still awaiting a response… stay tuned.

    • Black rifle coffee is a 10% ghost gun powder? Oh no, must ban it quickly, for the children! How truly scary! There are ghosts everywhere now!

      • Ok if I sign the release “John Hancock”?

        The whole purpose of a ghost gun is to not leave a paper trail.

  3. “Eagle will require vendors selling build kits at their shows to have customers sign a terms of sale agreement affirming that the buyer is of legal age, is not a prohibited person, and can legally own a firearm.”

    So buyers will have to leave behind a paper trail with Eagle for having bought a non-firearm?

    This sounds like a “compromise” where We The People lose and some politician someplace wins.

    • Don’t sully the word compromise. This is a conditional surrender. Rights (in general, not just gun rights) took a small step backward, and absolutely nothing was gained in return.

      • Sounds like something an allegedly pro 2nd Amendment person turning quilsling and voting biden would do.

    • Then the “forms” that were signed by customers will be subpoenaed by the A G so they can be traced/removed by unlawful enforcement later.

    • Do I have to show ID?

      Hi, I’m Alfred E. Neuman and I want to buy one of those 80% Sig kits…

      It would also be handy if I can buy one during the pandemic so I can wear a disguise (face mask) too without looking out of place.

    • Hmmmm- and the letter explains that the new “deal” was brokered by GOA. And everyone’s around here claims they don’t compromise… Whaddya know?

  4. For the longest time entities in the firearms industry would fall like dominoes at the first sight of blood. Have we reached a tipping point where rather than everyone assuming the fetal position and begging to be spared they now stand together and tell the Karens and banners to fuck off?

    If only.

  5. Ok if I sign the release “John Hancock”?

    The whole purpose of a ghost gun is to not leave a paper trail.

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