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Spock! Damage Report! We’ve Lost the PS90 Captain

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Dammit Jim, I’m a shooter not an aesthetician! Just as well, really, ’cause the FN PS90 isn’t the most attractive rifle in the world. Still, the strangely-chambered bullpup has plenty of followers (so to speak). PS90 fans are just like AR-15 adherents (and my nine-year-old- fashion-crazed daughter): they like their accessories. So they’re gonna dig Damage Industries‘ extended optic rail which “makes it possible to mount accessories and illumination devices forward of the receiver while keeping them clear of your peripheral vision/target acquisition and inside the natural firing and manipulation positions” and “allows laser aiming modules to be mounted on the same axis as the optic for increased accuracy.” We recommend ear protection against comments from bemused People of the Gun. Either that or a little trigger time for the skeptics. Scotty! I need more bullets!  [Click here for TTAG’s PS90 review.]

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