It’s never easy picking a winner when we run our popular content contests. We get so many well-written, interesting posts that settling on one is like trying to pick the best barbecue joint in Austin. But choose we must and chosen we have, and our choice as Grand Prize winner of a new APX pistol from Beretta is Garrett Owens and his post, Pawn Shop Denizen: Buying My First Gun. And for an honorable mention effort, we’ll also be sending a Beretta APX-branded Benchmade Mini-Griptilian to Kurt M. for his review of the M69 Romanian bolt action .22 rifle.

Once again, we appreciate everyone who participated. We’re blessed with the most knowledgeable, talented readership in the gunblogosphere. It’s what has made TTAG the success that it is and thank you for reading.


      • Ima let you finish, but my triple review of the 3 pistols was one of the greatest handgun reviews of all time… ONE OF THE GREATEST HANDGUN REVIEWS OF ALL TIME!

    • As I recall, Gov, you said that Beretta was a “plastic abomination” , so no major loss there.
      As a consolation to you and me, his first gun was a Ruger after all… and a good read it was.

      • A plastic abomination to be sure, but that was MY plastic abomination!

        I had a P89 back in the day and I still have a P95. I wish Ru ger would bring back the hammer-autos.

      • Hehe, well, I was way more specific in comments made to a few of the worst offenders, but really this contest was like a tsunami of garbage, I couldn’t possibly criticize it all in detail.

  1. APX = ’71 Boston Whaler Outrage “Dump Truck hull”. Can you get Evinrude 235 hollowpoints?

  2. “…our choice as Grand Prize winner of a new APX pistol from Beretta is Garrett Owens and his post, Pawn Shop Denizen: Buying My First Gun.”


    Support your local Pawn & Gun.

    Also, support your local Hooker. Buy a hand-made rug today! (Just ask Ralph.. 😉 )

    (If it floats, flies or fornicates, it’s cheaper to rent…)

  3. The story was great. Man, it sure brought back some memories of when I shopped for my first pistol. Just thinking about it now makes me smell stale cigarettes and see some yellow teeth poking out from behind an unkempt beard.

  4. WHAT!!!! HOW COOL! Thanks TTAG for running a really unique and fun contest with a bad ass prize to boot. I’m really looking forward to some range time with this pistol. Cheers.

    • Congrats Mr. Owens. Job well done! Give us an update on your avocation once she comes in, ok!

  5. What gives TTAG? This is the second time in a row you’ve ignored my submission!

    I’m not saying it would have won, but it was at least better than some of the entries that got ran this time…

  6. Wow that’s so cool! I never win anything!

    Congratulations Garrett enjoy your Beretta!

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