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Springfield Armory Daily Digest: An ‘Altered’ AR, A Lack of Enforcement, and An Opposition in Maine



News report aside, this appears to be a rare sighting of an AR pistol used in a crime: Police: Man Who Fired At Officers With Altered AR-15 Arrested At End Of Pursuit – “An officer flagged down by a person who said a white van was involved in a shooting led officers on a relatively brief pursuit, which ended near Van Buren Boulevard at Indiana Avenue in Riverside, Corona police said. The man shot at officers up to 30 times with an AR-15 rifle altered like a pistol with a shortened barrel and stock from a 30-round magazine, Riverside police said.”


Firearm background check liars escape charges – “As the number of people requesting background checks to buy firearms is at an all-time high, the number of people charged with lying on the form has significantly dropped in the past dozen years, according to a review by the Department of Justice. Federal prosecutors nationwide, between 2004 and 2015, charged an average of 32 people a year with knowing they were forbidden from owning a gun but still trying to sneak past a background check, according to a report by the Office of Inspector General released Sept. 28. That compares with 166 people charged in 2003, when the drop began.” It’s almost as if all the push for new background check and gun control laws isn’t really about law enforcement at all.

Mayor Fuglycool will be at the Texas Firearms Festival:

Will you?


Imagine that: Demand for guns rising in New York – “Across New York, thousands of residents are getting pistol permits, with the applications rising rapidly statewide. Experts list rising fear of crime, with a Pew Research study saying half of gun owners cite self-protection as the reason for purchasing a weapon. There is also widespread concern about the results of this year’s presidential election affecting gun ownership.” Note that the photo above from the story shows a wall of guns, most of which are no longer legal in the Empire State. Good times.

Maine’s sheriffs against Bloomberg-funded gun control initiatives:

Support your local law enforcement agencies.


What are you doing Friday?: “With hunters spending more time afield than ever before – at close to 25 days in 2015 – Gander Mountain, the nation’s largest and fastest-growing outdoor specialty retailer, kicks off the season with safety seminars and a new ‘Camo Friday’ program. Each Friday through October 28, customers who show their ‘camo pride’ by wearing camouflage into any Gander Mountain will receive 10% off all camo products, including firearms. Additionally, to help hunters get ready, starting on October 1 Gander Mountain will be offering thousands of hours of free seminars, just in time for hunting season. Safety seminars will be held on Saturdays and Sundays, every weekend at all Gander Mountain stores across the country. Designed to be most helpful for beginners, classes will include subjects such as ‘Hunter Safety’ and ‘Gun Cleaning Safety.’  Anyone who attends a class will receive a coupon for $20 off a purchase of $100 or more.”


Know where to shop…and where not to: Texas Phone App Shows ‘Second Amendment Unfriendly’ Businesses Near You – “Gun advocates and licensed to carry holders can search for and add businesses to the interactive website or use the iPhone and Android apps for free. The founder of the website, Russell Jones told Breitbart Texas, ‘This is not a for-profit venture. We are in it to help the community because it’s important to know both who supports the Second Amendment and who allows us to protect ourselves and our families.’ The website has almost 11,000 registered users and 9,200 updated entries.”


Marketing: Colorado roofing company offering guns as incentive to attract new employees – “Get a job, get a gun — that’s the promise of a roofing company in Colorado. The owner of Weatherproof Roofing hopes the incentive of free firepower will attract potential employees. The prize is an AR-15, which can cost $600 to thousands of dollars, according to KDVR. ‘We have four sales positions that we’ve got to get filled ASAP,’ Weatherproof Roofing owner James Webb said. Webb said he’s in the middle of his busy season. After his ‘Get a Roof, Get a Gun’ campaign over the summer, sales have been through the roof.”


71 thoughts on “Springfield Armory Daily Digest: An ‘Altered’ AR, A Lack of Enforcement, and An Opposition in Maine”

  1. “Altered AR-15”??? Unfortunately this description sounds like a legally manufactured AR-15 pistol to me–too bad–once this becomes publicized with the easy availability of this dreaded new evil “terror weapon” we will be facing a whole new pro-ban avalanche !!! DMD

    • You can’t make an ar-15 into a pistol in CA. That would be making into either an “Assault weapon” or an illegal off roster handgun. There is only legal gray area to make an AR pistol these days. You can make one from an 80% lower. That will come to an end the fist of the year when you will be required to serialize those homemade weapons. I bet there won’t beany people registering their unregistered weapons.

      • “Coming an end the fist of the year…” Sadly, this typo reminds me of where that fist will be going the first of the year.

  2. Yes, Vote Trump – Pence…That if you want them, the NRA and the Gun Lobby to turn America into a 3rd world totalitarian hellhole.

    Fear Mongering has always served the Gun Lobby well, last election cycle it was Ebola.

    Let’s face it, guns kill people. The NRA, the gun lobby and this website only looks out for itself and keeping a fascist stranglehold on American citizens. Carrying a “glock” isn’t going to help you against someone who is trained.

    What we need is commonsense gun laws like the kind President Obama has introduced to our do-nothing Congress only to have them not do their job and let it die. Let’s take the guns of the streets so criminals can’t get them in the first place. If it saves even just one life, then isn’t it worth it?

    But nah, That’s a pipe dream…Saving human lives is considered “cruel and evil”

    I returned from my trip to Australia and did I see violence, shootings and rampant chaos or tyranny like these fringe dwellers on here erroneously claim is still happening to this very day after the NFA laws of 96?


    What I saw was a free society that tolerated life, A society that had a very good loving people and diversity.

    A free honest society where people never lived in fear of being shot, A society that isn’t brainwashed by crazed fanatical tyrants telling you lies that a gun is the only think that can protect you.

    A society that doesn’t see mass killings or rampant anarchy on a daily basis.

    That’s what I’ve seen.

    I refuse to have the debunked lies this website and it’s brainwashed masses of “fans” think is helping.

    TTAG isn’t helping nobody.

    TTAG, NRA and the Gun Lobby is only dividing us.

    They don’t care about you, me or anyone.

    They care about, money, power and turning America into a hostile, heavily armed dictatorship.

    Brand me “crazy” all you want.

    But I’m glad I live as a free American knowing I will never follow the lies of tyrants and hypocrites like you “people” worship as a false golden calf like your guns.

    They won’t protect you, They never will.

    You and your guns are your own oppressors to you and innocent life.

    Think about that as innocents everyday have to suffer because of your vile nihilistic disregard to america, it’s people and it’s freedoms.

    • You have to understand that there is a basic and fundimental difference between your thinking and the rest of the people of the gun. One difference is that most of us believe that all life is precious and that means defending life at any cost. I would also say that most of us also believe that when our lives and freedom are in the cross hairs that we should defend ourselves and not rely on the government to protect us. Just look back anywhere in history and you will find there are all too many governments that have failed to protect its citizens. When the cartels are knocking down your door would you trust that the Mexican police will be there time to spare your life??
      I believe I am my own first responder. This country was founded on self reliance and the principal that ALL men are equal. “God made man, Lincoln freed them, but Samuel Colt made them equal.”

      • Ahem…
        Fixed it for you:

        “God made man, Adams and Jefferson freed the most of them, Lincoln freed the rest, but Samuel Colt made them all equal.”

    • If a gun free utopia is your goal, immigration is an option…suggest you look into it. Is that adult enough for you?

    • “TTAG isn’t helping nobody.” True! They help everybody! We agree!!

      I tryed to follow you’re righting but you’re lack of Grammer and speeling made it almost as impossible

      Our school system has obviously failed you. Please enroll in a school of your choice in Australia and get there post haste!

      • Eh.

        He’s not really original, but he’s not really doing any harm either. Instead, I think he’s a classic troll .. not really trying to convert anyone to his point of view, but just wants to shake the pot and see what slops out over the rim.

        If people would stop reacting to him (and I’ve been guilty of that more than once, I admit), he might get bored and go elsewhere.

        • Besides he’s probably paid to troll TTAG so that’s putting two-time losers to work. How can we oppose that? LOL.

        • He just pukes out too much drivel. Think of the time I spend scrolling past it.

          Maybe we could just have links in the comments to the actual drivel.

    • ‘Yes, Vote Trump – Pence…That if you want them, the NRA and the Gun Lobby to turn America into a 3rd world totalitarian hellhole.’ – Because we all know how supportive 3rd world dictators are of armed civilians.

      ‘Fear Mongering has always served the Gun Lobby well, last election cycle it was Ebola.’ – Uh… Ebola is a virus. I don’t think firearms are an effective defense against viruses. I’m guessing the ‘Gun Lobby’ knows this as well.

      ‘The NRA, the gun lobby and this website only looks out for itself and keeping a fascist stranglehold on American citizens.’ – Yep. Remember how the fascists handed out guns to all the Jews before they loaded them up in boxcars and sent them off to the gas chambers? Fascists are funny that way.

      ‘Carrying a “glock” isn’t going to help you against someone who is trained.’ – First, I don’t carry a Glock and second, who says I’m not trained? For that matter why do you think the criminal thugs who hold their pistols sideways for ‘gansta’ effect are ‘trained’?

      ‘I returned from my trip to Australia and did I see violence, shootings and rampant chaos…’ – I don’t know how long you were in Australia, but I’ve been in America all but a couple weeks of my life and I’ve never seen any violence, shootings or rampant chaos. In fact the neighborhoods I hand out in have nearly identical rates of violent crime as Australia. So what’s the point of giving up my freedom to (supposedly) eradicate violence that only exists in Democrat controlled enclaves where private gun ownership is all but completely banned already anyway?

      ‘TTAG isn’t helping nobody.’ – Seriously? Double negative? You know that what you just said is ‘TTAG is helping people’. If they’re not helping nobody that means that they must be helping somebody.

      ‘TTAG, NRA and the Gun Lobby is only dividing us.’ – The NRA and the ‘Gun Lobby’ are protecting my rights from government infringement and if that constitutes a divide between me and you so be it.

      ‘They care about, money, power and turning America into a hostile, heavily armed dictatorship.’ – Again with the dictator thing? Everyone knows that an armed populace is the arch-enemy of the dictator.

      ‘Brand me “crazy” all you want.’ – I was thinking more stupid than crazy.

      ‘They won’t protect you, They never will.’ – Exactly! The government cannot and will not protect us and never will.

      ‘You and your guns are your own oppressors to you and innocent life.’ – I am my own oppressor because I won’t give in to more government control over my life. Novel concept.

      ‘Think about that as innocents everyday have to suffer because of your vile nihilistic disregard to america…’ – First, America is capitalized. Always. Second, how many of those ‘innocents’ who were shot with other people’s guns (certainly not any of mine) were armed themselves? Nearly every one was either not innocent or not armed. Armed innocents make criminals’ lives very difficult.

      Seriously, I don’t know who’s feeding you these talking points, but they’re doing a piss poor job of it. What’s the goal here? To change our minds or just to goading us into slapping down your delusions? You don’t know the first thing about firearms or our culture. Showing off your ignorance isn’t constructive for your cause. Of course the alternative is to learn, but that’s not acceptable because of the high probability that you’ll convert.

      • “What’s the goal here? To change our minds or just to goading us into slapping down your delusions?”

        I think, in all seriousness, it’s just a thrill for him to see how many people he can bait into responding to him.

        • Must be rough having the highlight of your day be seeing how many people you can expose your ignorance to.

        • Gov: I expect so. Definitely a very immature way of obtaining gratification. In some ways I hope he’s a paid troll, for his own sake.

    • AAGRF, when you wrote: “What I saw was a free society that tolerated life, A society that had a very good loving people and diversity.” I’m not sure how much “diversity” you really saw, Australia has some of the toughest immigration laws around. There’s no “open borders” there that’s for damn sure.

      Having done a fair amount of law enforcement, I’ve come to the conclusion that the majority of folks don’t try to hurt others and laws regarding such things are redundant, then you have the Knuckleheads, who can’t leave people alone, like to rob, rape and dope, which no laws to date have been able to stop. I’d take my chances with citizens having ready access to weapons than the criminal few with the monopoly on force.

      • Australia is also running honest-to-god-no-exaggeration concentration camps in neighbouring countries for illegal immigrants. They really do care about saving lives but only if they are the ‘right’ people (white people with skills and money). The rest can starve, be assaulted and raped in the concentration camps that Aus pays their neighbouring countries to run. Not to mention they live in the closest thing you can get to a police state without secret police (the secret is to make people think giving up rights is their own idea and beneficial so you don’t need Stasi to disappear the trouble makers).

    • Afraid of Trump? Good. When he wins, move to Egypt. They’re very tolerant of views such as yours there.

    • Thats cool and all but not the life (or the death) that I want. It sounds too damn boring. I’ve been to the 3rd world and those people live more in their 35 year lifespan than most americans ever will.

    • Oh man the irony is going to be just grand when Mr. Bad Guy kicks down your door at 3 a.m….

      What are the two things you’ll do first?
      1. Call someone with a gun
      2. Pray they get there in time!!

      I carry a gun because a cop is too heavy!
      Best of luck to you, hippie…

    • I don’t think I have ever seen as many distinct mythological “talking points” copied and pasted straight from whatever mommy run web site into an incoherent, imbecilic, child-minded, nihilistic, grammatically and spelling challenged rant in my life.

      There. Are. No. Words.

    • Useless troll should have stayed in Australia. That way, his treason is less likely to get him stood up against the wall and shot.

    • “AmericansAgainstGunRightsFascism”

      Well at least there’s some truth in the username. Any group of Americans against gun rights is certainly going to be fascist.

    • Point-for-point, just the highlights:

      “keeping a fascist stranglehold”

      Might want to look up the definition of fascist or fascism.

      “do-nothing Congress only to have them not do their job and let it die.”

      They did their job. They carried out the will of the people they represent.

      “violence, shootings and rampant chaos or tyranny”

      Nobody is claiming rampant chaos or tyranny, either here or in Austrailia. However, violence and shootings, well, yeah, those happen in both places. That’s the thing about evil, you never know when it’s going to find you.

      “where people never lived in fear of being shot”

      I don’t believe that people live in fear of being shot here, either. If they do, they’re afraid of their own shadow, or they’re associating with the wrong people. Being randomly shot is such an infinitesimally unlikely event that for you to fear it is akin to fearing a blue-sky lightning strike.

      “mass killings or rampant anarchy on a daily basis”

      I assume you’re using the mass killing definition of “anything more than one person,” because if you’re not, you need to have your meter recalibrated. As for rampant anarchy on a daily basis, can you please let me know where? My life is a little boring lately, and I could use some anarchy. I’m free Friday night; if it’s as common as you represent, it should be easy to find me some.

      “TTAG isn’t helping nobody.”

      Right. TTAG is helping everybody, or at least everybody who will have the sense to listen.

      “hostile, heavily armed dictatorship.”

      I’m not sure where you get any of that, especially dictatorship. The gun owners I associate with are uniformly the opposite of hostile. Many of them own lots of guns, but I wouldn’t define that as “armed” unless they were carrying those guns. Don’t really know what else to say about that.

      “Brand me “crazy” all you want.”

      Nah, just misguided.

      “But I’m glad I live as a free American knowing I will never follow the lies of tyrants and hypocrites like you “people” worship as a false golden calf like your guns. They won’t protect you, They never will.”

      I’m confused. Are we worshiping the tyrants and hypocrites, or the guns? Which is the false golden calf in question? On that note, a golden calf can’t be false; it’s a tangible object, not an idea. It either exists or it doesn’t. You’re correct that the guns won’t protect me, because the guns are just tools. Just like a hammer won’t build a house. Needs a driver.

      “You and your guns are your own oppressors to you and innocent life.”

      Contrary to what Black Lives Matter would tell you (because I’m white), I’ve never oppressed anyone. And my guns can’t oppress anyone, because again, they’re inanimate tools. See the previous answer.

      OK, that’s all I have time for. I’m at work, and I have to go back to vile-ly nihilistically oppressing golden calves. Or something.

    • “Let’s face it, guns kill people.”

      Given that there about 12 billion rounds expended each year in the US, the seem to do a p!ss poor job of that.

      • Besides, we all know it’s the bullets that do the killing. Silly goose. Unless, you know, a group of people are unfortunate enough and unwise enough at the same time to all be underneath a crate of guns when it unexpectedly falls to the ground from a suitable height. Then I guess guns could kill people. Pretty slim chance though.

    • “Yes, Vote Trump – Pence…That if you want them, the NRA and the Gun Lobby to turn America into a 3rd world totalitarian hellhole.”

      Violent crime has been in dropping for the last 20 years, and all because those worthless maggots in the gun lobby have been successfully blocking new gun laws. The nerve.

      “Fear Mongering has always served the Gun Lobby well…”

      You left out “anti-” I think you meant to say, “Fear mongering has served the anti-gun lobby well.” Is the mainstream media exposing ONLY the instances where guns are used in violent crimes because they’re NOT fear mongering? Is it just pure coincidence that tens of millions of Americans, who have no real-world exposure to guns whatsoever are terrified of them? Might that have something to do with fear mongering? Might that have something to do with your presence on this page right now?

      “Carrying a “glock” isn’t going to help you against someone who is trained.”

      Trained like the millions of gun owners who are active and retired military and police? Is that the kind of training you’re referring to?

      “What we need is commonsense…”

      Stop right there. Your credibility just went out the window. Actually, it went out the window in the first few sentences, and now it’s just in free fall. Using the term “common sense” (which is two words, by the way) when discussing lawmaking is an insult to the spirit of liberty, as true liberty can only exist among the informed. Save your common sense for things like whether or not to operate a toaster while taking a bath.

      If you paid me more than my clients, which you don’t, I’d feel more inclined to respond to the rest of your feel-good verbal diarrhea.

    • The l sgo live down under because we Americans don’t red any more sjw’s and libtards here!! You are the reason America is so pussified! I bet this offends you in some way too! If it does just move down u der and seek your numerous therapists and your safe space and get your PTSD treated that was caused by your libtard views that make believe life is full of unicorns and fairies and all criminals obey the laws! And FYI…GU s do NOT kill people…I have been wearing a loaded pistol on my hip for over a year and it hasn’t shot anyone yet! And all my other weapons are loaded and only killed deer! Or whatever I AIM AT AND PULL THE TRIGGER!! Hence my next point, PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE DUMBASS!!!! I guest you want to ban criminal Al’s then….oh yea, they already are banned from having buns! See how well that works? Stupid libtards! Sjw safe space whining offended pussy! Gtfo of America if you don’t like our constitution and quit trying to make it say something that it plainly does NOT say! Smh….stupid liberals!

    • I hear ya AAGRF but your delivery could use some work. The NRA cannot hide on the sideline and let others enter the negotiations. There are holes and loopholes in gun laws and gun rights. Those with the biggest interest need to be leading the discussion, not just acting like temporary roadblocks that will be little more than speed bumps if we’re not careful.

      And thanks TTAG for not deleting the guys first Ammendment participation with this rough crowd.

  3. No mention that this firearm is already illegal in the California? What!? Laws didn’t stop criminal from obtaining gun or shooting at people???

    • So why bother having laws then?

      The definition of domestic terrorist-

      Under current United States law, set forth in the USA PATRIOT Act, acts of domestic terrorism are those which: “(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended – (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.”

      It can easily be proven that the NRA and this website have tried to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; AND to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion.

      Both organizations are guilty of domestic terrorism and should be treated accordingly.

      • The point of laws is to punish someone for an action that has ALREADY been undertaken. This is not only the point, but the ONLY possible effect. Because of this, laws that attempt to pre-empt crime by outlawing some auxiliary activity are pointless. You want to ban guns to prevent them from being used in murders, correct? So, because malum prohibitum laws are inherently almost impossible to enforce on their own, I assume you expect that to be a deterrent? In other words, people will be deterred by the law, and will thus choose not to own guns (guns which might, one day, possibly, be used in a crime)? Please tell me you see the problem with that…

        Oh, and for the record, Australian’s rate of almost every type of violent crime (murder included) skyrocketed after their sweeping gun control laws. Same with England. As to your comment about feeling safe while visiting Australia, I’m guessing you mostly stayed in the tourist areas, right? And yet, you think that gives you an even representation of the threat of violence throughout the country?

        • Concernedamerican if you are a gun owner as you say can you explain this to me. – “AR-15 rifle altered like a pistol with a shortened barrel and stock from a 30-round magazine” A stock from a 30 round magazine?

      • Problem is, once you push past 500 pounds your forgo your right to have a political opinion. So, lose some weight, then you’ll be allowed to talk politics. You’ve probably got a ways to go though, because based on your liberalism I’d put you at about 700lbs, or roughly one half Michael Moore. I can tell this because there’s a direct correlation between fat in the brain and ones liberal views. It’s science.

      • Your same interpretation can be applied to Mikey Bloomburg and the mommies sitting on his lap, along with the entire MSM, anti gun rights groups lobbying or leaders for change, the DNC, Planned Parenthood, etc., etc.

      • Your version of reality is terrible. I am not quite sure where you live but it sounds like an exciting place to visit. Tyrants, terrorists, cocaine, and teenage pussy make any locale and vacation paradise.

  4. “customers who show their ‘camo pride’ by wearing camouflage into any Gander Mountain will receive 10% off all camo products”

    I wear camo underwear so I’d be pleased as punch to show Gander Mountain my camo pride.

    • lol “camo pride!” I should add that one to the dictionary.
      Camosexual- a subset of ammosexuals who obsess over the killing of deer, the television program “Duck Dynasty,” and/or the cartoon character Elmer Fudd. May or may not believe in the right to self-defense. See also: mallninja

  5. “Universal background checks” aren’t about stopping wrong gun purchases, they’re about collecting names and numbers. You don’t think they delete those, do you?

  6. “a shortened barrel and stock from a 30-round magazine, Riverside police said.”
    So now even the police, who of all people(trained with them supposedly…) should certainly know better, think that a stock is a magazine? The only thing missing are the words; ‘thingy that goes up’. FOLDS up, naturally. On an AR!
    Will the idiocy never end????
    Can the whole dept, plus the media, not muster up a single functional brain cell between all of them?

  7. ““Get a job, get a gun — that’s the promise of a roofing company in Colorado…”

    Considering the number of people working in the construction trade because of felony run-ins with the law, that may not be an effective program…

  8. Dang! My son got a job today and No free gun! Just $ and benifits…honestly pretty cool to me?

  9. BTW…

    That roofing companies logo sure looks along like an aperture rear sight and front post sight lined up correctly. Winning!!!

  10. Gander Mountain? What a useless excuse for an “outdoors store”. Silly over priced, illogical and inconsistent product inventory and the WORST “expert” help this side of Home Depot. about tied with Dicks

  11. “It’s almost as if all the push for new background check and gun control laws isn’t really about law enforcement at all.”


  12. So the AR was altered like my cats. Interesting. We wouldn’t want those ARs to reproduce, would we.

  13. Can we all just stop using the term “Department of Justice”. Obviously a sad joke and not even an amusing construct. Perhaps substitute in all occasions with Department of Injustice or Dept of BS.

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