Police Oversight St Louis
St. Louis Mayor Tishaura O. Jones (Laurie Skrivan/St. Louis Post-Dispatch via AP)

The city of St. Louis has a long and proud tradition behind it. But present day, under a Soros-funded prosecutor and radical leftist mayor, crime has skyrocketed. Per capita, St. Louis is America’s most dangerous city. And now, gun owners who fall victim to car break-ins are being cited by the city for not having a safe inside their car to store their personal defense gun.

St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones says of citing crime victims with local ordinance violations: “I think it’s great.”

We all know that keeping your gun on your person remains the safest place for it. Few people want to leave a firearm in a locked vehicle, but oftentimes prohibited location signs necessitate it.

Like here in Illinois, Missouri has a lot of prohibited locations. Or at least they did before constitutional carry.  Unlike Illinois, ignoring those signs in the Show-Me State carries relatively trivial penalties for carrying in most posted locations.

However law-abiding people tend to be law-abiding to a fault. If carry is prohibited, we disarm and leave our carry gun in the car.

Couple that with criminals who commit crimes with impunity with little fear of apprehension or prosecution, and, thanks to a city ordinance enacted a few years ago, St. Louis cops regularly hand out violations to those whose guns are stolen. Violations are punishable by a $500 fine and up to 90 days in jail for failing to secure a firearm in a vehicle in a safe.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch has the story . . .

Judge Newton McCoy asked each of the two defendants before him the same question.

“Did you get your safe and install it in your truck?”

It was early December, and he was asking about guns.

McCoy is a municipal judge for the city of St. Louis. On Dec. 8, he gave two men an opportunity to have the charges against them dismissed. Each man was a victim of crime — a car breaking and theft downtown, near Busch Stadium — but they were also charged with an ordinance violation. Since 2017, the city has had a law on the books that makes it illegal to leave a fi rearm in an unattended vehicle unless the weapon is in a locked case of some sort. The law, sponsored by former Mayor Lyda Krewson when she was an alderman, is intended to cut down on the number of stolen guns that are used in crimes.

The ordinance passed unanimously and then mostly sat on a shelf collecting dust for five years. That changed in 2022 when police began writing tickets for the ordinance violation, particularly downtown, and the city counselor’s office started filing charges in such cases. Police in St. Louis have long lamented that guns stolen out of cars add to the crime in the city. Now, the administration of Mayor Tishaura O. Jones has decided to tackle that problem.
“Mayor Jones has long stated that it takes all the tools in our toolbox to reduce and prevent crime,” said spokesman Nick Dunne, in an emailed statement. “This effort works similarly to promoting and giving away gun locks — secured guns guarantee a reduction in guns that make their way into our streets.”

It is not clear what led to the enforcement of the ordinance. The police department and city counselor’s office both declined comment. The mayor’s office first told me that the new enforcement was initiated by the police department, then rescinded that statement.
But whatever its genesis, it’s clear the law is being enforced, creating a bit of a conundrum for folks who drive downtown for whatever reason and end up a victim of a crime, then get charged with one themselves.

Last year, according to city records, 192 people received a summons for a violation of the unattended firearm in a vehicle ordinance. Violation of the law carries a potential fine of up to $500 and up to 90 days in jail.

What’s next? Will St. Louis nanny-state politicians start citing rape victims for indecent exposure because their skirts were too short or their tops were cut too low?

The good news is judges are taking a reasonable approach to enforcement. They’re not imposing fines or jail time if those who are cited buy a safe for their car. According to the Post-Dispatch story, no one has paid a dollar or spent a day in jail yet.

But if St. Louis wants fewer guns stored in vehicles, maybe they should have fewer places where law-abiding residents are prohibited from carrying a firearm. Or alternatively, maybe they could start arresting more car burglars and other criminals and prosecuting them.


  1. So what they are really telling folks is that they should ignore all the signs. Unless the place has scanners/detectors, concealed is concealed.

    • That is the way I read it. I enacted that policy for myself a few years ago. I carry everywhere that I am not Subject to search or metal detectors. F@ck the signs and the gun free zones.

    • That’s how I interpret concealed.
      I posted before that I carried in a post office. It was actually a post office annex in a Safeway gas station. Does that count? Is there an invisible barrier where reaching over the counter to pay is breaking the law? How about parking in the gas station parking lot is one designated federal property? I know ignorance of the law is no excuse but serious questions.

      • 25 years in the post office. Anywhere on post office property is off limits including parking lots. I ignore signs in many places. The post office is not one of them. If you are caught you’re going to have a conversation with postal inspectors. Make no mistake, it won’t be a pleasant conversation. Postal inspectors are not square badge mall cops. They are federal law enforcement and are not to be trifled with.

        • Even a post office annex in a Safeway gas station? It’s just a little cubicle in the rest of the grab and go store. There are no guns not allowed signs either.

        • I’ve run into this, ‘federal function’ vs ‘federal property’ vs ‘private property’.

          ‘federal function’ that exists within private property areas open to the public does not mean its federal property.

          If the post office annex (cubical? what do you mean by cubical? Is this an automated self service type thing?) is in the Safeway… the Safeway is private property open to the public, the existence of a post office annex in the private property does not change the property to federal property simply because the annex exists or you step up to the post office annex counter. If there are no ‘no guns allowed’ signs for the Safeway then its also the same for when you step up to the counter of the annex ‘cubical’ – unless there is a specific boundary delineated clearly and marked to identify it as federal property (post office property) and ‘no guns’ signs before you get to the counter then you have no obligation to disarm to use the post office annex inside the Safeway.

        • Cubicle may be a poor choice of wording. The area is a drop off point for outgoing packages only. No mailboxes there. It’s very small and the wait times are more likely to be clerks taking care of cash purchases for gas, candy, soft drinks, before they walk to the back of the “Post Office” counter. You know “Be with you in a minute honey”. At least that’s what one of them always says to everyone.

        • @Muckraker

          if there is no specific boundary delineated clearly and marked to identify it as federal property (post office property) and ‘no guns’ signs before you get to the counter then the counter its self is a line beyond which you may not have a gun. But as long as your gun does not cross that and there is no specific boundary delineated clearly and marked to identify it as federal property (post office property) and ‘no guns’ signs before you get to the counter then you have no obligation to disarm to use the post office annex inside the Safeway.

          federal property (post office property) is required to be marked in such a manner as to notify you before you enter the property, arriving at the property line with a gun is not a crime as long as your gun does not cross that property line. So, I guess some would say technically, if there is no specific boundary delineated clearly and marked to identify it as federal property (post office property) and ‘no guns’ signs before you get to the counter if your gun does not cross the counter line then you have no obligation to disarm to use the post office annex inside the Safeway.

          The prohibition applies to the gun, not the persons body. So in that case like I described you could transact business at the counter with your arms/hands as long as your gun (in the holster of course) did not cross the counter demarcation point.

          It is not illegal to approach a postal service employee wearing your gun if the gun is on private open to the public property or public property. Its only illegal IN the federal (post office) property.

        • Unconstitutional as restated by Bruen. Sue the USPS and their thug postal “inspectors” (and swat teams). “Mall cop” would certainly be an accurate description.

        • Well we are lucky in our Post office in our small town, which is a hunting town!!!

          Every once in a while a truck will be parked there with guns in their rack!!!

          I’m 49 and I never heard of anybody being arrested or charged, even asked the local police dept they have no records of any arrest made of anybody displaying a gun in their vehicle..

          Even though many years ago a “DETECTIVE” from LA was driving to Washington state and had to stop at the local Postal office to get stamps..

          What he saw and response, scarred him so bad he wrote into our largest paper to the county to berate the local police dept and Post office!!!

          Why cause they wouldn’t do anything about two guns in a gun rack in a truck parked in front of the post office.

          Both responded that they more than likely belonged to a hunter who had temporarily stopped there!!!

          Then he complained that he was told he would be arrested if he broke into the truck and removed the guns, even he admitted he asked them what would happen if it did it!!! Also, he admitted he checked and the doors to the truck were locked, which he told the dispatch!!!

          In my state it is perfectly legal to display guns in a gun rack in a vehicle as long as you have a valid hunting license, tags not required!!! Never heard of anybody being arrested or fined for having guns in a rack in a vehicle!!!

          No signs of “NO GUNS ALLOWED” are posted out our post office!!!

  2. democrats push garbage laws to punish the unbelievers. When democrats are in charge everyone is a victim of the tyranny that they impose.

    • Muck: yes, even there. There is an annex in a nearby mall. If i walk up to the counter to buy stamps it is post office property. Federal regulations, rules and laws apply

      • If this is store employees selling stamps, for example, that’s different. If there is a postal employee in that cubicle it’s post office and federal.

        • 40 makes good points. I am willing to be wrong on some of this, however, I would still er on the side of caution because because consequences can be heavy.

        • Thanks for the replies guy’s. It is a small area off to the side inside the Safeway gas station. It is manned by the Safeway employees who take care of gas customers first and then they come around to help you. There is a cash register for purchasing your shipping labels and no mailboxes for customers to retrieve mail, outgoing packages only. I certainly am not looking to commit a felony so I appreciate the replies.

    • @Muckraker


      this is manned by the gas station employees?

      if so its just a contracted drop off/basic stuff point and not an actual post office service point. like, for example. Walgreens is a FEDEX service point.

      you are good to go for gun carry. it has no federal status as to property location unless its manned by an actual postal service employee. it is purely a contracted service on private property open to the public.

      • I know that the employees had some training because they ask the standard questions, any flammable liquids, batteries, aerosols and such. It is Safeway employees acting on behalf of the USPS. Like I said they take care of customers in the gas station first and then weigh packages and print labels for outbound mail. Contracted sounds perfect for this.

  3. I’m kinda on the fence here. Safes are a good thing, after all. I wouldn’t park my car in any downtown area with an unsecured firearm inside of it. But . . . I’m not the destitute young man trying to make a living, and just barely making it. Safes cost money. If you don’t have money, you can’t carry? Nahhhh – this ain’t right. Blaming the victim is condemned under just about any circumstances. And, that’s exactly what is happening here.

    • Absolutely agree. I can afford a safe. (I don’t have one because I carry everywhere; or, if I know I’m going to NJ or the post office I don’t carry).

      But what of the struggling single mother who needs to carry because of a poor choice of romantic partner? OK. So, first, let’s make sure that her only gun option is an expensive “Army or Navy model”. Then, make her get lots of expensive training; she can’t have her veteran neighbor coach her. She must get an expensive permit. And then, make her obey gun-free-zones littered across the path of her daily errands. All these barriers to exercising her right to the means of an effective self-defense ought to dissuade her.

      But none of these barriers apply to him, the man-of-means, who can afford to hire a retired cop who carries under the LEOSA exemption from all state carry laws.

      We have returned to our ancient origins under Magna Carta. The right to arms is reserved to the nobility who can hire “knights” to bear their arms. The unwashed masses have no more rights than those allowed by law at the whim of Parliament.

    • A lock box can cost as little as $20. Not the best option but might get you out of a $500 fine. I would never leave a firearm unattended even in my locked vehicle. At least it is another layer a thief has to go through.

      A firearm forgotten unsecured in a vehicle is a recipe for disaster if the wrong person or a child gains possession.

      There have been issues with purse carry. A child rummaging around in mom’s purse placed in the back seat is a bad thing.

      • My Mama allus told us “STAY OUTTA MY PURSE” Didn’t take much “testing” tto figure two things out: One she MEANT it. Two, there was nevere much if interest in there anyway.

        We left that bag alone.

    • Some link to a auto “safe” that is something other than a total joke (might keep a real burglar out for 5min).

  4. just another lovely state with a big canker sore.
    file report later that you left it on the yard table to go in and grab the johnny drum bottle. it was gone when you got back, but you still had the bourbon. ya dope.

    • My EDC is a piece I picked up off a table at a gun show back when no FFL had to be involved. If that got stolen I’d just walk on. Paid $400 for it fifteen years ago. Ugly but works perfectly. I’d miss it though….. nice old BHP

  5. I live in the city of St. Louis. Next month I have to serve jury duty. I have served on three juries and have been the foreman twice. That will require me to park my car in a garage and walk about a half mile to the Civil Courts building. I will be walking through many vagrants, homeless and more. The city requires me to attend. They should provide a safe storage area for my firearm like some hospitals do. Any government office that requires you to show up should have a safe storage place. But no, that would put the responsibility on them. This shows that they are still fighting your Second Amendment rights.

    • You need a gun to walk through vagrants and homeless people? You must have a panic attack when you see teens on skateboards, or young blacks playing basketball. What a pus** 😂

      • vagrants and homeless people assault people too. almost 65% of the vagrants and homeless people on the streets at anyone time in the U.S. were released from mental health care where they were confined for a bit for violent acts. most will comit another violent crime within 72 hours of release.

        yeah, be armed if you must walk through them but its best just to avoid them

    • courthouses are generally run by the sheriff department, ask if they have a secure lock box for your items.
      some are required to have them at the screening process when you enter.

  6. How much security can the state require you to provide?

    Once, just entering a home uninvited was a violation.
    Now if you don’t lock your door, you are somehow at fault.
    Don’t have a lock on a fence surrounding your pool? You are inviting people to drown themselves in your pool while you are at work.

    Locking your car door is insufficient. Must have a safe.
    Having a safe in your car is insufficient. You must have bio-metric lock.
    Having a bio-metric lock is insufficient. It must have a 3 minute delay on it.
    Having a bio-metric locked safe with a 3 minute delay is insufficient, you must have a 2nd bio-metric locked safe using a different appendage for identification to store the ammunition separately, and it must have an additional 15 minute delay.

    Libertarians famously say, “The power to tax is the power to destroy.” I guess you could add “The power to regulate is the power to destroy” as well.

    Support small, limited, constitutionally constrained government.

    • and by the time you wade through all those gummit man dated swamps to get your hand on your Protetor you are dead. Cuz the perp had his in his hand when he came up to your car window..

      They win again.

  7. “Mayor Jones has long stated that it takes all the tools in our toolbox to reduce and prevent crime,”
    You already have the tools, try using them instead of being one.
    Stopping with the revolving door justice system would be a great first start.

    • It would be racist to punish the robbers stealing the guns, and make them pay unfair bail, and the city and state can’t afford to jail them anyway, just let them go! A lot of places want to make robbery and theft not even a crime under certain amounts. Not even worth pursuing.

      But you need to instill the fear of the law and state on those pesky victims who had stuff worth stealing. How dare they!

  8. They can get a catalytic converter off of a car in 30 seconds. How long do they think it will take them to cut the safe open or cut the cable and take gun and safe? They ain’t TL30.

  9. This is prime illustration of why we fight the battle against lost and stolen laws here in PA.

    The courts here have ruled that if you are not cited under one you don’t have standing to sue. The local municipalities pass them in violation of state preemptionbut wonenforce them as that would give someone standing to sue. Like the law in this article they may sit on the books for years until the right people are in the right places to allow enforcement to begin.

  10. They tried the same sht in a city close by and it was a worthless RINO leading the charge and it was stopped before it began.

    The people responsible for forcing you to leave a firearm in your vehicle are responsible for vehicle firearm thefts. You are responsible for making sure the weapon is not visible and the vehicle doors are locked. After all a vehicle is an extension of your home where firearms are generally hidden and the doors are locked when you leave, etc.

  11. Man, I can’t wait to go to StLou. I wonder why they don’t put that in all these St Louis tourism ads?

    • comparing rape to someone getting their gun stolen because they didn’t bother using a lock box (that can cost less than a box of ammo) is contemptible. Most gun thefts from cars are smash and grabs. If they can’t get it in 30 seconds they’re not going to bother. Even a $20 lock box can prevent them from graduating to armed robbery. This is no different than laws prohibiting leaving your keys in the car to because it makes car theft easier.

  12. “And now, gun owners who fall victim to car break-ins are being cited by the city for not having a safe inside their car to store their personal defense gun.”

    I would have told the cops… “yep, it was in a safe, one of those portable gun safes available the gun control people are always saying is the right thing to do and the police department recommends. They just picked up the safe under the seat out of view and left with it.”

    which actually happens in about 95% of guns in those portable safe things under the seat in the car when the car is broken into – they just take the safe and bust it open later with brute force or cut it open to get the gun. Gotta basically weld it to the frame if you don’t want them walking away with it so easily and quickly. Yes, criminals know about these things and look for them, they know what the internet is and keep up on the current things.

    But citing the victim for this is wrong, period, and probably unconstitutional. Do we cite female rape victims because they didn’t wear a full body Abaya like covering? Do we cite home owners who have things stolen from their home by a break in because they didn’t keep them ‘locked up’ in the home? Do we cite a business owner who is a victim of shop lifting because they didn’t keep the merchandise locked up?

    this ‘safe required’ in a car thing (and ‘safe storage’) is unconstitutional to begin with. A car is an extension of your home constitutionally, and your private property, a gun is your private property, and just like in your home or on your private property you are free constitutionally to have your gun (your private property) anywhere you choose it to be in the car.

    • even a cheap lock box comes with a security cable that take more time to defeat than most smash and grabbers are willing to spend.

      BTW, rape vs gun theft, really

  13. I would love to keep a revolver in my vehicle just on general principle. This is one of several reasons I don’t.

  14. Exactly why I don’t live in a city. A few years ago one of the guys in the crew asked me how long of a drive to work. I told him 45-50 minutes but a 10 second walk to the gun range.

      • Sounds like the standard Kick the Cat commute. I got one of those here but its a little more than ten seconds t walk out and around to the firing line.

  15. “The mayor’s office first told me that the new enforcement was initiated by the police department, then rescinded that statement.”

    if silence speaks volumes, then having to rescind a statement must speak libraries

    you can bet someone in the PD told them that if they didn’t take that back the news would get the exact name and message from the person who ordered them to start enforcing it

    • they have a problem with stolen guns….and they’re getting desperate…shifting the blame serves as a deflection…

  16. Car break ins are the costs of visiting The Lou. Understand that these crimes are neither investigated are prosecuted in The City.

    Consider this prior to reporting the break in.

  17. I have found sure fire methods to avoid the St. Louis “gun stolen from your car” and the “gun on federal postal property” threats. I don’t go into St. Louis any more….not to eat, attend a concert, Cardinal ballgames, Arch festivals, nothing. Also, I don’t do business with the post office directly. Pay all bills on line; mail only taxes from drop boxes, buying minimal postage via alternate sources.

  18. Why does the state of Missouri allow this to happen? A quick change to the state’s pre-emption statute and this would be gone. I am surprised that it isn’t already illegal. It would be in Ky.

  19. Let me tell you, if I had a gun stolen from my car in STL I’d probably not report it and if I did and they asked I’d be like “fuck right off” as an answer.

    • Andrew Lias,

      Your comment hints at an important point: reporting that someone stole your firearm out of your vehicle and that your firearm was NOT in a safe means incriminating yourself. And we all know that our United States Constitution Fifth Amendment forbids governments from forcing us to incriminate ourselves. It seems to me that anyone in St. Louis could report the theft of their firearm from their vehicle and then refuse to answer (under the Fifth Amendment) whether or not their firearm was in a safe. If the vehicle/firearm owner does not tell police whether or not their firearm was in a safe, how can law enforcement prosecute him/her?

      I suppose that a zealous prosecutor could claim that the he/she will prosecute you unless you show evidence that you had a safe. Even that seems to be problematic since it turns a bedrock principle of our nation’s system of law–our presumption of innocence–on its head.

      • This is something I’ve been wondering about. Take NY (please), for example. One has to report a stolen pistol, including the facts and circumstances of the theft, within 24 hours or face criminal charges. However, it is also illegal to store such a pistol in a car without it being in a safe (and, naturally, it’s illegal to carry it out of one’s car almost anywhere). So how can the state force you to report the gun as stolen, including the facts and circumstances, if doing so would implicate you in another crime?

        Sure seems unconstitutional to me. Not like that matters…

      • remember handguns can be traced to the original purchaser…just a word to the wise if you don’t report it…

  20. There should be a Federal law mandating safe storage of firearms in vehicles for several reasons.

    One: It would reduce accidental child deaths because people often forget they put the gun under the seat and then a child finds it and shoots themselves or another child.

    And even worse many irresponsible parents leave children locked up in a car and then the child or children find the loaded weapon because they often would even see the parent taking out the pistol and put it under the seat.

    Two: Many times a stolen care is found quickly and stopped by the police and a locked up gun would prevent the criminal from taking it and shooting at the police. It often takes time to even break into a cheap pistol safe used in a car.

    • dacian’s point:

      Millions of firearm owners must suffer because a handful of firearm owners are idiots and criminals attack police.

    • @dacian

      There should be a Federal law mandating that you should be put in safe storage do children will be a lot safer.

    • Dumbass – “Shall not be infringed” – Bruen covers that idiotic “idea” nicely so STFU and go do your homework.

    • I’ll bite… in exchange for a federal law that prevents any state from imposing laws that prevent people from carrying a firearm- with the exception of certain places (courtrooms, perhaps) which must have secured access and provide a guarded location for persons to safely store firearms as they enter.

      That way people are carrying instead of having to leave them in their car.

  21. good. Stupid, lazy a-holes should CCW their guns everywhere.. wake UP to the fact that huge, heavy guns are not what you want. Anyone who can’t be bothered to carry 6″ and one lb of gun shouldn’t be allowed to drive, vote or use the court system for anything. GTFO out of areas that are not constitional carry. stop funding our enemies with your tax monies.

  22. regardless of where i am
    or what the law is there
    i generally always carry*
    everywhere im at
    unless theres a security checkpoint
    for this specific reason
    * = except schools

  23. “If carry is prohibited, we disarm and leave our carry gun in the car.”

    I prefer to take my business to someone who doesn’t hate me or inhibit my ability to protect myself and those I care about.

    • It is almost impossible to avoid some places which prohibit firearms–especially if government forces you to conduct business with them.

      For example, if you have to send legal documents, your only practical option is to send them via certified mail which requires that you walk into a post office. Or if you are a party in a lawsuit, you must walk into a court building/room which almost never allows the general public to be armed.

      • in my state we can;t bring our defensive weapons into the courthouse, state lw. That same law ALSO mandates that every courthouse in the State MUST provide locked individual storage boxes for our guns. show up at the entrance, state “I have a handguh to secure” and a VERY friendly and professional uniformed oficer will motion you to follow him. He leads me back out the door I just entered, we stop at the rack of secure steel boxes, asks me to select one, I place my weapon and holster and/or spara mag into the dry secure locker, and close the door. He notes the number of the lock removes the ID tag from the lock, now on the tin bin, hands it to me along with the key. When I’m done inside I simply walk past the doors, take out MY key unlock reholsterand get situated, hes usually outside by then making small talk and ready to collect the key. Takes less than one minute total out of my day to store and retrieve. Oh and I NEVER see any of the othrwise ubiquitous “unhoused” anywhere near there. It is also just secluded enough no one “observing” could figure out who has a gun to check, and thus retrieve upon leaving, so no chance of anyone “making” me. And I am armed from my house all the way to the courthouse door, then all the way back from the door to home or wherever.

  24. I cannot seetheproblem withnrequireing every firearms owner to be required by law to keep their firearms secure at all times . You cannot complain about criminals obtaining firearms illegally and then not be prepared to kep them safe under all circumstances.
    If you have unsecured firearms I would have thiough that it’s blindingly obvious that your ARE, however inadvertently aiding and abbeting criminality.

    • Yes its true Albert but you are a sane person who can think logically and clearly. Do not expect to encounter such thought on this forum.

    • Eurowussie of oncegreatbritain weighs in with a idiotic BS theory. Lock them up (unloaded) down at the bobby station, do we? Dang shame OGB lost all its testosterone 1914-18/1939-45.

      US Constitution – Bruen = cannot REQUIRE any such thing.

    • OK Señor Hall, on WHAT basis do you place the burden upon ME to make sure thieves can’t steal arms? How about making the theft of arms such a burdensome act that word will spread quickly throughout the land that ‘hey don’t bother it aint wrth it” to the thieves.

      You place guilt and burden upon ME the innocent and do naught for the guilty. When is the last time any dirtbag found with a stolen firearm in St Louis County serves the FULL time for gun teheft? Yeah, that;s what I thought.

      Its only been in the past five years or so I have ever locked my house OR my car, and I never had anythng stolen for the sixty lus years before that time.

      The same eedjits who would criminalise ME for someone ELSE sealing my property also let the dirtbags DOING the thieving go free. They usually bargain off the possession of stolen/illegally possessed firearm early on, then let them off with a slap on the wrist. When these buggers start srving hard jail time for such conduct I might not need the safe in my car so much. And MY town woiuld be a whole lot safer for everyone.

  25. Hokay, guns locked in cars, fine. But I try and do as much as possible during the decent months on my bicycle (push-bike, pedals that go round and round). I often have to drop by the post office to ship packages, check my mail et. IALWAYS ride armed. Now what? Leave it upon my person and hope no one notices? Stash it somewhere on my bike? Leave my personal weapon at home? None of the above are acceptable.

  26. My vehicles have a center console box/armrest between the seats. For under a hundred bucks I made steel lock boxes that fit inside the consoles and are bolted to the floor of the vehicle. Yes, I know not everyone has a welder or can make such things, but even getting a local welder to do the work would be cheaper than most safes. A cheap lock box in the trunk might do the trick, but is all to easy to steal and open at leisure at home.
    To be honest, unless it is a state or federal building, I pretty much ignore the no guns signs. And, yes, I have carried into the Post Office. No one noticed nor asked about anything.
    And, honestly, when was the last time the Feds bothered to actually enforce such prohibitions? They’re too busy chasing shadows and looking for nonexistent right wing domestic terrorists.

    • I remember when we were required to provide security at a post office…chase out vagrants and such…but were told not to carry our issued weapon…some guys complied, others just laughed at this restriction…took the weapon out of the holster and just shifted it to an inside pocket…GSA never seemed to push the issue…as long as we were never required to use it…thankfully that never happened…

  27. ORtardia is also holding crime victims responsible for their victimizations. Just another straw on the back of the camel named Revolution, if you ask me.

  28. I’d be interested in how St. Louis is getting away with this. On it’s face it appears to violate the state’s preemption clause (21.750)

  29. This seems to be the relevant section:

      “2. No county, city, town, village, municipality, or other political subdivision of this state shall adopt any order, ordinance or regulation concerning in any way the sale, purchase, purchase delay, transfer, ownership, use, keeping, possession, bearing, transportation, licensing, permit, registration, taxation other than sales and compensating use taxes or other controls on firearms, components, ammunition, and supplies except as provided in subsection 3 of this section.”

    Unfortunately, it does not prohibit a local government from regulating the “storage” of firearms. This is a serious omission. This needs to be addressed by the Missouri legislature but until then the residents of St. Louis will just have to pay to be robbed.


  31. Personally, if a gun owner is irresponsible enough to leave a firearm in their vehicle, locked or unlocked, they should be charged if it is stolen.

    Be responsible, people. Remove them from your vehicles!

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