high large capacity magazines
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When the top law enforcement officers from half of the United States band together to make their voices known on an important topic, it’s kind of a big deal.

Recently, attorneys general from 25 states filed an amicus brief against California’s unconstitutional law banning standard-capacity firearms magazines that are capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition. According to a news release issued by Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen, the coalition of AGs filed the brief in Duncan v. Bonta to “safeguard law-abiding individuals’ right to keep and bear arms in public for self-defense against unnecessary intrusions.”

“In this case, that unnecessary intrusion is a California law banning firearm magazines that can hold more than ten rounds,” the release stated.

In the brief, the AGs are asking that Judge Roger Benitez’s earlier ruling that the law is unconstitutional be upheld by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

“The district court properly concluded that California’s law unconstitutionally restricts the fundamental right to keep and bear common firearm magazines typically possessed for lawful purposes,” the AGs stated in the brief. “This Court should follow the Supreme Court’s mandate from Heller, McDonald and Bruen by affirming the district court based on the text, history and tradition associated with the Second Amendment and magazines with a capacity over 10 rounds.”

At the time of that district court decision, Judge Benitez explained in his ruling: Both as a matter of modern statistics and historical analogy, large-capacity magazines and their analogues are in common use today and were at the time of the Second Amendment’s incorporation. While estimates vary, it is undisputed that more than 100 million large-capacity magazines circulate in the United States. One recent study cited by the district court found that Americans own 542 million magazines that hold more than 10 rounds today.”

In addition to Knudsen, those filing the brief included AGs from Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia and Wyoming.

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  1. Magazine limitations are just another attack on good citizens exercising their 2A right.
    Laws of this nature reflect how little the left knows about how easy it is to change a magazine. Besides the bad players are not going to pay any attention to such laws just as they presently ignore laws. The ignorance of the left is so gross that they seem to think that every bullet is going to kill at least one person. Hence, they would rather 10 dead vs 15 or more. Their stupidity has no limits.

    • Actually, if memory serves, the argument posed by CA since long ago has been the belief that a criminal involved in a shootout with LE will run out of bullets after 10 shots and will need to reload (or will be completely out of ammo), while LEOs will be blessed with their 17-rd mags and can continue to spray lead while advancing on the criminal.

      This assumes, of course, that the criminal is obeying the law and has only 10-rd mags. Because criminals obey the law, amirite? Democrat logic.

      • See the 1997 North Hollywood bank shootout, in which the perps were equipped with drum mags and fired an estimated 1100+ rds at LE. Our overlords in Sacramento were certain a law banning further sales of mags holding more than 10 rds would prevent this kind of mayhem again.

        Democrat logic.

        • 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
          Awww, you beat me here with this comment.

          I’ve watched a few LEOs run stress drills, funny AF.

    • Please understand, this sort of “law” is NOT based on nor does it arise out of ignorance. These traitorous blights on civilisation are on a tear to totally disarm this nation. WHY you ask? I am not certain but I will lay very high stakes at very long odds their reason is identical to that of George Three when he sent direct order to his underling Tom Gage in Boston to make it a high priority to disarm those pesky colonists. Gage tried… Few folks realise his little “powder raid” on Lexington/Concord was not his first such attempt, it was his fourth. And it was his most spectacular failure. In fact, that one raid gone very wrong lit the match that quickly exploded into the Colonials kicking George and all his henchmen right off this continent south of the forty ninth.

  2. The phrase “firstest with the mostest” has been attributed to many people. But, it’s been a fact of life for battles since cavemen battled each other with clubs and rocks.

    Limiting the law abiding citizen’s means of self defense automatically give the advantage to the criminals. Forget the US Constitution, for a moment. From cave man days, on through to our future 10,000 years from now, men and women have had an inherent right to self defense. The AGs of half our United States seem to get it.

    Do away with all forms of gun control, and give the law abiding citizens the advantage over the criminals. Or, at the least, allow those citizens to meet the criminals on equal terms.

    Uvalde, among other tragedies, taught us that we can’t depend on law enforcement.

    • We can’t even depend on LE to do no intentional harm, viz. Ruby Ridge and the Branch Davidian massacre and many smaller-scale outrages happening all around us all the time.

      But thank you to all the honest peace officers out there; there are still a few of you around.

    • Don’t be so sure that’s what “winning” looks like.
      Remember, SIG US is the division that filed false “End User Certificates” (EUCs) to move guns from SIG Germany to countries in South America that were on the international list banning firearm imports due to “Conflict Zone” classification. These arms made a stop in NH so SIG US could hoodwinked SIG Germany as to the REAL destination of the weapons.
      This inter-corporate deception was used by Angela Merkel to lock out the Eckernford employees, assess massive fines on SIG Germany for sending arms into a “conflict zone”. Sig Germany was unable to pay these fines so all inventory was seized and sold off by the German .gov at MASSIVE PRICES. The final mastershop guns sold for crazy 💰 🤑.
      SIG US came out of all this with a slap on the wrist and a promise not to file falsified EUCs with the fed.gov again. Oh, and one more thing……MASSIVE US military contracts.
      It wouldn’t surprise me in the least to find out that AFT lawyers were involved in drafting that document sent to FFLs, just to fill it with pitfalls and traps.
      Anyone who thinks SIG US hasn’t “Kissed the Ring” of the gun grabbers and alphabet agencies is living in a fantasy world.
      Get ready for new usernames responding to my comment, that’s SOP when comments get “over the target”.

  3. Other states behind the metaphorical iron wall stand in queue with their unconstitutional 10 round mag limits. Guess it’s time for a Poncho Villa ammo belt that will hold dozens of 10 round mags.

    • That might help simewhat for folks using what YOU have. My EDC is designed in 1926 and made in Europe in 1964. Smallest mag available for it is 13 rounds. I coud work around that by using it in single shot hand load mode, except that they came up with a mag interlock in about 1960 that PREVENTS firing if there is no mag in the well. Thus the ten round limit ,akes this piece unusable except in close combat hand to hand fighting, something I work hard to scrupulously avoid.
      bottom line, those mag cap limits rnder my EDC unusable.

      • Tionico,

        I am 95% confident that it would be quite easy to create and install a magazine “limiter” in your magazines which would take up space at the bottom of the magazine (under your magazine’s cartridge follower) and limit your magazines to 10 rounds.

        That is analogous to the tube magazine plugs that we add to shotguns for duck hunting which limit those tube magazines to two shells. (In that case the “plug” is a simple wood dowel rod cut to length of however many shells that you want to displace.)

        Of course, as so many people love to say, just because we can do something does not mean that we should do that something. I would apply it in this instance of making a magazine “plug” to limit your 13 round magazines to 10 rounds–just because we can does not mean that we should.

      • I have lots of ban era 10 round Hi Power mags laying around that I would gladly send you for free.

      • “My EDC is designed in 1926 and made in Europe in 1964. Smallest mag available for it is 13 rounds.”

        Sounds suspiciously like a Browning Hi-Power…

  4. Sicko Gun Control zealots have no problem leaving you with 10 rounds to defend yourself against let’s say two perps with six shooters…That scenario leaves you one man and two rounds short on your side. In other words Gun Control zealots and their insanity can go pound sand.

  5. I guess my question is: Why should the 9th circuit decision affect other states? Screw California, that ban on “high capacity magazines” should only affect Commi-fornia, not everyone else they deem should be under their control. I do not live in Commi-Fornia, do not ever want to live there, and thus, why should their anti-gun zealot decisions affect my state? We should borrow a line from “Nevada”, in that “what goes on California, should stay there”.

    • It’s not a big deal when it simply boils down to partisan proclivities.

      When are we gonna see some heads roll for all this shit that allegedly violates Bruen? Why have a supreme court at all? Why have laws at all since they’re basically just a way for one partisan entity to attack its enemy.

      Legislatures are a bunch of trolls each trying to own the other while enriching themselves and we just have to put up with it.

  6. Whatever, , I’ve read many comments on TTAG about the difference between 10rnd,20, 30. Supposedly it doesn’t make a difference.
    Difference, Difference, Difference. (echoes suk).
    Here’s the Deal Lucille.
    The Right To Bear Arms Sall Not Be Infringed.
    …—… assualt weapon, hell yes it is, and a War was fought to give me the right…
    Rights? Give? me Rights.
    Take, Give, Break and Bend

    • “Whatever, , I’ve read many comments on TTAG about the difference between 10rnd,20, 30. Supposedly it doesn’t make a difference.”

      I can tell you for a fact that it does make a difference. Had I not had multiple 15 round mags my wife and I would have been killed, and even then when the second bad guy was finally down (despite being hit several times he was still up and aggressing), when I got close enough to put the final rounds in to stop him when he went down finally I had three rounds left out of three 15 round magazines. Had I been limited to, say, 5 or 10 round mags we would have died that day.

      • Exactly.
        And with the way the gangs run six deep all with auto shuters it seems that the law would even the playing field for the law abiding.

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