3d printed gun
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Twenty state attorneys general along with DC’s top legal mind think they can stop the dissemination of 3D gun files via the courts.

Bless their hearts.

By Michael Balsamo and Chris Grygiel, AP

Attorneys general in 20 states and the District of Columbia filed a lawsuit Thursday challenging a federal regulation that could allow blueprints for making guns on 3D printers to be posted on the internet.

New York Attorney General Tish James, who helped lead the coalition of state attorneys general, argued that posting the blueprints would allow anyone to go online and use the downloadable files to create unregistered and untraceable assault-style weapons that could be difficult to detect.

The lawsuit, joined by California, Washington and 17 other states, was filed in U.S. District Court in Seattle. It is likely to reignite a fierce debate over the use of 3D-printed firearms and is the latest in a series of attempts by state law enforcement officials to block the Trump administration from easing the accessibility of the blueprints.

Proponents have argued there is a constitutional right to publish the material, but critics counter that making the blueprints readily accessible online could lead to an increase in gun violence and put weapons in the hands of criminals who are legally prohibited from owning them.

Washington state’s attorney general Bob Ferguson said a previous multi-state lawsuit led a federal judge last year to strike down the administration’s earlier attempt to allow the files to be distributed.

“Why is the Trump administration working so hard to allow domestic abusers, felons and terrorists access to untraceable, undetectable 3D-printed guns?” Ferguson said in a statement.

fear horror cartoon

For years, law enforcement officials have been trying to draw attention to the dangers posed by the so-called ghost guns, which contain no registration numbers that could be used to trace them.

A federal judge in November blocked an earlier attempt by the Trump administration to allow the files to be released online, arguing that the government had violated the law on procedural grounds. But the administration published formal rules on Thursday that transfer the regulation of 3D-printed guns from the State Department to the Commerce Department, which could open the door to making the blueprints available online.

The state attorneys general argue the government is breaking the law and say such deregulation will “make it far easier for individuals ineligible to possess firearms under state or federal law to obtain a deadly weapon without undergoing a background check,” according to the lawsuit. They also argue that the Commerce Department lacks the power to properly regulate 3D-printed guns.

“Ghost Guns endanger every single one of us,” James said in a statement. “While the president and his Administration know these homemade weapons pose an imminent threat, he continues to cater to the gun lobby — risking the lives of millions of Americans.”

In 2015, Cody Wilson and his company Defense Distributed sued the federal government after it told him to remove online blueprints of a 3D-printed gun. The State Department reached a settlement with the company in 2018 and removed the 3D gun-making plans from a list of weapons or technical data that are not allowed to be exported. But a coalition of state attorneys general filed a lawsuit to stop the maneuver, arguing that undetectable plastic guns pose a national security risk.

The Justice Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the lawsuit filed Thursday.

In addition to Washington, California and New York, the states suing are: Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Virginia as well as the District of Columbia.

“We successfully challenged the Trump administration’s first reckless attempt, and we will continue to fight against this latest attack on the safety of our communities,” California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said in a statement.

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  1. The party of anti-free speech, and anti-freedom in general. I guess they’ll next be censoring how to pick locks, since that could be used in an illegal way. I bet their next move will also be to censor how to grow the best marijuana, since that could be used in an illegal way. Then there’s “hate speech”…

    • Dude! Your comment sounds like hate speech and I think you are or might be a danger to us all so please post your address so that we can “Red Flag” you. It is for your own good, trust me. A mental health evaluation will performed Free of Charge by your local police and/or judge.

      • And even if you are found to be health, good luck ever getting your firearms back… they are likely to get ‘lost’ and maybe you’ll be luck enough to see Officer Krupke at the range with them next year!

    • “I guess they’ll next be censoring how to pick locks”

      I strongly suggest that you go on Ebay and buy a lock picking practice kit (with the transparent practice lock) while you still can. It is an interesting hobby for those who are technically minded, and like you said, it may be banned someday.

      • Pick up some cheap padlocks to practice on and a good quality pick set from southord.com good skill to have though I only ever needed it once.

      • Don’t just assume they’re the same. One will stab you in the back given the opportunity…the other has already stabbed you in the back, spit in your face, and announced that it wants to cut your throat.

  2. Just think , all the criminals out there with 3d printers . Plastic , untraceable ghost guns . Hey AG’s are you that ignorant? You think criminals wont just steal a gun , or buy one on the street , think again.

    • “Just think , all the criminals out there with 3d printers . Plastic , untraceable ghost guns . Hey AG’s are you that ignorant? You think criminals wont just steal a gun , or buy one on the street , think again.”

      Everyone knows that criminals spend their time between crimes, researching the latest technology to make guns, and other weapons. Criminals often use their stolen money to buy expensive machinery and software to design and create weapons that are illegal for them to buy. Criminals are highly intelligent, adept at exploiting technology, deep thinkers about how to next get away with crimes.

      We need laws to prevent criminals from accessing information of any kind, from any source. Let them spend their time hanging around on the stoop with other criminals, or getting high/drunk, or lollygagging at the bar. If we keep them ignorant, they can’t commit so many crimes.

      There oughta be a law !

      • We need universal background checks on CNC machines, mills, lathes… in fact, fuck it make Home Depot, Lowes, Ace and all the others become FTLs (FFLs for tools, not florists). For the children.

        • “We need universal background checks on CNC machines, mills, lathes… in fact, fuck it make Home Depot, Lowes, Ace and all the others become FTLs (FFLs for tools, not florists). For the children.”

          You may be onto something. Got any contacts with Bloomberg’s organizations?

        • you think you’re being funny… in the 90s, when the ATF was told that anyone with a CNC machine will be able to make a firearm, they said “well then we’ll just have to register and license cnc machines”

          • “…in the 90s, when the ATF was told that anyone with a CNC machine will be able to make a firearm, they said “well then we’ll just have to register and license cnc machines” ”

            And the ATF published those regulations, when?

        • They do require drones and printers to have code inside to prevent them from being used for certain things.

        • “You may be onto something. Got any contacts with Bloomberg’s organizations?”

          I lack such contacts but I really do urge the government to take the action I’ve suggested. In doing so they should forget entirely about the history of the FCC and CB radio, the concept of “overreach” or worrying about future ramifications. They should just do it and do it ASAP.

          • “I lack such contacts but I really do urge the government to take the action I’ve suggested.”

            Do your realize how many pens and pencils the average person can acquire in one visit to the store? It’s a loophole that should be closed immediately. Besides, those items are potential weapons; person could put an eye out.

        • “Besides, those items are potential weapons; person could put an eye out.”

          Yeah, or they might John Wick your ass with them. Terribly dangerous. We should register them all and, honestly, contemplate a ban on pencil cases that can hold more than three writing instruments or more than one writing instrument and a compass.

          It’s too bad I can’t get Watts on the horn to back this idea with some Bloombucks. No need to wait for the mask to slip when they’re willing to just take it off.

          • “Yeah, or they might John Wick your ass with them. Terribly dangerous. We should register them all”

            If the pen or pencil has a removable/replaceable elements that transfer color to paper, each element should be micro-stamped with a serial number.

            Oh yeah, quantity purchased should be restricted to one per month.

        • “Just make it a law that criminals who are arrested, automatically get a lobotomy.”

          Too expensive and complicated. Just make criminal use of guns illegal. That will put the cork back in the bottle.

    • It depends how you define criminal.

      Eventually you will be a criminal as you claim to be a law abiding citizens.

  3. Poor Bobbie Ferguson, our AG in WA. He was all set to be the next governor and then Jay “Climate Change” Inslee decided to run for another term. So, he will just continue to do his things, one of which is trying to figure out how to take guns away from law abiding citizens. Meanwhile, if the city of Seattle’s recent survey is correct, the gangbangers and illegal drug distibutors who comprise 90% of the gun violence in the state will continue to be treated with kid gloves. After all, don’t want to be accused of racism, etc. The recent shooting in downtown Seattle was perpetrated by a couple of dudes with 60 arrests and 30 convictions. But, the whole problem was the gun had too many bullets in its’ magazine. But we are going to make them illegal so never again will this kind of thing occur. Good lord.

  4. Collusion and conspiracy to deny a civil right is a Federal felony. These AGs should all be sharing a cell at Leavenworth.

  5. How to grab the lefties where it really gets to them is simply tell them if you do anything to restrict our God given rights to bear arms we will overturn Roe v Wade forever making baby killing illegal in the USA this is there ultimate hallowed ground they love baby killing at all levels and nothing freaks them out more than the threat of banning baby killing

    • Just checking, here – you’re okay with abortion as long as you get to have guns? That’s the price you’re willing for other peoples’ babies to pay so that you can enjoy your own rights?

      I mean, I’m perfectly fine with both abortion AND guns, so no judgement from me – I just seek clarity.

      • He’s so averse to a single human ovum being wasted that he won’t even use periods in his comments.

      • Currently, I’m counting on SCOTUS to save us from the anti-choice crowd, thus voting guns overwhelmingly. My wife reluctantly joins me. But if the GOP thinks they are ever going to get huge numbers of women voting for them, they need to stop trying to gain complete control over women’s bodies. I have to observe, though, that it is my belief if the anti-choice crowd ever gets their way, we will have freedom of choice enshrined in a Constitutional Amendment within 5 years. Once you realize that was the correct response of opponents in 1974, and it has never even been suggested, you can see that it would pass quickly if ever needed, which it is currently not.

        • “I have to observe, though, that it is my belief if the anti-choice crowd ever gets their way, we will have freedom of choice enshrined in a Constitutional Amendment within 5 years.”

          Your idea is already enshrined in the constitution. SCOTUS (i.e. the federal government) usurped the power of the states contained in the 9th and 10th amendments.

        • “they need to stop trying to gain complete control over women’s bodies”

          It isn’t about control. It’s about saving innocent lives. Women are in full control of their bodies. Unless, they’re raped, they can choose to have sex or not, along with the consequences of that choice. The baby in the womb is not the woman’s body. The baby has a unique set of DNA, their own heart, brain, fingers, etc. It isn’t just some “clump of cells” like some crazy tumor growing in your body. There’s a reason most women are naturally more responsible than men. It’s their job to care for the baby in the womb.

          What’s sounds crazy to me is saying that a baby isn’t a baby 1 minute before they’re born. That’s what leftist propaganda wants you to believe. Even the majority of pro-choice folks oppose late term abortion. If third trimester abortion is wrong, then why isn’t second? How do you decide when to draw the line? They don’t want you to think about that, so the talking point is just “men want to control women.”

        • LarryinTX,

          You claim to support choices: why do you not support the baby’s choice to live?

        • What we need is two separate political systems in this country. One for women and one for men. Women will make laws concerning only women and men will do the same for themselves.

          hillary don’t have a dick(she doesn’t’ does she?) so she has no business making laws for us that do. We’ll set up a 3rd party for trannies, cross dressers, etc.

  6. What a nice case to eventually drop in the lap of the current SCOTUS…

  7. The real objective is not the 3D printed plastic guns. Those are just the Useful Idiot Tools for “common sense” laws. It’s the steel guns produced in the garages and shops of 2A supporting patriots with their mills and lathes that will give them their come to Jesus moment. Means of production will ultimately be the objective.

      • Government makes laws, no matter how dumb they appear to you, that allows them to raid your house and put you in a cage. When you resist they will kill you. If they didn’t have that law they wouldn’t be lawfully warranted to do harm to you. It’s not about control, it’s about giving them an opportunity to get rid of you without the people rising up to help because it’s the law.

        All you have to do is watch how police do their job. When they want to get someone they will use any law they can think of to snag them. They may not be able to get you for one thing, but they will get you for another. If they can get you for a felony you are completely screwed. Once they have the felony charge you are likely to plead guilty for a lesser charge or you will take the full ride and lose everything.

        Just say no to prohibition and victim less crimes.

    • 3D printed guns have come a long ways. Reference the FGC-9. Designed to be capable of manufacture worldwide with no regulated parts. No need for machinery like a lathe or a mill.

  8. Seems like the majority or maybe all these states that signed on to this lawsuit are run by the dems,,,, sanctuary states also,,, like someone up there ☝️Said(& he’s right) these are the same states that do NOT prosecute the criminals when their apprehended, mainly because most of them are so called minority’s, time to take out the trash people…

  9. I guess they think it’s somehow easier for banned people, and those they disagree with, to print guns rather than buy them from other people.
    Remind me again why they are smarter , better, and deserve to make all the decisions.

    • Making your own gun decrease your risk of getting caught by an agent of the state who’s duty is to sell you guns. The FBI likes to set people up by getting them to make or buy illegal guns so the government can destroy their group that way.

      I would not be surprised if the white nationalist group “The Base” was actually a FBI honeypot that got supremacists to build an illegal gun and give it to an illegal immigrant.

      Learning to make your own guns and ammunition is very important. There will be a time when you will need those skills.

  10. “Ghost Guns endanger every single one of us,” [New York AG Tish] James said…”

    Really? Because not only have I built/owned several that have never done anything to endanger anyone, but I actually have one with me right now under my desk. It will actually serve to protect against anyone who enters my office presenting themselves as a danger.

    Try all you want, Leftards. You will never know about, find, or take all my guns. This, multiplied by hundreds of thousands like who have built their own as well. So keep pounding the table and pointing to the “dangerous gun lobby”, which only serves to embolden the resolve of POTG and drive us to build even more.

    The best way to ensure the proliferation of something is to ban it.

    • “The best way to ensure the proliferation of something is to ban it.”
      Yep, just as soon as I heard they were trying to stop distribution of the online files, I downloaded much of what I could find. Although I don’t intend to ever make any of the “3D printed” firearms myself I wanted copies of the files JUST BECAUSE THEY DON’T WANT ME TO HAVE THEM.

      • It’s never a great idea to publicly admit to breaking the law or having plans to break the law. That’s a great way to get raided.

        People should stop admitting to doing things that will eventually get them in trouble and stop posting their collections of firearms onto the internet where it will be put in a database.

        • You’re in a database just by commenting here. And now you’ve involved yourself in a criminal conspiracy by advising people how to stay off the laws radar.

        • “It’s never a great idea to publicly admit to breaking the law or having plans to break the law. That’s a great way to get raided.”

          Um, What? What law am I breaking? Or planning to break? Nothing I said I did was illegal. I legally downloaded, at the time legal digital files. No nefarious plans either, I expressed that I had no intention of using the files. There’s that mentally deranged thinking “merely possessing something you FEEL can be used to cause harm” makes me dangerous. Go sell that crazy shit somewhere else, I ain’t buying.

          • “I legally downloaded, at the time legal digital files. ”

            And, if later determined that possession is illegal, your download action would not be illegal, but continued possession after the effective date of the law would be. In such instance, one does not suffer an ex post facto law.

            (Threw this in here because it was convenient, not part of the actual discussion)

      • It’s like saying you bought machine gun parts but don’t intend on making a machine gun ever. You acquired them because you were told not to. Then a law is passed saying you can’t possess machine gun parts.

        Guess who admitted to owning machine gun parts when told he shouldn’t have them? Guess who’s admission would be put on a search warrant for places to be searched and things to be seized?

        Don’t ever admit to having or wanting to acquire things that will be or are illegal.

        Posting a picture of a gun, before or after a law is passed to outlaw that gun, sure makes it easy for the cops to show up and take the gun in the picture. Don’t be like that guy in New Zealand.


        • “Don’t ever admit to having or wanting to acquire things that will be or are illegal.”

          So we’re supposed to know the future?

        • It has already been established that you can’t stop the publication of bomb making and narcotic making instructions (The Anarchist Cook Book), so there is no way in hell they would EVER be able to make it illegal to posses this information. They may be able to make distributing and/or actually put it into use it a crime, but then they would have to find evidence that I was distributing or manufacturing (which will never happen). Words are not things, just thought and have no physical form unless put into action ( like actually making a threat). Just because a troll makes an accusation doesn’t make it true, just hollow words of no substance.

          So now I have a question for you regarding anything else you may have to say on the subject.

          How many fucks,
          If I even gave a fuck,
          Do you really fucking think
          I’d fucking give?

  11. Wait, are they acknowledging that the “gun lobby” is the people now? 3d printing firearms doesn’t exactly fit the lie that it’s only the gun companies wanting it, as it takes them out of the equation.

      • It jumped at me as well. “How does making guns at home profit the NSSF?”, I thought. Then I realized it’s just another leftist lie and they never made a bit of sense anyways.

        “You are in grave danger! Give up all your freedom and we will promise you safety. If you don’t renounce your human rights, children will die! And kittens. No worries, we are not after power, it’s all about SAFETYYY!!!” – Every leftists gun grabber.

  12. I want to know how many gangbangers own and know how to operate a 3d printer. Nerdiest gang I’ve ever heard of.

    • I would bet that most gangbangers couldn’t even spell PC and their knowledge of Microsoft only goes as far as Xbox.

  13. These people went to school to study law, not technology. Their degrees are in law, not IT. Being a lawyer does not require any understanding of technology. There is enough proof of this in the Clinton email server.

    These people understand nothing of technology and their power hungry big heads don’t help. All they need is the word ‘gun’ and it’s automatically in need of a law to keep it from the populous.

    • Evidence shows that being a lawyer requires no understanding of ANYTHING. As demtard “Constitutional Law experts”

      • But at the same time lawyers have to project themselves as experts in everything.

        I had someone who was obviously trained as a lawyer trying to ask about an IT issue. They thought if they kept rephrasing the question they would get an answer they wanted. I kept answering NO. Eventually I said their method won’t work because IT is digital: Yes/No, black/white, on/off. There is no in between.

  14. If I use crayons and paper, write down the dimensions on paper. I just made a two dimensions firearm.

  15. So no longer content with disregarding the second amendment, the left now wants to stamp ”*Void where prohibited by law” on the first as well. The move isn’t surprising, just premature. You’re supposed to disarm the people before you create your police state.

    • The Republicans created the police state that Northam used to suppress the rebellion in Virginia. The police state has to be created before they use it to take away liberties. They’re half done with their plans. They indoctrinated the right wing “resistance” into supporting and defending the police

      Trump fans are being fooled into trusting the plan will take a hard 180 after 8 years. Sure… that’s going to totally happen.

      • Republicans create the toolkit while no one’s looking. Democrats weaponize it. Wash, rinse, repeat.

        Democrats are going to do this shit regardless. Republicans *might* be kept on the straight and narrow, maybe, if only enough people were paying attention. If only…

  16. When the government attempts to regulate the unregulatable the inevitable consequence is that the government fails and loses credibility. It will then flail with more attempts at increasingly ruthless enforcement and generate distrust and anger that undermine it’s legitimacy.

    Pretty soon there are flash bangs in cribs and dead dogs on the property of innocent citizens and NWA and RATM make a resurgence in popularity.

    See Prohibition, the WoD, the National Speed Limit, Colorado’s mag ban etc etc.

    Capitalism has made it this way. Old fashioned Fascism will take it away…” was a surprisingly prescient statement back in 1994 when you consider who said it.

  17. “Why is the Trump administration working so hard to allow domestic abusers, felons and terrorists access to untraceable, undetectable 3D-printed guns?” Ferguson said in a statement.

    Has Bob Ferguson stopped beating his wife yet?

    • PA?..democratic governor…plus new friends in the legislature..anti-gun mayors in the largest cities..and left-leaners in the state supreme court…most of this stuff seems to come from the eastern part of the state and the raw sewage emanating from places like Maryland, New York and, of course New Joisy….

  18. “Can’t stop the signal, Mal.”
    The plans are already on foreign hosting sites and peer-to-peer networks. Even if they succeed, they can only stop US sites or companies. Besides 2A groups, like FPC, expect to see free speech groups, like Electronic Frontier Foundation, get in on the opposition to this. Other technical items, like DeCSS have been ruled as free speech. They also have their signals crossed by arguing about export and crying about the hazards of criminals getting it.

  19. How do they plan to block anyone from uploading these files? Will they also be going to libraries to get books that have schematics of many firearms?

    The idea they think they can control information is ludicrous and gives insight to their naivete.

    Or on the other hand they could be looking at NK and Iran for ideas how to control the internet. They could use those models shut down 3D files and any other content they deem scary to them.

    • They have no real intentions of wiping the information from the internet. They may even upload the files onto the internet (like the U.S. government does child pornography) so they can arrest people. Many people will fall for the trick and start downloading the prohibited files turning themselves into criminals. They could put code into the downloads that will contact the feds without you knowing.

      People still don’t understand that government sets traps and encourages you to walk into them.

      • There’s nothing illegal about possessing these files, or even distributing them within the US. It’s all a matter of export control. Which as an aside it seems insane to Try and control the “export” of digital files on the internet.

    • “How do they plan to block anyone from uploading these files? Will they also be going to libraries to get books that have schematics of many firearms? ”

      They should. A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing; people get ideas about their place in the universe population. People who borrow from libraries are already in the database, along with what they check out.

      There should be no person in a library who does not have a card for that library, or library network. It is a matter of public safety that we know who is reading what. Not only can the books themselves, once “checked-out” become weapons, books and papers contained in a library include information about all sorts of weapons, and how to construct them…including explosive stuff that can really hurt someone.

      Requiring registration to read things does not prevent the reading, only create a record. The First is not infringed because there is no prevention/interference with what a person reads, or says about what they read. But society has a right to know when a threat is brewing, or being organized.

      If people demand the right to read whatever they want, it is only fair that the public knows what they read; goose and gander sort of thing. Balance of power, so to speak.

  20. New York Attorney General Tish James … argued that posting the blueprints would allow anyone to go online and use the downloadable files to create unregistered and untraceable assault-style weapons that could be difficult to detect.


    Right, because fedzilla would never think of nor have the capability to monitor firearm blueprint sharing sites and log the Internet addresses of people downloading the files.


    For those of you who are not technology savvy, if fedzilla knows your Internet address at a specific date/time, fedzilla knows your home address and knows exactly who was downloading firearm blueprints.

  21. … critics counter that making the blueprints readily accessible online could … put weapons in the hands of criminals who are legally prohibited from owning them.

    Wait, gun-grabbers keep telling us that laws stop criminals from acquiring firearms which is how they justify passing ever more laws banning firearms. Now they are telling us that laws do not stop criminals from acquiring firearms. So, they want to pass another law to stop criminals from acquiring firearms.

    Which is it? Do laws work or not? If they do, then laws already prohibit criminals from acquiring firearms so a new law (banning firearm blueprints) is not necessary. If they do not, then laws which already prohibit criminals from acquiring firearms do not work so a new law (banning firearm blueprints) is not necessary.

    • “Do laws stop criminals from acquiring firearms? …If they do not, then laws which already prohibit criminals from acquiring firearms do not work so a new law (banning firearm blueprints) is not necessary.”

      Gun grabbers are not really concerned about the criminal element. Note how there is never a move by gun control groups to address violence with firearms in the areas most often affected. Gun grabbers are all about controlling the more docile population, the population that includes “normal looking” people who suddenly go on a shooting spree in “nice places”. Every legal gun owner is just an insult away from murdering hundreds and thousands with a weapon of war.

      Notice how none of the gun grabber organizations are led, or funded, by anyone who lives in the inner city. Gun control freaks are content to let all the “right groups” shoot and kill people from other “right groups”, so long as those “right groups” don’t spill out into the world where “nice people” congregate and demand to feel safe. Why don’t these “nice people” demand to feel safe in the inner city? Hhhmmmm?

  22. “Why is the Trump administration working so hard to allow domestic abusers, felons and terrorists access to untraceable, undetectable 3D-printed guns?” Ferguson said in a statement.

    For the same reason that Mr. Ferguson is working so hard to allow domestic abusers to beat their spouses.

  23. This case just proves the 1st amendment is dead. And thanks to Libertarians who support the concept of open borders the nail has been driven into the coffin. Because Private companies who want to do business with tyrants will take away your free speech. Oh I forget. A private company can’t take your rights away according to the libertarians.

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  28. batik88 berkomitmen untuk mengesahkan taruhan yang bertanggung jawab seperti halnya mempromosikan kesadaran akan masalah judi dan meningkatkan pencegahan, intervensi dan pelayanan. Kebijakan Pertanggungjawaban Permainan batik88 menetapkan komitmennya untuk meminimalisir efek negatif dari masalah judi dan untuk mempromosikan praktek perjudian yang bertanggung jawab.

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