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Stone Mountain Police Officer Diane Sinclair: Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day:

I don’t want to get technical here, but Stone Mountain Police Officer Diane Sinclair isn’t the one who held the gun in the following tale. It was her teenage son Terrence. But I reckon not teaching your children responsible gun ownership makes you an irresponsible gun owner. And if you’re with your sprog and they’re waving a gun around . . . Well, judge for yourself [via] . . .

Randy Foster said he was headed to the Dungeon Gym on Brown Bridge Road May 13 when a female driver cut him off and her son, who was in the passenger seat, pointed a gun at him.

Foster said he kept heading toward the gym, knowing that his uncle was there. He said the car followed him.

The two cars pulled up to the gym. As Foster got out of his vehicle, he said the teen passenger in the other car followed him. Foster said he was banging on the locked door of the gym when the teen came toward him with a gun . . .

Authorities were called to the scene.

It was discovered that the driver of the vehicle that followed Foster was Diane Sinclair, an officer with the Stone Mountain Police Department. She was arrested on charges of reckless conduct.

Her son, Terrence Sinclair, was also arrested on numerous charges, including aggravated assault, pointing a pistol at another and possession of a pistol by a minor.

The idea that a sworn police officer would be a party to this behavior beggars belief. It raises serious questions about the Stone Mountain, Georgia PD’s hiring, training and supervision practices.

Needless to say, officer Sinclair is on paid leave. If the facts are as presented, and she isn’t fired post haste, her employment will stand as yet another example of the irresponsible “some animals are more equal than others” mentality that separates police from the citizens they serve.

38 thoughts on “Stone Mountain Police Officer Diane Sinclair: Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day:”

  1. Gotta make sure the IQ’s aren’t too high. Don’t want to risk being bored on the job.

      • Do you make more than minimum wage ?Do you get health insurance ? Sick and/or vacation time ? How about overtime pay when appropriate ? You can thank the unions for that nonsense too.

        • Because nobody ever got any of those things without being a member of a labor union…

          The point that should be made here is that people who claim to be ‘public servants’ should never have been allowed to organize against the taxpayers in the first place, or maybe the point should be that in many public employee collective bargaining situations, there doesn’t seem to be ANYBODY negotiating for the taxpayer, so the union gets pretty much whatever it demands.

        • I’m 50 years old and have been anti union since I was old enough to understand how evil they are. I support busting and criminalizing all unions.

        • You can also thank unions for gun control, seeing the vast majority of the dues go right into the coffers of progressive anti-gun liberals.

        • After 30 years in federal law enforcement I can tell you that government employee unions are good for one thing only. Preventing management from firing people who need to be fired.

      • No, before unions the vast majority workers didn’t get those things. Read the book “The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair and discover how workers were treated.

        • So your point is that unions were necessary 100 years ago?

          Can you make an argument for the continued existence of labor unions today, especially public employee unions?

        • My point is that before there were unions workers were at the mercy of their employers. No benefits, long hours under terrible conditions with no overtime pay, no paid vacation or sick time. You miss work because you’re sick and you might get fired, and there isn’t a dam thing you can do about it. Is there corruption in unions? Absolutely, but the good far outweighs the bad. You think there is no corruption in corporations ? Corporate America is a cesspool yet nobody ever has a problem with it but they love to demonize unions even though most people have benefited from them their whole working life and don’t even realize it.

        • The Jungle is a work of fiction written by a man whose day job was writing for an openly socialist newspaper… Not exactly an unbiased source in regards to union organization.

        • The Jungle: a 1905 fictional serial written for the socialist newspaper Appeal to Reason by an outspoken 27 year old socialist in an attempt to shame employers of immigrants in industrialized cities. Resulted in sanitation changes made to the meatpacking industry.

          I will grant that there are issues that unions can help solve. When a workforce is illiterate, non-mobile, and unable to do anything to alter their situation, unions may provide leverage that individuals cannot.

          There are few, if any, government jobs that are (or should be) populated by illiterate, non-mobile, powerless people.

    • Hey, if I get arrested for road rage and terroristic threats, I can count on my employer to keep sending those paychecks until I get sentenced to prison or can come back to work, right? Right? Oh, nevermind.

      Something tells me that if I had done what she’d done, investigators would have quickly concluded that I handed the teen the gun and told him to use it on the victim, and I’d be facing far more serious charges than she is.

  2. “The idea that a sworn police officer would be a party to this behavior beggars belief.”

    Nah. You can take the bitch out of the ghetto, but you can’t take the ghetto out of the bitch.

  3. Should have been the “Defensive Gun Use of the Day”. I’m sure it’ll only be a matter of time before young Terrance becomes a “victim” of “gun violence”.

  4. The town probably has a tax base the size of a discarded blunt. Most likely they’re doing the best they can with what they’ve got, but coming up woefully short in this case. The good news is any traffic tickets she issued will probably get tossed because her “judgement” is suspect, to say the least.

  5. [snip] It raises serious questions about the Stone Mountain, Georgia PD’s hiring, training and supervision practices.[snip]

    I have to disagree. Unless the officer in question was on duty, it’s well nigh impossible for her employing agency to control what she’s doing. The responsibility for the stupid actions lie squarely at the feet of officer Sinclair. And (assuming the news reports to be accurate) she certainly seems to be grossly negligent.

    • That beggars belief!
      Are you saying that the department gets the idea across that their sworn officers only have to apply their training when on duty? That when off duty, they don’t represent the department, and whatever they do won’t matter to the department?
      Did I get that right?
      Obviously, the department cant directly control their officers, on duty or off, but they certainly do expect their training and rules to be observed.

  6. “Diversity”…..this is what you get when you let ANYBODY join a force just to satisfy the
    howling for MORE DIVERSITY.

  7. I’m sure she met the same standards as white male candidates for the police force.

    Obviously a great mom—look at her son, slathered in the aesthetic of the ghetto….

  8. “Who the f*&k you think you’re f*&king with! I’m the police! I run shit here, you just live here!”

  9. Stone Mountain, located in Dekalb County. Atlantas version of Cook County, Illinois. Corruption and crime run rampant there, especially among public employees. A couple of weeks ago the county sheriff was arrested at the largest park in the city for waving his pecker at a plain clothes officer and then leading him on a foot chase for over a 1/4 mile. This type of behavior is just part of their “culture”.

  10. I live in Atlanta. When I saw Stone Mountain I knew the story before reading it. The area is not known for Honor students.

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