Image by Boch.
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North Carolina’s East Henderson Youth Football and Cheerleading League (EHYFC) poked a woke hornet’s next by offering an AR-15 as the grand prize in a fundraiser for kids sports.  Unsurprisingly, some easily-offended types turned their ire on the EHYFC for such an “insensitive” and “deplorable” choice of prizes.

But not only did the youth organization’s leadership not fold, they pushed back and the local raffle has now sold tickets nationwide. Congratulations gun-haters, you’ve discovered the meaning of the Streisand Effect!

It seems that nothing sells tickets quite like a fundraiser featuring America’s favorite rifle, the AR-15. They play well as prizes even in blue states like my Illinois. But in more freedom-loving states like North Carolina? Puh-leeze. Who doesn’t need another AR-15 in their safe? They’re like 10/22…every gun owner should have a few.

The FN-15 Freedom Stick. Courtesy of FN.

The EHYFC further triggered local Karens by having the effrontery to describe the rifle as a “freedom stick.”

From Breitbart . . .

People across the nation rallied for North Carolina’s East Henderson Youth Football and Cheerleading League (EHYFC) after the league faced backlash for raffling an AR-15 rifle to raise money for equipment and supplies.

On September 5 Breitbart News reported that the EHYFC was raffling an FN 15, and that an anonymous parent had criticized the decision to do so.

The New York Post noted that the parent told WLOS, “I was honestly shocked when I received the message that the children were going to be selling an assault rifle because of what’s going on at schools around the country. I thought it was in very bad taste for them to choose a weapon that is being used against children.”

The horror . . .

What did the critics suggest the organization do instead to raise funds for the kids? I’m glad you asked! On Facebook, the trolls came out in force, like this guy . . .

Marshall ColemanFreedom Stick???? WTF! Own up to the Freedom Stick being a killing apparatus. Try a bake sale next time. What a perverted message to send to the very youth you purportedly care so deeply about.

Try a bake sale next time?  Well, here’s the reply from the Youth Football team’s leadership.

EHYFC-Youth Football and Cheerleading Marshall Coleman that’s a great idea! We work, go to school, practice Mon, Tues, church Wed, practice Thurs, game days are from 2-9pm Sat, back to church on Sun. When and where can we meet you to pick up those baked goods? We’re gonna need a lot! Preferably sugar free, low carb, gluten free, dairy free, nut free, keto friendly, vegan, and organic. There’s just so many different allergies, sensitivies, and preferences out there.

EHYFC leadership isn’t bashful about pushing back against the harpies. As they told a reporter, they’re handing everything openly and within the law . . .

“We aren’t offering an assault rifle. We are offering an FN 15 Patrol Carbine,” a spokesperson for EHYFCL told Fox News Digital. “This is an ArmaLite 15-style rifle, not fully automatic, which by definition excludes it from being classified as an assault rifle. We are following all ATF guidelines. The item is being held at an FFL, the recipient must complete an ATF form 4473 and pass an NICS background check before taking possession of it.”

News of the giveaway — and the resulting outrage — spread the word and as a result, EHYFC is getting  corporate sponsorships and offers for professional help . . .

Keith RaynorJust printed and sent in a corporate sponsorship form for the year. Please thank the “Karen” parent for me because without her I would not have known you were raising funds for the season. If you all need a pro-bono North Carolina CPA to file anything with the IRS because your gross receipts push you over the reporting limit, I am right here. I have clients in Henderson Co already.

The offended raised enough of a stink that news and story of the EHYFC’s fundraiser went national. Again from Breitbart . . .

The mother said, “We have far surpassed our goals, and now have the ability to pass those blessings on to others in need. We have read every message, transaction note and email that has come our way. The supportive messages are coming from both retired and active military personnel, law enforcement officers, firefighters, fellow youth organization leaders, teachers, lawyers, entrepreneurs and grandparents trying to save our backwards society.”

In other words, they didn’t go woke and now they’re far from broke. Kudos to them. Now, where can I get some of those tickets?

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  1. Gotta say I enjoy them calling it a “patrol carbine.” It’s funny how one of these in the hands of a police officer magically ceases to be an assault rifle.

  2. 8 years ago. a local volunteer fire department held a raffle for a freedom stick to get some new equipment for the station. I did my part and brought a ticket. there wasn’t any bad press about it. it seems the Karen was not a local of that part of NC. Welcome to the South busy body.

    • From the sounds of the results, it is a shame you didn’t have a Karen (or Kevin) to complain. Free nationwide advertising for your raffle!

      • Ken–like Ken and Barbie. Only I guess Ken dumped Barbie and met Karen? They wear matching orange Demanding Action Moms shirts. DAM those people are crazy!

  3. It a long time ago, and I don’t know if they still do it, but my high school used to raffle a Browning A-5 at every homecoming game. Drawing at halftime. The winner walked off the field with the prize. No 4473 or anything else. Not sure if that was legal, but no one in Liberty County ever cared much for the Federal Government, anyway. Especially this one.

  4. “I was honestly shocked when I received the message that the children were going to be selling an assault rifle because of what’s going on at schools around the country. I thought it was in very bad taste for them to choose a weapon that is being used against children.”

    “Freedom Stick???? WTF! Own up to the Freedom Stick being a killing apparatus. Try a bake sale next time. What a perverted message to send to the very youth you purportedly care so deeply about.”

    Notice how neither of these at any time mentioned that it was a person with detrimental and adverse mental health issues that does the killing they allude to. It wasn’t the rifle, its that person with mental health issues that was the “killing apparatus” and using their detrimental and adverse mental health “against children”. But they also ignore they drive a ~2,000 pound chuck of metal and plastic called a ‘car’ on the roads that’s responsible for, collectively, over 2,000,000 serious injuries and deaths annually (over 90,000 of them children under age 12) and I’ll bet they would have been happy if the raffle was giving away a ‘freedom car’.

    • These are the same people who want to ban any ads for guns in media or Internet, or even on the windows of a gun store. They don’t want you to have a gun emoji 🔫. They don’t want kids to know about, hear about, see, or learn about guns, certainly not shoot one under adult supervision and training. Guns have no legitimate purpose or good or decent context, only evil, all the time. And an AR-15 is the most evil because it looks bad to them and was selected as the sacrificial “easier to ban” starting point vs handguns. They think you should have guilt by association when a school shooting happens, I mean you have the same gun right?

  5. “Marshall Coleman — Freedom Stick???? WTF! Own up to the Freedom Stick being a killing apparatus. Try a bake sale next time. What a perverted message to send to the very youth you purportedly care so deeply about.” Hey, dip shit for brains, bake sale…..diabetes and obesity will kill far more of those kiddies than ARs ever will…..and bake sales will never preserve American Freedom, Rights, and Liberties. Another example of Leftists’ “common sense” being very uncommon today. His dipshitstick is w-a-a-a-a-y over the FULL mark. Our Founding Fathers won freedom with Modern Sporting Rifles of their day…….with pastries and pies, NOT!!!!

    Have a new Tee….yeah, left unsupervised on the internet again…..from reading, “God gave his archangels weapons because even the Almighty knew you don’t fight evil with tolerance and understanding.” …and, certainly not pastries and pies. Another W12 Tee…..”I refuse to be lectured on gun control by an administration that armed the Taliban.” On a roll, “When I die, please don’t let me vote Democrat.” And, a drum roll, please…..”Bidenflation is the price for voting Democrat” And, the crescendo, “I want REPARATIONS from all who voted Democrat.” I’ve paid reparations all my Productive Citizen working life buying votes for the Democraps of the free shit addicted Defective Citizen Government Plantation Dwellers.

    • It’s OK, StLPro2A, no need to hold back! Tell us how you REALLY feel!!

      FWIW, I agree with everything you said. I don’t so much have a problem with the Dims buying votes (after all, they’ve been doing that my entire life), but it p***es me off when they do it with MY money, then act like they’ve done me a favor.

      And now Senile Joe is out there celebrating his “Inflation Reduction Act”, which is a pork-laden boondoggle, INCREASES inflation, and he does this as we also have (i) an “unexpected” (by whom??? I certainly expected it!) increase in inflation, and (ii) the worst day on Wall Street in months. Dimocrats aren’t stupid, but their followers certainly are.

  6. “Now, where can I get some of those tickets?”

    The heck with the tickets, I’m going to send them a nice donation for standing up and pushing back against this perverted onslaught of ignorance and marxism libertarians.

  7. “I thought it was in very bad taste for them to choose a weapon that is being used against children.” They SHOULD be more outraged if the team were auctioning off a bicycle, because more children are killed riding bicycles than in school shootings.

    The mainstream media deceives people intentionally. The MSM deceives people into thinkinug “the weapon of choice” in murders, mass shootings, and school shootings is the rifle. In reality, more people are killed using hammers than rifles, more people are killed by fists and feet than rifles, and far more people are killed using knives than rifles. Also, the facts are that the weapon of choice in mass shootings is the handgun, and the weapon of choice in school shootings is also the handgun. Not rifles. Why are most Americans unaware of this? Because the MSM only, only, ONLY mentions what kind of weapon was used when it’s a “scary-looking” (because it’s black) rifle! I don’t know why the MSM is lying to push an agenda to ban rifles, when rifles are less frequently used in mass shootings and school shootings than handguns. Who is behind the media’s lying campaign to demonize rifles?

    Also, the mainstream media purposely hides the fact that every year, more schoolchildren are killed in school bus accidents than in school shootings, more children are killed riding bicycles than in school shootings. They SHOULD be more outraged if the team were auctioning off a bicycle, because more children are killed riding bicycles than in school shootings.

  8. Yes, the perfect message to send to all the kids. Next time someone pisses you off you now have a free assault rifle to lay waste to the entire school.

    That school must really be run by a bunch of depraved sicko’s. What will their excuse be when the winner starts hosing down the school with a hundred round drum magazine next time he gets pissed off at someone???

    A better prize would have been a scholarship to a Liberal College that is dedicated to civilizing the U.S. so that it can take its place among the other civilized industrialized nations of the world.

    It never occurs in the slightest to the radical far right why every nation on earth except Capitalvania heavily restricts the use of weapons of war that were only invented for mass destruction. Its beyond the Far Right Neanderthal mentality that the entire rest of the world just may know something Capitalvania does not know about how to reduce mass murders by assault rifle. Glorifying weapons of mass destruction is giving children the wrong message. Many children today already know this as most kids today want nothing to do with weapons.

    Its interesting to note that over the last 35 years in my state gun show attendance has dropped dramatically and the people that do attend are the very , very old with almost none of the younger generation people attending. In one neighborhood break in there were several guns in plan sight and the kids that broke in left them there. I think that really says it all and gives everyone hope for a brighter less violent future.

    I dare say even in those halcyon days of the 1950’s giving a gun for a prize would have raised eyebrows but today its pure madness.

    • A) Not an “assault rifle”.
      B) Not being given to a kid.
      C) You clearly do not understand the concept of “mass destruction”.
      D) Who gives a crap what “every [other] nation on earth” thinks or does?
      E) Gun show attendance has dropped because the good deals are gone.
      F) What, exactly, is the problem with giving away a rifle as a prize when only a few hundred out of several hundred million are used in crimes each year and the person who wins it has to undergo a background check anyway? Whoever goes home with that rifle will have been pre-approved as acceptable by the ole FBI. What is your beef? Are you questioning the wisdom of the FBI?
      G) Do you enjoy being abused in other areas of life?

    • Either he discovered spell check and brushed up on grammar or this is fake Dacian again. Either way projection the post.

    • You’ve claimed to own many guns, duncian. You have personal ‘stories’ about firearms all the time.

      Feeling the way you claim to feel about gunz how can you own one?

    • “so that it can take its place among the other civilized industrialized nations of the world”

      Let me guess – you think China is one of those “civilized industrialized nations”.

      Instead of turning the USA into a communist shit-hole dictatorship, why not just move to your favorite one and leave the rest of us alone?

    • @dacian

      “so that it can take its place among the other civilized industrialized nations of the world”

      There is no such thing as “other civilized industrialized nations of the world” – they all have their side that makes them among the most uncivilized. For example; Japan has a male national pedophilia sexual fetish for female children and more recently for male children as well – the U.K. is one of the rape capitals of Europe.

      • @dacian

        “Many children today already know this as most kids today want nothing to do with weapons.”

        That’s a lie.

        The number of kids in firearms use sporting has grown more than 35% in the last five years, and over 70% of kids express an interest in learning more about firearms.

        here’s the thing about kids in general, the more you tell them they can’t have something, the more you tell them ‘firearms bad’ but then they see other kids enjoying the sporting aspect of firearms and hear about it from the other kids, the more they want it.

    • If we wanted to improve the United States of America the first thing we’d do is throw your ass on a steamer and send you to a third world shit hole so you could see real socialism at work. Sadly, the United States of America is too civilized to do that. Don’t bother to reply. I won’t read it and no one here takes you seriously anyway.

    • dacian the demented dips***,

      My sincere congratulations – that fact-free, ungrammatical, poorly-spelled, stupid rant exceeds your usual standards of idiocy. It may be the single stupidest thing I’ve seen you post on this forum . . . and that is saying a LOT, believe me.

      Again, I must inquire: Did your parents have any children that lived???

  9. Give the sissies the option of Carbon footprint credits or gas cards for their toyota prius….they can donate the gun to antifa or blm…

    • Good on you folks for what you’re doing, and mostly importantly, for not giving in to the “woke” idiots!! I’ll do on your website and make a donation. God bless!

  10. The Karens want to have a bake sale. A friggin’ bake sale? How very Mayberry of them. I can picture the Karens in their designer kitchens whipping up a batch of cupcakes and sugar cookies in their Wolf ovens for their whiny little offspring.

    • Shouldn’t that be triggering…Karens don’t bake. Too patriarchal. They’ve been liberated from the kitchen. Or something.

  11. OK. I’m finally done. The other day my post never got posted. Possum, Alien, I’ll just call/text you guys if I have anything to say. JWT, I’ll miss your articles. Ten seconds after I send this TTAG will be deleted from my favorites. I know, except for my hits so TTAG can increase advertising revenue, I won’t be missed. I’m not vain enough to care.

    • Flag waver throws a tantrum. Most bullies are cowards and he is a poster boy for them. It was fun always making a complete fool of him, it a way it was too easy.

      • dacian the demented dips***, the ONLY person you’ve EVER “made a complete fool of” on this forum is yourself. But, credit where credit is due, you manage to do that several times a day. Perhaps you should absent yourself from this forum, to avoid further self-embarrassment . . . but then I’d lose my favorite whack-a-mole target. OK, go ahead and stay, so I can continue to abuse you every time you beclown yourself (meaning every time you post a “comment”).

  12. If he seems cold and bitter, then I beg of you
    Just stop and consider all he’s gone through
    Don’t be quick to condemn him for things he might say
    Just remember, TTAG turned him that way

    That Gadsen’s been stepped on so many times
    And I have to admit it, that this last footprint’s mine
    He was crying when I met him, he cries harder today
    So don’t blame him, TTAG turned him that way

    That Gadsen’s been stepped on so many times
    And I have to admit it, that the last footprint’s mine
    He was crying when I met him, he cries harder today
    So don’t blame him, TTAG turned him that way
    So don’t blame him, TTAG turned him that way

  13. I’d like to know why names like Redskins, Indians, etc are becoming taboo in the sports world, but those kids are wearing Vikings on their jerseys. Is that a sign that the bleeding hearts don’t like Vikings? Or, do I have that backward – they don’t like Native Americans?

    • I think those Jerseys refer to Viking appliances…or maybe Viking Cruises….there is also a Viking Pest Control company (I guess the original Vikings had a reputation for killing bugs).

      And don’t forget Viking Life-Saving Equipment, Viking Therapeutics, Viking Yachts, and Viking Glass.

      Those Vikings, ever popular….well maybe except for the Bezerkers….and when they raided your village…I still have some scars….

    • Isn’t it obvious? According to the bleeding heart liberals, the Vikings were never an oppressed band of people who had their land and possessions ripped from them.

  14. So–allow me to pontificate for a moment, POTG. Should they really be referred to as Harpies. In my humble estimation, no. Truly–Harpies are vile creatures from mythology.
    “The Harpies, who, like the Furies, were employed by the gods as instruments for the punishment of the guilty, were three female divinities, daughters of Thaumas and Electra, called Aello, Ocypete, and Celaeno.” We are not guilty of anything–and therefore do NOT deserve any punishment.
    I was going to posit that Furies were more befitting…but again were used to pursue and punish murderers and thieves.
    So perhaps the Lamia (or lamiae when referring to the Thessalian sisters)–a half woman, half serpent creature who devours children.
    “In the earliest stories, Lamia was a beautiful queen of Ancient Libya who had an affair with Zeus. Upon learning this, Zeus’s wife Hera robbed Lamia of her children, the offspring of her affair with Zeus, either by kidnapping or by killing them. The loss of her children drove Lamia insane, and in vengeance and despair, Lamia snatched up any children she could find and devoured them. Because of her cruel acts, her physical appearance changed to become ugly and monstrous. Zeus gave Lamia the power of prophecy and the ability to take out and reinsert her eyes, possibly because she was cursed by Hera with insomnia or because she could no longer close her eyes, so that she was forced to always obsess over her lost children.”

  15. The Raffle just got Better! Negrini Cases of Arkansas just donated a $400 Locking Case to go with it. This is the same company that makes cases for Beretta, Benelli, Perazzi, Blaser, Sig Sauer and a host of others. Also the same case that about 90% of the Olympians use to transport their firearms, Best in the Business.

  16. The exact same thing played out a few years back right here in good ol’ central Illinois. I believe it was for the Little League team in Atwood, which is a small town near Decatur. The only way I knew about it was because I was cruising on Yahoo News while on company time. When I went to pick up some tickets, they told me that they had a hog roast the year before and only cleared $300. I think they ended up selling over $26k for the AR. I also got in on an AR raffle put on by the Chicago Police Detectives the same way. Good on Yahoo for helping out ha ha!

  17. Those that lied by calling it an assault rifle is lucky to not be facing defamation and slander lawsuits.

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