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Surprise! Chicago Baby Killer is a Gang Banger

Koman Willis (courtesy

“A career criminal has been charged in the March killing of a 6-month-old Chicago girl, the city’s police superintendent said Monday at a news conference,”, using the politically correct version of the term “gang banger.” Garry McCarthy said Koman Willis [after the jump] has been charged with first-degree murder and aggravated battery in the death of Jonylah Watkins, whose death was held up nationally as a new low in Chicago’s gun violence.” Excuse me? Who’s keeping track of Windy City “gun violence”? Anyone who does could see this one coming a mile away. Any guess how many priors Mr. Willis wracked up? And the answer is . . .

Willis, 33, is a gang member with at least 38 prior arrests, McCarthy said. He added that police think Willis was seeking revenge for the alleged theft of a video game system by Jonylah’s father, Jonathan, who was also shot March 11.

So, just another case of gang violence, the unacknowledged ground zero for America’s “gun violence” problem. Not according to McCarthy.

The superintendent said this was not a case of gang violence even though the suspect and the victim’s father have ties to gangs.

Right. Nothing to see here. You know, anti-gun control or corruption-wise. Keep out and carry on.

44 thoughts on “Surprise! Chicago Baby Killer is a Gang Banger”

  1. Yeah, big surprise. The Tribune is saying that this jagoff has been arrested 46 times since 1996. That probably disqualifies him from holding a FOID card, right?

    He also decided to turned himself in. It’s good to see the “no snitch” code is alive and well.

    Illustrating Chicago’s Murders, Homicides, Violence and Idiocy at

    • And we’re left to wonder-what was this animal doing on the street?

      And, oh, by the way, how many Chicago gun laws did he ignore?

  2. To be fair, not all career criminals are gang bangers. Some are hard- working con-men, burglars and/or carjackers.

  3. That’s nothing

    “We’ve talked with some of the gang leaders, and we’ve talked with them about how important it is to not harbor offenders that they know are offenders who have committed crimes associated with innocent victims,” Cochran said. “These are acts that are carried about by people on the street, and on the street is where it has to be dealt with.”

    Cochran said he received commitments from gang leaders that they would not harbor anyone who killed innocent victims and they would send a message such actions were not acceptable. He declined to identify how many leaders or which ones he talked to. “

      • I knew a second story man in California. He’s probably up the river by now, but to me he was just another guy at the bar when I was attending Berkeley but living in Oakland.

        His take on gang bangers: “They’re dangerous, degenerates. They give an honest thief like me a bad name.”


  4. Whether its 38 arrests or 46, that’s an epic amount of recidivism. Those who would strip us of our 2nd Amendment rights also lack the means or conviction to lock up this man and throw away the key. Hence, the need for armed self defense and the advocacy thereof continues.

    • At some point though, the $20K-30K a year that we pay to house each of these bozos is unaffordable. In some ways, I’m all for decriminalization (and fining) of non-felons and making space to keep the truly dangerous people in prison.

      • End the war on (some) drugs and you free up untold amounts of money to take care of the truly dangerous. Why waste time and money fining people have have not harmed anyone?

      • It does make sense. But who decides? Yes, a murderer will likely kill again. Would you be comfortable letting a 5 time drunk driver just walk with a fine?
        Just thinking out loud here, but is there a line to cross? Where is the line?

      • I would be more comfortable seeing my tax dollars paying for prison upon prison to house these waist’s of skin than spent on the welfare that keeps them idle thinking of unlawful ways to get cash.

      • Better make that “fining of non-violent felons and minor miscreants.” Felony is the new black. Multiple studies have shown that every person with a real business, factory, or profession commits federal felonies without even knowing it. Repeatedly. Heck, I own a felonious Gibson Les Paul guitar.

    • I think 38 arrests crosses the line from rehabilitatable to 6 feet under in my book…. Solve that problem once and for all.

      • Me too. Granted some of those arrests may very well BS, but I for one am not surprised that someone arrested 38+ times is a gang banger or a murderer.

        I’ve got no issue decriminalizing pot – other than the lack of awareness regarding marinuana DUI – and other drugs that don’t make people overly nuts (not a fan of PCP or bath salts).

        • What, don’t like having some schmuck gnawing on your face? Doesn’t seem like such a big deal.

  5. I hate to think what will happen when all these irresponsible cities go bankrupt and they’re no longer able to pay for their protection, I mean police…

    • No kidding. Hard not to laugh at a dude in a cable sweater. Would likely involve gunfire with this particular dude. He would be holding his pistol sideways with one hand.

  6. I think I am going to move to Chicago. I plan to make a spectical of myself turning my weapons over to Rahm.


    • Hahahahahaha
      Brings a great big sh!t eating grin to my mug, just thinking about how many guns are represented by contributors to this site….

  7. As Willie Nelson put it so well:

    “Grandpappy told my pappy, back in my day, son
    A man had to answer for the wicked that he done
    Take all the rope in Texas
    Find a tall oak tree, round up all of them bad boys
    Hang them high in the street for all the people to see”

  8. how many deaths so far in the windbag city i can’t find that stat anywhere

  9. Y’know, when I left San Bernardino, it was ground zero for gangs in So Cal – very bad by any north American standard.

    It couldn’t hold a candle to modern Chicagoland.

    I may have no access to cable or broadband Intertubes, but I don’ care.

  10. Would it kill Nocera to profile the perp, and note the side agreements between LEO and gangs?

  11. Herein lies the problem: “I talked to several gang leaders.” Why not arrest them?

    • That’s what boggles my mind. If they are gang leaders…and you know they’re gang leaders, because you’re able to go meet with them as such…wouldn’t you maybe also be able to gather enough evidence to put them behind bars instead of just begging them not to hurt too many people?

      Is Chicago even trying anymore? Rhetorical question; it’s obvious they’re not. The government over there is just another gang.

  12. How much coin did the city earn by rotating this bag o shit. It’s not about rights, it’s all about how much revenue they can turn on stupid people.

    That’s the only reason government wants gun control. Armed citizens would impinge on their cash cow.

    • You would hardly want to take out rahms best boy there, its tough to see a lib cry, Randy

  13. My next door neighbor who is black told me that these type of people give African Americans a bad name and he actually dropped the n-bomb on these types. I have always thought the same…does that make me racist?

    • Are you black? If not, you can’t talk about black people without being racist.

      Stupid racist racism rules… heh.

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