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By Lee Williams 

The Biden Family’s infamous dual standard of justice was on full display this morning when Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss disclosed the details of Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea deal. Weiss had been investigating allegations of tax and firearm violations involving the president’s son for more than five years. 

Biden the younger will plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges after failing to pay federal income tax in 2017 and 2018 — he owed more than $1 million in back taxes. He will also admit that he illegally possessed a firearm after lying on an ATF Form 4473 during a 2018 handgun purchase in Delaware. Hunter denied he was a narcotics user on the 4473 despite his self-documented crack cocaine addiction. 

Unlike Miracle Star Vaughn, a 27-year-old woman from North Liberty, Iowa who was sentenced last month to serve 366 days in a federal prison for lying on a 4473 about her drug use, Hunter will not see the inside of a federal prison for his false statements. He got a pass. Instead, federal prosecutors will allow him to enter a two-year diversion program. If Hunter behaves for two years, and the odds of that are iffy, the federal gun charge will be dismissed. Hunter will not be a convicted felon and will not forfeit any rights. 

So much for Joe Biden’s much ballyhooed war on guns. So much for cracking down on illegal firearm sales. So much for the Biden-Harris administration’s zero tolerance policy for illegal firearm possession. If a Biden is involved, Lady Justice is not blind, because Joe removed her blindfold and put his meaty thumb on her scale. 

Were anyone other than a Biden caught with a platoon of Eurotrash hookers, lashings of cocaine and videos of nude handgun brandishing, the ATF would bury them under a federal prison, for decades. But Hunter got a pass. 

Perhaps the most disappointing aspect of his preferential treatment is that everyone – everyone – saw it coming. No one expected Hunter to do any time, much less hard time. Everyone knew the fix was in. 

In a failed attempt to maintain some credibility, U.S. Attorney David Weiss said Tuesday that despite the plea deal, the investigation is “ongoing,” a nod to the Burisma probes conducted by various House committees. Sure, Dave. Whatever. 

Weiss takes his orders from Attorney General Merrick Garland, who is busy ignoring bribery allegations involving Hunter’s dad. The younger Biden is off Garland’s radar, most likely for good. 

President Trump once joked that he could shoot someone “in the middle of Fifth Avenue” and he wouldn’t lose any voters. Hunter Biden could actually do it, high on cocaine, bare-assed naked and surrounded by U.S. Attorneys and plenty of hookers and he wouldn’t spend a day in jail. 

There is no justice at the Department of Justice anymore. There is one set of rules for the Bidens and their ilk, and another for us lowly non-Bidens. 


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This story is part of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project and is published here with their permission.

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    NOT LIKE THAT MAGA , Me A Great AceiiiHole . By ~ tRUMP .

    • ntexastwerp…Did Exactly What? There is a state set aside for politically inept pinheads like you called California…You need to move there.

    • I’m sure it will be a different story when they again, go after the children of President Trump.

      • “go after the children of President Trump“

        You bet there will be investigations of the Trump kids.

        Unlike Hunter Biden who held no position with the administration, both Ivanka and Jared held official positions within the White House and yet they profited over $600 million during daddy’s term.

        And we’re still waiting for an answer on what exactly did the Trump family do to earn Jared a $2 billion deposit in his investment fund from the Saudia Arabian crown prince.

        Isn’t it fascinating that the Saudi royal family that financed the attack on America on 9/11 is also financing the Trump family.

        • minor49iq…you ceased with the debunked pp tape scheme, etc. Now you have moved on to consuming more concocted marxist manure…Clearly you have arrived at a crossroad where you need to get help, mental help.

        • I hear the Trump family was responsible for the attack on Pearl Harbor. Did you start that rumor too???

        • COOL STORY, BRO!!

          Is it just BARELY possible that Senile Joe, the serial liar and padophile (and actress boob-grabber) might have INTENTIONALLY kept Crackhead whoremonger Hunter, and his sleazy brother, OFF the damn books specifically so he WOULDN’T be required to report their transactions????????

          Nah, that’s just crazy talk!

          You give stupid people a bad name, you pathetic, lying liar who lies.

  2. I read elsewhere that Hunter will NOT be allowed to own a firearm, although he will not be convicted of a felony, so that was a little confusing. Not sure which news story is right but I suspect no felony = no loss of gun rights.

    • Probably just media confusion. They somehow never know even the first thing when it comes to gun laws.

      Or, maybe there was a domestic violence charge in one version of the story they were told to tell. Who knows.

    • They’ve got to make it SOUND like Bribem Jr is being punished, at least to the general public… He’s not charged with a felony, so he doesn’t lose anything, Tax evasion? Still gets to practice law… Lying on the 4473? That went away, as long as he’s not using, he can legally buy a gun tomorrow… Haven’t heard anything about any fines (which should have been in the several thousands) guess they felt sorry for him after the stripper got finished with him in court last week…

    • He wasn’t allowed to own a firearm IN THE FIRST PLACE because of all his various crimes!

      Laws that would destroy ordinary folk don’t apply to the beautiful people on the left. Brace yourselves for simpering “explainer” articles from Vox and fawning regime propaganda from MSNBC, all about how innocent and mistreated Hunter is. Question the perfectly obvious Biden corruption, and get #cancelled from YouTube, Facebook, et al.

      This country cannot continue down this road much longer.

  3. Sounds like someone’s pissy that their guy, who lied over and over again about keeping critical national security documents in his bathroom, where anyone could wander in and take a gander, isn’t being treated like a private citizen with a drug problem.

    • samshthead..Sounds much more like a snot nosed pissant regurgitating what they have been fed by the same bunch who concocted russian collusion, etc, etc, etc. Your private citizen with a crack problem committed a firearm related felony and along with his deceased brother’s wife tossed the firearm in a dumpster where it was found and fortunately turned in…so eat sht you shthead.

      • “The mere fact that none of those agents got into any trouble (much less put in prison) is proof in itself that those documents were not classified”

        Number one, the classification status of the documents is immaterial, trumps violations under the espionage act have nothing to do with the classification status of the documents.

        Number two, do you think it’s possible that when the FBI supervisory agent was planning the execution of a search warrant for classified documents, that he might consider ensuring that his entry team was cleared for classified information?

        Dense. Dense like neutronium.

    • So you see boxes and boxes made to make you think they all contain national secrets. You’re a good little lemming falling for the pravda. I bet you think Trump had TS docs spread out on the floor just like in the Eff Bee Eye picture. You’re an idiot.

      • “I bet you think Trump had TS docs spread out on the floor just like in the Eff Bee Eye picture“

        No prosecutor or LEO has alleged they found the documents in that state, those are clearly spread out to make a photographic record of items seized in the search warrant.

        And your comment regarding that subject is just a red herring, Trump unlawfully retained national security documents dealing with nuclear weapons and our allies security.

        Reality winner only took one document, and provided to a newspaper… She receives a five year prison sentence.

        How many years should Trump receive for unlawfully possessing 31 stolen S/TS/SCI documents?

        • How many years should someone get for illegally making photographic copies of classified documents that they don’t have clearance to?

        • The mere fact that none of those agents got into any trouble (much less put in prison) is proof in itself that those documents were not classified.

          As for nuclear codes…
          Not only do those codes get changed, that is ANOTHER reason to charge those agents.

        • You know damn well they laid those documents out like that to make idiot libs assume that’s how haphazardly Trump handled them.

        • “they laid those documents out like that to make idiot libs assume that’s how haphazardly Trump handled them“

          No prosecutor or LEO has alleged they found the documents in that state, those are clearly spread out to make a photographic record of items seized in the search warrant.

          And your comment regarding that subject is just a red herring, Trump unlawfully retained national security documents dealing with nuclear weapons and our allies security.

          “Not only do those codes get changed, that is ANOTHER reason to charge those agents”

          No investigator or prosecutor has alleged nuclear codes were part of the national security documents Trump stole.

          And rest assured, the special agents assigned to the entry team would have clearance for classified documents.

          So what sort of trial outcome does Benedict Donald have ahead of him? Well, here’s some recent news concerning a similarly situated defendant:

          “A former FBI intelligence analyst from Dodge City, Kansas, who kept hundreds of classified documents at her home, including in her bathroom, was sentenced to nearly four years in prison by a federal judge in Kansas City on Wednesday for violating the same part of the Espionage Act that former President Donald Trump is accused of breaking.

          The sentencing for willful retention of national defense information was the first since a federal grand jury indicted Trump earlier this month, accusing him of hoarding classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, keeping boxes of documents not only in a storage room but in a ballroom and bathroom as well.

          The sentence, handed down by U.S. District Court Judge Stephen R. Bough, offered the first courtroom clue since Trump’s indictment about what the former president can expect if he is found guilty.“

    • You actually still like Biden after everything?? Don’t get me wrong, it’s one thing not to like Trump, but dude… are you from this planet? Do you enjoy $4 gasoline, economic and foreign policy implosion, the return of endless wars and not to mention a clear double standard for the “elites”. Are you seriously not even curious why we don’t know who was in Epstein’s black book? How do you function man?

        • MajorLiar,

          You complete, total, lying @$$clown:

          1. Korea – started by Truman, a REVERED Dimocrat
          2. Viet Nam – started by Kennedy, EXPANDED DRAMATICALLY by LBJ – both Dimocrats, and FINALLY ended (ineptly, almost as pathetic as Senile Joe’s exit from Afghanistan) by Tricky Dick (a Republican)
          3. Ukraine – started and continued by Senile Joe Biden, funded largely on DIMOCRAT votes, and now they are flat-out LYING about how much aid they are sending the Ukranian kleptocracy, so they can exceed the limits Congress set.

          Yeah, we know what “endless war” looks like . . . you Dimocrats and Leftist/fascists have gifted us with far too much of it. Pardon me for not thanking you for pissing away my tax dollars on your idiot schemes. You literally are too stupid to insult.

        • I am not a paid troll, I’m just a hillbilly up at the head of the holler, offering a bit of free education to a group of individuals who seem to have skipped civics class.

        • MajorLiar,

          “I am not a paid troll, …” No, not even your Leftist/fascist idiots would pay someone as objectively stupid, uneducated, and incompetent as you.

          “I’m just a hillbilly . . . ” Yeah, like your idiot @$$ could survive for ten minutes anywhere outside of a city. *snort* It is to laugh.

          ” . . . Offering a bit of free education . . . ” How can you give away that which you, yourself, do not have???? Inquiring minds want to know.

          ” . . . seem to have skipped civics class . . . ” This, from the guy who asserts that Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution EXPLICITLY authorizes universal gun control??? You are a f**king laugh riot, MajorLiar.

          Take a seat, moron. In fact, take ALL the seats. You remain too stupid to insult.

  4. Rest assured if anyone named Trump did the same they would be executed 24/7 on every marxist media outlet. People who did far, far less than h. biden have been raided, shot and had their entire home burned like in Waco. And the same bunch of ratbassturds who gave biden a pass make felons out of citizens over a fricking brace…America has a Rat problem.

  5. Does Hunter get SS protection? If no, there are some options. If yes, there’s still some possible options.

        • This. He does get SS protection, there are articles about it if one wants to read to confirm. The FFL who sold him the gun said SS agents came in and demanded he turn over the transfer paperwork to them. He refused as he suspected they would destroy the evidence. This is in the FBI records although the SS denied that it happened.

      • Danny Griffin:

        Not when it’s the Secret Service procuring the prostitutes themselves and/or recovering firearms thrown in a trash can across from a high school. Haven’t you read the accounts of the SS on “advance teams” scouting locations & travel routes for upcoming presidential visits patronizing, drugging, and beating prostitutes in Mexico? I one case the “Lady of the Night” was screaming from a high-rise hotel balcony or retreiving Hunter’s gun? Guaranteed the SS team tasked with babysitting Crackhead Hunter Biden is providing security for his drug buys in order to prevent him from getting ripped off and/or whacked.

        • I have heard about the SS retrieving Hunter’s gun from the publicly accessible garbage can, and getting their DUI’s covered up, and getting in trouble in South America, but I guess I hadn’t heard about their shenanigans in Mexico. Not a surprise, I guess. Like the FBI and DOJ, corrupt.

    • Yes, the adult children of the president get secret service protection. Although, they can decline such if they wish.

        • They should be paid well to ensure their silence.

          Or they get “silenced” after retirement.

      • Biden was no longer VP when Humper’s Gun Felony violation occurred. Secret Service Protection isn’t supposed to extend to family members once the primary is out of office. Biden and Dr. Shrill still get it, but not their kids, and not at the Taxpayer’s Expense.

  6. “The time for honoring yourself will soon be at an end.” Maximus Decimus Meridius—fictional; c.190 a.d.

  7. As one of my alter egos once said, ‘It’s good to be the king.’

  8. their goal:
    to get us to insurrect
    our job:
    not take the bait
    they should not mistake our patience
    for lack of resolve
    and outright unwillingness
    to eventually spit on our hands
    raise the black flag
    and begin slitting throats

  9. Meanwhile, in Yamhill County Oregon, Dillon Cashman was acquitted of attempted murder charges stemming from an incident during which he fired some 243 rounds from various semiautomatic rifles and pistols during a standoff with police. My own personal perusal confirmed that he had ventilated the entire neighborhood.

    • “Dillon Cashman was acquitted of attempted murder charges“

      Of course they let this violent offender off, he’s a gay bashing white man so he receives the benefit of his white privilege, even though he has a history of violent attacks on innocent citizens:

      “Police arrested a man on Sunday morning who allegedly assaulted a gay man in Lovejoy Park in Southwest Portland.

      Dillan Joseph Cashman, 21, approached two men who were walking arm-in-arm through the park early Sunday morning and began hurling homophobic slurs at them. The two men left the park, but one of them, 30-year-old Andrew Dempsey-Gluth, returned later and saw Cashman standing on a balcony at a building next to the park.
      Dempsey-Gluth told Cashman what he had done was inappropriate, and Cashman retaliated by coming to the park and assaulting Dempsey-Gluth.

      Officers responded at 4:48 a.m. on Sunday to the park, located in the 200 block of Southwest Harrison Street, and arrested Cashman in his apartment. Cashman was charged with intimidation and assault and booked into Multnomah County Jail.“

      • So he bashed you, personally. Got it. Always thought you were a little light in the loafers.

        • No, he did not bash me personally, I never made that claim.Personally, I think anyone that unlawfully physically assaults another person should be prosecuted, don’t you?

          “Always thought you were a little light in the loafers“

          Typical conservative behavior, when it comes time for an insult the first thing that comes to mind is a same sex attack.

          It seems this whole idea of same-sex behavior is at the top of your mind, how fascinating. Do you spend a lot of time thinking about all that nasty sex those people are having?

          Really, let yourself go…

          “She says, “Hey, babe
          Take a walk on the wild side”
          Said, “Hey, honey
          Take a walk on the wild side”

        • Miner after so many times you probably should wonder why you come off as more fake and gay than the trans movement. Alternately it is a joke not a dick don’t take it so hard…… Or as a come on.

      • MajorLiar,

        COOL STORY, BRO!!!

        Now do Senile Joe talking up former Grand Wizard Robert Byrd (oh, a racist Dimocrat?? Quelle surprise!!!!!), or Al Sharpton, the famous Jew-hater? (Oh, is Al Sharpton ALSO a Leftist/fascist/racist DIMOCRAT??? Why, yes, yes he is.)

        Are you professionally stupid, or do you just play stupid on the Internet???

    • The video is incorrect in claiming that FFL holders don’t commit tax evasion, here’s an example of a federal firearms holder who committed massive tax evasion and was sent to prison:

      WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 2008
      (202) 514-2007
      TDD (202) 514-1888

      WASHINGTON – Michael John Smith, a commemorative firearms dealer, was convicted today following a jury trial in Cheyenne, Wyo., on federal tax and fraud charges, the Justice Department and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced. Smith, formerly of Cheyenne, was indicted on May 16, 2007, on one count of obstructing the IRS, one count of tax evasion, and three counts of submitting fictitious obligations. He was also charged with two counts of submitting false statements relating to a bankruptcy petition.

      According to the evidence presented to the jury, Smith purported to pay over $500,000 in taxes, penalties and interest owed to the IRS for tax years 1995, 1996 and 1997 with checks drawn on a closed bank account and with fictitious financial instruments called “bills of exchange.” Smith also attempted to pay his Wyoming state sales tax liability with a similar fictitious obligation.“

      • @Miner49er

        “The video is incorrect in claiming that FFL holders don’t commit tax evasion”

        stop lying

        He never claimed that in the video. He said this store would be the first to make million and millions (in context, in revenue from firearms sales – ‘context’ is something you don’t know anything about) not reported.

        The link you pointed to is not ‘millions and millions’ in revenue from firearms sales not reported. The reason for the tax evasion in your link was not because of firearms sales – it was because for tax years 1995, 1996 and 1997 the guy used checks drawn on a closed bank account and fictitious financial instruments called “bills of exchange” in an attempt to falsely pay the taxes he owed. So no, your link is not the same thing and no the video never made the claim that “that FFL holders don’t commit tax evasion”.

        You lied once again, and you still don’t understand what context means.

      • The Point is the IRS has Absolutely Zero Authority to seize or even peruse Form 4473s. Blatant Stepping Out of their Lane as they are only authorized to Enforce Tax Laws. They have no authority to even hand out Parking Tickets.

      • COOL STORY, BRO!!!

        Now do Hunter Biden’s MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR tax fraud, you lying s**tweasle. And then go roger yourself with a telephone pole, you oxygen thief.

    • The facts are available for anyone who cares to do a simple search on the Internet.

      Many gun dealers engage in criminal activities, selling guns illegally and failing to report the income in their tax filings.

      This happens right here in hillbilly land, any FFL holder who hides income from gun sales can expect to be investigated and prosecuted, no one is above the law:

      “Months later, the ATF learned that Uncle Sam’s was the backbone of a sprawling gun trafficking scheme. Witnesses told the agency that Steven Adkins, a longtime shop employee who’d purchased a stake in the business, had enlisted a host of people, including a colleague’s girlfriend and his brother-in-law, to falsify paperwork so it would appear they had purchased guns in legitimate transactions, according to court records. In reality, the guns were used to bribe coal officials in a pay-to-play scheme at a local mine. Others were sold on the black market, the witnesses said.
      One accomplice told investigators “hundreds, if not thousands of firearms” had been trafficked through Uncle Sam’s. According to court records, he recalled parking his truck around the back of the store, loading up guns and delivering them to a convicted felon. Another accomplice said he drove guns from Uncle Sam’s to Adkins’s home, where Adkins allegedly sold them out of his basement.
      Adkins pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting a false statement relating to purchases of more than 50 firearms from late 2008 to August 2014. He was sentenced to 10 months in prison. No one else was convicted in the trafficking scheme.”

      • I don’t think any conservative gun owner condones breaking the law. Republicans regularly go against their own party. Unlike the leftists who excuse their bad behavior and law breaking. One is not like the other.

        • “Some go to jail and some dont huh.
          Why is that?“

          Because the circumstances and severity of the crimes are often different, resulting in different outcomes.

        • Miner: so Hunter’s owing millions of dollars in unpaid taxes is smaller than someone owing thousands? Who paid Hunter’s $6 million fine, never mind his back taxes? Get back to us when you have the answers.

        • Danny, Donald Trump’s co-conspirator Roger Stone owed $2 million in back taxes, yet he wasn’t even criminally prosecuted.

          Why does Roger Stone get a complete pass on criminal penalties for owing $2 million in taxes, but Hunter Biden was prosecuted and forced into a plea bargain for only $200,000 in back taxes?

          “The federal government has reached an agreement Friday with former Trump adviser Roger Stone to pay more than $2 million in unpaid income taxes, interest, and penalties, Bloomberg reports. Stone and his wife will pony up $1.7 million together, and Roger was slapped with $453,000 by himself, according to court documents. The agreement stems from a 2021 lawsuit filed by the government, which Stone apparently stopped fighting after the court ordered him and his wife to turn over documents. It’s not entirely clear how Stone, who claimed he was broke a few years back, intends to pay Uncle Sam.“

          It seems being a co-conspirator in Donald Trump’s seditious conspiracy has its benefits.

        • “Who paid Hunter’s $6 million fine, never mind his back taxes?“

          Danny, you really should try searching the World Wide Web, it contains an amazing amount of information that you may find helpful in understanding the confusing world do you find yourself in:

          “Hunter Biden is entering a guilty plea to two misdemeanor tax charges relate to his willful failure to pay taxes for 2017 and 2018. A court filing on Tuesday indicates he had more than $1.5 million in income each year and did not pay taxes either year when they were due. He has since fully repaid back taxes and fines, including $2 million reportedly paid to the federal government last year, with the help of a loan from his personal attorney.”

        • Hunter only owed $200K for several years of unfiled taxes when he raked in millions of dollars? Hahaha!

        • “Hunter only owed $200K for several years of unfiled taxes when he raked in millions of dollars? Hahaha!“

          Danny, the facts are the facts and the details have been widely reported.

          “failure to pay taxes for 2017 and 2018. A court filing on Tuesday indicates he had more than $1.5 million in income each year and did not pay taxes either year when they were due. He has since fully repaid back taxes and fines, including $2 million reportedly paid to the federal government“

          This information is from documents filed with the court in this matter. That means these facts are supported by evidence and testimony in a court of law.

          What information do you have that contradicts these court documents?

          Or is your post just more conservative empty speech?

          And you are just dodging the question:

          Why does Roger Stone get a complete pass on criminal penalties for owing $2 million in taxes, but Hunter Biden was prosecuted and forced into a plea bargain for only $200,000 in back taxes?

        • MajorLiar,

          “Because the circumstances and severity of the crimes are often different, resulting in different outcomes.”

          Please tell me even YOU are not stupid enough to type something that objectively stupid and dishonest with a straight face. My VERY LITTLE lingering belief that you aren’t quite as stupid as you sound in your posts is rapidly evaporating.

          Crackhead whoremonger Hunter Biden’s TENS (hundreds???) of MILLIONS of dollars of influence-peddling and grift (which he didn’t report, and “paid taxes” on a tithe of, AFTER he was caught red-handed (by his own stupidity of not even bothering to pick up his incriminating laptop), and lying on a 4473, and your assertion is that he is “less guilty” than others???

          You are so embarrassingly stupid that stupid people are embarrassed for you. Please spare us your idiocy. Go spend some time contemplating the complete failure of your life, how you might improve yourself, and come back when you are ready to be an adult. We won’t miss you.

      • minor49iq…Unfortunateky there are going to be some bad actors or just people in over their heads trying to save the ship thanks to business killing taxes, etc.

        An example of a bad actor is the spaceman giffords trying to show how easy it was to purchase an AR-15 when a savy Gun Store stopped him from what was a sneaky straw purchase attempt…
        So why not get off your pompous behind and go try to scam a FFL and get back with us?

      • Many Gun Store Owners?
        It’s actually a lot rarer than you try to pretend it is. Most Established FFL Holders follow the Law.

    • The search warrant served in Montana was actually a warrant for the IRS and not the ATF.

      Using the IRS to enforce the NFA is essentially replacing the ATF with the IRS as the IRS (basically now, the law enforcement arm of the treasury department) has jurisdiction over NFA items because when you register NFA that registration of an NFA item for the tax stamp is actually made to and with the treasury department and the law currently requires registration of NFA items and if you don’t register the IRS has jurisdiction to investigate and prosecute under tax laws. It could also explain why the IRS took the 4473’s in Montana, because they are investigating (possibly) NFA items for which people have not registered and the 4473 would contain NFA items if it was an NFA item purchased (e.g. a pistol brace equipped firearm, or maybe just pistol braces which by their self are not NFA items). But this could include firearms sold equipped with a pistol brace.

      In short; The IRS would be essentially getting around the thing of the ATF being prohibited from enforcing the pistol brace rule under the temp injunctions, and also to go after those who did not register (protected from ATF enforcement under the temp injunction or not) under tax law. But this rule will probably be stuck down at SCOTUS when it gets there because it is clearly unconstitutional because of the way it came about in direct violation of separation of powers because it essentially and in effect and purpose and intent created de-facto law and law creation is the domain of congress not the ATF.

      But the IRS could (possibly) use the 4473’s identify anyone with NFA items, if they purchased NFA items including pistol brace equipped firearms, from the store in Montana, and still go after them under tax law if they did not register their NFA items. Even those who are protected by the temp injunctions the IRS could go after them under tax law because the temp injunctions only keep the ATF from enforcing the rule under the temp injunctions, and does not prohibit the IRS from going after registration of the pistol brace thing under tax law because the actual rule has not yet been struck down.

      However, it does not explain why they took ALL 4473’s for the last 13 years or so because not all of those would contain NFA items so if they are investigating NFA items taking ALL of the 4473’s would mean they don’t actually know and need to go on a ‘fishing expedition’ to find out.

      So lets see, they will not throw the book at an actual felon namely Hunter Biden and instead let him off with a slap on the wrist and in the end not ruin the rest of his life by having a felony conviction because the case will be dismissed if he will satisfy the terms of his daddy deal. But, the government through the ATF can create law (unconstitutionally) to turn millions of people into felons over a piece of plastic they purchased and possessed legally and then use the IRS to go after them under tax law and still prosecute them as felons for violating tax law and ruin their lives and they will be forever prohibited from purchasing or possessing a firearm – and also in short, forced confiscation.

      • “However, it does not explain why they took ALL 4473’s for the last 13 years or so because not all of those would contain NFA items“

        Probably because the IRS was not looking for NFA items, they are looking for unreported income and using the 4473 forms to double check against the P&L statements from the FFL dealer.

        When a car dealer is being investigated for unreported income, the IRS often examines their purchase and sales records to determine if they are selling ‘off the books’ and not reporting the income.

        • @Miner49er

          “Probably because the IRS was not looking for NFA items, they are looking for unreported income and using the 4473 forms to double check against the P&L statements from the FFL dealer.”

          Pure BS. The 4473’s would need to contain financial information, they don’t. There would be nothing to “to double check against the P&L statements from the FFL dealer.” because a 4473 does not indicate a firearm sold, its indicates a firearm transferred and millions of firearms annually are transferred legally via 4473’s yet not sold or purchased.

        • “Pure BS. The 4473’s would need to contain financial information, they don’t. There would be nothing to “to double check against the P&L statements from the FFL dealer.”

          Evidently you are not familiar with business accounting.

          The IRS reconciles the business ledgers showing cost of goods and revenue from goods sold. Most FFL holders realize that an accounting subterfuge might be successful at hiding income, but the 4473 forms would show who actually received a firearm from the dealer.

          The IRS would look for the firearm coming into the dealer from the manufacturer/distributor, and then would reconcile that firearm against the 4473 forms. Many dealers wouldn’t worry about fudging the P&L statements because the feds don’t typically see that info, but the 4473 forms are subject to on-site Inspection without notice by the ATF.

          Turns out, when you sell firearms out the door under the table, it results in unreported income that the IRS is very interested in.

        • minor49iq…So are you trying to tell this forum you have never bought or sold anything that was off the books? C’Mon man.

        • Miner I admire your efforts to provide facts to debunk these Trumpers and their whataboutisms but what passes for brain matter in their small cranial space is impervious to facts.

        • MajorLiar,

          As the Internet meme goes, “Y U always be lyin’????” You are a lying liar who lies.

          Let me (attempt) to put you some knowledge:

          1. A 4473 does NOT always result in a gun sale. Sure, usually it does, but there is not a one-to-one correspondence between NICS check or 4473s and sales.
          2. As has ALREADY been pointed out to your stupid @$$, there IS no financial information. So, not only is there no indication that an NCIS inquiry or a 4473 necessarily result in a sale of a gun, but even if it did, it tells you exactly f**k-all about the size of the transaction.
          3. “If you are not familiar with business accounting . . . ” I won’t even comment on how ironic anyone with even a CASUAL understanding of business and business accounting (I actually have two degrees on same, you babbling idiot) finds a complete IDIOT like you making such a statement. You are so clueless, you actually have NEGATIVE knowledge. You are an @$$clown.
          4. Simply comparing purchase records to current inventory gives you a MUCH clearer picture than 4473.

          MajorLiar, Y U always be lyin’??????

  10. Hunter Biden did not receive special treatment for his light payment of income taxes, he only owed approximately $200K.

    Willie Nelson owed $32 million and did not serve a day in jail.

    Regarding the firearms charge:

    “For being a user of unlawful drugs in possession of a firearm, the punishment is up to five years. The odds of being charged for lying on the form are virtually nonexistent. In the 2019 fiscal year, when Hunter Biden purchased his gun, federal prosecutors received 478 referrals for lying on Form 4473 — and filed just 298 cases. The numbers were roughly similar for fiscal 2020“

    The numbers were really bad during trumps presidency, out of 112,000 attempts, only 12 were prosecuted:

    “Trump’s Justice Department, as well as several states that do their own background checks, almost never prosecute what are called “lie and try” felonies. This is when someone legally barred from owning a gun — often a convicted felon, a violent spouse abuser or someone with a serious mental illness — lies on a federal background check to make a purchase.

    The FBI, in reviewing instant background checks for firearm purchases, detected 112,000 lie-and-try crimes in fiscal 2017 alone, and federal investigators had names and addresses on the filled-out forms. How many were prosecuted? Twelve, according to a recent Government Accountability Office report.“

      • “The 4473 form is unconstitutional“

        Yes, many Second Amendment supporters hold that position.

        If you hold that position, then you must agree that the felony prosecution of Hunter Biden regarding the 4473 form was unconstitutional and just plain wrong.

        I’m sure Hunter Biden appreciate your support.

        • It is what is is.
          Just because We all get fcked by the system doesn’t mean I have to like you.
          Hippo Stomp

        • The 4473 exists because of the liberal side of our government that demanded the ability to prevent certain people from buying guns. It goes hand in hand with NICS.

          America has this in the first place because of people like Hunter Biden. If he is not going to be held to account then this system means nothing and should be scrapped. If we are going to have this then he must be accountable. THIS creates a conflict that sets up a two tier system of justice. It is not something that can stand as it’s not acceptable.

          Do this or that…just get out of the way.

        • MajorLiar,

          I notice U still be lyin’.

          We (the ACTUAL POTG, as opposed to posers like you) have the mental capacity to have complex thoughts. It is possible to believe that (i) the 4473 is unconstitutional, AND believe (ii) it is inherently unfair for the BATFE clowns to prosecute ONLY “opponents” of the regime, and ignore BLATANT violations by the son of *snort* (p)Resident LOLEighty-oneMillion.

          The world might be easier for you to understand/cope with if you removed your head from rectal defilade.

    • @Miner49er

      “out of 112,000 attempts, only 12 were prosecuted:”

      Once again your lack of knowing how to do actual research and knowing what context means trips you up.

      What your link does not include is that the reason “out of 112,000 attempts, only 12 were prosecuted” was because the rest that tried to buy were denied for a variety of reason, and ~100,000 of them were because they were incorrectly coded in the ATF database checks because their cases were either dismissed because they didn’t do it and the dismissal was never coded in the database the ATF used or they were arrested but the charges had been dropped because further investigation revealed they didn’t do it and it was nol-proc (meaning it was never prosecuted) – in other words, they were trying to buy legally and were acting legally when they tried to buy, in relation to the 4473 questions, but were denied because of the ATF was using databases that were not coded correctly. So overall, only 12 were actually prosecuted because they actually had intent to act illegally and were actually prohibited persons and the DOJ could make cases for them.

    • For being a user of unlawful drugs in possession of a firearm, the punishment is up to five years

      The punishment for lying on a 4473 is ten years.

    • Hunter Biden is being given a pass for his illegal gun activity. That has nothing to do with Trump. It has everything to do with being a Biden.

  11. I’ve often wondered about the other question on that form regarding military discharge. I knew Hunter was kicked out of the Navy reserve for a positive drug test. Ordinarily that would net the offender a dishonorable discharge. However:

    “It was the honor of my life to serve in the U.S. Navy,” Biden said. “I deeply regret and am embarrassed that my actions led to my administrative discharge.”

    Admin discharge. Another break given to the JA, while had it been any other, it would have been a dishonorable.. Above the law indeed.

    • “Admin discharge. Another break given to the JA, while had it been any other, it would have been a dishonorable.. Above the law indeed.“

      Your claim is incorrect, a simple search on the World Wide Web would perhaps save you much public embarrassment:

      “Navy or Marine Corps members who fail a drug test will likely face Mast/NJP and an administrative discharge proceeding. Army and Coast Guard members of any ranking generally face Nonjudicial punishment in accordance to Article 15 and an administrative discharge.“,and%20an%20administrative%20discharge%20proceeding.

      • @Miner49er

        “Your claim is incorrect, a simple search on the World Wide Web would perhaps save you much public embarrassment:”

        You really need to learn how to read and do research. He posted this:

        “Admin discharge. Another break given to the JA, while had it been any other, it would have been a dishonorable.. Above the law indeed.”

        His claim is correct, and had you done research you could have save yourself embarrassment.

        His claim is not incorrect. Although its usually “an administrative discharge proceeding” they can be classed as, and usually are, dishonorable for the discharge. It not being classed as ‘dishonorable’ means they did give the person a break and the majority are classed as straight dishonorable.

        Once, your lack of not knowing what ‘context’ is and not knowing how to do research and your confirmation bias trips you up.

        • 40 ounce, neither you nor Danny has offered any citations or source to support your claims.

          On the other hand, I have provided sources to substantiate my statements.

          I’m sure you will continue to make baseless claims, that’s the nature of most conservatives.

        • Hey 40 ounce, you’ve had plenty of time to come up with a source or citation to back up your bullshit assertions.

          I’m perfectly willing to have an intelligent discussion with anyone, but everyone in the discussion should be prepared to provide a source or citation for the claims they make.

          Otherwise it’s just empty speech at best and outright falsehoods in many cases.

    • “I deeply regret and am embarrassed that my actions led to my administrative discharge.”

      LOL. He kept right on smoking crack. He didn’t regret it. Well, maybe he regretted that he got caught. It doesn’t seem to have affected his power to rake in millions from foreign governments and his art, though. Hahaha!

      • With his “art” being displayed in a Beijing dumpster.

        Selling art is a good income stream because of the confidentiality agreements mean the payments are not publicly revealed to protect the buyer and seller.

  12. Leave it to Miner49er to come in now and try to defend a felon offender of firearms laws with his distractions and slants and half truths and lies because its the son of his left-wing masturbation hero Joe Biden.

    • I hear miner keeps a life-sized cardboard cutout of FJB’s doppelganger C. Montgomery Burns from the Simpsons tacked up on the wall and has his paid friends refer to himself as either Jill or Smithers, depending on whether the lithium has taken effect.

    • “Leave it to Miner49er to come in now and try to defend a felon offender of firearms laws“

      I’m not defending anyone, I think Hunter Biden was appropriately prosecuted and received an appropriate outcome.

      I’m just doing my civic duty by explaining the jurisprudence system to some folks on this list who seem to have slept through civics class.

      “whether the lithium has taken effect“

      Typical conservative bully statement, for them even the suggestion of mental illness is just one big joke.

      And of course, your post offers no substantial information, just rude insults.

      Because that’s all y’all got.

        • minor49iq…you are excusing the junkie son of Jim Crow Gun Control democRat joe for lying on a 4473 while forgetting how the junkie and his deceased brother’s wife tossed a firearm in a dumpster which is public endangerment, etc.
          You look as dump as dirt falling on swords for a pos who by all accounts would throw you under the bus as soon as look at you…fool.

      • So totally dismissing a Felony Charge for which he was caught with his pants down, and requires a 10 year Mandatory Prison Sentence, in favor of two Misdemeanor Charges that result in a Fine and Probation is “Fully Prosecuted” in your Libtard Dream World?
        My God, you really are Fucked Up.

        • “So totally dismissing a Felony Charge for which he was caught with his pants down“

          The charge was not “totally dismissed”, you need to learn what a pre-trial diversion program is before you make a post that reveals your abject ignorance.

          And the firearms charge was not dismissed in favor of two misdemeanors, you really should avail yourself of the detailed reporting available on the worldwide web regarding this matter.

          And just like MTG and Lauren Boebert, you folks can whine like “little bitches” all you want, it’s a done deal.

        • MajorLiar,

          Still lyin’???? Of course.

          Y U be so stoopid???

          NO, it is NOT a “done deal” – it has to be approved by the judge (it may not be, but if it’s a Dimocrat/Leftist/fascist judge, it probably will). But you are too stupid to know that.

          YOU go research “diversion programs”, you lying liar who lies. We are talking about a FELONY charge, you @$$clown, and if he successfully finishes his “diversion program”??? NO EFFIN’ RECORD of his (effectively) guilty or nolo contendre plea to a F**KING FELONY.

          Hunter Biden is being given an ABSOLUTE “slap on the wrist” by Senile Joe’s corrupt DoJ and IRS. And in other news, the sun rises in the east, water is wet, Senile Joe is a moron (and was a moron before he was senile), and MajorLiar is a lying idiot.

          Suck Senile Joe’s d**k all you want, but don’t do it in public, you pervert. We don’t need to see you with Biden cum on your chin.

      • @Miner49er

        “I’m just doing my civic duty by explaining the jurisprudence system to some folks on this list who seem to have slept through civics class.”

        1. You have no such ‘civic duty’.

        2. You have not the slightest idea of anything to do with the “jurisprudence system” – every post you have made has been biased in favor of supporting a very lenient sentence for a known criminal, for a crime others get sent to prison for. And you ignore that Hunter actually committed three different felony’s in relation to firearm and two of them are being ignored despite him ‘confessing’ to them and the evidence already in possession of the DOJ, if you understood anything about the “jurisprudence system” you would know this. We know this, may not be talking about it but we know what all is involved with this lie on the 4473 and although we may be only discussing the lie we know and understand and those also in the know don’t need to discuss this other stuff because we know whats really being talked about with this lie.

        But here you are trying your best to put forth the exact same narrative the Bloomberg’s started in the media with the ‘lie-n-try’ distraction to make it seem like its no big deal that Hunter gets this deal trying to soften it and control the spin – that ‘lie-n-try’ distraction is a lie. The DOJ prosecutes and sends to prison many ordinary people for a lie about drug use on the 4473 and under the DOJ’s program there is nothing but prison time and fines, but suddenly the DOJ is making this sweetheart deal with Hunter while at the same time continuing prosecutions on ordinary folks in other cases with prison time for the same lie on the 4473.

        You explain the “jurisprudence system”? That’s either the biggest joke this week or the most sorry bit of stupid the world has ever known – you know exactly zero abut the “jurisprudence system”, what you know is trolling and confirmation bias and trying to help bring about a tyranny.

        • 40 ounce, thanks again for a totally unsubstantiated screed chock-full of unsupported assertions and baseless claims.

          You know, your rant is as devoid of facts as most of Donald Trump‘s public statements.

        • MajorLiar,

          I notice that this has become your “go to” response to getting your @$$ handed to you. What, are you afraid that if you actually try to refute a rebuttal of your idiocy, you’ll just get schooled, AGAIN? Yeah, someone as objectively stupid and dishonest as you SHOULD be worried about that. I’m shocked you were smart enough to perceive that.

          I’d say “do better”, but you aren’t capable.

  13. Justice is served.
    The system works!

    How long have the J6 folks been sitting in cells?
    That’s okay. It’s a special kind of vile evil to desecrate the holy land.

    • “How long have the J6 folks been sitting in cells?“

      Not long enough. And they will soon be joined by the upper echelons of the seditious conspiracy.

      “Eight of Trump’s fake GOP electors accept immunity deals in Georgia election meddling investigation
      A second indictment against the former president could come as early as July
      MAY 6, 2023“

      “Prosecuting the Fake Electors: Wisconsin Case Study and Template for Other States
      by Gretchen Knaut and Shan Wu
      December 14, 2022“

      “Nevada ‘fake electors’ meet with grand jury investigating Jan. 6
      The D.C. grand jury investigating the January 6 Capitol riot met with Nevada GOP Chair Michael McDonald and Jim DeGraffenreid, who both serves as so-called “fake electors” that claimed former President Trump won their state.“

      And the hits just keep coming!

        • Show trials and the gulag for those protestors. doj has been weaponized by the biden crime family.

          miner is earning his 30 pieces of silver and taking great delight in it.

        • The “locked-up” “tourists” were just one prong of a multifaceted coup attempt.

          Donald Trump sits at the center of a hub and spoke conspiracy, a seditious conspiracy to overthrow a duly elected administration.

          “And it’s a hard, and it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard
          It’s a hard rain’s a-going to fall“
          Bob Z.

        • “what about Ray Epps and the rest of the fedsurrection“

          Hilarious, an actual ‘what-about-ism’ is your response…

          What about Ray Epps?

          He did not unlawfully enter the capital on January 6, much less assault any LEOs so he was not prosecuted.

          Do you have evidence that shows he was an active insurrectionist who entered the United States Capitol unlawfully or assaulted any law-enforcement officers?

        • MajorLiar,

          Ray Epps is just one of MANY federal plants/instigators of the J6 PROTEST (not insurrection, you babbling liar), but if you don’t find it just slightly suspicious that he won’t testify, and the FIB won’t answer questions? You prove yourself stupid, once again.

  14. If someone from another planet dropped in on this conversation he would think republicans never committed crimes, never lied, never greased the wheels for a scumbag relative. Yeah right.

    • If someone from another planet dropped in and encountered you, they’d just leave and report back, “no intelligent life here.”

  15. Trump will get off on the stolen documents as well. There are two standards of justice, one for the elite and powerful and rich and another for the worker troglodyte slaves.

    • Before 2020 I might could have believed that.

      Too many people that have no financial resources at all have been let off and put back out into the general population inspite of anything they might have criminally done. Our VP even had an account setup to insure it.

    • “Trump will get off on the stolen documents“

      Nope, there’s too much evidence in addition to his own multiple public confessions, he will be found guilty but be given a relatively light sentence of probation”

      His serious prison time will come after his convictions on the election law violations and seditious conspiracy charges.

      • MajorLiar,

        Oh, yes, Trump MAY get convicted . . . by a corrupt, Dimocrat-appointed judge. The conviction MAY even withstand an appeal. Don’t expect a reasoned analysis of the Federal Records Act, the laws pertaining to presidents’ retention of the records of their tenure (copies, which is ALL he is alleged to have kept, other than ACTUAL personal records), or the simple fact that Trump had COMPLETE authority to declassify any damn thing he wanted to. Senile Joe’s “confidential” and “top secret” documents derive from his time as the dumbest Senator on Capitol Hill and his time as VP during the Lyin’ Hawaiian’s regime – when he objectively had NO authority to declassify documents, you lying @$$clown.

        Y U always be lyin’???????

      • MINOR Miner49er, What he “confessed” to is not even a crime! ROFLAMOBT!
        You Lefties are delusional!

    • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, This whole “magilla” is a dispute over what is Trumps and what is a “Presidential Record”. You are trying to make a mountain over a depression.

  16. More than one Legal Expert, including several with very Liberal Views, have expressed that Humper Biden’s Case blatantly looks like we have a Two Tiered Justice System.

    Defend Humper all you want, but when people on both sides are saying WTF? You can be damn sure we have a problem.

  17. This is what real white privilege looks like and apparently only super corrupt political elite and their children benefit from this. This also demonstrates the institutional built into the legal system since minorities are punished severely by these same laws.

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