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(AP Photo/Eric Gay)
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As you are well aware, the [west coast] is among the most confused and Leftist areas of the country. Confused because Washington, Oregon, and California have made themselves sanctuaries for all manner of lawbreakers by letting criminals out of jails and prisons, reducing penalties for felonies, and even redefining felonies down to misdemeanors in the name of equity. You are not allowed to smoke tobacco on Seattle’s bus system, for example, but Fentanyl smokers can fire up without fear. Leftists defund the cops and then make it harder for citizens to protect themselves.

When the crime rates predictably go up, these same Leftists blame legal gun owners. As one West Coast, Messed Coast™ reader wrote me, “How come they call it cartel violence when it’s south of the border, but it’s gun violence here?” Better PR.

Illegal aliens, drug-addicted-tent-dwellers, abortion seekers, and underaged children who are secretly brought to their states for trans surgeries and puberty blockers, all have the protection of government… unlike legal gun owners.

Come to the West Coast, Messed Coast™, and live your best drug-addicted life while smoking your rent while living in a tent.

— Victoria Taft in West Coast, Messed Coast™: The Left’s Unconstitutional Assault on Guns

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  1. Disarming the Mexican Drug Cartels is not part of the plan. disarming the American people is.

    • Mexican drug cartels don’t have guns; it’s virtually illegal in Mexico to own a gun. Everyone knows that.

      • Yeah, but they can throw bullets really, really HARD… those two dead Americans from last weeks attack proves that, maybe they can get a contract with MLB…

  2. There it shouldn’t even be cartel violence.
    They’re enemy combatants establishing coexistent defacto governments. Though they aren’t called.out on it because they’ve intertwined themselves with the state to such a point they’ve essentially taken over without the need for one of those pesky civil wars.

    It may have been cartel violence 40 years ago. Today they’re much more and branching out across borders. Seeing an absolute unwillingness to take any of seriously the Western hemisphere will be one giant narco state in a centuries time. Plenty of soma for everyone.

    • Though they aren’t called.out on it because they’ve intertwined themselves with the state to such a point they’ve essentially taken over without the need for one of those pesky civil wars.

      Thank goodness that could never happen in the good old U.S. of A.

  3. Way ask why to DimscumŠ? I and millions of gat owners were judged “guilty” of shooting the innocent in ILLannoy. And 2 sides of the same coin are running to be da mayor in Chiraq. On “gun safety”. And “equity”. Commiefornia is a failed state as is ILLannoy🙄

  4. Its ‘criminal violence’ here …. but to the left its the rights of the law abiding gun owning/possessing/carrying citizens that’s the problem so they call it ‘gun violence’ to lump us law abiding citizens in with the criminals to make it look like we are at fault to avoid admitting the problem is the criminals and mental illness they evidently love so much.

    How many times have you seen an anti-gun Moms Demand Action confront a criminal in their staged public displays? Zero, that’s how many. Its always them trying to confront law abiding gun owning/possessing/carrying citizens either directly or indirectly with emotional displays of mock staged ‘anger’.

    I’ve talked to these anti-gun people. We have a person here who was one of them, rabid in her zeal to have guns banned and the second amendment repealed. She had worked with Shannon Watts and been in those anti-gun protests and shown up at the various legislatures and been in those planning meetings. That is until she was attacked and almost killed one night and was saved by a law abiding gun carrying citizen. Her first stop out of the hospital was to buy guns. She said as she was in the hospital recovering it became very clear to her that the problem is not the law abiding owning guns as she had believed, but rather its criminals and metal illness (‘crazy fu@kers’ is what she added). She has told us what really goes on, how its planned and scripted, how Shannon Watts did it for the recognition and money, how the lies are fabricated and how the spin is put on things to maintain their narrative because for those above these anti-gun grunts there are people who want to make money out of this anti-gun thing and are actually doing so from the tax payer dollars put into their ‘gun violence’ programs.

    We used to have a very large anti-gun group of people here. I’ve had more than my share of run ins with them. If you really talk to these anti-gun people one on one often enough you will notice something, its like they are reading from a script – and although the way individually they say it may change a little, its the same exact script. They have been programmed and they don’t even realize it.

    I’ve had them tell me I’m causing ‘gun violence’ and crime and suicides because if we gun owners didn’t own guns criminals would not be able to steal them and people would not commit suicide. I’ve told them … “While you were standing here these few minutes complaining about something I have not done, across the United States over 100 women were raped using nothing but hands to subdue them and over 300 women were victims of domestic violence abuse and their attackers using hands and feet and blunt objects and knives, at least 8 killed. While you were standing here these few minutes complaining about something I have not done, hundreds of non-raped and non-domestic abuse victims across the United States were criminally attacked with knives or other non-firearm objects and were severely injured and at least 15 were killed. While you were standing here these few minutes complaining about something I have not done across the United States 3 criminals committed a crime using a gun and over 100 criminals committed a crime using other non-firearms weapons. While you were standing here these few minutes complaining about something I have not done across the United States over 500 mentally ill people attempted suicide using non-firearm methods other than drugs, and over 300 mentally ill people used drug overdose to attempt suicide. But here I am, been right in front of you this whole time while you were standing here these few minutes complaining about something I have not done, and I didn’t commit any of those or cause them to happen. You think your time would have been better spent going after the actual problem?”

  5. Because the stinking leftist democrats want us disarmed so they can push their tyranny and agenda’s on us . Forced mask wearing, forced vaccine’s, forced acceptance of pervert’s, persecution of the church, electric vehicles, banning gas stoves, no oil production, on and on it goes. People need to pick up a history book and learn that 250 years ago we kicked the British out of here because they were pulling the same thing. the 2nd amendment is the most important of all because it gives us the power to protect the rest! Does anyone think that the leftist mind will ever grasp that?

  6. quote————-When the crime rates predictably go up, these same Leftists blame legal gun owners. As one West Coast, Messed Coast™ reader wrote me, “How come they call it cartel violence when it’s south of the border, but it’s gun violence here?” Better PR.———–quote


    It is the Far Right Radicals with their prostitutes the Republicans that have continued to block Universal Background Checks and Safe Storage Laws which let any criminal or maniac buy all the second hand guns and firepower they wish.

    The second point is that in Mexico there are few law abiding citizens that own guns but the government is run and controlled by the drug cartels and they have the weapons and they commit the mass murders so why wouldn’t the U.S. media report on all of this??????

    When the corrupt Mexican government permits the drug cartels to operate with impunity naturally they can buy and keep all the firepower they want.

    When the Far Right call for massive new prisons it does not solve the problem of guns on the street or does it bring the dead victims back to life. And new prisons do not solve the societal ills and deficiencies that cause crime in the first place. In order to do that you need to spend money on social programs as well as keeping guns out of the hands of criminals, something the stingy tight wad far right refuse to do as they squeeze every penny so hard that passes through their greed grasping hands that the penny screams for mercy.

    • darcydodo…Perhaps one of the questions on a 4473 should be…

      Do you run around wishing you could be a dictator in charge of The Constitution of The United States? Yes or No.

    • @dacian

      you left out the third point… which is your whole post is complete ignorant BS.

    • With or without universal back ground checks, it is illegal for a felon to purchase or possess a firearm, and if the seller knows that the purchaser is a felon, the seller commits a felony as well. California has universal background checks, but the gangs seem to have no difficulty being well armed. In my community, it seems as if that whenever a meth dealer, meth head, or meth head burglar gets busted, that person has any number of stolen firearms in their possession.

    • Gerald your rants are becoming more incoherent.

      By the way, I am in Columbus Oh, ready to do the 3 gun that you bragged about how good you are in? I don’t have a firearm with me, so I will need to rent a few at the range. The weather here doesn’t matter to me, I am willing to take the challenge. Oh, I have never done a 3 gun event before, so you start with the advantage. Think you can hold it?

    • dacian the DUNDERHEAD, We already have ineffective NICS checks now and you want to add to them. Hmm. do you know of any criminals who are going to a store to buy a gun and go through a NICS check?

  7. Making drugs legal has never eliminated crime. They lied to you when they said, by making it legal all the crime would go away. And when they said marijuana should be taxed just like tobacco so the government can make more money. The l e g a l i z a t i o n crowd reneged on that deal. They refused to pay the high taxes. So they moved to low tax states like Colorado and took their politics with them. And they ruined that once free state.

    They are emptying the jails and prisons because they don’t believe we should have jails in prisons. But they don’t believe you should be able to kill to protect your private property from being stolen. When it is used to pay for the drugs of some drug addict.

    This is the Utopia that the Libertarians Liberals and the Left dreamed of having. And of course they don’t live anywhere near these criminal activities are going on. They live up in the Oakland hills and Berkeley hills. They live in some rural area far away from the major cities. When they advocated for all this stuff. But they made sure they would never live anywhere near, where these negative consequences are happening.

    If they were intellectually honest they would come out and say how wonderful it is that there is so many people openly using intravenous drugs. They would say how wonderful it is that people can use drugs and urinate and defecate in public. Without fear of being arrested.

    But the l e g a l i z a t i o n crowd are not intellectually honest people.

  8. Taft: Why is it ‘Cartel Violence’ When It’s South of the Border, But It’s ‘Gun Violence’ Here?

    Valid question….

    • because the Mexican law abiding citizens are mostly forbidden from owing guns so the Mexican government doesn’t have a scape goat to pin their ineffectual crime prevention and corrupt government failures on.

      a better question for the Mexican government would be why there is ‘cartel violence,’ to begin with because the cartels in actuality control over half of Mexico and even the Mexican military fears them, and its not because of guns either. its because of a corrupt government.

      • The Mexicans have learned that when they take out a cartel boss, there is a period of violent shootouts until the successor boss takes over. Three are so many billions of dollars at stake that it is impossible to stop the trade or its associated greed and violence. Intervening means more cops, judges, soldiers and politicians end up dead.

        • It’s not a criminal conspiracy but a full on insurrection. The limiting factor is the factions are divided.

  9. this is another false ‘bragging rights’ thing for Biden, like 1994 again. all that ‘ban’ did in effect was removed bayonet lugs from newly manufacturered AR-15’s and limit sales of new magazines 10 less than 30 rounds. Every rifle or thing for a firearm that was banned could still be purchased if it was made before the ban and thats what people did and firearm purchases continued. even by the governments own reports its effect on crime was effectively nil.

    for years now he will brag about this executive order as if it was really something when actually everything in it has already existed for years and has done nothing about crime or anything else.

    • actually everything in it has already existed for years and has done nothing about crime or anything else…

      But NOW he REALLY means it, c’mon man, NOBODY fucks with a BIDEN, Joe said so…

    • More lies and propaganda and half truths by the demented paranoid Booger brain

      quote————even by the governments own reports its effect on crime was effectively nil.—————-quote

      Both sides in the gun debate are selectively citing from a series of studies that concluded with a 2004 study led by Christopher S. Koper, “An Updated Assessment of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban: Impacts on Gun Markets and Gun Violence, 1994-2003.” That report was the final of three studies of the ban, which was enacted in 1994 as part of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994.

      The final report concluded the ban’s success in reducing crimes committed with banned guns was “mixed.” Gun crimes involving assault weapons declined. However, that decline was “offset throughout at least the late 1990s by steady or rising use of other guns equipped with [large-capacity magazines].”

      Ultimately, the research concluded that it was “premature to make definitive assessments of the ban’s impact on gun crime,” largely because the law’s grandfathering of millions of pre-ban assault weapons and large-capacity magazines “ensured that the effects of the law would occur only gradually” and were “still unfolding” when the ban expired in 2004.

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