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Much Has Changed in the Last 20 Years…and Much Has Remained the Same

9/11 world trade center terrorist attack 20th anniversary

Frenzied pounding on the front door woke me; pounding, blended with shouts to turn on the television. It wasn’t even seven in the morning yet in Washington State, and I was alone because my young SAR dog was spending a night being neutered at the emergency veterinary clinic where I worked. Head muzzy with not … Read more

Random Thoughts About 9/11, Evil, and Guns

9/11 September 11 Pentagon Attack

The fight against evil is a fundamental, indeed a profound guiding principle of our nation. It informs our religion, education and popular culture. But as the Zen expression reminds us, the map is not the territory. It’s one thing to know about evil. It’s another to see it. To feel it. Like Pearl Harbor before … Read more