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Alex Jones Gives New Texan Joe Rogan a Rifle and Media Matters is OUTRAGED

A few of weeks back, California refugee Joe Rogan had Alex Jones on his titanically popular podcast. It’s an entertaining listen (or watch, if you prefer the video). Returning the favor, Rogan made a recent appearance on Jones’ InfoWars show. During Rogan’s appearance, Jones welcomed Rogan to Austin with by giving him a box of … Read more

TTAG Daily Digest: Alex Jones is Sued, Zuckerberg is Surrounded and the Next Big Gun Controversy

Alex Jones sued by Sandy Hook Parents

Sandy Hook parents sue Alex Jones for calling massacre a hoax Can they both lose? . . . The parents of two kids killed in the Sandy Hook massacre are suing conspiracy monger Alex Jones over his claims that the shooting was a hoax, according to new reports. The families of 6-year-old victims Jesse Lewis … Read more

BREAKING: Alex Jones of InfoWars Makes American Gun Owners Look Really, Really Bad [VIDEO]

Piers Morgan Alex Jones

This just in from a reader: Frankly, RF, this looks really bad for all gun owners. You and I are both libertarians and share like-minded politics, and we may even agree with Alex Jones from time to time. But the rant Alex Jones went on during this ‘debate’ will be used by the antis to … Read more