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Santucci: When Talking About Enacting More Gun Control Laws…’What About the Bullets’?

New Jersey Ammunition delivery SC Arms

Time and time again, in the wake of a mass shooting it’s revealed that the shooter was carrying enough weaponry to kill everyone inside a school, movie theater, grocery store or even a full-sized mall. It’s not hard for the killers to build a significant arsenal of assault rifles, handguns, high-capacity magazines – and bullets. Lots of bullets. … Read more

BREAKING: US District Court Grants Preliminary Injunction Blocking California’s Ammo Background Check Law

California Ammo Background Checks

A big preliminary win for the California Rifle and Pistol Association in its fight against California’s ludicrous ammunition background check law, the case known as Rhode v. Becerra. US District Court Judge Roger Benitez — the same District Court judge who set off the week-long standard capacity magazine buying spree — has issued an injunction … Read more