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Two Men Found Guilty of Distributing Machinegun Conversion Devices in AutoKey Card Case

We haven’t talked much about the CRS Firearms channel and the AutoKey Card situation, and it’s high time we did. A fellow named Matthew Hoover started out on YouTube as a Type 7 FFL holder under the handle CRS Firearms. Another fellow named Kristopher Ervin started making “key cards” with outlines for an AR-15 lightning … Read more

ATF Not Amused by the Number of ‘Giggle Switches’ Turning Up on District of Columbia Streets

Chinese GLOCK full auto switch (

“It used to be we’d have an incident where a round or two was fired, and that’s bad enough,” [ATF D.C. field office special agent in charge Charlie J.] Patterson said. “Now you’re having crime scenes where there are 15 or more rounds fired. . . . That’s doubling or tripling the potential for death.” Patterson also … Read more