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Massad Ayoob to Live Chat with TTAG’s Armed Intelligentsia (That’s You)

Lucky me. I got to talk with Massad Ayoob for over an hour yesterday. And lemme tell you, it was every bit as interesting, cool, fascinating, informative, instructive and riveting as I’d expected. And I had VERY high standards on this one. The Man waxed rhapsodic on topics from “which caliber is best for self defense” to “what weapon(s) should you have for home defense (and why) and what NOT to do in order to avoid getting indicted, should you be forced to defend yourself. (Clue: do NOT jump up and down as you call 911, and shout “I got one! I got one! I finally got one of the punks that keep robbing me!) I’ve got lots and lots of counterintuitive info . . .

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TTAG Question of the Day: What Would YOU Ask Massad Ayoob?

Well, campers, after posting the story about Massad Ayoob’s 2-day class on the Rules of Engagement (the kind were a shooting occurs…and not the kind that necessarily involves a life sentence), we received some questions from TTAG’s Armed Intelligenstia about his classes. I thought to myself, “Brad,” (for that is my name) “why not just track down an email address for The Man himself, and see if you can get the straight skinny from him. And whilst you’re at it, ask for an interview.” I figured, the worst he could say is “No.” Much to my delight, Mr. Ayoob has graciously consented to an interview, which should take place sometime next week.

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Rules of Engagement, Massad-Style

One of the things that bothers me about armed self defense is what happens after I kill or wound an attacker? What then? Do I get indicted? Get no-billed? Go to jail? Win, but spend the rest of my life paying off an attorney? That leads me to thinking about “if shooting someone opens the door to all these risks, what are the rules that govern what is judged a “good” shoot or a “bad” shoot? Thankfully, I’m not the only one that worries about such things. And even better, there are people out there who know a lot more than I do on the topic, and are willing to share. Enter everybody’s favorite self-defense expert Massad Ayoob.

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