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Black Collar Announces Bolt Action Pistol Builder Kits and Payment Plans

Black Collar Arms Pork Sword Actual

TTAG’s Chris and I run Black Collar Arms, so posting our press release here feels a bit like cheating. But I swear we would have run it anyway. Probably. Tell ya what; we’d like to extend a discount to our TTAG family! So use coupon code TTAG-Family to take us up on that. My own … Read more

Black Collar Arms Unleashes Their Pork Sword Chassis and Scorpitrol® Trigger

Black Collar Arms Lead Pork Sword Chassis Pistol Scorpitrol

As hectic and overwhelming as SHOT Show is, your TTAG crew absolutely loves finding new products. Yes, after all these years, we still geek out and get excited sometimes. In this case not only are there two new products to share in the following press release, but they’re from a brand new company called Black … Read more