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Bloomberg on Texas Church Shooting: Only Cops Should Have Guns and Decide When to Shoot

Radical, gun-hating Democrat (and long-shot presidential contender) Michael Bloomberg offered his thoughts following Sunday’s West Freeway Church shooting. Of course, big gun control’s sugar daddy wouldn’t admit that good guy Americans and their guns saved lives in that church on Sunday Instead, he said that despite the evidence that millions of people saw for themselves, … Read more

CCRKBA to Bloomberg: Where’s the Apology to America’s 100 Million Gun Owners?

Election 2020 Michael Bloomberg

By CCRKBA Anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg, now considering a run for the presidency, has apologized for the “stop and frisk” program he ran while mayor of New York City, but the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms wants to know where his apology is to the 100 million American gun owners … Read more

That Time Michael Bloomberg Said Minorities Can’t Be Trusted With Firearms

michael bloomberg democrat primary

[ED: We first published this almost a year ago. But now that it looks like former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg will be getting into the Democrat presidential primary race, we’re sure that our friends in the legacy media will want to dig through everything he’s ever written or said on any topic of potential … Read more

Whalen: Bloomberg Anti-Gun Activism Dooms His Chances of Being President

Michael Bloomberg 2020 President gun control candidate democrat

[reviewadinsert] “Bloomberg’s strident position on guns could be the most damaging, if the plan is to pick up Republican support. ‘Michael is toast in every Red State because of that one issue,’ (Christopher) Whalen explained. ‘That kills it. Even in states like Maine and New Hampshire, which are arguably Blue States now, he would still … Read more