BREAKING: Michael Bloomberg Ends His Presidential Campaign

Mike Bloomberg

Who says all of the political news is bad? After investing in excess of half a billion dollars into his presidential campaign so far, billionaire gun control financier and generally likable guy Michael Bloomberg had a disastrous first contact with the electorate yesterday. Adopting an unconventional strategy of skipping the initial primaries and caucuses and … Read more

For Bloomberg, the Constitution is a Secondary Concern Where Guns are Concerned

Michael Mike Bloomberg black voters

Do you get the feeling that there’s an increasing groundswell of opposition to a Bloomberg nomination from, well, every part of the political spectrum? Bloomberg wants to require “background checks for all gun sales,” a policy aimed at enforcing legal restrictions on gun ownership that have little or nothing to do with public safety. If the system … Read more

Gillespie: Why I Won’t Be Voting for ‘Mike’ Bloomberg

Michael Bloomberg court packing justices SCOTUS

Maybe that (bogus) gun control ad in front of an audience of 100 million people wasn’t such a good idea after all. I believe in Second Amendment rights but I don’t have particularly strong feelings on the matter, especially compared to most libertarians. All of the things that Bloomberg suggests are either already basically the … Read more

Michael Bloomberg Will Push Gun Control With a Super Bowl Ad on Sunday [VIDEO]

bloomberg super bowl ad

While Americans will be taking bathroom breaks, reloading on nachos and wings and grabbing another adult beverage on Sunday, authoritarian billionaire and hoplophobic 2020 presidential hopeful Michael Bloomberg will be promoting his gun-grabbing bona fides on the nation’s televisions. Daddy Bloombucks revealed his campaign’s Super Bowl commercial yesterday.   Most presidential candidates don’t run Super … Read more

Michael Blooomberg Bought Virginia, Now He’s Trying to Buy The Rest of the U.S.

Michael Bloomberg

By CCRKBA Anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety lobbying group will spend at least $60 million to support gun control candidates in 2020, leading the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms to declare “Last year he bought Virginia, now he’s trying to buy the United States.” “Virginia was a … Read more

Michael Bloomberg’s Spent $200 Million on His Presidential Campaign and He’s Just Getting Started

Michael Bloomberg big brother

It’s good to have a bottomless bank account. Well, we hear it is. Anti-gun financier and presidential vanity candidate Michael Bloomberg has dropped $200 million dollars on his drive for the Democrat nomination so far. And he’s only been in the race since the middle of November. To put that in perspective, the rest of … Read more

Countering The Bloomberg Manifesto

By Dennis Petrocelli, MD Michael Bloomberg’s gun control plan should actually be read by gun owners as a clarion call to get busy supporting our rights. The would-be Democrat presidential nominee has our Second Amendment in his crosshairs and is willing to spend vast (to us, not him) sums of money to strip us of … Read more

Bloomberg’s Threat to Pack the Supreme Court With Anti-Gun Judges

Michael Bloomberg court packing justices SCOTUS

By Larry Keane New York Billionaire Michael Bloomberg is attempting to claw his way up from the bottom of the 2020 Presidential polls by promising to pack the Supreme Court with “pro-gun control judges” if he were elected president. In a Chicago Tribune op-ed, the anti-gun former NYC mayor described his fear that the Supreme Court would do the worst possible thing he could think … Read more

‘Stop-and-Frisk’ Can Work, Under Careful Supervision

Stop and Frisk-Whistleblowers

By Henry F. Fradella, Arizona State University and Michael D. White, Arizona State University In mid-November, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg apologized publicly for his backing of a practice intended to reduce violent crime that had for years been criticized as racially biased. “I realize back then I was wrong, and I’m sorry,” … Read more

President Bloomberg’s Gun Control Plan Would Include Federal Permitting, Banning ‘Assault Weapons,’ a 48-Hour Wait Period and Much More

Election 2020 Bloomberg

If there’s one thing Michael Bloomberg feels comfortable with — besides building a multi-billion dollar market information and media congomerate — it’s pushing gun control. So when he made a campaign appearance yesterday (in Aurora, Colorado…subtle, no?) to roll out his plan for national limits on gun rights, he hit a lot of the same … Read more

Moms Demand Action Members Aren’t On Board With Bloomberg for President

Michael Bloomberg angry

The quote of the day is presented by It seems that Michael Bloomberg’s magnetic personality and winning smile aren’t enough to win over many Moms Demand Action members as supporters of his budding presidential bid. They’re happy to have him just write fat checks and leave the actual anti-gun politicking to the Kamala Harrises and … Read more

BREAKING: Anti-Gun Patron Saint Michael Bloomberg Officially Enters the Presidential Race

Michael Bloomberg

The least well-kept secret in the presidential campaign world has now been made official. Former New York mayor and gun control financier Michael Bloomberg has officially entered the race for the 2020 Democrat presidential nomination. Daddy Bloombucks thinks he’s “uniquely positioned” to defeat George W. Bush next November. Senior moment? George Stephanopoulos says Bloomberg’s pitch … Read more