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Oh No! The Bruen Ruling Puts Gun Rights Defenders at a Greater Advantage in Court Cases

Biden confused lost

The Bruen ruling, when laying out the historical prong of the test, said it was up to the government that was defending a gun law to prove the restriction had a parallel in the past. This shift in burden has put gun rights groups at a greater advantage in court. It has also changed the … Read more

Bruen Ruling Puts Gun Control Laws Based on Lower Courts’ Interest-Balancing Rationales in Real Jeopardy

Supreme Court

The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen did more than strike New York’s “may issue” subjective concealed carry permitting scheme. The ruling also told lower courts that attempting to balance the individual’s Constitutional right to keep and bear arms against the government’s interest in controlling that right violates the … Read more