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Brushy Creek Gun Range: The Barbarians at the Range

Gun ranges have their own gestalt. Some of them are all business; the slightest transgression of range rules triggers community condemnation and, later soon, excommunication. Others are like the Wild West, only worse. Users feel free to shoot at anything inanimate. And do. To wit: Brushy Creek, Iowa. Hans Madsen at describes the scene. “One of the rules posted on a large sign in the parking lot of the shooting range on the south end of Brushy Creek State Recreation Area states: ‘Discharging firearms in a reckless manner is prohibited.’ This rule is easier to read than others because it is riddled with fewer bullet holes . . . Park Manager Chad Kelchen [above] has witnessed other unsafe practices on the range, including someone standing next to a target that is being shot at to spot where the bullets were hitting. He saw another person standing on the backstop filming water jugs being shot at with a video camera . . .

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