From The Backpages Of Gun History: The Mateba Autorevolver

Mateba AutoRevolver

A little while ago, I brought up the topic of magnum semi-autos. They’re cool, but they’re a boutique item since they are expensive, can be temperamental and are wildly expensive compared to magnum revolvers that you can pick up for not a whole lot. The commenters – who were surprisingly restrained this time out – … Read more

Chiappa Unveils Another Ugly Gun: .22 AR-15 M-Four Tactical Handgun

TTAG writer Chris Dumm and myself are big fans of the Chiappa Firearms Rhino, a handgun so ugly that simply brandishing it could kill, or at least turn onlookers to stone. The rest of the TTAG team can’t wait to try it, new trigger job and all. Meanwhile, this. We don’t know much about the Chiappa .22 AR-15 M-Four Tactical Handgun, other than the name was created by Chiappa’s Department of Redundancy Department. And the fact that the 4.1 lbs. gun has a 6″ barrel and holds 28 rounds; available for your dining and dancing pleasure early next year for a mere $469. On the face of it, it seems like a great idea . . .

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Chiappa Rhino Post of the Day: Initial Run Sold Out

Chiappa Firearms President Ron Norton tells TTAG that the initial run of Rhinos has sold out. “We sent out a hundred,” Norton said. “We’re currently on back order.” The Rhino’s Stage One trigger kits—promising to transform the snubbie’s ten-pound trigger pull into something a lot more manageable—are starting to come in from Italy. Chiappa says … Read more

Gun Review: Chiappa Firearms Rhino

What’s new about the Chiappa Rhino .357 Magnum revolver? Everything. Forget everything you ever thought you knew about magnum revolvers, or snubnose revolvers, or handgun recoil, or concealable stopping power. If Chiappa can iron-out a few wrinkles in its execution (ergonomics, anyone?), the Rhino could be to conventional revolvers what HMS Dreadnought was to capital ships. Even the Ruger LCR already seems quaintly backward by comparison . . .

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Chiappa Rhino Post of the Day: Da Do Ron Ron

After my post on my inability to fire the Rhino revolver accurately (toned down paraphrasing), Chiappa Firearms Prez Ron Norton sent me not one but two instructive emails. Literally. First up, the importance of not staging a double-action revolver’s trigger, something about which Mr. Norton knows a thing or two, as he gently reminds us . . .

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Chiappa Rhino Post of the Day: It’s Like No Other Cheese I’ve Ever Tasted Gromit

Adam Deciccio from the American Firearms School reckons the new Chiappa Rhino’s trigger is a bit . . . funky. On the [more] positive side, he says the gun reduces muzzle flip and felt recoil. After firing it again, I still can’t group for toffee. Maybe it’s the sights. Or my trigger control. Or the … Read more

Chiappa Rhino Post of the Day: Shoot!

That would be Ron Norton, President of Chiappa Firearms. demonstrating the Rhino for our dining and dancing pleasure. “The ammo used was the hottest that I could find,” Ron tells TTAG. “125 grain JHP Classic Federal, 1450 fps. I shot the group in under 1.5 seconds at 21 ft. The grouping was 2″. Please note … Read more

Chiappa: Rhino Will Dominate Pistol Competition

“There will be two types of people in pistol competition,” Ron Norton tells TTAG. “People who start shooting this pistol and people getting beat by people shooting this pistol.” Well he would say that wouldn’t he, being the President of Chiappa Arms and all. But the man’s got pedigree. Norton built his first gun when he was 12. In the intervening 42 years, the accomplished gunsmith and shooter spent 16 years in the Dayton (Ohio) Police Department and several years with the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit (AMU). The latter experience, including shooting competitions throughout South America, is what convinces Norton that the Chiappa Rhino is the best thing since sliced Browning. I mean bread . . .

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