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Sorry Gun-Grabbers, Statistics Show Children Are Safe in Homes With Firearms

Gun Save Life youth kids nra camp

By Dr. Gary Mauser Can firearms be kept safely in homes with young children? Yes, with proper precautions. Millions of North Americans have guns at home and do so safely. Around one-half of homes in the US possess guns as do about one-third of homes in Canada. Thanks to a widespread culture of safety in Canada and the United States, firearms can … Read more

What’s the Right Age to Teach Kids to Shoot?

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By Kerry Slone Over the past year, I have been asked several times about teaching children, and what is the youngest age child I’ll teach firearm fundamentals. While many people that have been a generational, gun-owning family may not give this question much thought, as it’s a rite of passage for their children, many newer … Read more

Firearm Safety: Being a Good Mother in a Bad Neighborhood

urban violence criminal hoodie

By Marcie Young No matter what country, state, or city you live in, every neighborhood has pros and cons. Most big cities in the United States tend to have “good” areas and “bad” ones, though it is unclear to me exactly what differentiates one from the other. What I do know is that too many … Read more