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After Rampant Noncompliance, New Zealand Police Using Social Media Posts to Target Gun Owners

Henry Classic Lever Action .22

New Zealand doesn’t have firearms registration so police are getting creative in finding other ways to determine who owns them. And they’re apparently targeting critics of PM Jacinda Ardern’s failed gun-grabbing scheme. This is for a lever-action .22LR that’s designed to hit paper or be used to hunt bunnies. What happened to going after the “weapons … Read more

Gun Grab Failure: New Zealand Officials Begging Gangs to Turn In Their Guns

How big a failure is New Zealand’s mandatory ‘buyback’ gun confiscation program? This big. The country’s top cops have been reduced to begging the nation’s criminal gangs to turn in their firearms. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s government rammed through an assaulty-looking gun ban and buyback scheme following the Christchurch shooting. With the amnesty drop dead date … Read more

New Zealand Mosque to Get Cameras, Gun Detection Gear…What About Firearms?

No mention of armed good guys on-site. When seconds count . . . Security cameras that can detect whether someone is armed will be installed in one of the Christchurch mosques targeted in the March 15 terror attack. The cameras, made by US company Athena Security Services, use artificial intelligence (AI) and are able to alert to … Read more

YOU DON’T SAY: New Zealand Gangs Pledge to Hold Onto Their Guns

Sonny Fatu mongrel mob new zealand guns

You just can’t make this kind of thing up. You’re no doubt familiar with The Great New Zealand Gun Grab that’s currently going on in the Pacific island nation. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern let no grass grow under her feet as she rushed to outlaw all virtually all semi-automatic firearms after a self-described eco-fascist murdered 50 … Read more