Schumann: Why Aren’t Christian Gun Owners Willing to Disarm and Be Defenseless If They Believe They’re Going to Heaven?

Taylor Schumann

I am angry about the ways guns have poisoned our country like lead seeping into our water. I am angry that people are taught to cling to their personal freedoms and their individual comforts above caring for real life human people. I am angry that the God I believe in, the one who teaches us … Read more

‘The Reliant’ Pro-Gun Rights Movie Coming October 24

When was the last time you saw a movie that positively portrays good guys with concealed carry licenses…people who carry guns legally in civilian society? A new movie, The Reliant, comes out Thursday, October 24th. Unlike the usual Hollywood garbage, this film features Americans who embrace their Second Amendment rights and how it saves their … Read more

Editorial: The Truth About Gun Rights and Arab Unrest

I have met gun owners from all walks of life: rich and poor; conservative and liberal; libertarians and libertines. I know of one who even likes to wear pink hats. While we may differ on issues like abortion or healthcare reform, I find that there is a common life outlook that we all share. Gun owners love to breathe the air of freedom. So as we watch the Arab street rise up and seek to throw off the chains of oppressive monarchies and dictatorships, there is a lot for us to think about.

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Question of the Day II: Is Gun Control a Tenet of Christianity?

Is gun control a religious issue? More pointedly, it is a tenant of Christianity? Brady Campaign Against Gun Violence president Paul Helmke, Republican former mayor of Fort Wayne, Indiana, says that for him it is. Since the interview took place on PBS’s Religion & Ethics Newsweekly, a program that that I’m sure nobody in America actually watches, click here for the transcript. “[Gun control] does fit into my religious tradition,” Helmke says. “I went to a Lutheran grade school growing up. We talked about nonviolence. The story of the garden of Gethsemane is put down that sword…

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