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The Steve Cohen Defensive Gun Use of the Day Award Goes to a Retired Chicago Firefighter

Rep Steve Cohen

  Rep. Steve Cohen (Dishonest-TN), recently proclaimed in a House Judiciary Committee meeting that defensive gun uses are a figment of ammosexuals’ fevered dreams. He said, “Show me a case, please…where a good man or woman with a gun protected and stopped the use of a weapon. That canard doesn’t occur. That just…dog won’t hunt.” … Read more

Armed Dad Fearlessly Defends His Sons From McDonald’s Gunman

Around 10:45 p.m. Saturday night in southwest Birmingham, Alabama, a dad and his two sons were leaving a McDonald’s. As they started to walk out the door, a masked man entered and opened fire in the restaurant. It’s not known whether the attacker was targeting someone or attempting a robbery. According to a witness who … Read more

Detroit Concealed Carry Permit Holder Shoots Armed Attacker – Defensive Gun Use of the Day

An unidentified Michigan concealed carry license holder used his firearm outside a grocery store Sunday to defend his life and that of his cousin. Estimates of the number of annual defensive gun uses vary from as low as 150,000 to as many as 2 million per year, depending on the survey and the source. Whatever … Read more