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Chicago Prosecutors: Three Shots To The Head Is Clearly Self-Defense

Chicago Police wanted murder charges to be filed after a felon illegally carrying a gun shot a man repeatedly, killing him. Not only did Juan Ferba, 26, fire at least 14 rounds, striking Kristopher Willett a number of times — including three times in the head — but Ferba also hit a woman on a … Read more

CHICAGO JUSTICE: Armed Home Invasion Nets A Few Weeks In Prison For Perp Who Was Shot In Butt

judge gavel

In the Land of Lincoln, prison sentences are a lot like dog-years, only in reverse. A home invasion conviction in Chicago proves the point. Christopher Johnson, 16-time felon fresh out of prison on parole, found himself a weapon (go figure!) and committed an armed home invasion in 2019. He forced entry on an occupied apartment … Read more

Rolling Gun Battles Now All the New Rage in Chicago [VIDEO]

Chicago rolling shootout

Modern day gangsters in Chicago have graduated from carjackings and drive-by shootings to something new and exciting:  the rolling gun battle. In scenes that look like fifth-grade productions of Hollywood shoot-em-up scenes, carloads of gang bangers and thugs are shooting it out, even in upscale neighborhoods including the city’s famous Magnificent Mile. Unlike Hollywood, these … Read more