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Fire Funder: A New Crowdfunding Source for the SHOT Community

“Crowdfunding” allows companies to raise capital without traditional borrowing (debt financing) or selling stock (equity financing). Those in the “crowd” (you and me) who pony up capital are rewarded with the first product deliveries, discounted prices, special editions, promotional goods, and more, in exchange for limited risk. Unfortunately, if a company was looking to fund … Read more

Crowd-Funded Oakland Gun Buyback Falls Pitifully Short, Needs Public Bailout.

Gun buybacks are sad affairs for most people. They’re sad for the bored police officers who have to staff them, unless they get to cherry-pick the guns they want to keep for themselves, and they’re sad for deluded utopians who have convinced themselves that melting down replica 2-band muskets will prevent gang-bangers from killing each other on Oakland’s mean streets. Now a Bay Area anti-gun group is the latest to join the pity party, because their crowdfunding outreach hasn’t even raised half they money they need for a December 14th buyback in San Jose . . .

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