Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: Why Shannon Watts Won’t Be Touring The NRA Convention

“What we have that is causing so many blockades is an incredibly intransigent, extreme gun lobby. And no other nation has that. This is a gun lobby that makes up its own facts, that makes up its own data, to serve their purposes, and make no mistake, that purpose is to make money. That is … Read more

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 5.19.16: GLOCK Bots and Agitprop

Already on our Christmas list: The Little Tank Robot That Carries a Glock “(T)he bot’s weapon is a Glock 26 ‘Baby Glock’ pistol, a popular lightweight version of the bestselling handgun. It’s not actually built into the Dogo. Instead it slots into a holder, sort of like loading a CD into a player, and locks securely. To aim it, the operator would use the company’s ‘Point & Shoot’ interface. He or she simply touches the aim point on the screen of the control unit. A laser dot shows the aim point; in the demonstration video a target wearing body armor is shot in the head, and the robot repeatedly hits the bullseye on a paper target. Given that it provides a stable firing platform, this seems plausible.”

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Springfield Armory Auction of First Chris Kyle TRP to End Live at NRA


Are you headed to Louisville for the NRA convention and meetings? I just made it through security in less than two minutes. Running my G43 through the TSA only took about one minute more than that. God bless Texas. If you’re going, you can’t come home empty handed. So why not check out the Chris Kyle Legend Series 1911 TRP that Springfield’s auctioning off? The money goes to a good cause and you have that empty space in your safe that’s just perfect for a new 1911 . . .

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Police Refining Active Shooter Response Strategy


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Dr. Mike Clumpner holds a PhD in homeland security policy, with dissertation research on coordinated public safety responses to active shooters. He has logged 24 years in urban fire services, 21 years as a paramedic, and seven years in law enforcement, assigned to SWAT special op. Dr. Clumpner is a curriculum developer/instructor with the Dept. of Homeland Security. He has trained more than 40,000 first responders across three continents regarding active-killer suppression. In a special seminar earlier this year, hosted at the Force Science Training Center in Chicago, Clumpner shared what he considers current “best practices” for mitigating active-killer events. Here are Clumpier’s 10 critical factors for keeping an agency’s active-killer protocol on the cutting edge . . .

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“Donald Trump would force schools to allow guns in classrooms on his first day in office” Fact or Hillary Spin?

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With the notable exception of Eugene Volokh, the left-leaning Washington Post is not a friend of ours. So when their Fact Checker examined the above Tweet from “gun safety” champion Hillary Clinton — “Donald Trump would force schools to allow guns in classrooms on his first day in office” — you knew which way they’d come down. Fact! And so they did. But how Michelle Ye Hee Lee gets there is funny, in a sad sort of way. Because nailing down Donald Trump on a point of fact is like catching a greased pig (no offense to the pig). Like this . . .

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Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: 5.18.16: Bradys Say Jump, Schumer Asks How High

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Chuck Schumer unveils universal background checks bill after outside pressure – “Chuck Schumer has introduced a universal background checks bill after a major gun control group blasted the New York Democrat Monday for not following through on a promise he made last November.” Elitist gun-grabbing pols love to accuse their pro-2A colleagues of dancing to the NRA’s tune when they act to support the right to keep and bear arms by voting against efforts to disarm civilians. It looks like the Chucky Schumers of the world can be hoist from the same petard when it comes to gun grabbing orgs like the once-relevant Brady bunch. But you probably knew that . . .

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BREAKING: Trump Reveals List of Potential SCOTUS Nominees


Donald J. Trump, the presumptive GOP Presidential candidate, revealed a list of 11 judges that he might nominate to succeed the late, great Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court of the United States. Here’s the list of the Trump 11: Steven Colloton of Iowa, Allison Eid of Colorado, Raymond Gruender of Missouri, Thomas Hardiman of Pennsylvania, Raymond Kethledge of Michigan, Joan Larsen of Michigan, Thomas Lee of Utah, William Pryor of Alabama, David Stras of Minnesota, Diane Sykes of Wisconsin and Don Willett of Texas. Among these eleven judges . . .

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Free Alabama Carry Permits for Retired Military

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In Alabama, Governor Robert Bentley signed HB98, which provides for retired veterans who qualify to obtain free pistol permits. The bill was popular with the legislature, passing nearly unanimously. HB98 passed the House 93 to 4 with 3 abstentions. It passed the Senate 30 to 2 with no abstentions on May 3, and was signed into law by Governor Bentley on May 13 . . .

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Actress Madeleine Stowe’s Home Invasion: It Should Have Been a Defensive Gun Use The People of the Gun often rail against Hollywood hypocrites: movie people who support gun control but use firearms in films, swan around with armed bodyguards and arm themselves at home. Pretty stupid, huh? Even stupider: being (reasonably) famous and not having a firearm for home defense. Case in point: actress Madeleine Stowe. We … Read more

Felonies, Fines, Probation Over Stag Arms’ Sloppy Accounting Practices


You may remember that Stag Arms ran into some regulatory trouble with our friends at the ATF last year at this time. They seemed to have had difficulty accounting for all of their firearms in an industry that’s about as highly regulated as any other. The ATF doesn’t have much of a sense of humor when it comes to missing (or miscounted) firearms. Especially hundreds of them. Some of them machine guns. Now, as reports, “The former owner of a company that makes military-style rifles has been sentenced to probation and the company fined $500,000 for violating federal firearms laws” . . .

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Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: The Trace On UT Cop’s Negligent Discharge

  “A police officer at the University of Texas at Austin accidentally shot himself yesterday. Cory Morrison was standing outside a patrol car, talking to fellow officers, when his handgun went off and sent a bullet into his right leg, a local TV station reports. Police did not say whether Morrison was handling the weapon at the time. Officers … Read more

Boxer Tactical Daily Digest: 5.17.16 – Killer Guns, Dueling Dems and a Hitler Wannabe


How the NRA Keeps Killer Guns on the Market – OMG! Killer guns! They’re out there! “In the past eight years, 11 states have passed NRA-backed laws encouraging or requiring police to resell confiscated guns. The legislation is consistent with the guns-everywhere strategy the lobbying arm of the NRA has advanced at every level of government since the late 1990s—more guns in the hands of more people in more places.” One of Politico’s solutions”: gun “buybacks”. “If we get one gun off the street, we’re winning….That one gun right there, potentially, can save a whole community.” Because they’re all killer guns . . .

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