DC Project Members Lobby Congress in Support of Second Amendment Rights

DC Project

From the DC Project . . . Twelve women representing the DC Project traveled from across the U.S. to meet with elected officials in Washington, D.C. last week. They brought their voices to defend the Second Amendment, made the case that gun rights are women’s rights, and pitched the group as a trusted resource to … Read more

D.C. Gun Laws: Testing the Limits


Some kids are bright enough to look at a stove top, see the flame or the glowing coil and think “Hot!” and forget about touching it. Others just gotta touch it, in order to figure out that when you play with fire you get burned. I’m predicting that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia and the D.C. City Council will find out that fire = hot = get burned, just as soon as their “assault weapons/hi-cap magazine” ban gets a ticket to a command performance by the Supremes.

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Your D.C. Gun Control Tax Dollars at Work: Flash THIS.


What if. Those two little words are responsible for opening more cans o’ worms than any other two words in the English language. (Okay, “I’m pregnant” is close in a photo-finish kinda way. Still.) So with the rash of flash mobs that have made a progression from “novelty act” and “stunt” to “violence” and “criminal act,” I have to wonder, why is it that these things usually take place in places that have the most stringent, restrictive laws on the personal ownership of guns?

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