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Dayton Shooter: Antifa’s First Mass Murderer

Dayton Antifa murder mass shooting

Iowahawk blogger David Burge once famously tweeted that “Journalism is about covering important stories. With a pillow, until they stop moving.” At least where the stories don’t support the mainstream media’s narrative or Democrats and their policies. Such is the case with Antifa’s first mass murderer, Dayton shooter Connor Betts. We all can’t grow up … Read more

9 Dead, 24 Injured After Late Night Shooting in Downtown Dayton, Ohio

dayton Ohio mass Shooting

Early this morning another mass shooting took place outside a bar in a popular entertainment district of Dayton, Ohio. A man reportedly in body armor opened fire on a crowd at about 1:00am. According to reports, police responded quickly, shooting the attacker to death, but not before he’d shot 33 people, killing nine. The shooter … Read more