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Gun Store Owner Fakes Heart Attack, Grabs a Gun and Shoots One of Three Armed Robbers

Mike's gun room richardson robbery

You might expect gun store owners — especially those who run their stores by themselves — to keep a pistol on their hip. That just seems to be a good security practice. A Richardson, Texas gun store owner didn’t do that, but given his recent brush with three armed robbers, he may change that practice. … Read more

5 Reasons The Legal System is Not Your Friend After a Defensive Gun Use

handcuffs hand cuffs arrest

From US LawShield . . . Law-abiding gun owners should never have to fear arrest and prosecution. Unfortunately, in today’s America, even the most upstanding armed citizens can and do find themselves at the mercy of a hostile legal system. If you own a gun, here are five reasons that you should be worried. 1) … Read more

Defensive Gun Use: Florida Man Kills Home Invader After Second Attempt to Enter Home

Ronald Fleet Home Invasion

[Ronald] Fleet, armed with a handgun, was able to kick the door open and enter the house. The homeowner and Fleet exchanged gunfire which initially caused Fleet to leave, though a short time later he charged back inside. At that point, the homeowner fired again, killing Fleet. Sheriff Nocco says he is thankful that the … Read more

A Sociological Examination of America’s Gun Culture Finds That It’s…Diverse

Gun culture in the United States

As the abstract for this bit of sociological analysis puts it, “This paper advances the literature on gun culture by demonstrating that: (1) gun culture is not monolithic; (2) there are multiple elements of gun culture that vary substantially between states; (3) over time, the recreational gun subculture has been falling in prominence whereas the … Read more

Concealed Carrier Stops Man Who Was Strangling a Woman in a Tennessee Restaurant Parking Lot

concealed carry mistakes

Never mind. Nothing to see here. Just another assault — or worse — stopped by a legally armed individual. The kind of thing that all the smartest people tell us almost never happens in this country. The thing that didn’t happen this time was a domestic dispute in a Jefferson City, Tennessee restaurant parking lot. … Read more

Houston Convenience Store Clerk Dodges a Bullet, Then Shoots and Kills Gunman [VIDEO]

convenience store clerk shooting

Here’s a tip for would-be stick-up men. A large percentage of the clerks who work in Texas’s stop-and-rob convenience stores arm themselves. We’ve seen this ourselves, time and again. They know they’re considered juicy targets for opportunistic crooks and want the ability to protect themselves if a robber pulls a gun. An un-named Houston man … Read more

Guns and the Might of the Majority

woman gun open carry constitution

By Mark PA “Majority rules.” So those of us were taught when, once upon a time, civics was part of public school curriculum. But what of the legitimate rights of minorities? As a practical matter, they no longer exist. Perhaps they never did. E pluribus unum — ”out of many, one”.  Our nation’s Constitution was … Read more

Michigan Concealed Carrier Shoots, Kills Man in Black Hooded Sweatshirt Threatening Motorists With a Gun

Lansing shooting defensive gun use

On Monday morning a man dressed in a black hooded sweatshirt walked down the middle of a busy highway in Delta Township, Michigan, near Lansing, shooting a handgun in the air and pointing the firearm at passing cars. According to, of those vehicles was driven by a concealed carry permit holder. Investigators say a … Read more

Florida Man Shoots, Kills ‘Visitor’ Who Broke Into His Home, Attacked His Wife

The Associated Press reported a defensive gun use that happened yesterday in Panama City, Florida. A man was walking down the street acting erratically. When the man smashed his way through the door of a home and started beating a woman, the homeowner shot him. The AP, however, refers to the attacker not as a … Read more

Millions Of Americans Have Decided That They Are Their Own First Responder

Heritage Foundation defensive gun use database

There’s good reason to believe that most defensive gun uses are never reported to law enforcement, much less picked up by local media or highlighted in national news stories. While my inner lawyer knows that a gun owner should file a report every single time he or she has to draw a weapon, regardless of … Read more

Scottsdale Home Owner Uses Shotgun to Stop Naked Home Invader Caught in His Child’s Room [VIDEO]

shotgun barrel muzzle smoke

Discovering a home invader in your house is frightening enough. Catching one in your child’s room — masked and naked — is probably every parent’s worst nightmare. A Scottsdale physician was working in an outbuilding on his property Wednesday night when the family dog raised the alarm. From The man began to check the … Read more

San Antonio Woman Shoots, Kills Her Ex With a Shotgun When He Tried to Force His Way Into Her Home

shotgun barrel muzzle smoke

Twenty-four-year-old Javier Manuel Plata was apparently one of those exes who couldn’t let go. On Wednesday he tried to force his way into the home of his 33-year-old ex. According to police, Plata had been texting the woman all day Wednesday and he was waiting for her when she got home. She asked him to … Read more