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No Matter Who You Are, You Need A Gun For Protection

By Desiderius Erasmus, a Guns Save Life member The “typical” gun owner is often characterized by many bigoted non-gun-owners as a right wing, redneck, beer-guzzling, low IQ Neanderthal who is just itchin’ to pull the trigger. But times have changed, and now a whole lot of those non-gun-owners – who used to be dismissive of … Read more

Rahm Emanuel Has Three Big Ideas for Doing Something About ‘Gun Violence’

Rahm Emanuel

First, Emanuel says anyone with a “domestic-violence record” should be “banned from buying a gun.” This is an excellent idea. Also, it is already the law. Owning a gun after a domestic-violence conviction is illegal under federal law — and under numerous state laws. It is legal for the police to take guns when there is “reasonable … Read more