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Comedian Alex Stein Confronts AR-Toting Antifa ‘Security’ Guards in Denton, Texas [VIDEO]

Antifa thugs dressed in Black Bloc gear while toting rifles stood guard outside a drag queen story hour in Denton, Texas over the weekend. With rifle-toting “security” on guard, locals and others protested the event outside. Among them, comedian Alex Stein trolled them heavily sporting a big grin. The presence of the masked and armed … Read more

Why Throwing Gun Rights Under the Bus to ‘Own’ the Other Side is a Very Bad Idea

It’s widely believed, on both the right and the left, that gun rights is a conservative issue. But as some recent events in Texas demonstrated, that isn’t always the case. There are situations that can get intellectually challenged deep red conservatives to embrace hysterical anti-gun talking points while spewing ignorance about firearms, just like their … Read more